Because there have always been rumors that Lei Yingdong has a relationship with the club.

Unexpectedly, he actually formed a society by himself, and it was the famous water ghost gang.

"The sudden disbandment of the Water Ghost Gang 40 years ago must have been caused by Mr. Lei?" Xu Yi asked.

Lei Yingdong nodded and smiled, "That's right, when I returned to land from the sea, I no longer needed water ghosts."

"Some people went ashore with me, and some went to Nanyang to continue the water ghost business. In fact, I already knew about you in Nanyang."

Lei Yingdong continued: "Mr. Xu, I just wanted to see your reaction, and the result is very good."

"Mr. Xu, you are a character, neither humble nor overbearing, very magnanimous."

Xu Yi shook his head and smiled, "I was just about to go back and look for evidence!"

"Hahahahaha!" Xu Yi and Lei Yingdong laughed at the same time.

Then, Lei Yingdong asked: "Xu Yi, I actually knew what you said earlier than you, and I have been trying to find a way."

"However, as you said, the people of Ying Kingdom are still the rulers of Xiangjiang. He wants to play tricks. It is too difficult for us to guard against it!"

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Mr. Lei, I actually have two options."

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Lei Yingdong's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "Mr. Xu, come and listen."

Xu Yi said slowly: "Mr. Lei, as you said, Xiangjiang is not what it was 50 years ago."

"The current Xiangjiang is the Pearl of the Orient. As long as the people of Xiangjiang unite, their plot will never come true."

Lei Yingdong shook his head and smiled wryly: "Mr. Xu, this matter is not that simple. In the past few decades, I have been cheated seven or eight times by those big families in Xiangjiang."

Xu Yi said with a smile: "That's because everyone has no common interests. Now that we have common interests, everyone will be able to agree with the outside world."

Lei Yingdong asked curiously: "Mr. Xu, what do you mean by common interests?"

Xu Yi looked at Lei Yingdong and said slowly: "Nanyang's tobacco, shipping, rubber, and a market of one billion people are our common interests."

"Tieing up the wealthy people in Xiangjiang is tantamount to uniting them with us."

"At that time, no matter how much they want to do something, as long as we stand up to oppose it, our allies will also stand up, even if they don't want to, they must stand up!"

Listening to Xu Yi's words, Lei Yingdong's eyes became brighter and brighter!

After Xu Yi finished speaking, Lei Yingdong praised:

"Mr. Xu, it really is a young owl, so what about the second method you mentioned?".

Chapter 271 Lei Yingdong!

Although Xu Yi did not explain in detail how to operate.

But Lei Yingdong is such a character, he knows that Xu Yi's method is reliable.

First of all, there are nearly 5000 million Hua people in Nanyang itself, and more than [-] million people with Hua people's blood. This is the foundation.

Lei Yingdong through his own channels.

Already vaguely know some of Xu Yi's layout in Nanyang.

He has great confidence in Xu Yi!

Since he can obtain huge benefits in Nanyang, he can easily pull all the rich and powerful people in Xiangjiang into his chariot-.

Pure businessmen are profit-seeking, and if there is enough interest, they can betray - everything.

Lei Yingdong believes that with the interests of Nanyang, 90.00% of the merchants in Xiangjiang can fight against the ghosts!After listening to Xu Yi's first method, Lei Yingdong was eager to hear his second method.He didn't expect that the young man in front of him had two ways to solve the problem that had troubled him for a long time.Xu Yi nodded, and then explained his plan to Lei Yingdong in detail.

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Lei Yingdong fell into deep thought.

Because he was completely shocked by the young man in front of him.

Lei Yingdong was amazed by the young man's intelligence and courage!

Half a minute later, Lei Yingdong asked, "Xu Yi, is there too much noise for doing this?" Xu Yi shook his head and asked, "Mr. Lei, do you think there are other good ways?"

After a while of silence, Lei Yingdong asked: "Mr. Xu, how sure are you of the second method?"

Xu Yi laughed and said, "Seventy percent!"

"Xu Yi, let's put your second method aside for now!"

Obviously, Lei Yingdong still prefers Xu Yi's first method!

So he went on to say: "Xu Yi, I bought two warships from the Eagle Kingdom 20 years ago, and I should be able to help you by then!"

"Thank you, Mr. Lei!" Xu Yi smiled.

Lei Yingdong said lightly: "Xu Yi, I'm not helping you, I'm helping Nanyang and Xiangjianghua people! You don't have to be too thankful!"

"Our Hua people's territory must be managed by our Hua people."

"For so many years, this ideal has supported me to get to where I am today."

"Ghosts have ruled Xiangjiang long enough, it's time to let them go!"

"We Xiangjiang people can't just wait, we have to take action!"

"Mr. Xu, how sure are you about what happened in Nanyang?"

Xu Yi looked at Lei Yingdong and said slowly: "Mr. Lei, now I'm only [-]% sure!" Although Xu Yi has done a lot of preparation work.

But he will not be arrogant, [-]% sure is the best Xu Yi can do so far!

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Lei Yingdong nodded and said:

"Xu Yi, go ahead and do it! We will fully support you!"

Xu Yi smiled after listening to Lei Yingdong's words.

Lei Yingdong is not talking about me, but us!

This means that Lei Yingdong and his people will fully support Xu Yi. This is a huge force and Lei Yingdong said this, which is exactly the purpose of Xu Yi coming to Lei Yingdong!

With Lei Yingdong's support, Xu Yi has more confidence to make his way in Nanyang!

next day!

