"This is related to the future development of Xiangjiang, so we must unite all the forces we can unite, so as to defeat Yingguo's plot to hollow out Xiangjiang." After listening to Xu Yi's words, Li Wenbin and Luo Zhizheng fell into deep thought again .

Obviously, the two of them were thinking about what to do.

A few minutes later, Luo Zhizheng said: "Mr. Xu, Wen Bin, I have an idea, it's just a little..."

Li Wenbin urged: "Old Luo, if you have an idea, please speak up quickly, don't play charades."

Luo Zhizheng said in a low voice: "Two days later, our Flying Tigers will have a costume change. At that time, an armed vehicle will return to the Flying Tigers from the police armory with weapons."

"I wonder if I can take this opportunity to hijack this armed vehicle and force the palace against the high-level police department?"

After hearing Luo Zhizheng's plan, Xu Yi was shocked!

Isn't the plan he mentioned a replica of the plan in the movie "Cold War"? "

The difference is that Li Wenbin in "Chill" was kept in the dark.

But now Li Wenbin is one of the planners!

After Li Wenbin listened to Luo Zhizheng's words, (Zhao Hao) thought for a minute and said:

"Lao Luo, there are six to eight Flying Tigers in an armed vehicle?"

"With their firepower, I don't think the average gang is capable of holding this armed vehicle."

What Li Wenbin said is also true, the road between the police armory and the Flying Tigers is located in the Kowloon area.

It takes only 10 minutes for such a hostage incident to happen, and the police will rush to the scene to support it.”

"These 10 minutes will leave at least two minutes for fleeing the scene, which means that the armed vehicle must be hijacked within eight minutes. How can this be done?"

Luo Zhizheng looked at Li Wenbin and said indifferently: "Wenbin, what if there is a ghost in the Flying Tigers?"

Li Wenbin suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Luo Zhizheng and said:

"Old Luo, what do you mean?"

Luo Zhizheng nodded and said, "That's right, Wen Bin, extraordinary things should be done extraordinary!"

As soon as the words fell, Luo Zhizheng turned to look at Xu Yi and asked, "Mr. Xu, what's your opinion?".

Chapter 295 Li Wenbin's sincerity!

Xu Yi, Li Wenbin, and Luo Zhizheng finally finalized the plan.

To Xu Yi's surprise, it was just like the plot in the movie "Cold War".

Li Wenbin plans to put his son Li Jiajun in this armed car as an internal response.

Luo Zhizheng directly opposed it.

But Li Wenbin said:

"Old Luo, Jia Jun will understand me"

"Sometimes we should give up something else for what we protect."

After hearing Li Wenbin's words, Xu Yi said:

"Sir Li, let me remind you that your son's future will be lost."

"He can't be a policeman for the rest of his life. Do you want to stop thinking about it?"

Li Wenbin shook his head and said, "Mr. Xu, I plan to let Jiajun work in your real estate company after this incident. I hope you can take care of him." It turned out that Li Wenbin had planned to let Li Jiajun quit the police force.

Li Wenbin is.Brother Ji, who has been in contact with Xu Yi for so long, knows Xu Yi very well.

Of course, there was another reason. Li Wenbin knew that Xu Yi still didn't believe him from the bottom of his heart.

Therefore, Li Jiajun was the proton that Li Wenbin handed over to Xu Yi, so that Xu Yi could completely trust him.

After hearing Li Wenbin's words, Xu Yi was slightly taken aback.

Xu Yi can feel that Li Wenbin really loves the land where he grew up.

Then, Xu Yi nodded solemnly and said, "Sir Li, don't worry about 730, your son will be very successful in the future."

Li Jiajun is a person who is deeply impressed in Xu Yi's memory. He is the first graduate of the police academy with comprehensive grades.Proficient in various police skills, it can be said that he is definitely an excellent talent.

Even if this kind of talent has no background, Xu Yi will reuse him.

Li Wenbin knew that Xu Yi already knew what he was thinking, and said with a smile, "Then thank you Mr. Xu."

The next second, he said to Luo Zhizheng: "Lao Luo, time is running out, let's go back to Xiangjiang to arrange it now." Luo Zhizheng nodded and said, "Okay." Everything in this plan must be carefully planned, only success is allowed, and failure is not allowed! "Xu Yi said: "Let the robbers come from my people. Even if the operation fails, you can avoid being implicated." "Xu Yi knows that all eggs cannot be put in one basket.

Luo Zhizheng and Li Wenbin are his most important pawns now, and they must not lose.

"Mr. Xu, it's not that we look down on you. The armed vehicles are full of fully armed elite members of the Flying Tigers."

"Even if there is an insider, it's not something a few gangsters can deal with."

Luo Zhizheng said directly, this is not a joke, if this plan fails, the impact will be very large.

Xu Yi smiled slightly and said, "Sir Luo, I have a mercenary under my hand (baah), whose elite level is far better than your Flying Tigers. You don't have to worry about that." Looking at Luo Zhizheng's disbelieving eyes, Xu Yi clapped his hands.

Then, a man in a suit with an indifferent face walked in from outside the tea restaurant.

"Ah Sheng, give Luo Sir a show." Xu Yi ordered softly.

After Tian Yangsheng heard Xu Yi's words, he pulled out a gun with a silencer without hesitation.

Six bullets were fired in just two seconds, accurately smashing six teacups placed on a tea table.

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Luo Sir, all the people in my security company were trained in Jinshanjiao, and everyone's strength is very good."

Luo Sir glanced at Xu Yi and said:

"Mr. Xu, when will they arrive?"

