At this time, the dishes on the table had already been placed on the table, and two teenagers and two girls were already standing in front of the table.

Popov introduced to Xu Yi that these are his four sons and daughters.

After finishing the meal, Xu Yi said to Popov, "Mr. Popov, I have a big deal to talk to you about!"

Popov glanced at his children, and then said to the eldest son: "Kanisky, take your younger brothers and sisters to play in the garden!"

After Popov's children left, Popov said to Xu Yi with a smile on his face:

"Mr. Xu, do you have any good news to tell me?"

"Mr. Popov, are you interested in the $3000 million deal?" Xu Yi said to Popov with a smile.


Hearing Xu Yi's words, Popov gasped.

In fact, the 1000 million dollar deal he and Xu Yi just completed is already considered a large amount of business he has handled.Popov calmed down quickly, looked at Xu Yi and asked, "Mr. Xu, what do you want?" "Man!" Xu Yi said seriously.

"People?" Popov was a little puzzled.

Xu Yi smiled and said: "Yes, you should know that I am from the Xiangjiang Play Club."

"So I need people, I need special forces instructors, and Klober instructors"

Popov shook his head hastily and said, "Mr. Xu, if Shangfeng finds out about this, I will be shot!" Xu Yi said with a smile, "Mr. Popov, I don't want those active instructors and special forces!"

"What I want are those who leave their posts for various reasons, no matter how many such people there are, they can be handed over to me"

"I'll hire them! Paying them a monthly salary can also solve the financial pressure of the Alliance government!"

Xu Yi knew that after the disintegration of the alliance, the economy collapsed, and tens of thousands of Rakshasa fled to Europa and country M.

They also formed a society, whose strength is comparable to that of the Hey Hand Party and Hongmen.

The backbone of the vast majority of the Rakshasa Gang is the members of the special forces of these polar bears and the former Klobe agent.

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Popov fell silent.

As Xu Yi said, he really has no risk.

But he also knew that this business was no longer something he could decide on alone.

So he was looking for someone with enough weight to be his backer.

Xu Yi was not in a hurry, he lit a cigar and smoked quietly, waiting for Popov.

Ten minutes later, Popov said to Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, I will take you to meet someone tonight. If he agrees, everything will be easy!"

Xu Yi nodded in agreement.

Popov and Xu Yi agreed that his cronies would go to the hotel to pick up Xu Yi at night to meet a real big shot.

Not long after Xu Yi returned to the hotel, the Cheng brothers also returned to the hotel.

When seeing Xu Yi, Cheng Dahai said excitedly:

"Mr. Xu, I really got rich this time."

"That warehouse was abandoned by polar bears 20 years ago. There are 47 AK[-]s in it. Others include light and heavy machine guns, bazookas, and mortars."

is a reinforced group

Hearing this, Xu Yi nodded slowly and said:

"In the future, we will ask for as many weapons as they can sell!"

"Yes, Brother Yi!" Tong Mingxin and the others responded in unison.

As night fell, Popov's cronies drove Xu Yi to Popov's country house.

The outside is a rural scenery, but the interior decoration of this country house made Xu Yi lament the luxury of the polar bear's high-level life.

"Mr. Xu, welcome, my good friend!"

When Popov saw Xu Yi, he immediately gave him a warm hug, as if holding a lot of beautiful knives.

He said to Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, what you are going to see today is my immediate boss, Deputy Minister of Defense and General Logistics Department Tolstoyski, is your gift ready? Xu Yi turned to Bo Bove nodded slightly.

Popov smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, don't be too nervous, Minister Tolstoyski is very kind!"

Xu Yi smiled. At the end of the Polar Bear Alliance, although there are still some high-level leaders who are fighting for their ideals.

But most of them have lost their original ideal.

The word profit comes first.

However, Xu Yi likes the current state of the league.

Because of this, he had his chance!

Soon, Popov led Xu Yi into a luxurious cigar room.

There are many works of art that are very expensive at a glance.

And an old man with gray hair was sitting at the desk.

Popov respectfully said to the old man: "Minister Tolstoyski, he is a rich man from Xiangjiang, Mr. Xu Yixu."

As soon as Popov finished speaking, Xu Yibian felt that the eyes of the polar bear slapping the Deputy Minister of Defense shot towards him like knives.

Xu Yi immediately understood that Minister Tolstoyski was a veteran who had actually been on the battlefield.

Xu Yi stood still under the minister's sharp gaze.

"Mr. Xu, you said you have a $3000 million business that you want to discuss with me?" Tolstoyski said casually.

Xu Yi glanced at Popov. It seemed that he did not tell the deputy minister about his deal.

Xu Yi said slowly:

"Yes, $3000 million is just my initial plan"

"My follow-up payment is far more than that! [-] million, [-] million or even a billion dollars is possible."

Tolstoyski's face changed slightly after hearing the number Xu Yi said, and said:

"Friends from the East, I want to know, what do you want to trade?"

