The flip dog scolded angrily: "They broke your bones, won't you cut them back?"

"Boss, we really can't beat them!" The subordinate smiled wryly.

"Then use a gun!" said the Fur Dog after thinking for a few seconds.

..... 0

"Boss, there are ten of them, and they are pointing at us with ten AK47s! How dare we use guns!" Ma Zai was about to cry as he spoke.

Damn, ten AK47s are pointing at him, he probably will be smashed into a sieve as soon as he pulls out the gun!

Just when Flip Dog was getting restless, Jiang Shujing also received a call, and he also cursed:

"Trash, how many people can Hong Xing have? You can't handle this?"

But at this time, after hearing the words of Flip Dog and Jiang Shujing, Rao Dafeng's calm face also changed slightly.

Flip Dog and Jiang Shujing turned pale after putting down the phone.

"Mr. He, Mr. Rao, I want to go back. Many people in Hongxing have already smashed my territory!"

"If I don't go back, no one will decide, I will soon be unable to withstand it, and will collapse!"

Flip Dog said to He Yannian and Rao Dafeng.

"Me too, the house is in a mess, I have to go back to sit in town!" Jiang Shujing also said.

The two of them are now returning home.

I can't wait to go back immediately and ask Ma Zai what's going on!

After all, many things are not clear on the phone!

At this time Rao Dafeng said: "It's too late for the two of you to go back now."

The flipper dog asked puzzledly, "How do you say?"

"Xu Yi, I have seriously analyzed him in the past few days."

"In the past, he was a reckless man who was good at both pornography and gambling, but now he is more like a schemer with no plans."

"I see everything he does, whether it's being elected as Hongxing's leader in Causeway Bay, or being elected as the leader of Hongxing, or Mishuifang, Loyalty, Lianhe, and Liansheng."

"As long as he makes a move, it is definitely a one-hit kill!"

Then, Rao Dafeng continued: "If it is too dangerous for you to go back now, it may be a road of no return!" Seven.

Chapter 227 Li Wenbin's Anger and Helplessness!

But Flip Dog and Jiang Shujing had been persuaded by Rao Dafeng at this time.

Jiang Shujing, who is called the leader of the Number Gang and is actually a mascot, asked: "Mr. Rao, what should I do now?" Rao Dafeng looked at Jiang Shujing and Flip Dog and said, "The best way now is to call the police!"

"What did you say? Call the police?" After hearing Rao Dafeng's words, the Flip Dog roared in astonishment.


Rao Dafeng actually asked himself to call the police in the battle between rivers and lakes!

This is the most taboo thing among the Xiangjiang community.

Flip Dog believes that once Tiao Zi intervenes, he will definitely lose face in the future!

Jiang Shujing looked at Rao Dafeng suspiciously.

If the police let the cops enter the venue, this is a road harder than a dead end!

Rao Dafeng looked at Flip Dog and Jiang Shujing and said:

"The two of you don't know how to be flexible, no wonder you've become like this!" Hearing this, the anger on the faces of Jiang Shujing and Floppy Dog appeared at the same time, and flashed at the same time. when.

"[-]" Rao Dafeng watched the performance of these two people.

The contempt in the eyes is even more obvious, what is the name of the boss who has no temper!

In fact, he now admires Xu Yi in his heart.

Domineering, decisive, this kind of talent is worthy of being a king!

And the two people in front of him were of a really low level!

But now he has a cooperative relationship with Flip Dog and Jiang Shujing.

So Rao Dafeng continued patiently and said:

"In my opinion, Xu Yi actually took advantage of the note. You two are not wronged at all for losing today!"

Hearing this, the Flip Dog immediately said:

"Mr. Rao, what about us? Aren't you an ally with us?"

Rao Dafeng smiled and said: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, and we deserve to lose."

"Xu Yi is deliberately showing weakness today. He used the whole Hongxing place to lure us into the bait, and we really took the bait!"

"The whole Hongxing place is so tempting, so the price you pay, the price is that most of the elite backbones of the whole society are arrested and squatting in the cell.

"And right now, when your forces are weakest, Xu Yi makes a decisive move."

"His attack should not only be to take back Hong Xing's territory, but also to wipe out all of you!

Speaking of this, Rao Dafeng said with emotion: "It's really a big deal, I admire him a little bit!" As soon as Rao Dafeng finished speaking, Flip Dog, Jiang Shujing and He Yannian also fell silent.

After seeing Xu Yi's plan, they didn't feel relieved, but felt even more heavy.

With such deep schemes, is Xu Yi really only 20 years old?

Is he really not afraid of messing things up?

"Mr. Rao, if we don't call the police, is there any other way for us now?"

In his heart, Flip Dog really doesn't want to commit this taboo!

"Of course there is a way!" Rao Dafeng said.

"Quickly, what is the solution?" Flip Dog and Jiang Shujing asked quickly.

"Surrender, surrender to Xu Yi!" Rao Dafeng said coldly!

