At the beginning, there were sporadic firefights between Ma Zai, Luo Tianhong and others.

But the firepower on his own side was completely inferior to that on Luo Tianhong's side, so he quickly gave up the frontal firefight.

The next moment, all the people from He Fu were evacuated into the villa.

The intention is obvious, they want to fight against Luo Tianhong and others through the complex terrain in the villa.

"Tianhong, what should we do now?" Tian Yangsheng asked Luo Tianhong.

"Use z medicine!" Luo Tianhong said decisively.

"But for such a big villa, do we bring enough explosives?" Tian Yangsheng wondered.

"It's okay, as long as they believe that we have enough Z medicine!" Luo Tianhong said while pointing in the direction of the villa. At this moment, inside the villa.

Wei Wen, the captain of the He family's horse cavalry, said to He Dong, the young master of the He family:

"Young master, don't worry, the terrain in the villa is very complicated, and ordinary people will definitely get lost when they walk in." "When you three young masters enter the underground secret room, the nearby messengers will come over!"

He Dong said angrily: "These people are too courageous, they came to attack our He Mansion in broad daylight!

At this time, He Xi, the second son of He Yannian, said:

"Come and see, what are those people doing?"

He Xi saw through a small window that Luo Tianhong and the others were burying Z medicine, and hurriedly said loudly

Wei Wen was shocked when he saw this scene, and he said:

"They are burying Z bombs, are they planning to blow up this villa?"

He Xi immediately said, "Captain, what should we do now?"

Wei Wen shouted to his subordinates: "Young master, don't let them pack Z medicine!"

He Xi immediately gave the order to those horse boys: "Shoot and kill those who install the Z drug immediately! Quick!" After hearing the order, the other horse boys put their heads out of the window to aim.

It's a pity that just as they exposed their heads, several gunshots rang out, and the two boys by the window were instantly headshot.

It turned out that just in case, Xu Yi transferred two newly trained snipers from the Jinshanjiao training base the day before yesterday.

Now, the other boys never dare to show their heads in front of the window

If they know that they are going to die and still fight, they will not be able to do it.

Wei Wen knew that if he forced those horse boys, he might be backlashed by them.

In desperation, he said to the He brothers:

"Three young masters, I really have no other choice. I suggest, negotiate, let's break the fortune and eliminate the disaster!"

Now he can only hope that the gang of armed bandits is looking for money.

He Xi glanced at Wei Wen, finally nodded and said:

"Okay, let's go!"

After obtaining He Xi's consent, Wei Wen threw his gun through the window.

This actually means surrender.

After seeing the gun, Luo Tianhong walked directly into He's house.

"Where are people?" Luo Tianhong asked.

After Wei Wen came down from upstairs, he said directly:

"Who are you? What can you talk to me about!"

After Luo Tianhong glanced at Wei Wen, he said, "You can be the master? Who are you from the He family?" Wei Wen replied, "I am the security captain of the He family, and I can represent my master. "

Luo Tianhong shook his head and said, "You are not qualified! Tell He Yannian to come out and talk to me!"

Wei Wen smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, unfortunately, the master is really not here today!"

"Then let the He family be the master to come out and talk, what can you be the master of a servant?" Luo Tianhong sneered.

"No! My young master won't come out!" Wei Wen replied.

Luo Tianhong was furious when he heard the words,

A shuttle bullet hit Wei Wen's body, and Wei Wen died instantly.

At this moment, a flash bomb was also thrown in from outside the door.

Chapter 226 Cut off children and grandchildren!

Luo Tianhong turned around quickly, and then headed upstairs.

Three minutes later, looking at the last captured bodyguard in front of him, Luo Tianhong said flatly, "Tell me, where is your young master hiding?"

The bodyguard snorted coldly and did not speak.

Luo Tianhong helplessly said to A Ji: "A Ji, I'm going to trouble you again!"

After 3 minutes, the secret room of the He family was broken!

Before the people inside could react, a burst of AK47 gunfire ended everything in the secret room!

the other side.

At this time, He Yannian didn't know that his He family had no successors.

Opposite him sat Jiang Shujing, Fanmao-Gou and Rao Dafeng.

"Mr. He, Mr. Rao, today's battle is going well."

"Hong Xing doesn't seem to be that powerful. I really don't know how Lian Haolong and Lian Sheng were managed by him."

"By the way, Xu Yi, how are we going to deal with him?" Jiang Shujing asked.

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, I have already contacted the top killer in country m, and he will arrive in Xiangjiang tomorrow."

"Let Xu Yi live one more day, tomorrow he will be doomed!" Rao Dafeng said lightly.

"Sharp! Mr. Rao's good skills, I admire, admire, admire!" Fan Maoju laughed loudly.

Now Hong Xing is at the helm of Hongmen Xiangjiang Branch, under the joint attack of Number Gang, Chaozhou Gang and Yiqun.

