The three discussed the next cooperation plan before separating.

But at this time, Xu Yi also got the news that Dongying's three-member group had intervened in the struggle for hegemony in the rivers and lakes of the Bay Island.

"Since these Dongying people dare to stretch out their hands, we will chop off their hands!" Xu Yi said coldly to the person on the other end of the phone.

"In the next few days after Mujinto and Tanaka Koichi asked for help, there were many tourists from Japan in Hoo City"

"These people have a common ground, they are all gathered in a hotel for ronin in II Xiong City, and this hotel is the property of the Tiandao Gang.

Dongying's three-member group Wakatofu Saimoto Ichiro and the leader of the Tiandao Gang, Wu Jinto, also met for the first time in this hotel.

In the past few days, due to the intervention and protection of the Wandao Government, the Tiandao Gang and Wu Jinteng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

So after learning that Saimoto Ichiro had arrived in Kaohsiung, Wu Jinto immediately came to the Ronin Hotel to meet the three-member Wakazutsu.

"Mr. Tanaka, hello!" Saimoto Ichiro bowed to Takento.

Etiquette is the most important in the three-member group, and now the Tiandao Gang and the three-member group are in a cooperative relationship.

As the leader of the Tiandao Gang, Wu Jinto has a higher status than Saimoto Ichiro, so he is so polite to Wu Jinto.

"Mr. Saimoto, you have worked so hard coming from afar!" Wu Jinteng said hastily.

He clearly knew that Saimoto Ichiro was known as the Eagle of the Yamaken Group.

He is only 37 years old this year, and he is already the backbone of the three-member group.

This is definitely a young hero in a place like Japan that attaches great importance to qualifications.

And he exuded a sturdy aura all over his body, and he was not a good person at first glance.

Wu Jinto knew that Saimoto Ichiro must be a senior cadre of the three-member group if he didn't come.

It is even possible to become the leader of the group of three who did not come!

However, it is clear that this Saimoto Ichiro is a man of practical work.

He said directly to Wu Jinteng: "Mr. Tanaka, let's stop talking about these polite words. I carefully studied the three major clubs of your Bay Island on the boat that came to Bay Island."

He looked at Wu Jinteng and talked eloquently: "Although the strength of the Tiandao Gang originally ranked third in Wandao, it is actually not much worse than the Sanlian Gang and the Five Lakes Gang."

"It can be said that your three associations are fighting for hegemony among the Three Kingdoms in Wandao, and the Sanlian Gang is just a weakened Cao Wei, so none of you can do anything to the other."

Many Dongying people are loyal readers of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

And Ichiro Saimoto also directly used the Three Kingdoms to describe the relationship between the three major associations on Bay Island.

"Mr. Tanaka, (baah) I don't know if I'm right?" Saimoto Ichiro looked at Wu Jinto and said.

Wu Jinteng nodded slowly and replied: "Mr. Saimoto, what you said is absolutely correct!"

"But now it is at odds with Shu and Zheng in the Three Kingdoms to fight against Cao and Wei. Now it is Shu and Wei who cooperate to deal with Dongzheng."

Saimoto Ichiro followed Wu Jinto's words and said: "Yes, it is precisely because of this that your current situation is so embarrassing!"

"To solve your current predicament, it is impossible to rely solely on the protection of the Wandao government."

"If this continues, you will only be able to hide in Jin Gaoxiong for a while. The final result will only be that the weak will become weaker and the strong will become stronger."

After hearing Saimoto Ichiro's words, Wu Jinto also showed a trace of worry on his face.

In fact, he also thought of what Saimoto Ichiro said, but he still hasn't solved it until now, so he asked the three-member team for help.

Even if he gave up part of his territory and interests in Bay Island to the three-member team, he would not hesitate to do so.

"Mr. Saimoto, do you have a solution?" Wu Jinto said looking at Saimoto Ichiro.

Saimoto Ichiro did not hide it, nodded confidently, and said:

"Of course, Mr. Tanaka, don't worry, with me, Ichiro Saimoto, your Tiandao Gang is as stable as Mount Tai."

"I don't know what plan Mr. Saimoto has?" Wu Jinteng asked cautiously.

