Yazi looked at Xu Yi in surprise.said:

"The Meng Bo you are talking about is the detective Meng Bo who is known as the city hunter?"

Xu Yi said lightly: "That's right!"

Yazi said: "Then I know, he was expelled from the Flying Tigers."

Xu Yi didn't have time to blow water with her, so he said:

"Yazi, you go to the lobby to find Gundam right now, and I'll go to Meng Bo, what time is it?"

Yazi glanced at the lady's watch and said, "Seven fifty-three."

Xu Yi quickly said: "No matter what happens, you must return to this room at eight o'clock... (Wang Li's) and act together when I come back." "Why?" Yazi asked subconsciously.

"Don't ask so much, the reason is very simple, I am the owner of this ship!!"

Xu Yi said as he walked out.

Just when Xu Yi walked to the door of the room.

Xu Yi turned back and said, "Yazi, take care! I still have to wait for you to date me!"

Yazi rolled her eyes at Xu Yi, then tugged on her really sexy clothes, and looked at Xu Yi's leaving back.

For the first time, I felt the urge to be conquered by this domineering man.

She shook her head quickly.secretly:

"Yazi, he is Hong Xing's leader, he is a thief, you are a scoundrel, don't think about it!"

But what she didn't know was that the human species is very strange.

The more you hint yourself not to think about it, the more you will think about it!

But she still firmly remembered her mission, walked towards the hall, and walked out of the room with Xu Yi

Two minutes later, Xu Yi saw a crew member passing by in front of his eyes.

Because Xu Yi stayed in Ganglongxing for too short a time, those crew members didn't know him.

Now explain to them that he is the owner of the ship, and they will definitely not believe it.

So Xu Yi shot directly, covering his mouth with one hand and pinching his neck with the other.

Then whispered in his ear:

"Tell me, where is the control room?" Xu Yi was still a little worried about Luo Tianhong and the others.

Chapter 185 Hui Xiang,

It's not that they don't believe in their strength, but that they are going to deal with international kidnappers after all.

Their weapons and equipment and even their training are better than the average army.

The crew member nodded, and Xu Yi said: "Don't talk, take me there!"

Xu Yi turned on the system, and on the system panel, he had accumulated [-] points through hard work.

Opening the system mall, Xu Yi endured the pain and exchanged [-] system points for master-level firearms proficiency.

Originally, the general proficiency only needed [-] system points, and the master level only needed [-] points.

But now that the situation is critical, Xu Yi can't care so much...

Led by the crew, Xu Yi soon arrived near the control room of the cruise ship.


At a corner, a figure rushed towards Xu Yi.

Xu Yi lightly blocked it with his hand and said, "Tianhong, it's me!"

The first time Xu Yi saw this figure, he knew it was Luo Tianhong.

It turned out that it was Luo Tianhong, Chen Haonan, and Chaopi who were ambushing here.

"Tianhong, what's the situation now?" Xu Yi asked.

"Brother Yi, the control room was already controlled by those kidnappers before we came."

"Just now, Anan went over to check and found that they are all equipped with automatic rifles with very strong firepower."

"We don't have firearms, we can't get in at all, we can only ambush here." Luo Tianhong said.

Xu Yi said to Chen Haonan who was on the side: "A'nan, put on the clothes of a sailor and trick the door of the control room." "After the door opens, you squat on the ground, and you don't need to worry about anything else!

Chen Haonan agreed, quickly changed his clothes, and then walked to the control room.

dong dong dong...

The knock on the door caught the attention of the kidnappers.

At this time, they have also changed into the clothes of the crew.

One of them asked Chen Haonan outside:

"What's matter?"

Chen Haonan said: "Please open the door, the captain asked me to get things."

A kidnapper gave the kidnapper at the door a look.

They are going to bring in the outsiders before killing them.

Therefore, the kidnapper at the door opened the door of the control room.

Just this moment.

Chen Haonan immediately lay down...

next moment!


A black lightning shot out from behind Chen Haonan.

In just four seconds, Xu Yi chopped down the five kidnappers in the control room, and Luo Tianhong and the others quickly came in to make up the knife

At this time, there was the last kidnapper left in the control room.

