He waved his hand, and the seven or eight fans were dragged up to the second floor of the restaurant by Dongxing's younger brother.

Lei Yaoyang and the others sat downstairs and heard the muffled sound of being hit on the body from time to time.

I knew that a few fanboys must not be very cooperative when they were stripped naked.

There was a sharp brake sound outside, and Situ Haonan's Toyota stopped outside the restaurant.

Ignoring the greeting from the parking boy, Situ Haonan pushed open the restaurant and asked:

"Which one is bulk cargo under the banner of Dongxing? Are you forcing me to look bad in front of Brother Yi and lose your mother!"

Lei Yaoyang pointed to the second floor: "I told them to kneel and wait for you in the box."

Situ Haonan reached out and grabbed a baseball bat from behind the restaurant's cash register, carried it on his shoulder and walked towards the second floor

"If I know that someone is plotting to separate Brother Yi and me, I will blow his head off!".

Chapter 329

Seeing Situ Haonan's murderous eyes and ferocious face, Wuminghu and Shenshanhu ponytail remained silent.

This thing is indeed a bit strange.

If Situ Haonan Bulk didn't say hello to Xu Yi, it was clear that he didn't take Xu Yi seriously.

If Xu Yi was dissatisfied with Situ Haonan because of this incident, the current intimate relationship between the two would immediately cool down.

Lei Yaoyang stood up, followed Situ Haonan up to the second floor, and patted Situ Haonan on the back on the stairs:

"I believe someone must be playing tricks, don't worry, if you check it out, you'll be fine."

Situ Haonan hummed, and pushed open the box on the second floor.

Kneeling on the ground were seven red-haired fans, their backs were facing the door of the box, and they were facing the statue of Guan Gong on the altar in front of them.

Situ Haonan didn't ask aloud, stepped forward and swung a baseball bat towards the leftmost person and slammed it hard on the back.

Slam the opponent directly to the ground!

After all seven people were knocked to the ground, Situ Haonan threw his bat and said to the little brother in the box:

"Pull them up for me, those who pretend to be dead dogs will wake up with pepper water!"

The eyelids of the Wuming Tiger Mishan Tiger who followed behind him jumped.

When Situ Haonan's baseball bat hit the backs of several people, they all heard the muffled sound in their chests when the bat hit.

Even if there are a few sternums in this stick, I'm afraid there will be a bone fracture!

Hearing Situ Haonan's voice, a fan who hadn't passed out struggled to turn his head and uttered weakly:

"Brother Haonan, it's me, I'm... I'm Ah Jin! It's not easy to fight!"

Situ Haonan's ferocious face just now froze, and he looked at the fan who made the sound, and he didn't make a sound until 2 minutes later.

The tone was full of uncertainty: "Ah Jin, when will you come to Lan Kwai Fong for bulk goods? Haven't you been in the New Territories all the time?"

Lei Yaoyang turned around and waved to Shen Shanhu and the others:

"Call for some supper downstairs, let's go!"

Shenshanhu, Wuminghu and the others knew something was going on when they saw Situ Haonan's expression, they winked at each other and walked downstairs.

Lei Yaoyang lowered his voice and said to Situ Haonan:

"Know? Then let's go down for supper first. If something calls, we have to'"

Situ Haonan nodded, looked at Lei Yaoyang and said in a serious tone:

"The one who spoke was my younger brother when I was in Wanchai. I will find out and give an explanation to the club."

Lei Yaoyang smiled: "It's nothing, it's my own, maybe I don't understand the rules of the club"

"Don't be too angry, Brother Yi believes that you won't carry him behind your back."

Several younger brothers followed Lei Yaoyang towards the downstairs, Situ Haonan and others walked away cleanly.

Only myself and the seven fans were left, and then I said:

"Who would let you come to Lan Kwai Fong for bulk goods?"

The other fanboys were still lying on the ground moaning, but Ah Jin barely got up with his body arched.

Seeing that he was naked, Situ Haonan threw a few pieces of clothes that were piled up on the ground:

"Say it! Otherwise, even if you've followed me, I'll beat you up!"

Ah Jin took a few breaths of air-conditioning before reluctantly opening his mouth: "It's Uncle Qiang, Uncle Qiang asked us to come here for bulk goods.

"Brother Haonan, if the boss doesn't speak up, how dare we cross the border privately?"

"Uncle Qiang asked us to sell bulk goods under your banner. We have already negotiated with you, so there is no problem." Situ Haonan looked at Ah Jin with astonishment on his face.

the other side.

Xu Yi put down the electric window of the Ferrari, and said to Ma Zai who was soliciting customers: "Where is Miss Thirteen?

Seeing a young boy in the car window, the eyes of a few rotten boys are already shining.

Think of Xu Yi as the kind of rich young master who comes out to have fun.

Their status is too low to know Xu Yi.

But unexpectedly, this "young master" turned out to be looking for Thirteenth Sister when he opened his mouth.

The leader frowned: "Boss, why are you looking for my sister?"

Thirteenth sister, her subordinates call her sister.


When Luo Tianhong walked over, he was slapped in the face!

"H, are you blind? This is Brother Yi!"

"Brother Yi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll help you lead the way."

The horse boy turned pale with fright, broke out in a cold sweat, and said hastily.

After walking for half a street, I arrived at a Cuihua restaurant.

