"Mr. Zhang, if I can help you choose, I will definitely help you choose!"

"If you don't believe me, then you don't have to choose, because you won't win!"

Zhang Sigang sneered and said, "Okay, tell me!"

"If what you said doesn't dissatisfy me, then don't blame me for being rude!"

After Guo Zhengliang heard Zhang Sigang's words, he quickly laughed and said:

"Mr. Zhang, give me Guo Zhengliang a face, let's forget about today's matter!"

Gao Jin shook his head and smiled, "Mr. Zhang, what I say next will definitely satisfy you, um, definitely!"

Then, he turned his head to look at Guo Zhengliang and said:

"Mr. Guo, what I want to say to Mr. Zhang is very important, please avoid it for a while!"

Hearing Gao Jin's words, Guo Zhengliang said in a low voice:

"Gao Jin, I've tried my best. If you don't appreciate it, don't blame me, and my transportation fee must not be less!" Gao Jin didn't speak, but just stared at Guo Zhengliang.

Guo Zhengliang looked at Gao Jin, then he snorted heavily, then turned and left Zhang Sigang's home.

Zhang Sigang looked at Gao Jin coldly, he wanted to see what tricks this young man could play.

Gao Jin was not polite either, he sat directly opposite Zhang Sigang and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Zhang, you know in your heart that if things go on like this, you will definitely lose in the Legislative Council election!"

Zhang Sigang didn't speak, but just looked at Gao Jin fixedly, to see what he would say next.

"So, you must win by surprise!" Gao Jin said slowly.

"What's your unique move?" Zhang Sigang continued after listening to Gao Jin's words.

"Three words, bitter trick!" Gao Jin said slowly.

"Lei Fuhong is from an association. If something happens to you, who will everyone suspect the first time?" Gao Jin looked at Zhang Sigang and said.Hearing Gao Jin's words, Zhang Sigang's eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "Young man, keep talking."

"According to what I have, the two of you will hold your last speech the day after tomorrow."

"If you are shot by the gunman at that time, you will be seriously injured."

"At that time, your team can publicize that Lei Fuhong sent someone to kill you."

"The next day is the polling day. Even if Lei Fuhong realizes it, he will have no way to clarify the facts!"

"When you are elected, it will be too late for him to do anything!"

"Manipulating this matter will immediately evoke the memory of the public, and remind voters that Lei Fuhong came from an association. How can the boss of an association be a member of the Legislative Council?"

"Many voters will sympathize with you because of this, so they will give you their votes!"

"Mr. Zhang, if this is the case, you will most likely turn defeat into victory!"

After Gao Jin finished talking, he looked at Zhang Sigang and said with a smile:

"Mr. Zhang, do you think I can help you now?"

After Zhang Sigang listened to Gao Jin's words, he was convinced in his heart that Gao Jin's plan had a 90.00% success rate!

He looked at Gao Jin, his face turned from frosty to warm, and said with a smile, "Mr. Gao, this move is indeed a clever plan. Sorry, I underestimated you earlier." Zhang Sigang changed his previous contempt for Gao Jin, and even I personally brewed a pot of high mountain tea for Gao Jin.

The title of Gao Jin was also changed from Houshengzai to Mr. Gao.

In fact, this bitter trick was also learned by Xu Yi in his previous life from the election of the "Great Commander" in Wandao.

The candidate who was originally lagging behind was hit by a shot during the promotional activity, and finally completed a big comeback!

This trick can turn things around even in the election of a 'general commander', let alone the election of a legislator.

He looked at Gao Jin and said, "Mr. Gao, this is indeed a wonderful plan, but I still have something I don't understand and I want to ask you for advice."

Gao Jin looked at Zhang Sigang and smiled, "Mr. Zhang, please ask me!"

Zhang Sigang looked at Gao Jin, and asked slowly: "Mr. Gao, what I want to know is, why did you help me for no reason?"

This question is what Zhang Sigang is most concerned about at present!

He needs to hear Gao Jin's conditions first.

If Gao Jin's conditions are acceptable to him, then they can discuss the next step.

He couldn't accept the conditions of this youngster.

Then he would rather not elect a legislator this time than agree to this condition.

Gao Jin looked at Zhang Sigang and said lightly:

"Mr. Zhang, don't forget, I am a member of Wuhu Gang"

"The Five Lakes Gang and the Sanlian Gang are enemies, and Lei Fuhong is the leader of the Sanlian Gang."

"If he is elected as a member of the Legislative Council, it will be the worst possible outcome for our Five Lakes gang.

After listening to Gao Jin's words, Zhang Sigang shook his head and said:

"Mr. Gao, you are a smart man, I hope we can be honest with each other."

Zhang Sigang's meaning is very simple, Gao Jin, you didn't tell me the truth, you are just a small corner of the Five Lakes Gang.

Even if Lei Fuhong becomes a member of the Legislative Council, it's not your turn to worry about it.

It should be the big bosses of the Wuhu Gang who should really worry about it!

Gao Jin smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang is really sharp, well, I'll tell the truth."

"Mr. Zhang, I hope to go further in the Five Lakes Gang. I know that you and Mr. Li Qiuhan, the former leader of the Green Gang, are old friends."

"I hope that after this time, you can help me talk more with Mr. Li."

"I came back from country m, I'm not satisfied with a corner seat!"

Zhang Sigang was still dissatisfied after listening to Gao Jin's words.

He felt that this was not the whole answer!

Gao Jin 0.7 shook his head and said, "Mr. Zhang, there is no need to break the casserole and ask the end of some things, right?"

