At this time, the three people in the room heard gunshots not far away.

Xu Yi instantly left the room like a ghost.Yazi and Gaoda looked at each other and followed Xu Yi to leave.

Xu Yi knew that the place where the gun shot was the movie theater on the gambling boat.

In the movie theater, a man in a white suit was fighting hard with several kidnappers.

And a girl in a white dress was hiding aside at this time.

Xu Yi, who had watched the movie, knew that these two were exactly Meng Bo and Kiyoko Imama.

At this time, Yazi and Gundam also rushed here from the deck.

Xu Yi raised his hand to signal them to be quiet, and then fired four shots at the kidnappers in the movie theater.

Xu Yi, who was blessed with master-level marksmanship, directly headshot the four kidnappers!

Brain flow all over the floor!

With Xu Yi's lore, Meng Bo's pressure was greatly reduced.

He quickly killed the last kidnapper, then looked at Xu Yi at the entrance of the cinema and said with a smile

"My friend, you are so sharp! Thanks!"

Xu Yi ignored him, but pointed to the aisle next to the cinema screen.

Meng Bo hadn't realized what Xu Yi meant.

A kidnapper ran into that passage. When he saw Meng Bo, he raised his automatic rifle and shot at him.

Meng Bo also moved quickly, quickly rolling into the audience seats.

At this moment, Xu Yi shot one of the kidnappers in the head!

The other kidnappers also rolled towards the auditorium, ready to follow Meng Bo's example.

At this time, Yazi and Gundam shot together.

Bang bang bang!

After a burst of gunfire.

A kidnapper's head suddenly looked like a watermelon that had been cracked, with blood and brains flying out!

Holding the Desert Eagle in his hand, Xu Yi winked at Yazi Gundam, then walked silently towards the auditorium.

At this time, Meng Bo stuck his head out.

After making a lip gesture to Xu Yi, Xu Yi directly threw the Desert Eagle pistol in his hand to Meng Bo.

Pick up an AK47 used by the kidnappers!

Then three gunshots were heard, and the last kidnapper was shot dead by Meng Bo.

Just now, what Meng Bo said to Xu Yi was that he saw the kidnapper and asked Xu Yi to give him the gun!

After the four of them worked together to wipe out the gangsters, Meng Bo did not forget the smug self-introduction:

"Hello, I'm Meng Bo, the most handsome detective in Xiangjiang"

He pointed to Lingshan Qingzi and said, "This is Miss Qingzi."

No one spoke, and Meng Bo was embarrassed for a while.

After an awkward laugh, he asked Yazi with a playful smile, "Hey! May I ask this beautiful lady, who are you?"

Yazi said coldly: "I am Yazi from the Xiangjiang Serious Crime Team, this is Xu Yi, and this is Gundam."

Yazi pointed to Xu Yi and Gao Da and said.

After hearing Yazi's words.Meng Bo looked at Xu Yi in surprise and said:

"I see! Are you the leader of the Hongxing Club, handsome Yi Yi Xu Yi? Brother Yi? Mr. Xu?"

Meng Bo changed Xu Yi's title several times in one breath.

Xu Yi nodded and said, "That's right! I am Xu Yi"

"Mr. Meng Bo, is that person famous?"

Seeing Meng Bo's astonishment after hearing Xu Yi's name, Qing Zi asked curiously.

"Qingzi, is the boss of your Dongying Yamaguchi group famous?" Meng Bo asked

"Of course it's famous!"

"The Yamaguchi-gumi is an underground giant in Japan, and even many cabinet members are supported by the Yamaguchi-gumi."

"Xu Yi is the leader of Hongxing Society, and Hongxing Society is Xiangjiang's Yamaguchi group! What do you think?" Meng Bo said to her.

This time it was Chuan Yanzi's turn to be surprised.

It's hard not to be surprised by such a young and handsome club boss!

In Dongying, to be the boss of a club has always been an old man, and young people have no chance.

Xu Yi tore off another AK47 from the kidnapper, threw it to Meng Bo, and said:

"Meng Bo, I know you are from the Flying Tigers, you should be able to use AK."

"I don't need to say anything about the current situation. If you don't want to die, you must kill all these ghost kidnappers!"

Meng Bo was startled, how did Xu Yi know that he was from the Flying Tigers?

I hid myself well!

Because he left the Flying Tigers, but was expelled because he was too narcissistic in action and missed a job...

At this time, just listen to Xu Yi continue to arrange the plan:

"Meng Bo, you and Gundam go to kill all the kidnappers on the deck, and Yazi and I go to the lobby of the yacht

"Remember! Kill them all! Don't leave anyone alive, those people are inhumane!"

