"A few brothers heard that I'm coming back, and they all want to come back with me, boss, is there any problem?"

Leopard turned his head and body, and said lazily.

"No problem," Six Fingers said.

Leopard sat up and stretched his waist: "It's just that I am doing things this time, where will the manpower come from?"

"There are still more than 600 fat and strong people, and Baoma has prepared 200 people, let them come to your door to help you." Six Fingers glanced at Baoma, and said to Leopard Head.

Leopard Tou lit a cigarette for himself: "Thank you, Bro Ma."

Bao Ma's face was full of smiles: "You're welcome, A Bao, thanks to the boss for your return this time, you have to thank you as well as your boss."

The leopard head looked at Six Fingers: "I listen to the boss most. My boss told me to go to the Netherlands, so I will go."

"You let me go back to Xiangjiang, I will come back."

Shangrao Bar is located in an inconspicuous corner of Lan Kwai Fong.

The facade is small and the lights are dim.

Push open the door of the bar, there is no one inside.0

At the bar, there was only a greasy middle-aged man carefully wiping the glass.

"What do you want to drink? Except beer or whiskey, nothing else."

After the four of Xu Yi sat on the high chairs in front of the bar.

The middle-aged man in a white shirt with a back-cut put down his wine glass and spoke.

"Boss, I called ahead of time."

Situ Haonan sat beside Xu Yi and said to the bar owner.

When the boss heard Situ Haonan's words, he really raised his head and looked at the four of them, and said:

"Boss, some wine is very expensive."

Hearing the boss speak, Xu Yi turned around and smiled at him:

"Boss, do you have any wine recommendations?"

"Local wine is 5000 yuan, Causeway Bay is 3 yuan, Yuenan and the mainland are 5 yuan"

"This is just the cost of my bartending, and you have to pay for the drinks yourself."

The boss put his hands on the bar and said to Xu Yi:

"I personally recommend the wines from Yuenan and Mainland. They are strong enough to ensure that you will enjoy them."

"What's the name of the boss?" Xu Yi asked, looking into Zhongren's eyes.

"Chai Fei, but it may be called by other names." The middle-aged man replied with a smile.

Xu Yi took out a coin from his pocket and stuffed it into a small coin-operated record player.

As the coin was thrown in with a "da", the record turned gently.

The dance song "Phoenix Is Flying" sounded in the bar!

"Up to now, this beautiful deed is 0.7, and there is only one piece of memory left..."

"The phoenix is ​​flying, it can't compare to our sweetness, the mandarin ducks fly together, it can't compare to our intimacy in the singing voice of Zhou Xuan, swallows and warblers, under the dim light.

A few people were at the bar, as if rendered into an old photo.

"Eating now?" Situ Haonan interjected.

Chai Fei nodded: "Yuenan wine can be drunk immediately, and the products from the mainland must be ordered in advance.

"Then Yue Nan."

Xu Yi said, "How about the cost of bartending and the price of the drink?"

"Pay the bartending bill now, and call me when you need a drink"

"Is it convenient for you to leave a phone number and name when you pay the bill after you finish drinking?"

Chai Fei took out a pen and paper from the drawer under the bar.

Xu Yi looked at Situ Haonan, and Situ Haonan took it and wrote down his phone number and the words "Qinglonghu"

Chapter 328 Once the Remy Martin starts, good luck will come naturally!

"Little boy, you must be Mr. Xu from Hong Xing?"

"I heard that you are going to borrow 2000 million troops, but you still come to my place to buy wine?" Chai Fei smiled.

The four of them, including Ni Yongxiao, frowned slightly. Leopard's head had only been away for 10 minutes.

A bar owner who doesn't leave his house already knows that Xu Yi wants to pay for a soldier.

Seeing the expressions of Xu Yi and the others, Chai Fei smiled, turned around and took out a bottle of Remy Martin from the bar.

He took five more cups and poured half a cup of amber Remy Martin wine into the five cups.

After handing it to several people in turn, he said:

"I live by the news, but I know it fast, and people in the world know it faster."

"It's not like it used to be. Some things have to be written. Now everyone calls the big brother, and it spreads all over Xiangjiang in minutes?"

Xu Yi shook the wine in the glass: "Chai Fei, do you have any news about Hongmen?"

"There is no news. If you know too much and say it, you will easily be dragged to fill the sea."

"I said relying on news to make food, but I mean whether my wine can find buyers based on these news." Chai Fei shook his head and said. 10

Chai Fei's words are very clear, he does know a lot of news.

But he can't say it out. He does this business by relying on news.

"Knowing makes you difficult."

Xu Yi raised his wine glass, drank the Remy Martin in one gulp, stood up and said to Luo Tianhong:

"Pay Brother Chai Fei for the bartending fee, this glass of wine tastes good, I like it."

Luo Tianhong, who was not drinking, took out 4 yuan from his pocket and put it on the bar.

Chai Fei put it away with a smile, straightened up, and said to Xu Yi and the others who were walking towards the outside of the bar:

"Thank you for taking care of the business, come to me anytime you want to drink."