It is already "retreating steadily".

But at this time, Flip Dog received a call.

"Tiaozi will arrest people when he sees them now? Will he be shot and killed if he resists?" The Flip Dog asked in surprise

The toughness of the police was beyond his expectation. He thought there were so many people.

The police will still use high-pressure water cannons and tear gas to disperse the crowd as before.

But this time, the police actually used guns directly.

At this moment, the person on the other end of the phone asked anxiously:

"Boss, what should we do now?"

"I'm burning my eyebrows, what else can I do?"

"Notify all the brothers immediately, Hong Xing will not be completely defeated, he will be beaten to death!"

The flipper has made up his mind.

He Yannian, Rao Dafeng, Flip Dog, and Jiang Shujing, who thought they had the chance to win, came out of the secret room.

At this time, He Yannian saw his butler walking in front of him with a gloomy face.

He Yannian couldn't help asking: "What happened? Why do you look so ugly?"

The butler hesitated for a moment, but finally summoned up his courage and said:

"Master, you were in the secret room before, I couldn't contact you"

"An hour ago, I received a notification from the police that He Mansion was attacked by a group of unidentified thugs, and all three young masters were shot dead.

"What did you say? Say it again?" He Yannian's face changed drastically, and he shouted.

"Master, the three young masters were randomly shot to death by a group of unknown thugs..."

The butler didn't know what to say.

After He Yannian confirmed the news, he rolled his eyes and passed out immediately!

Tsim Sha Tsui East!

Pheasant looked at a five-story building in front of him and said to the prince beside him, "Prince, is this the headquarters of the Yiqun Gang?"

The prince nodded and said, "That's right, the headquarters of the Yiqun Gang is here!"

Behind Pheasant and Prince, there are fifty Hong Xing's most elite battle hall members.

A total of 52 of them took a small ferry across the sea from Xiangjiang District to Tseung Kwan O.

The reason is simple, the headquarters of Yiqun Gang is in Tseung Kwan O.

This is the action Xu Yi arranged.

The Yiqun Gang was founded by the great hero Laihao.

They are all made up of Chaozhou people, with a strong sense of clan and a group. The current gang leader is Shangrao Tsai.

Pick the soft persimmons and pinch them first, defeat the righteous group first, and kill the chickens to make an example to the monkeys!

That's why the prince and pheasant came here.

"Do it!" whispered the pheasant.

The strategy of this operation is very simple, it is to attack directly and directly break into the headquarters of the Yiqun Society.

Soon, there was a sound of beating and killing in the headquarters of the Yiqun Gang.

After half an hour, it was calm.

After everyone came out, Shan Ji asked the prince: "Brother Prince, I don't know how Da Tian Er is doing now!"

The prince handed a cigar to the pheasant, and said, "Don't worry, don't you believe in Datian Er and Brother Yi's arrangement?" After hearing what the prince said, the pheasant nodded, and now Hongxing's people have completely Obey Xu Yi.

As long as Xu Yi said it was okay, no one would think it was impossible.

Pheasant smiled lightly and said, "It's because I was thinking too much, let's go and sweep the next scene!"

Prince and Pheasant's mission is not just to destroy the Yiqun Gang headquarters.

It is even more important to wipe out all the goods stored by Yiqun in Tseung Kwan O!

Yiqun has always been a fan club, and they must have a large inventory to meet market demand

And most of their inventory is placed in Tseung Kwan O, the home of the Yiqun Gang.

So as long as the inventory on Tseung Kwan O is destroyed, the Yiqun Gang will be dying.

The location where the Yiqun gang stored their goods in Tseung Kwan O had already been obtained by Guilaolin's intelligence department.

Originally, letting Xiangjiang Tiaozi take action was the safest way.

But Xu Yi has other plans, so he has to fight!

At this moment, in He Yannian's secret villa.

Fanmaogou, the leader of the number gang tiger faction, Jiang Shujing, the leader of the number gang, and others finally rescued He Yannian.

But at this moment he looked as if he had aged ten years!

"Xu Yi, I know you did it, and you and I are at odds!" He Yannian said coldly...

?0 for flowers 0...

Then, he said to Rao Dafeng:

"Master Rao Xiang, I know you have a lot of connections, so I want you to hire a killer for me."

"No matter how much money, as long as I can kill Xu Yi, I will give it!"

At this time, the Flip Dog received a call.

"Hong Xing counterattacks? Are you running a high fever? What nonsense are you talking about? Where did Hong Xing come from to counterattack?" Flip Dog cursed angrily at the person on the other end of the phone.

On the other side of the phone, Flip Dog's pony smiled wryly: "Boss, really! They are all good players, and our people can't stop them at all!"

"And they are really ruthless, all of our people have their leg bones and hand bones broken!"

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