Outside the restaurant stood several tattooed men in tight tank tops.

Showing his arms full of patterns, his eyes are squinting.

"Brother Pheasant!"

The horse boy who led the way saw a big man in the middle of the outside, and greeted him loudly.

Luo Tianhong also stopped the car, and Xu Yi pulled the door and walked out.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Are you rushing to reincarnate?" the horse boy named Yeji called impatiently. The horse boy pointed to Xu Yi who had just got off the car and was about to speak.

Pheasant suddenly widened his eyes, pushed the rotten boy away, and ran towards Xu Yi excitedly:

"Brother Yi! Boss, I finally met a real person!"

Xu Yi was held by the pheasant with both hands, looking at the pheasant with an excited expression on his face.

When the pheasant talked about women, he couldn't help but interrupt:

"Don't get excited, take me to see Thirteenth Sister now."

Ye Ji saw Xu Yi nodding, and immediately said: "My sister is eating supper inside, I will inform her as soon as the voice fell, Ye Ji turned and ran into the restaurant."

While running, he said to the boys guarding the door outside the restaurant:

"Quickly, help Brother Yi pour a cup of herbal tea first!"

When the pheasant entered the restaurant, there were only three or four tables occupied in the whole Cuihua restaurant.

The other boys ran in excitedly when they saw the pheasant.

Thirteen sisters spat out a piece of duck bone and cursed:

"I lost your old mother, I'm crazy all day long, and it's a ghost to run away!"

"I can't even walk, but when I run, I am shaking. What are you doing?"

The pheasant exclaimed excitedly: "I saw Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu came to find my sister!"

Thirteenth Sister raised her head and looked at the pheasant: "Idiot standing on the peak? Let's go, welcome Mr. Xu with me!

"Yes, yes, sister." The pheasant hurriedly turned away.

Thirteen sisters and pheasant led Xu Yi and Luo Tianhong in.

"Brother Yi, why don't you call me when you come!" Thirteenth sister said to Xu Yi with a smile.

"I'll just walk around casually (Zhao Mahao)." Xu Yi had already walked to Shisanmei's desk.

Thirteenth Sister nodded: "Brother Yi, did you hear about the 2000 million borrowed troops to attack Hongmen tonight?"

"We have a lot of people in Hongxing. I will give you all the people here, Brother Yi. You are the leader of Hongxing!"

Xu Yi shook his head, looked at Thirteenth Sister in a steady tone and said:

"I'm not here today to talk about that. I'm here today to talk to you about how to transform, how to make more money, and how to form a monopoly!"

"Okay, okay, Brother Yi, I'm all ears," said Thirteenth Sister with a smile on her face.

"Brother Yi, you know, the only place I own is this small Bolan Street."

Immediately, Thirteenth Sister suddenly remembered something!

She hurriedly turned her head to Ma Zai and said:

"Pheasant, tell the kitchen to send another duck leg over here!"

"By the way, let's make some shrimp dumpling and crab noodle porridge. I want to accompany Brother Yi for supper." "Yes, sister." Pheasant turned and left.

Chapter 330

The thirteenth sister said: "Brother Yi, none of my subordinates have seen the films shot by our Hong Xing so hard when they were studying." Now I watch them when I park the car, and even the waiters in the restaurant take time to look at them , all of your actresses are coquettish enough, which one can hold back" "A lot of salty and wet guys came to Bolan Street to make a fuss after watching the movie and pulling flags. "

"Thirteen sisters are just joking, Bolan Street was created by you alone."

"Even if those people haven't watched the little movie, is it different for you to sing every night?" Xu Yi laughed.

Most of the ladies of Yeren all over Hong Kong went out from Bolan Street.

Most of the girls in other places in Xiangjiang are trained by the thirteenth sister Bolan Street.

"Brother Yi, do you want my girls to play in your film company?"

"Of course not. I said I came here to talk to you about transformation and monopoly."

Xu Yi looked at Luo Tianhong next to him, as if he was completely immersed in the delicious duck legs.

"Brother Yi, we are from the rivers and lakes, no matter how we transform, we can't leave the rivers and lakes!

Thirteenth sister couldn't figure out Xu Yi's plan, so she asked directly.

Xu Yi smiled, praised the deliciousness of the supper, then put down his chopsticks and said:

"Sister Thirteen, how many rooms do you have now?"

Thirteenth sister was really confused by this question. He looked at Xu Yi and said uncertainly:

"There are several hundred rooms in the small places like horse stables and wine curtains?"

After 743 finished speaking, he looked at the pheasant: "How many intercourses are there?"

"Sister, count upstairs. There are more than 700 Feng and private bell sisters."

Xu Yi couldn't help admiring in his heart!

There are more than 700 places, that is to say, almost all the places engaged in pornographic services on Bolan Street are owned by Thirteen Girls.

This street is richer and richer than the entire Causeway Bay!

"My sister has so many places, so naturally there will be some places with good business and some with poor business? I recently made a new magazine called "Dragon Tiger Leopard""

""Dragon, Tiger, and Leopard" is to be a bible for the salty and wet people in Xiangjiang, telling them which fish ball stall has young girls, which boneyard has queens, and which stables have newcomers.

Xu Yi looked at Thirteenth Sister with both eyes, and said in a positive tone.

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Thirteenth Sister's eyes lit up.

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