Hearing this, Zhang Sigang opened his mouth and said:

"Mr. Gao, open the skylight and tell the truth, we are talking about a business now."

"The reward you give me is to help me elect a legislator, so I need the price you offer."

"Mr. Gao, I need to let you understand that I, Zhang, only do fair deals!"

Gao Jin shook his head after listening to Zhang Sigang's words, and continued, "Mr. Zhang, I will also open the skylight and talk loudly!"

"I know that the government is engaged in the privatization of railways. After you become a legislator, I need you to help me win the right to operate the Taichung-Tainan railway.

If we can win the right to operate the railway from Taichung to Tainan, it will greatly facilitate the development of Hongxing's power in Wandao!

Xu Yi is not only supporting the agent in Wandao, but also grabbing all kinds of benefits! .

Chapter 273 Lei Fuhong, please prove your innocence!

Zhang Sigang nodded. Of course, the right to operate the railway is worth a legislator's seat.

He said: "Mr. Gao, after I win the election, I can help you with this."

"But it takes a lot of money. Do you have so much money?"

Gao Jin chuckled, and then said according to the script Xu Yi gave him: "Mr. Zhang, my parents left me a lot of inheritance, and now I am worried that I have no investment direction!"

Hearing what Gao Jin said, Zhang Sigang smiled and said, "Yes! After I win the election, I will do my best to help you fight for it!"

Zhang Sigang continued: "Mr. Gao, if you want to shoot me, how will you ensure my safety?"

Gao Jin smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, my subordinates hit you with blank bullets."

"At that time, you will have a little skin trauma at most, and it will definitely not pose a threat to your life!"

Zhang Sigang nodded, and said: "Mr. Gao, in order to ensure everything is safe, I think it is safer to test it first." Gao Jin nodded and said: "Yes, Mr. Zhang will send a trustworthy horse out to test it tomorrow."

10 "This matter must be kept absolutely confidential!!".

"Mr. Gao, don't worry!" Zhang Sigang said with a smile.

It's just that when he said this, he already wouldn't let that horse boy live tomorrow!

Gao Jin smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, see you tomorrow!"

Zhang Sigang laughed and said, "What Mr. Gao said is exactly what I want!"

After the two smiled and shook hands, Gao Jin left Zhang Sigang's residence!

The next day, one of Zhang Sigang's pony died suddenly due to pancreatitis, but no one paid attention.

For the last public speech before the Bay Island Legislative Election, Lei Fuhong appeared on the street in the constituency in high spirits.

Because the polls have always been leading, at this time he is determined to win!

After the day of the election, he can be elected and successfully cleaned up!

For this legislative election, he spent a total of [-] million Taiwan dollars.

Lei Fuhong knew that as long as he was elected as a member of the Legislative Council as he wished, the money he could earn would be more than ten times the money he invested.

Moreover, after becoming a member of the Legislative Council, he has the right of judicial immunity, that is, he can truly and completely clean himself up.

Lei Fuhong's election team hadn't walked long on the street before they ran into the opponent Zhang Sigang's election team.

Lei Fuhong walked up to Zhang Sigang in a 'magnanimous' manner, and said to Zhang Sigang, "Dingkun, keep working hard next time! Hahahaha!"

Zhang Sigang sneered: "Lei Fuhong, you are still young and this is your first election."

"Then let me tell you, you will never know who is the winner until the election is announced."

"Really? Zhang Sigang, you are very confident."

"There is a reason I want to tell you, sometimes the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!" Lei Fuhong laughed.

"Hmph!" Zhang Sigang snorted coldly, then turned his head and left.

Lei Fu looked at Zhang Sigang's back with cold eyes, and said in his heart:

"If I hadn't wanted to clean up my crimes, I would have sent someone to kill you kid!

However, Lei Fuhong immediately recovered his smile, and continued to greet the people on the street.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion.

Lei Fuhong looked back and found that Zhang Sigang was clutching his abdomen, his expression was painful and his face was pale.

Zhang Sigang's horse boy shouted loudly: "Call an ambulance! Quick!"

A sneer appeared on Lei Fuhong's face, and he said to the people around him:

"Retribution! Retribution!"

"This kid Zhang Sigang must have done a lot of bad things in normal times. People will kill him if they see him unhappy! I hope he will survive!"

Then, Lei Fuhong led his election team to continue canvassing votes on the street.

Lei Fuhong hadn't thought that this was a conspiracy against him!

Indeed, he is too young and has zero experience in politics.

That night, Lei Fuhong looked at the report in the evening newspaper in front of him in his villa, and said angrily:

"Wood", which reporter wrote the news, this is a frame-up, a naked frame-up! "

"Send someone to destroy this evening newspaper," I wonder if they still dare to scribble! "

Lei Fuhong's military adviser advised him: "Mr. Lei, don't be impulsive!"

"If we really send people to smash the Wandao Evening News, then we really won't be able to clean it up, and others will only think that we are guilty of guilt!

Lei Fuhong said helplessly: "Then what should I do? I can't watch others pour dirty water on me, can I?"

"Mr. Lei, the only way to deal with it now is to hold a press conference immediately and clarify in person at the press conference. There is no other way!" the counselor persuaded.

At this moment, Lei Fuhong's boy took more than a dozen newspapers and put them on Lei Fuhong's desk, saying:

"Boss, these newspapers have reported that you are suspected of assassinating your rival, the legislative candidate Zhang Sigang!"

Lei Fuhong threw the newspapers directly on the ground and said angrily:

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