"Mr. Tanaka, you are now a fan of the authorities. According to my investigation, the death of the previous leader of the Five Lakes Gang has a lot to do with their current leader.

"And the forces loyal to the previous gang leader have to obey the current gang leader"

"And as long as we kill the current gang leader and provoke a little, the Five Lakes Gang will easily fall into civil strife!"

"In this way, the alliance between the Sanlian Gang and the Wuhu Gang will be destroyed!" Saimoto Ichiro said confidently.

Wu Jinteng shook his head and said, "Mr. Saimoto, the new leader of the Five Lakes Clan attaches great importance to his personal safety."

"Every time you go out, you need to bring at least twenty horse boys. It's not that easy to kill him!"

Saimoto Ichiro smiled slightly, and said, "Mr. Tanaka, thank you, Team Leader Tanaka. There are three ninjas among the people from our Yamaken team this time!"

"They are the best killers, don't worry, with them here, this gang leader will definitely die!"

"There are ninjas among the people who came this time? That's really great!"

There was a trace of joy on Wu Jinteng's face.

His father is from Japan, of course he has heard the legend of ninjas, every ninja is the best killer.

Hearing Saimoto Ichiro's words, Wu Jinto finally felt relieved.

"Tengsang, Zheng Yunpeng must die!"

After listening to Saimoto Ichiro's words, Takento bowed deeply to him, and said respectfully: "Mr. Saimoto, thank you for your help!".

Chapter 351 Fighting with others is a lot of fun

Saimoto Ichiro waved to Wu Jinto indifferently, and Wu Jinto continued:

"Mr. Saimoto has come from a long distance, and the horses and horses are exhausted, so I won't disturb your rest!"

Then, Wu Jinto slowly left Saimoto Ichiro's room!

And after Wu Jinto left, Saimoto Kazuro said to himself:

"It must not be a coincidence that there have been so many incidents between the Sanlian Gang and the Five Lakes Gang within half a year. There must be a driving force behind this!"

"Playing with the two major associations of Bay Island in the palm of your hand, this is the real master. I really look forward to a contest with such a master!"

"It's a lot of fun to fight with people!" Saimoto Ichiro exclaimed.

The next day, something happened in Wandao that shocked the Jianghu of Wandao and even the people in the Jianghu.

Zheng Shixian, the leader of the Five Lakes Gang, was killed on his bed by a prostitute who came to serve him.

As soon as the news of Zheng Shixian's death spread, the entire Five Lakes Clan fell into chaos.

There is also a deputy leader of the Wuhu Gang, Huang Huafeng, who stood up and accused Zheng Shixian of being the murderer who killed the previous leader of the Wuhu Gang.

The reason he deduced is very simple. The gang leader of the Five Tigers has not found out who the murderer is until now. This in itself is the biggest question!

And Zheng Shixian is the biggest suspect, precisely because he himself is the murderer.

He couldn't find out who the murderer was!

Therefore, Huang Huafeng announced that he officially took over as Zheng Shixian's leader.

And thoroughly investigate who committed the death of Zheng Shixian and the death of the previous leader of the Five Lakes Clan, Wang.

But it was just the third day after Huang Huafeng unilaterally announced that he would take over as the gang leader.

One of Zheng Shixian's capable subordinates, Gao Jin, stood up and pointed out that Huang Huafeng was the real culprit who killed Zheng Shixian and the previous Wuhu gang leader Wang.

Because he couldn't wait to become the gang leader now, and he unilaterally declared himself a helper without even going through the Five Lakes Gang meeting.

This is enough to prove his ambition, all of this is his conspiracy.

Of course, Huang Huafeng would not admit to Gao Jin's accusation.

He accused Gao Jin of spitting blood and intending to rebel!

As the deputy leader of the Five Lakes Gang, when the leader was assassinated and the Five Lakes Gang fell into chaos, of course he has the qualifications to succeed the leader of the Five Lakes Gang and stand up to take charge of the overall situation!

This is a right granted to him by gang rules, and no one can take it away.

However, Gao Jin still said that he would never admit that Huang Huafeng is the leader of the Five Lakes Gang.

And he seems to have become the leader of the former Zheng Shixian's forces, and the dark clouds of civil strife have already defended the entire Five Lakes Gang.