Before a few people got out of the bar and waited to get in the car, Situ Haonan's eldest brother rang.

Situ Haonan frowned after answering twice:

"Detain them and wait for me to come back, and I'll see who is brave enough to use my banner and act wildly in Hong Xing's territory!

After saying a few words, Situ Haonan hung up the phone and said to Xu Yi:

"Brother Yi, someone is using the banner of Dongxing to bulk cargo on your land, I will definitely give you an explanation!

"Haonan, maybe he really belongs to you."

Xu Yi smiled at Situ Haonan, and Luo Tianhong helped Xu Yi open the co-pilot's door.

In the car, Xu Yi picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number:

"Wang Bao, have you heard any wind recently?"

Wang Bao, the leader of Xinji, is instructing his younger brother to box in the boxing gym.

After receiving Xu Yi's call, he froze for a moment, frowned and said:

"Brother Yi, the news that you borrowed 2000 million troops to attack Hongmen has spread in the Jianghu. Many people are eager to try it. Brother Yi, do you still have the mind to call me to chat?"

"I know that brother Wang Bao is the most loyal. It's hard for Hong Xing to make a move now, so I think of you, Wang Bao."

"You said that there is a relationship between you and me, of course I will call you if I have something to do."

Xu Yi sat in the co-pilot, looked at the passers-by on the street and smiled.

"Do you want me to lend you soldiers? I don't need the money. I will pay you back as a favor."

When the subordinates behind Wang Bao heard words such as borrowing soldiers and favors from his boss, a ferocious look flashed across their faces.

"Of course I hope that Wang Baoge will lead the team in person, and medical expenses and family expenses are not included."

"After this incident, it doesn't matter whether Brother Wang Bao wants land or money. I, Xu Yi, will definitely do what I say."

Xu Yi signaled Luo Tianhong to start the car with his hand, and said to Wang Bao.

"I'll support you this time, but Mr. Xu, after this time, the relationship between you and me will be clear."

After Wang Bao finished speaking, he hung up the phone and turned to look at his subordinates:

"Call Baozitou and tell him to listen, just tell me that Wang Bao wants to borrow troops from Mr. Xu to stir up Hongmen's shit!"

"Boss, is Xu Yi playing tricks by doing this?"

The subordinate was reluctant, but he couldn't go against the boss' will, so he could only speak in a different tone.

Wang Bao smiled, looked at the younger brother boxing on the training ground and said:

"He asked me to borrow troops to him, just to convince the whole world that his 2000 million yuan is real."

"As soon as I open my mouth to support Mr. Xu, it will come true if you don't believe it!"

"This favor, Mr. Xu is really old-fashioned!

Seeing Xu Yi hang up the phone, Luo Tianhong, who was driving, asked aloud:

"Brother Yi, where are you going now?"

Xu Yi shook his head: "Bolan Street, I'm going to see Thirteenth Sister. I have something to talk to Thirteenth Sister."

Luo Tianhong responded, and drove towards Bolan Street.

The prosperity of Bolan Street is much higher than that of Lan Kwai Fong.

The sanctimonious men during the day lose their camouflage at night.

One by one, they shuttled through the ambiguous places with lanterns, wine and greenery, and picked out the beautiful girls they liked.

Both sides of Bolan Street are full of young and Dangerous boys who park their cars, as well as beautiful girls in thin clothes.

Everyone greeted the guests with smiles on their faces. Of course, some scenes of fighting were occasionally seen.

But it doesn't affect the romantic atmosphere of the whole street.

Seeing the Ferrari driving in, a few bold young and Dangerous boys posted up from the side, with smiles on their faces, they shouted to the inside:

"Boss, do you want to find some pretty girls? Guarantee Da Po Mojiu will be so cool!"

Dongxing here.

"Take your old mother! Bulk goods under the banner of Dongxing?"

Shen Shanhu slapped Flour Guy hard on the face, and cursed.

This slap directly slapped the blood line from the corner of Fan's mouth, and it trickled out.

"Boss, I'm really helping Dongxing!"

Fen Lao was held down by two Dongxing younger brothers, and the left side of his face was already swollen, and he yelled at Shen Shanhu.

""!More stubborn? "

"Brother Nan has already talked about it on the phone, but he didn't ask anyone to sell goods at Mr. Hong Xingxu's site."

"Do you want to reincarnate in 743? I'll give you a ride!"

Wuminghu roared angrily:

"I'll pull out all your teeth. It's the vise that's hard, but your mouth is hard! Open up that mouth that's on the street!"

Seeing that there was really a younger brother going to get the vise, Shen Shanhu said beside him: "Well, when Brother Nan comes back, let him make the decision"!

"In case this Pujie really knows Brother Nan, you've made it too ugly, and it will be difficult for Haonan to do it."

"Take off their clothes, let them kneel down to the second floor, and wait for Haonan to come back."

Lei Yaoyang, who had been silent all this time, stood up from his seat and said.

Lei Yaoyang opened his mouth, but Wuminghu couldn't continue to do it.

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