He saw that Xu Yi was holding a knife in his hand, and he gave Xu Yi an evil smile.

Then he raised the automatic rifle, and there was a loud bang.

The last kidnapper looked at the big crater in his chest,


He fell down in surprise.

At this time, Xu Yi had an extra desert eagle in his hands.

Then, Xu Yi said to Chen Haonan and Chao Pi:

"A'nan, Nest Pi, pick up the gun, and then change into the crew's clothes!"

"Choupi, you stay in the control room and don't go out"

"Remember, you are not familiar with firearms, it is best not to shoot casually in the control room!"

Then, Xu Yi said to Luo Tianhong: "Tianhong, go find a man named Meng Bo."

"He is about 1.7 meters tall, and there should be a Japanese girl by his side."

"After seeing Meng Bo" tell him to go to the hall quickly. "

Luo Tianhong nodded, and quickly left with the Eight-Faced Han Sword.

Xu Yi went to Yazi's room.

After Xu Yi returned to Yazi's room, he saw the prodigal son Gundam at first sight.

Seeing Xu Yi, Yazi immediately asked, "Xu Yi, you haven't found Meng Bo?"

Xu Yi first nodded to Gao Da as a greeting, and then said to Yazi:

"My men are looking for him, but it doesn't matter if Meng Bo finds him or not."

"Just now my men have taken control of the control room, and I have asked them to call the police through the radio

"But now the ship is on the high seas, and the police can't come here within five hours."

"So, we have to hold on for five hours."

Yazi looked at Xu Yi and said:

"According to our intelligence, more than [-] international kidnappers sneaked into the ship this time."

"(baah) they are all heavily armed and highly trained armed gangsters, we should know how to do it?"

Hearing what Yazi said, Gundam was surprised and said:

"Are you Hong Kong police officers out of their minds? Knowing that so many kidnappers have sneaked into the cruise ship, why don't you take action?"

"As far as I know... there are dozens of rich people on this ship."

Xu Yi chuckled: "Gundam, don't you know? Don't Xiangjiang policemen always show up after things are over?

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Yazi gave Xu Yi a hard look, and explained:

"It's precisely because there are so many dignitaries on this cruise ship."

"If we act rashly without definite evidence, when something happens, no one is willing to take the responsibility!"

"So we have to take our lives to bear this responsibility??" Gao Da asked sternly.

Xu Yi walked over and patted Gundam on the shoulder, and said, "It's useless to say more now, it's weird that I can't work harder than myself."

"Come here, I will tell you about my plan."

"If my plan goes well, not only will I not die, but if I am not careful, I will be rated as an outstanding citizen by the Xiangjiang police!"

"Xu Yi, what is your plan?" Yazi asked impatiently.

Xu Yi smiled slightly. Then said:

"I think the lobby must be under McDonald's control by now.

"There is also the power cabin, McDonald will definitely plant bombs there."

"These bombs must be remote-controlled bombs, and the remote control must be in his hand, so that he can control the overall situation."

"My plan is actually very simple, four words, easy first and then difficult."

"First kill the horse boys in the hall where McDonald's is distributed, and finally deal with the McDonald's in the hall.

After listening to the treasure, Yazi asked, "Then, what about the people in the hall?"

Xu Yi said: "Officer Yazi, there is no perfect plan in the world, and this is what we do to protect the majority of people!"

"Absolutely not! Those people are all Xiangjiang citizens!"

Budzi said excitedly.

Xu Yi looked at Yazi and said coldly:

"Madam, at this time, I can only choose the plan with the highest success rate. If you try to do everything, you will only fail!"

Gao Da thought for a while, and said: "Madam, it's the best ending not to be wiped out in this situation, you listen to him." Of course, Yazi knew that what Xu Yi said was the best solution Method.

But her instinct as a cop made her unable to agree with this plan, which could almost be said to give up the hostages.

Finally, Yazi took a deep breath, looked at Xu Yi and said:

"Xu Yi, what exactly are we going to do?"

Her reason finally won over her professional instincts.

"I'll go to the power cabin, you and Gundam to the deck"

"Remember, don't go to the control room, you know?"



Yazi and Gundam said in unison.

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