A piece of news caused a sensation in the rivers and lakes of Hong Kong, Aotai, and Hong Mentai. The head of the north branch of Hong Mentai was assassinated by a mysterious killer.

There was no clue for reference at the scene, the killer appeared mysteriously, and then disappeared mysteriously!

Xu Yi wanted to know the news earlier, because it was A Ji who made the assassination.

If the people from Hongmen don't mess with Xu Yi, then he is busy with other things and can ignore them for now!

But the people from the Hongmen want to attack him first, so Xu Yi must teach them a profound lesson!

That's why there was this assassination!

And if it wasn't for the fact that Xu Yi's layout in Wandao hadn't been completed yet, Hong Mentai's northern sub-rudder would not be as simple as killing a helmsman!

In fact, Hong Men also guessed that Xu Yi did it.

It's just that now the Hongmen headquarters is busy fighting with the Qing Gang, and has no spare energy to deal with Xu Yi!

If only relying on Hong Mentai's north branch, they went to seek revenge on Xu Yi just to give Xu Yi experience.

So Hongmen endured it.

Seven days passed quickly.

On this day, Xu Yi received a call from Wandao.

"Brother Yi, there is something that needs to be decided by you!"

A familiar female voice came from the other end of the phone, it was Haitang.

"Say." Xu Yi said concisely.

"Wu Qiuyu, the puppet leader of the Sanlian Gang, found me. He hopes that the Donghu Gang will join forces with him to deal with Lei Fuhong." Haitang said slowly.

?0 for flowers 0...

"It seems that Wu Qiuyu doesn't want to be Lei Fuhong's puppet anymore!" Xu Yi smiled.

"Haitang, how did you respond to Wu Qiuyu's request?"

Haitang smiled and said, "I just let him go!"

After listening to Haitang's words, Xu Yi smiled and said, "Haitang, you did a great job!"

"Brother Yi, what should I do now?" Haitang asked.

Xu Yi smiled and replied: "Of course it is to let Lei Fuhong know Wu Qiuyu's wolf ambition!"

After thinking for a moment, Haitang smiled and said, "Brother Yi, I understand."

"Haitang, members of the Legislative Council are elected every three years, and I will not let Lei Fuhong be elected."

"If he is not elected, do you think Wu Qiuyu will wait for three years?" Xu Yi said lightly

Hearing this, Haitang's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile:

"Wu Qiuyu is also 49 years old, and he is definitely not willing to wait for three years!" Haitang said with certainty.

"Brother Yi, according to polls, [-]% of people support Lei Fuhong!"

Xu Yi laughed and said, "If Lei Fuhong only has a [-]% approval rating, he is useless!!"

Haitang asked curiously: "Brother Yi, how are you going to deal with him?"

"Haitang, I have a way to deal with him, you have to be prepared, after I take down the Sanlian Gang, your Donghu Gang will come out ahead!"

"Good brother Yi"

After Xu Yi put down the phone, he dialed another number.

"Gao Jin, I'm Xu Yi."

"Brother Yi! Do you have any instructions?" Gao Jin asked on the other end of the phone.

"What is your current status in the Five Lakes Gang?" Xu Yi asked.

"It's a corner right now." Gao Jin said truthfully.

The ranks of Wuhu Gang and Qing Gang are the same, and Jiaotou is equivalent to Hong Xingzhong's position of serving straw sandals.

"The horns are enough, Gao Jin, I want you to go through Guo Zhengliang to find a man named Zhang Sigang, he is Lei Fuhong's opponent in the Sanlian gang's competition for the legislator." Xu Yi then explained carefully to Gao Jin some.

After finishing speaking, Xu Yi asked again: "Gao Jin, do you remember what I said just now?"

"I remember, Brother Yi!" Gao Jin replied.

"The election of the Legislative Councilors will be held in three days, you should do it as soon as possible!" After Xu Yi finished speaking, he hung up the phone Seven.

Chapter 272 Gao Jin is on the Move! ! !

That night, Gao Jin and Guo Zhengliang came to Zhang Sigang's home.

"Mr. Zhang, this is the Mr. Gao I told you this afternoon. He just came back from the M National Youth Gang, and now he is the head of the Wuhu Gang." Guo Zhenggao pointed to Gao Jin and introduced Zhang Sigang.

After Zhang Sigang heard that Gao Jin was only a corner, he said indifferently: "What do you mean? You want me to help you climb up the Five Lakes Gang?"

Gao Jin shook his head and said, "Mr. Zhang, you made a mistake. I am here to help you, not to ask you to help me!!"

Hearing this, Zhang Sigang laughed angrily, and said:

"Young boy, what can you do for me with a small horn?"

Listening to Zhang Sigang's laughter, Gao Jin looked calm and calm.

After Zhang Sigang finished laughing, Gao Jin said:

"Mr. Zhang, now Lei Fuhong's poll is higher than yours."

"If you don't have a good way, then you will lose this election!"

After Zhang Sigang listened to Gao Jin's words, his smile disappeared immediately, and then "[-]" said coldly:

"Young boy, you are just a small person, what do you know!"

Guo Zhengliang had been with Zhang Sigang for many years, and he knew that this was a sign that Zhang Sigang was about to lose his temper.

He immediately walked to Gao Jin's side and whispered in his ear:

"Mr. Gao, please pay attention to your words, you can't bear to offend Mr. Zhang!"

Gao Jin ignored Guo Zhengliang, but continued:

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