"I want people who are proficient in combat, whether it's the instructors of the army, the instructors of the special forces, or the instructors of Klober, I want it. The 3000 million dollars is just an intermediary fee for you!" Xu Yi said slowly.

"Young Oriental, if you can convince me why I'm doing this, I can consider a trade!"

Xu Yi looked at Tolstoyski, and then said a word that was earth-shattering in this era:

"Minister Tolstoyski, the Polar Bear Alliance may be gone!"

Xu Yi's words, to the vast majority of people in this era, think they came out of a lunatic asylum.

Because the polar bear is in its heyday at this time, it is difficult for even country M to compete with him militarily.

But Xu Yi said that the Polar Bear Alliance is going to disappear. How can people believe this?

Tolstoyski was obviously very interested in what Xu Yi said, and he said, "Mr. Xu, please continue."

"Minister Tolstoyski, I think you already have the answer in your heart, why do you need me to say it?" Xu Yi looked at Tolstoyski and said slowly.

?0 for flowers 0...

"No, I want to listen!" Tolstoyski said forcefully.

Xu Yi pointed at him and said, "Okay, then I will say something, because the alliance is rotten!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Instead of getting angry because Xu Yi said he was dead, Tolstoyski laughed out loud.

"Mr. Xu, you are the most intelligent oriental man I have ever met"

"I can promise you that I will help you recruit the mercenary army that has always been composed of retired Alphas and signal flags."

Tolstoyski then smiled slyly:

"Of course, it is impossible for active special forces!"

Xu Yi nodded and said, "Yes, this is a fair deal!"

"Mr. Xu, the situation is very chaotic now, and it is the best time to trade. If it is late, it will be gone!" Tolstoyski looked at Xu Yi and said slowly.

"Mr. Minister, I understand what you mean!" Xu Yi nodded.

"Mr. Xu, my niece is Yulia. In order to get through this period of chaos, I hope he can stay by your side for a while."

Tolstoyski said slowly.

"Mr. Minister, is this part of the deal?" Xu Yi said to Tolstoyski.

That's right! "Tolstoyski said directly.

"Okay, I agree!" Xu Yi said slowly.

"Mr. Xu heard that you are very good at drinking. Come and have a few drinks with me. At the same time, I will also introduce my niece to you."

"Trust me, you're going to be great friends!" Tolstoyski said with a laugh.

"I'm looking forward to it!" Xu Yi laughed.

When Xu Yi and Tolstoyski came to the restaurant, a 20-year-old woman was already waiting in the restaurant.

She has long golden hair, a good face, a well-proportioned figure, with a hare in the front and a curl in the back.

When he saw Tolstoyski come in, he said respectfully:


Tolstoyski smiled and said to Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, let me introduce you, this is my niece Yulia.

"Yulia, this is my friend from Xiangjiang, Xu Yi!"

"Xu Yi? Hello! I'm Yulia." Yulia extended his right hand to Xu Yi.

"Hello, Yulia, I'm Xu Yi." Xu Yi's right hand and Yulia's right hand were held together.

At this time, the two young people did not know what changes the handshake between the two of them would bring to the world.

During the meal Tolstoysky said to Yulia:

"Yulia, I want to arrange for you to go to Xiangjiang with Mr. Xu to stay for a while, and you have to learn everything about the outside world from him." Yulia glanced at Tolstoyski, then at Xu Yi, It was obvious that she was hesitant, indecisive.

Tolstoyski looked at her and said in a deep voice:

"Yulia, your vision is still too short-sighted now, this time you go to Xiangjiang with Xu Yi, study hard"

"When you come back, you will be reborn!!"

When Yulia heard what her uncle said, she could only nod her head and said, "I promise your uncle, I will go to Xiangjiang!"

It seems that he also knows the extreme reluctance of his niece.

After eating, Tolstoysky took Yulia to his study...

Twenty minutes later, when Xu Yi saw Yulia again, there was no trace of reluctance on her face.

Instead, it was replaced by curiosity and longing.

He walked to Xu Yi's side and said with a smile:

"Let's get to know each other again, my name is Yulia, I just graduated from Moscow Zhengzhi University."

"Hello Miss Yulia, my name is Xu Yi, the principal of Hongxing University in Hong Kong." Xu Yi joked.


Suddenly Xu Yi was shocked and remembered who she was in the later life... [-].

Chapter 237 Emperor Hongxing!

"I am very interested in your plan, but I hope you can hurry up! There is not much time left for me!" Yulia walked to Xu Yi's side and said softly.

"I will, and you should say, we don't have much time left!"

After Xu Yi finished speaking, he and Yulia looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing!

When Xu Yi returned to the hotel, it was already one o'clock in the night.

Tong Mingxin and the four of them were still awake, they were all waiting for Xu Yi's return.

"Amin, I will return to Xiangjiang tomorrow, and you will increase your cooperation with Popov in Moscow"

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