"It's all rumors, Ah Guang. When I was young, I wanted to hold a press conference. If you start a relationship, you can invite as many reporters as you can!"

The military adviser said, "I see, Mr. Lei."

Lei Fuhong waved his hand to signal Ah Guang to go to work quickly, and then he turned on the TV.

But after turning on the TV, all the news that he was suspected of assassinating Zhang Sigang was broadcast.

The angry Lei Fuhong directly kicked the TV set!

"Lei Fuhong roared in the villa.

On the other side, in a villa, Haitang watched the news on TV with great interest, and said with a happy smile

"Xu Yi, is this the good show you said? It's really exciting!"

The next morning.

101 Building.

Lei Fuhong chose to hold a press conference here.

Dozens of reporters from major media outlets across Taiwan gathered here.

There has not been an assassination of a rival since Bay Island began its legislative elections.

Undoubtedly, this is the most breaking news in Bay Island these days.

As soon as Lei Fuhong appeared, the reporters swarmed up, countless microphones pointed at Lei Fuhong.

Lei Fuhong's horseman tried his best to help him out of the siege,


Xu Zhe, Lei Fuhong's military advisor, took the microphone and said loudly:

"Friends from the press, please return to your seats. Don't worry. Mr. Lei Fuhong will answer everyone's questions."

Hearing what Lei Fuhong's team said, the reporters all sat back at their desks.

Lei Fuhong also walked up to the microphone and said, "Reporters, I'm here to clarify for everyone!"

"Zhang Sigang's assassination has nothing to do with me, please don't believe rumors!"

At this moment, a reporter stood up and said, "Mr. Lei, you are from an association, and you are also the boss of the No. [-] association in Bay Island. Did you assassinate Zhang Sigang? Please prove your innocence."

This question is so heartbreaking!

Let Lei Fuhong not know what to say for a while.

A few seconds later, Lei Fuhong said: "Reporters, I, Lei Fuhong, came back from studying in country m. My father's generation is my father's generation. I am a good citizen who abides by the law!"

At this time, another reporter asked loudly: "Mr. Lei, did Zhang Sigang have an argument with you before he was assassinated?"

Lei Fuhong immediately denied it: "Fake, absolutely not!"

The reporter said loudly again: "Mr. Lei, you are lying, I have evidence here!"

The next moment, he took out a stack of photos.

The content of the photo is that Lei Fuhong and Zhang Sigang are mocking each other.

The angle of the photo was very tricky, and Lei Fuhong's face was taken extremely viciously.

Chapter 274 Private Island!

After Lei Fuhong took the photo, his face changed and he said immediately:

"He and I are just discussing the election situation in a friendly way, fighting each other, wishing each other well, don't you hear that the wind is the rain!

The reporter continued: "It doesn't matter if Mr. Lei doesn't admit it, I still have evidence here!"

Then, he took out another photo.

In the photo, Lei Fuhong was smiling sinisterly, while Zhang Sigang fell to the ground and writhed in pain...

"Mr. Lei, how do you explain it?" The reporter asked meaningfully.

Lei Fuhong glanced at this photo, and suddenly felt thunderous, and said hastily:

"How sinister is the intention of this photo! It is intended to harm me!"

"I, Lei Fuhong, can swear that I never sent anyone to assassinate Zhang Sigang!"

However, Lei Fuhong's oath has no credibility in the eyes of the reporters!

after all!Lei Fuhong, he was from the No. [-] club in Bay Island.

As long as his competitor is beaten during the campaign, everyone will definitely suspect him!

Lei Fuhong can only eat Coptis chinensis dumb!

Xu Yi's strategy is a lore for Lei Fuhong!

The press conference did not allow Lei Fuhong to clarify himself, but made him more and more blackmailed. He was so angry with these reporters that he left in a panic.

In fact, it's not just Xu Yi who doesn't want him to be elected as a member of the Legislative Council, but the Wuhu Gang, Tiandao Gang, Donghu Gang, and other large and small associations on Bay Island don't want him to be elected.

These associations all worked together by coincidence, directly blasting Lei Fu to death.

Fan the flames and beat the dog in the water!

Everyone knew that Lei Fuhong was definitely going to lose this time.

Of course Lei Fuhong also knew. .

He borrowed [-] million NT dollars from the public funds of the Sanlian Gang, and started his last fight. On the last day before the election, he held ten face-to-face meetings in a row.

Almost fainted at the scene, and was rushed to the hospital after the meeting that day.

However, the final election result made Lei Fuhong almost explode on the spot!

