Xu Chengtian breathed a sigh of relief.

What he was going to talk to Xu Yi this time was related to the future of the Xu family...

Xu Chengtian smiled at Xu Yi and Su A: "Okay, okay, then I won't disturb you, and as soon as the words fell, Xu Chengtian returned to his seat.

Xu Yi and Su Axi also found their seats under the hospitality of the waiter.

At the Justice of the Peace Presentation Ceremony, the seat arranged for Xu Yi by the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion was in the first row on his left, and the ship tycoon Bao Qiming, one of the four major families, was sitting on his left.

The Xiangjiang bigwigs sitting in the first row already knew the candidates for this year's Justice of the Peace, so after seeing Xu Yi, they all came over to congratulate Xu Yi.

The next moment, Governor William appeared on the stage.

With William's coming to power, this year's Justice of the Peace Awarding Ceremony officially begins.

After William exchanged greetings with everyone, he began to award the titles of Justices of the Peace to the former two senior Hong Kong government officials.

As expected, the two people in front received the medal and certificate symbolizing justice of the peace from William.

At this time, everyone cheered up.

They are eager to know who the last justice of the peace is.

Finally, William said slowly: "I want to award the title of Justice of the Peace to Ms. Su Axi."

Hearing the words Su Axi, the scene fell silent!

Everyone thought: Who is Su Axi?

At this moment, Su Axi stood up from his seat and walked towards William gracefully.

All Xiangjiang bigwigs also applauded.

The applause from the top floor of Xiangjiang also woke up the people present.

In the next second, there was thunderous applause. !

However, many people applauded and looked at Su Axi who had walked to William's side with surprised eyes.

The reporter who was outside the venue just now also entered the venue to take pictures, and he was also dumbfounded at this time.

He never imagined that the beautiful woman he saw was the only justice of the peace in Xiangjiang this year.

This is the first female Justice of the Peace since the Hong Kong Governor's Office awarded the Xiangjiang folks a Justice of the Peace.

On the other side, Liu Luanxiong, one of the most popular candidates before the meeting, looked angry.

Originally, he thought that the Justice of the Peace would not escape his grasp this time.

But now it is actually a woman who has won the title of Justice of the Peace.

How to convince him?

Just when he was thinking about dealing with this woman.

Sitting next to Liu Luanxiong, Li Bancheng's eldest son Li Zeju whispered to him:

"Da Liu, this woman is Xu Yi's girlfriend, you can wait until next year!"

Hearing Li Zeju's words, Liu Luanxiong broke out in a cold sweat!

Heart Road:

"Fortunately, I didn't do anything. If I did, I would be the one who died."

Xu Yi is definitely the big brother in Xiangjiang's rivers and lakes now, and if he messes with him, it will definitely be a disaster. Thinking of this, Liu Luanxiong felt very lucky.

He gratefully said to Li Zeju: "Zeju, I don't want to thank you for your kindness. I will treat you to tea some other day."

Li Zeju smiled and said, "Thank you, don't worry about it, Da Liu."

Liu Luanxiong nodded gratefully to Li Zeju.

On the stage, William handed the medal to Su Axi in a very gentlemanly manner.

Worn by Su Ah Xi himself.

He only put the Justice of the Peace hat on Su Axi's head again, and then handed the certificate to Su Axi.

He smiled and said to Su Axi: "Miss Su, congratulations."

Su Axi smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, that is my honor."

As soon as the words fell, Su Axi stepped off the stage.

And the presentation will be over soon.

Everyone present had forgotten the two former officials of the government, justices of the peace.

Everyone remembered the first female justice of the peace in the history of Xiangjiang, and remembered that beautiful figure.

After the award ceremony, there is a banquet to celebrate the new justices of the peace as usual.

At the banquet, almost all the celebrities in Xiangjiang went to Xu Yi and Su Axi in person to congratulate them.

Everyone knows that Xu Yi is not only popular in the Jianghu, but now he is also sought after by the Hong Kong Governor's Office.

o0 asks for flowers 0...

Governor William gave Su Ah Xi a justice of the peace because she was Xu Yi's girlfriend!

Since Xu Yi is the leader of Hongxing, it is inconvenient to accept the title of Justice of the Peace, so the Hong Kong Governor's Office will award the Justice of the Peace to Su Ah Xi.

After the banquet, Xu Yi and Su Axi returned home.

After returning home, Xu Yi contacted Tian Yang Sheng immediately.

It was Tian Yangsheng who brought Zhantang back to Xiangjiang tonight. Tian Yangsheng told Xu Yi that they would arrive in Xiangjiang around 11:30 in the evening.

After Xu Yi hung up the phone, he went directly to Xu Chengtian's villa, and he would definitely do what he promised.

