"Mr. Xu, but are we friends?" Major General Popov said with a half-smile.

"Please believe me, Mr. Popov, we will become friends soon!" Xu Yi said lightly.

Then, amid the laughter of Major General Popov, everyone sat down.

Just sitting down, Karenina handed a small box to the secretary next to Major General Popov.

Karenina explained with a smile: "Mr. Andre, this is a gift from Mr. Xu from Xiangjiang to General Popov."

Lieutenant Colonel Andrei glanced at Major General Popov, Major General Popov nodded, and Andrei opened the box.

As soon as the box was opened, Popov's eyes lit up!

Inside is a work of art, studded with hundreds of diamonds, a bear made of platinum.

The bear is the mascot of the Polar Bear Country.

Seeing this gift, Major General Popov didn't care about the politeness, he directly took out the bear and watched it.

After playing with it for more than ten seconds, he put the bear back into the box, and then smiled at Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, you have a heart, thank you!!"

Xu Yi smiled lightly: "Mr. Popov, you are welcome, we Chinese people are very sincere in doing business!"

Then, in a pleasant atmosphere, began to eat.

After sitting down, Tong Mingxin secretly said to Xu Yi: "Brother Yi, these old men are really addicted to alcohol. I have been in Moscow for 56 days, and I was drunk for 55 days, but I was not drunk on the first 680 days. "

Xu Yi smiled, this is the tradition of Lao Maozi, otherwise the population would not have dropped by more than 30 million in 3000 years...

As Tong Mingxin said, the vodka was served first, not the food.

Major General Popov poured two full glasses of vodka and said to Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, for our friendship, cheers!

Karenina looked at the glass containing half a catty of vodka, and looked at Xu Yi with great concern.

In her eyes, there is no one from the East who can drink a lot.

At school, those students from the East fell asleep after a few glasses of beer.

And now it's vodka, 58% liquor!

However, to her surprise, Xu Yi directly picked up the cup and drank the half catty of vodka in one gulp!

Then he smiled and said:

"Mr. Popov, happy cooperation, cheers!"

Popov looked at Xu Yi in surprise, and he also drank a glass of vodka in his hand.

The next moment, he poured two more glasses of vodka and said:

"Mr. Xu, cheers!"

As soon as the voice fell, Popov directly drank a glass of vodka.

Xu Yi smiled, then finished the glass of vodka.

After drinking two glasses of vodka, his expression didn't change at all!

Popov poured two more glasses of vodka, and said, "Mr. Xu, here, cheers!" After finishing the glass of wine, Popov's face was already flushed.

Even if he could drink again, he would already be on top of this half a catty of spirits.

And Xu Yi glanced at the system, he was still far away from being drunk.

So Xu Yi also filled three glasses of vodka (baah), then smiled at Popov:

"Mr. Popov, you toast me three glasses of wine, and I toast you three glasses of wine!"

Then, Xu Yi directly drank three glasses of vodka.

Popov looked at Xu Yi whose face was only slightly red after drinking six glasses of vodka, shook his head and said with a smile:

"Mr. Xu, I, Popov, are convinced. Today we have to discuss business. I owe you the three glasses of vodka first, and I will pay you back later!" quantity.

Popov believed that he didn't need to talk about business after drinking, so he went directly to the hospital for gastric lavage!

Tong Mingxin looked at Xu Yi with great admiration, and sighed in his heart:

"Brother Yi is indeed Brother Yi, he is so good at drinking! Even the old man was completely shocked by him!"

Xu Yi smiled and said:

"Mr. Popov, your price is very reasonable, but I hope these things can arrive at the location I specified smoothly."

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Major General Popov slowly shook his head and said:

"Mr. Xu, let me be honest, Xiangjiang is too far away from the polar bear, and I don't have the ability to send it that far."

After a pause, he continued:

"Mr. Xu, otherwise, within the sphere of influence of polar bears"

"As long as you say it, I promise to deliver the goods, how about it?"

Xu Yi nodded. He knew that what Major General Popov said was true. The polar bear and country M were in a cold war.

And it is also surrounded by allies of country m.

If he wanted to send materials to Xiangjiang, he really didn't have the ability.

"Then how about sending it to Haishengbeng!" Xu Yi said.

"What? Where is Haishengbeng?" Major General Popov didn't react for a moment.

At this time, his secretary Andre said something in his ear.

"Oh, it turned out to be Vladivostok, it's absolutely fine! I know the commander of the Far East Fleet very well!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I will send your goods there safely!" Major General Popov said with certainty.

After Major General Popov finished speaking, Xu Yi nodded to Tong Mingxin.

Tong Mingxin immediately took out a check from his briefcase and handed it to Popov's secretary Andrey.

Xu Yi said, "Mr. Popov, this is a check from Ruishi International Bank."