Zhang Sigang was successfully elected as a member of the Legislative Council with 50.00% of the votes.

And Lei Fuhong only got 30.00% of the votes!

The other votes go to another candidate.


After Lei Fuhong finished cursing this sentence, he fainted from anger.

This also disappointed the reporters who wanted to interview Lei Fuhong, who had lost the election.

They had no choice but to take a detour to interview Zhang Sigang, who was still in the hospital and was said to have just escaped the danger of his life.

"Everyone, this is Lord Kun's victory!"

Looking at the pale Zhang Sigang on TV, he shouted this sentence.

Lei Fuhong who just woke up fainted again!

For this election, Lei Fuhong spent a lot of manpower and material resources.

Hundreds of millions of Taiwan dollars of campaign funds were spent.

But the result was like this, which made Lei Fuhong absolutely unacceptable!

at the same time!

Hong Kong.

Saigon pier.

Xu Yi took Yulia and a group of polar bear retired special forces to stand on the pier.

Yulia the Polar Bear Dayangma looked at Xu Yi and said, "Mr. Xu, where are we going?

Xu Yi smiled and said, "I bought a beautiful island called Xianxia, ​​which is a land without owner."

"Xianxia Island?" Yulia said in an uncertain tone.

"Yes! That's our destination this time!" Xu Yi said slowly.

"Mr. Xu, what are we going to do this time?" Julia asked curiously.

"Yulia, you will know when you arrive!" Xu Yi said mysteriously.

Xianxia Island is fifty miles away from Xu Yi's training base in a straight line, and there are a total of [-] residents on the island.

90.00% of them are Hua people.

Xu Yi set his goal on Xianxia Island not only because there are many people here.

The location is excellent.

Today, Xu Yi used to just do the preparations first!

Soon, the retired polar bear special forces recruited by Tong Mingxin got their equipment ready.

A few minutes later, a cruise ship arrived at the pier, and Xu Yi took the lead to go up!

After two days and two nights of sailing, the ship arrived at the sea off Xianxia Island.

Then, a small armed boat sailed to the freighter and conducted radio communication with the freighter.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Xu Yi on board?" A voice came from the radio communicator.

"I'm here." Xu Yi said.

"I'm here to pick you up and your people to go to Xianxia. You can disembark now, and we will pick you up on our boat!" the voice said.

"it is good!"

Xu Yi knew that this was a subordinate sent by the King of Nanyang to help him.

This island was also introduced to Xu Yi by Nanyang King!

The next moment, Xu Yi led everyone to the armed ship.

Two hours later, a hundred or so of them landed on a remote beach on Xianxia Island.

There are several large trucks waiting on the beach.

After Xu Yi and the others got into the car, they finally saw the master he was going to visit this time.

The leader of the Hua people in Xianxia Island, Lu Jun'an.

In fact, Lu Jun'an's ancestor is Lu Shineng from Chaozhou.

In the late Ming Dynasty, Lu Shineng established the Hua tribe on Xianxia Island.

And it has been passed down to modern times.

Because of the wind and rain, Lu Jun'an's skin was very dark.

He looked at Xu Yi and said:

'Mr. Xu, we have been waiting for you for a long time! "

When Xu Yi heard Lu Junan's words, he instantly understood what he meant.

In fact, Lu Jun'an didn't wait for Xu Yi for a long time, but for someone like Xu Yi who came to help them.

Xu Yi looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and said:

"Mr. Lu, don't put your hopes on others, what you want is to stand up for yourself!"

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Lu Jun'an heaved a long sigh, and continued:

"Mr. Xu, I know the truth of what you said, but...you will know it when you get there!"

After nearly an hour's journey, several large trucks arrived at their destination and stopped.

After Xu Yi got out of the car, what he saw were low houses made of dilapidated planks, mud, and leaves.

One word, poor!

"Mr. Xu, we are blocked by Mangaja so badly"

"We don't have big ships, we can't go to sea, we can only make a living by farming" (Zhao Dehao)

"Moreover, the Manlaga people on the island often come to us to grab things. They have weapons in their hands, and we can't fight them!" "Last year, two hundred tribesmen died under their guns, and several more Ten women were also robbed by them." Lu Junan sighed helplessly.

After listening to Lu Junan's words, Xu Yi asked Xin in a deep voice:

"Mr. Lu, where do you live? How often do people from their official government come? Lu Junan hurriedly said: "The Manga government has troops stationed on this island, although there are only 50 people

"But they have firearms, and satellite phones!"

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