Xu Chengtian had also been waiting at the villa for a long time at this time.

After hearing the guard report that Xu Yi was coming, Xu Chengtian personally went to the gate of the villa to welcome Xu Yi in.

After the two sat down in the living room, Xu Chengtian said straight to the point:

... 0

"Mr. Xu, I know you have great power in Nanyang."

"I want to move one of my instant noodle factories to Nanyang. I wonder if you can help?"

Xu Yi looked at Xu Chengtian in surprise, how could his posture be so low?

"Mr. Xu, I think you have something else to say to me?"

After Xu Chengtian heard Xu Yi's words, he smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, the Hong Kong Governor's Office is suppressing my instant noodle factory, and it's obviously supporting Yingguo's factory."

"I have long wanted to move the company out of Xiangjiang, but there has been no better place."

"Now that you have such great strength in Nanyang, of course I want to be close to the water!"

"Mr. Xu, you shouldn't refuse me, right?"

Xianxia Island is currently in a severe shortage of food, and all food is imported from outside.

Xu Chengtian wanted to move his instant noodle factory to Xianxia Island, Xu Yi certainly would not refuse such a good deed.

He smiled and said to Xu Chengtian:

"Mr. Xu, of course I will not refuse you, you are very welcome!"

"In Nanyang, your company will get my greatest support!"

After Xu Yi and Xu Chengtian talked about the instant noodle factory.

Xu Yi took out a business card from his arms and handed it to Xu Chengtian, saying:

"Mr. Xu, this is the business card of Lu Jun'an, the leader of Xianxia Island."

"There is his satellite phone on it. You can talk to him about specific matters. There are thousands of cheap laborers there."

Xu Chengtian glanced at Xu Yi gratefully, and said, "Mr. Xu, thank you very much!

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, we are helping each other and developing together."

Then, Xu Chengtian repeatedly persuaded Xu Yi to stay for dinner.

But Xu Yi still declined Xu Chengtian's invitation.

Because he still has important things to do tonight.

Chapter 297 Absolute Loyalty!

At eleven ten in the evening, a small pier in Sai Kung.

Xu Yi was standing on the pier quietly looking at the dark sea in front of him.

A few minutes later, a dozen strong men swam from the sea to the shore.

The leader of the team is Abu, and these people are the elites of the war hall who have been trained by Wang Jianjun.

Abu knelt down on one knee and said respectfully, "Mr. Xu."

The dozen or so members of the battle hall knelt down on one knee and said:

"See Mr. Xu."

It can be seen that Wang Jianjun did not let go of his ideological work during the training process.

The eyes of these battle hall players looked at Xu Yi, full of religious devotion.

Xu Yi smiled at Abu and said, "Abu, now you have done your ideological work like this? And you're playing the trick of kneeling?"

"Brother Yi, you must be absolutely loyal to you, this is something we must emphasize every day!"

Xu Yi nodded, and then said to Abu and the players in the battle hall:

"[-]" "Everyone remember, my subordinates will always be straight-backed people, don't kneel in the future, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Abu and others responded in unison.

Then, Xu Yi pointed to Abu's soaked clothes and said:

"Abu, what's going on with you?"

Abu smiled and said, "Brother Yi, in order to strengthen training, I took them to swim for the last five kilometers!"

Xu Yi nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Everyone get in the car."

The next moment, the minibus headed to Zhantang Xiangjiang Training Base.

After Xu Yi and others arrived at the training base, the captain of the Flying Tigers, Luo Zhizheng, had already been waiting.

After receiving a call from Xu Yi, Luo Zhizheng rushed to the training base under the leadership of Luo Tianhong.

The Hongxing training base is located on the mountain at the junction of Xinjie and Shekou.

After Xu Yi, Abu and others arrived here, Xu Yi got out of the car first and said hello to Luo Zhizheng.

In the next second, Luo Zhizheng was firmly attracted by the 15 people who came down from the CMB.

Luo Zhizheng knew from the aura of these people that these people were definitely the elite who had been on the battlefield.

However, Luo Zhizheng still wanted to see the real kung fu of these people with his own eyes.

So he said to Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, let them start."

Xu Yi gave Abu a look.

In the next second, Abramovich led the team members in the battle hall to start a whole set of drills.

After practicing for a few minutes, Luo Zhizheng was dumbfounded.

He thinks he is elite enough.

But compared to these people in front of me, I'm considered an elite fart...

Four or 10 minutes later, the members of the battle hall completed a full set of special forces training actions.

At this moment, there were already more than a dozen large boxes on the playground.

Inside are AK47s.

After the members of the battle hall disassembled and inspected it, they began shooting training.

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