Everyone knows that the Five Lakes Gang may fall into civil war at any time, and a big war may break out at any time.

And everything that happened to the Wuhu gang was seen by Zhaiben, and it was within his expectations.

At this time, he and Wu Jinteng were holding a celebration banquet at the Ronin Hotel, and the protagonists of the celebration banquet were Saimoto Ichiro, Wu Jingteng, and a petite man.

"Mr. Zaimoto, everything is as you expected. Once Zheng Shixian died, the Five Lakes Gang fell into chaos. Without the pressure of the Five Lakes Gang, the Sanlian Gang and the Songlin Gang would not pose a great threat to our Tiandao Gang! It can trap us in Gaoxiong, that's all!"

"Now as long as you can perfectly execute the next plan and kill Zheng Yunpeng, the leader of the Sanlian Gang, then our Tiandao Gang can sound the horn of counterattack."

"At that time, our Tiandao Gang may even replace the Sanlian Gang and become the number one club on Bay Island."

Wu Jinteng's face was full of joy and excitement.

Saimoto Ichiro smiled slightly after listening to Takento's words, then he pointed to the petite ninja and said:

"Wu Jin-san, what you should thank most is not me, but this Iga-ryu ninja, he is the biggest contributor to killing Zheng Shixian!"

Zheng Shixian himself may not have imagined that he has been in the Jianghu for decades, and finally fell on a guy disguised as a woman!

But I have to admit that after dressing up as a woman, this ninja is indeed beautiful.

Fascinated Zheng Shixian and ruined his own life.

the other side!

Xu Yi also contacted Haitang immediately after hearing what happened to the Five Lakes Gang.

On the phone, Xu Yi said to Haitang: "Zheng Shixian's death must be the action of the three-member group."

"I guess their next target will be the Sanlian Gang"

"I deduce that Zheng Yunpeng will become their next target, so I sent a few people to Wandao to protect Zheng Yunpeng, and I will leave the task of arranging these people to you." Haitang replied with a smile: "Okay, brother Yi .”

After Xu Yi was silent for a while, he opened his mouth and said to Haitang:

"Wan Island will be chaotic recently, you have to be careful, if you really can't do it, come to Xiangjiang to avoid it!"

Haitang on the other end of the phone had sore eyes after hearing Xu Yi's words.

She covered her mouth, holding back the tears that were about to fall.

Then he said: "Brother Yi, I can still handle this small scene."

?0 for flowers 0...

"Okay! Be careful." After Xu Yi finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

After Xu Yi hung up the phone, Haitang didn't immediately put down the big brother in his hand.

Instead, he looked at the phone and said with a soft smile, "You have a conscience!"

On the side of the Five Lakes Gang, something unexpected happened to everyone.

At first, everyone thought that Huang Huafeng, the deputy gang leader, had been running the Five Lakes Gang for many years, with great influence and strong troops.

That Gao Jin, Zheng Shixian's subordinate, is just the head of a hall, and it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

But the ending was that under the double attack of Gao Jin's money offensive and military offensive, Huang Huafeng was completely powerless to fight back, and his power was quickly annexed by Gao Jin.

In just two days, he lost a lot of soldiers one after another, losing half of his strength.

0 ....

And Gao Jin's Ma Zai is strong in fighting, and he is not afraid of death.

But Huang Huafeng's subordinates were no match for Gao Jin's subordinates at all, they were beaten and fled.

As Gao Jin's advantage grew, more and more people from the Five Lakes Gang supported Gao Jin!

Huang Huafeng became weaker and weaker as he fought, while Gao Jin became stronger and stronger!

In the end, Huang Huafeng, who was alone and unable to support himself, formally surrendered to Gao Jin under the persuasion of some elders of the Five Lakes Gang.

Gao Jin also easily became the fourth leader of the Five Lakes Gang.

And it was only three days since Zheng Shixian's death.

Saimoto Ichiro may never have thought that his arrangement would be nothing but a bamboo basket fetching water!

The civil strife of the Five Lakes gang lasted only four days, and their strength was not affected at all by this civil strife.

And the new gang leader Gao Jin and Zheng Yunpeng even wear a pair of pants, and they both have a boss, Xu Yi! .

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