"Tomorrow night." Xu Yi said directly.

"Mr. Xu, I still need to test their level personally. I want to make sure this operation is foolproof!" Luo Zhizheng said apologetically.

Xu Yi nodded and said, "Sir Luo, no problem!"

"Mr. Xu, you are really different." Luo Zhizheng laughed.

"By the way, my cooperation with you is only right to deal with the eagle countrymen and protect Xiangjiang!"

"If I find out that you have committed other illegal acts, I will not be soft on you."

When Xu Yi heard Luo Zhizheng's words, he was not annoyed at all, he just smiled lightly and said:

"Li Sir, Luo Sir, the two of you are really good friends, you even say the same thing."

Then, Xu Yi said slowly: "Two Sirs, don't worry, our cooperation is limited to dealing with the Eagle Countrymen!"

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Li Wenbin and Luo Zhizheng also nodded.

The next moment, Li Wenbin and Luo Zhizheng bid farewell to Xu Yi and left the tea restaurant.

In the tea restaurant, Xu Yi looked at the three cups of tea on the tea table and smiled faintly.

Xu Yi knew that in order to overthrow the Eagles, there must be a leader to stand up and integrate all the forces against the Eagles.

Although this leader will be crazily targeted by the Eagle Country, once the Eagle Country is driven away or emptied.

That leader will also gain great prestige and benefits, and even become the leader of Xiangjiang in the post-Eagle Kingdom era.

What Xu Yi wants to do is to be the leader.

Three days later, there will be the Hong Kong Governor's Justice of the Peace Presentation Ceremony.

This time, the award of the Justice of the Peace has attracted the attention of Xiangjiang residents and the media.

The reason is very simple. In the past, there were few justices of the peace, and there were at least two places for Xiangjiang people.

But this time, the Government of Hong Kong will only award one civil justice of the peace. This is the time when the Government of Hong Kong has awarded the least number of civil justices of the peace in Hong Kong.

This time, the presentation of justices of the peace by the Governor's Office will be held in the Golden Bauhinia Square as usual.

And media reporters from hundreds of newspapers, magazines, and TV stations in Xiangjiang have already been waiting.

In order to ensure the safety of the press conference, William ordered the Xiangjiang Police Department to transfer more than 1000 police officers to maintain law and order.

As the time for the opening of the awarding ceremony draws closer, high-level figures from Xiangjiang also showed up one after another.

This includes the 160 Justices of the Peace awarded by the Government of Hong Kong so far.

The cameras in the hands of the reporters kept taking pictures, and those who participated were big names!

What's more, gathering here makes these reporters even more excited.

At this moment, a new reporter asked an old reporter beside him:

"Lao Hai, will the stars of this year's Justice of the Peace Awarding Ceremony also come to participate?"

The old reporter who was asked by the new reporter smiled and said, "That's right, there are stars in the presentation."

"But they all entered the venue through the VIP channel, how could they appear here?"

Pointing to a young man and woman, the new reporter said:

"Here, look, aren't those two celebrities?"

The people the reporter pointed at were Xu Yi and Su Axi.

Today Xu Yi is wearing a dark blue suit, handsome and handsome.

Su Axi is wearing a blue and white porcelain cheongsam, which perfectly sets off her gentle temperament

No wonder the reporter mistook the two of them for celebrities.

The main reason is that the looks and temperament of these two people are really outstanding!

Born to be a star, eye-catching.

After the old reporter saw Xu Yi, his face changed, and then he hurriedly whispered to the new reporter:

"Boy, don't blame me for not reminding you, if you still want to hang out in Xiangjiang, don't take pictures of this man's face

The new reporter is finding the perfect angle for a photoshoot.

Hearing what the old reporter said, he was stunned and asked:

"Old Hai, why?"

"This man's name is Xu Yi! Do you understand?" the old reporter asked anxiously.

Hearing that the new reporter put down his camera, he turned to look at the old reporter.

Asked with a look of surprise: "He is Xu Yi? Xu Yi, the leader of Hong Xing?"

The old reporter nodded slowly.

Chapter 296 Liu Luanxiong's Fear!

For decades, the Xiangjiang media circle now has a rule that is not a rule.

That is not to shoot the face of the big brother of the society.

Because reporters are not afraid of the government, they are afraid of the society!

After listening to the old reporter's popular science, the new reporter immediately put down the camera in his hand, and then asked:

"Old Hai, is the woman standing beside Xu Yi his wife?"

The old reporter nodded and said, "That's one of his girlfriends. Xu Yi has many girlfriends. Don't you usually watch entertainment news?" In the venue, Xu Yi and Su Axi had just entered the venue.

He was stopped by a person, and this person was Xu Chengtian, Hongxing's big benefactor.

Xu Chengtian looked at Xu Yi and smiled, "Mr. Xu, you are here."

The current Xu Yi's status has surpassed that of Hong Xing's big financial backer, Xu Chengtian.

Xu Chengtian is one of the ten richest people in Xiangjiang, just rich.

But now Xu Yi not only has money, but also Xu Chengtian's incomparable right to speak in the world!

In terms of comprehensive strength, the two sides are no longer at the same level.

"Mr. Xu, what's the matter?" Xu Yi looked at Xu Chengtian and asked.

Xu Chengtian said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, I would like to treat you to dinner. I have something to talk to you about. I wonder if I can show you face?"

Xu Yi nodded and said, "Yes, I will definitely go."

This big benefactor gives Hong Xing tens of millions of financial support every year, so Xu Yi naturally won't shirk Xu Chengtian's invitation.

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