"Yes, Mr. Xu!"

Although Meng Bo is usually unreliable, his skills and marksmanship are still good.

Meng Bo suddenly remembered something, and he said to Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, my female secretary, Huixiang, should be in the lobby right now."

"You are so skilled, if possible, can you help me protect her?".

Chapter 186 Yazi's Lip Print!

Xu Yi said lightly, "Do you have any photos?"

Meng Bo was taken aback when he heard Xu Yi's words, and then said, "Forget it, I think nothing will happen to her!"

People quickly divided into groups and started to act.

"Hey, didn't you say that you don't care about the life and death of the people in the hall?"

Yazi asked on the way to the lobby.

Xu Yi said lightly: "There were not enough manpower just now, so I naturally have to give priority to dealing with the kidnappers outside to ensure our own safety."

"But now that we have enough manpower, let's go to the hall first to see if we can save the tourists on this ship."

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Yazi glanced at Xu Yi and felt relieved.

It seems that Xu Yi, the club boss, is different from the club bosses she usually knows.

At this moment, a foreign man in black tights came towards him.

Holding a woman in a black dress in her hands.

Xu Yi immediately realized that this person should be Bison.

And the tall woman he caught was Meng Bo's secretary, who looked very much like Huixiang, the female ghost Xiaoqian in A Chinese Ghost Story.

When Bison saw Xu Yi and Yazi, he drew his gun instantly.

But he is fast, Xu Yi is faster!

Xu Yi pounced on the bison as swiftly as a cheetah.

For this argument, he did not hesitate to use the boost of his hard qigong. The moment the buffalo pulled the trigger.

Xu Yi's finger also stuck into the trigger hole, making it impossible for the bison to pull.

Then, Xu Yi's punch directly hit the bison's head!

This punch boosted the strength of the black bear, five times that of an ordinary person!

The bison's skull was instantly exploded, and brains and plasma were splashed everywhere.

Huixiang on the side had seen this kind of scene there, she rolled her eyes in fright, and passed out directly!

Xu Yi looked at Huixiang who had fainted on the ground and said to Yazi:

"Yazi, take her to a safe place first."

"Xu Yi, what are you going to do?" Yazi asked worriedly.

She felt that she was about to be conquered by the scene that just happened. This was the most powerful man she had ever seen since she was a child.

Xu Yi is like a lion fighting its prey, one move is fatal!

This man moves like a domineering lion, but he is like a swan when he is still, elegant and intellectual.

The mixture of the two temperaments made Yazi almost drunk.

Xu Yi replied:

"I'm fine! You go and settle her first!"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Yi slipped into the lobby of the gambling boat without a sound!

Leaving Yazi alone to support Huixiang who fainted.

She complained secretly in her heart:

"I hate it, I don't know how to help me. How long will I be alone?" At this time, Xu Yi was already lurking in the corridor of the cruise ship lobby.

There were no kidnappers here, and Xu Yi carefully observed the situation in the entire hall.McDonald was playing a game of life and death with tourists on a cruise ship at this time.

In the way of two H-points.

As long as the opponent's points are lower than his, McDonald's will collapse with one shot.

If the opponent wins, continue to gamble until the opponent loses and is collapsed.

There were two armed kidnappers behind McDonald, who were guarding more than 20 tourists.

Xu Yi thought to himself that these people should be the targets of McDonald's, that is to say, they are all rich.

In addition, there are several kidnappers guarding the tourists who are queuing up to play the game of life and death with McDonald's

Xu Yi analyzed the current situation.

Now with his marksmanship, he has full confidence to kill McDonald.

But the most important thing is that McDonald has a remote control to control the remote control bomb.

If his men picked it up and pressed the button, the consequences would be disastrous.

McDonald has been planning for so long, who knows where he put the bomb!

So Xu Yi knew that he had to find a way.

It is necessary to kill McDonald and get the remote control on him.

At this moment, a tourist collapsed because he couldn't stand the pressure

Push away the kidnappers around you. Shout loudly:

"I don't play anymore, I don't play anymore..."

The kidnapper who was pushed away became furious, and rushed over, directly hitting the tourist to the ground.

Just when everyone's attention was focused on this place, the two made a decisive move!

Of the two who shot, one was Xu Yi, and the other was Luo Tianhong.

It turned out that Luo Tianhong was found by the international kidnappers in the process of looking for Meng Bo, and was also escorted into the hall.

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