After hearing this sentence, Flip Dog and Jiang Shujing immediately wanted to punch Rao Dafeng in the face

Today, the Number Gang fought with Hong Xing, resulting in countless casualties.

The two sides seem to be blood feuds!

Even if they want to sue for peace, Xu Yi will not let them go!

So, they have no choice!

In the end, Jiang Shujing and Flip Dog looked at each other.

Both of them saw helplessness and sadness in each other's eyes!

In fact, no matter what the final result of the number gang is tonight.

As soon as the alarm call is made, Flip Dog and Jiang Shujing have already lost

One o'clock!

The Kowloon District Police Station received a call to the police.

The police said that two groups of associations were fighting in the Sham Shui T step area.

Although at this time the police force of the Kowloon District Police Station is very insufficient.

But when someone called the police, they ignored it.

Therefore, the Kowloon District Police Station arranged for two military uniforms to go out to the police.

The two police officers reported to the police station that it was a false alarm report after they returned 10 minutes after they left the police station.

The reason they did this was because they were called to the office by Li Wenbin, the Chief Superintendent of Kowloon, before calling the police.

Li Wenbin told them that if it was really a club fight, just ignore it!

The reason why Li Wenbin would do this was that he had received an order from the deputy director of the police department before, and the association's affairs tonight would be resolved by the association itself.

And Li Wenbin made this order because a woman found him an hour ago.

And talked to him about affecting the layout of Xiangjiang's underground forces.

"Hi, Sir, I'm lawyer Liang Wei."

It was Liang Wei who met Li Wenbin.

Li Wenbin looked at the tall and beautiful woman in front of him with some amusement, not because he had other thoughts.

But this woman was actually recommended by Barrister Catherine.

Catherine is the chief advisory member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council and a member of the Eagle Country Senator.

Not to mention Li Wenbin, even the Governor of Hong Kong will sell thin noodles for three cents when he sees him!

"Lawyer Liang, hello, I don't know if you want to see me?"

Because the affairs of various associations are too much trouble today.

In order to prevent accidents in the future, Li Wenbin had to work overtime, but he did not expect to have guests to visit.

Li Wenbin is also very smart, he didn't take the liberty to ask why Liang Wei knew Catherine.

After hearing Li Wenbin's question, Liang Wei smiled and said:

"Li Sir, today I came here specially to solve your problems."

"Really? I don't know what Miss Gu wants to say?" Li Wenbin said curiously.

Liang Wei smiled slightly and said, "Sir Li, you must be bothering about the Xiangjiang Club now, right?

"Today, there are so many clubs fighting in Jianghu, I think even the governor of Wilhelmshaven has been alarmed, right?"

Li Wenbin adjusted his glasses, looked at Liang Wei and said:

"Lawyer Liang, if you have anything to say, just speak up."

Liang Wei knew that Li Wenbin should have guessed the purpose of her visit, she smiled and said:

"Sir Li, let me just say it straight, why is Xiangjiang's society so chaotic now?"

"The most important reason is that there are too many associations in Xiangjiang, and there are mixed fish and dragons. It is impossible for them to fight without stopping!"

Liang Wei glanced at Li Wenbin at this point.

But Li Wenbin didn't speak, but listened quietly.

Liang Wei went on to say: "So I think that if there are only two or three associations left in Xiangjiang, then Xiangjiang will definitely be more peaceful."

Hearing this, Li Wenbin smiled and said, "Lawyer Liang, I thought you would say that only Hong Xing is the most ideal!"

Liang Wei smiled and shook her head and said, "That's impossible. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes."

"I believe Sir Li understands this truth better than I do. What I mean is to control it within an appropriate range and let the associations that are more enthusiastic about formal business rise!

After listening to Liang Wei's words, Li Wenbin smiled and said, "Lawyer Liang, I appreciate your frankness!"

"But your boss is the leader, I'm the cop, and I will never cooperate with him!"

Now it was Liang Wei's turn to be curious, she said, "Sir Li, you already know who my boss is?"

Li Wenbin said indifferently: "I was used by him just once today, why do you think I don't know who he is?"

After listening to Li Wenbin's words, Liang Wei said seriously:

"Sir Li, I think you have misunderstood my employer, he is not trying to cooperate with you, he is also for the security of Xiangjiang!"

"He has downsized his super-scale club into a small club, and has fully transformed into a company. No matter from which aspect of 0.7, to solve the current chaos in Xiangjiang, you must cooperate with him!"

"I cooperate with him? It's absolutely impossible!" Li Wenbin said lightly.

Liang Wei shook her head and said slowly, "Sir Li, you need to think calmly and don't jump to conclusions."

Then, Liang Wei looked at Li Wenbin and said, "If Xiangjiang continues to be in such a mess, think about what will happen?"

Li Wenbin slowly lit a cigarette, then said coldly:

"Lawyer Liang, are you threatening me?"

"No, Sir Li, this is not a threat, but a frank analysis and notification."

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