"Please arrange for my people to inspect the goods after confirming the authenticity of this check!"

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Major General Popov nodded to the secretary beside him.

After receiving Popov's signal, Andre immediately got up and walked out.

At this moment, Popov clapped his hands lightly.

The next moment, the service staff of the Moscow Hotel began to serve the dishes.

Afterwards, Popov personally introduced the delicacies of each polar bear country to Xu Yi.

About five or ten minutes later, Andre returned to the banquet hall.

After he whispered a few words in Popov's ear, Popov smiled at Xu Yi:

"My dear friend Mr. Xu, your check is indeed from Ruishi, and I appreciate your sincerity.

"Tomorrow morning my people will take you to see the goods, Mr. Xu, you will like those goods very much

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Mr. Popov, what I want is to like everyone in the future!"

"Haha, don't worry! You will be satisfied!" Popov laughed loudly.

Then, Xu Yi said to Cheng Dahai and Cheng Dajiang:

"Dahai, Dajiang, you two will go for a trip tomorrow."

"Yes, Mr. Xu!" The Cheng brothers said in unison.

Xu Yi glanced at Tong Mingxin in a blink of an eye, and Tong Mingxin hurriedly took out another check from his briefcase, and smiled at Major General Popov:

"Major General Popov, this is a small gift from our boss to your family."

Karenina quickly translated Tong Mingxin's words to Popov.

Popov was very excited looking at the numbers on the check, he smiled and said to Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, I really like you more and more my friend from the East!

Xu Yi smiled and said politely: "Happy cooperation!"

In a happy and peaceful atmosphere, the happy Popov cashed in the three glasses of vodka he owed to Xu Yi.

In less than 5 minutes, he was so drunk that he became unconscious. In the end, the doctors and nurses who were on standby outside gave him gastric lavage directly in the banquet hall...!

So far, Xu Yi's first business in Moscow has been successfully completed.

After returning to the room, Xu Yi said to Tong Mingxin, Cheng Dajiang and Cheng Dahai in front of him:

"I can see that today's Popov is just a figure on the stage, and there are bigger figures behind him!"

"You build a good relationship with him, get in touch with higher-level people, and do bigger business. This is your next task."

After a pause, he continued:

"Amin, don't just focus on the arms business. It's easy to be targeted by Klober. You should also do luxury goods, agricultural and industrial products!"

"We are an international trading company, not an arms dealer, do you understand?"

Tong Mingxin nodded and said, "Yes, Brother Yi, I understand!"

Xu Yi went on to say: "The polar bears have many retired special forces soldiers and agents. Let's take Popov's route."

"Find a way to recruit some, don't be stingy about the treatment, these are the top talents, I want them all!"

Xu Yi actually had this idea long ago.

It's just that he also knew that it would be impossible without the help of the polar bear army.

After all, these people are the targets of major international mercenaries.

It's different now!

With the line of Popov himself, Xu Yi believes that it should not be a big problem to recruit some such talents.

Xu Yi came to Moscow in person, not just to establish a relationship with Popov, he set his sights behind Popov.

Xu Yi knew exactly what would happen to the polar bear in a few years.

He also knows that the dead bodies of polar bears have fed the entire Western society for more than 20 years.

Even 30 years later, the Raksha Kingdom is still absorbing nutrients from the dead polar bears.

As long as he sucked a little blood when this giant fell down, the benefits he would get would be unimaginable!

Therefore, Xu Yi knew that apart from the basic Xiangjiang.

The most important battlefield of Hongxing's business empire is not in Haojiang, nor in Jinshanjiao.

Instead, in the Moscow of polar bears!

That night, Xu Yi was slightly drunk, and was dragged to her room by the excited Karenina.

Three hours later, Karenina lay in Xu Yi's arms and murmured: "Mr. Xu, I didn't expect you to be a good drinker, and everything else is so good!

Xu Yi smiled, a little surprised that she was actually a chick...

Chapter 236 Rakshasa, Lolita

next day!

Under the leadership of Popov's men, the Cheng brothers went to a warehouse [-] kilometers north of Moscow to inspect the goods.

At the invitation of Popov, Xu Yi went to his villa manor to attend the luncheon he held for Xu Yi.

The villa estate where Popov lives covers an area of ​​nearly ten acres, including the yard.

Although this cannot be compared with some luxurious manors that Xu Yi has seen.

But it was allocated directly to Popov by the polar bear government, and he spent none of it.

"Mr. Xu, my good brother!" Popov gave Xu Yi a warm bear hug after seeing Xu Yi.

"Mr. Popov! We meet again!" Xu Yi also said with a smile.

"Go, Mr. Xu, I'll take you to dinner, by the way, I won't drink today..."

Popov looked at Xu Yi and said, he was really scared by Xu Yi!

Afterwards, Popov brought Xu Yi to the restaurant.

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