In the future, the cooperation between the Five Lakes Gang and the Sanlian Gang will only become closer until the Tiandao Gang is completely wiped out!

On the other side, beside Zheng Yunpeng, the leader of the Sanlian Clan, Haitang also arranged for several battle masters sent by Xu Yi from Xiangjiang.

After receiving the guidance of the world's number one killer 42, all the members of the battle hall are the elite among the elite.

They are not only good at assassination, but also good at anti-assassination.

Xu Yi gave Zheng Yunpeng a death order, and must take these masters with him.

In fact, Zheng Yunpeng would do the same without Xu Yi's order.

He had already been terrified by Zheng Shixian's death.

Therefore, he strictly followed Xu Yi's instructions, took these people by his side, and protected himself 24 hours a day.

Chapter 352 A Big Fire! ! !

That night, a black shadow broke into Zheng Yunpeng's villa like a shadow.

This black shadow is none other than the Japanese Iga-ryu ninja.

After years of training, it is difficult for ordinary people to find them, especially in the dark.

This ninja quickly entered Zheng Yunpeng's room.

Obviously, he already knew the structure of Zheng Zhisheng's villa before coming here, and he also knew which room Zheng Yunpeng would live in!

He walked to Zheng Yunpeng's bed, but Zheng Yunpeng lying on the bed still didn't respond.

The ninja took out a dagger from his arms, and stabbed fiercely at the man under the blanket.

However, after this stab, he found something was wrong.

Because a dagger does not have the feeling of a sharp weapon piercing a person's flesh.

The feeling from his hands told him that the person lying in the quilt was not a person, but a mass of iron!

The ninja immediately realized that "Qi Qi Qi" was wrong, and immediately broke the window to prepare to retreat.

However, at this moment, a short knife stabbed into his heart from behind him.

This blow directly sent this ninja to the west!

And this Iga-ryu ninja didn't even know who killed him until his death.

Next second!A young man with an indifferent expression stood beside the ninja corpse and said coldly to the empty room:

"On the [-]th and [-]th, send this corpse to the place where it should go."

As soon as the voice fell, two people appeared in the shadow of the room, and said lightly: "Observe!"

On the other side, Zheng Yunpeng, who was hiding in the cabinet and watching what happened in the room, his entire back was already wet with cold sweat.

He was fortunate that he had listened to Xu Yi's orders, otherwise he would have died tonight.

This also aggravated his defensive psychology, Zheng Yunpeng decided to take these people with him at all times.

Otherwise, I really don't know when I will be murdered!

He arranged dozens of horse boys outside the villa, but none of them found the trace of this Japanese ninja.

Fortunately, these few people Xu Yi sent to protect him personally discovered the anomaly, which saved him from danger!

Early the next morning, Saimoto Ichiro did not hear any good news.

The ninja he sent to assassinate Zheng Yunpeng also disappeared like nothing happened.

Saimoto Ichiro already knew in his heart that this ninja mission failed.

For the ninja who failed the task, there is only one end waiting for him, that is death!

The difference is that they either die on the spot, or are killed by their own master after returning, there is no second way for them to go!

Saimoto Ichiro also knew that Zheng Yunpeng must be protected by experts.

So next, Saimoto Ichiro directly sent all the remaining two ninjas to assassinate Zheng Zhisheng.

He didn't believe that in a place like Bay Island, who could escape the assassination of two ninjas!

This time, he wanted to make sure that Zheng Yunpeng would definitely die.

Just when Saimoto Ichiro attacked Zheng Yunpeng, Zheng Yunpeng and Gao Jin had also started further cooperation.

The Sanlian Gang and the Wuhu Gang began to attack the Tiandao Gang's territory again.

This time, even the orders of the Wandao government could not stop the Sanlian Gang and Wuhu Gang.

Obviously, the Sanlian Gang and the Five Lakes Gang are risking their own self-inflicted losses to destroy the Tiandao Gang...

The aura of the Sanlian Gang and the Wuhu Gang also scared Wu Jinteng, the leader of the Tiandao Gang.

He hurried to the Ronin Hotel and asked Saimoto Ichiro what he meant and what to do next!

Saimoto Ichiro looked at Wu Jinteng with a smile and said:

"Mr. Tanaka, I promise, within three days, the Sanlian Gang will be in chaos!!"

Saimoto Ichiro said this very confidently, he didn't think the two ninjas he sent would fail.

At this time, Xu Yi also got the news that these Dongying people lived in the Ronin Hotel in Kaohsiung.

Therefore, Xu Yi also made a plan for these Dongying people.

That night, the two ninjas rushed to the northern part of the Bay Island.

According to the information provided by the insider of the Tiandao Gang, they know that Zheng Yunpeng is currently living in a luxury hotel in Taibei.

This luxurious hotel is closely monitored and has complete security measures. The safety factor is far better than Zheng Yunpeng's own villa!

However, all this did not bother the two ninjas. They sneaked into the hotel from the hotel's ventilation duct.

Came directly to the sixteenth floor where Zheng Yunpeng lived, perfectly avoiding all surveillance!

The two ninjas came to the door of Zheng Yunpeng's room, slowly opened the door, and sneaked in

But what greeted them was not success, but fiery bullets.

It turned out that all these were smoke bombs, and Zheng Yunpeng did not live here at all.

It's all just a trap, a tempting trap.

A member of the battle hall looked at the corpses of the two ninjas and sneered, "What time is it, you still play this way, silly line."

At this time, at the door of Dongying Hotel. A young man with an indifferent expression glanced at the door of the hotel.

Then he went in, but after he had gone in the hotel clerk told him:

"Sir, we have recently closed for renovation and are temporarily not accepting guests. Please go to another hotel."

The young man didn't speak after hearing what the waiter said, but turned around and left silently.

On the night when the young man left the Ronin Hotel, a fire broke out at the Ronin Hotel and the entire building was burned down.

Nearly half of the elite sent by the Shanjian Group to Bay Island were burned to death by this fire!

What made these people even more frightened was that they finally escaped from the fire, but were ambushed by a group of snipers hiding in the dark.

Under the desperate cover of his subordinates, Saimoto Ichiro escaped.

But there are only nine members of the Shanjian group who escaped with him.

In the headquarters of the Tiandao Gang, Saimoto Ichiro's face was ferocious, and he was no longer as calm and calm as before.

"Mr. Tanaka, I need an explanation, why did this happen in your territory?"

Saimoto Ichiro looked at Takento in front of him and roared.

"Sorry, Mr. Saimoto, our Tiandao Gang is investigating this matter, and we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation!"

Wu Jinteng knew he was wrong, so he kept his posture very low.

"Explain? These are the most elite and loyal members of our Shanjian group. There were 96 people in total when they came, and only nine remained in the end."

"Mr. Tanaka, do you know what this means?"

"This shows that the next generation of our Shanjian group is broken in your territory. You give us an account of 0.7? Can you afford this account?"

Saimoto Ichiro looked at Wu Jinteng and growled.

The fire spread extremely fast, and the arsonist arranged a lot of inflammable materials in the Ronin Hotel.

As a result, the entire building was completely burned within 5 minutes, and many people in the Yamaken Group were still asleep when they died.

And this is what makes Saimoto Ichiro the most angry. In the Tiandao Gang's territory, being deliberately set on fire is the incompetence of the Tiandao Gang!

Wu Jinto didn't say a word, he really couldn't answer Saimoto Ichiro's words.

After Ichiro Saimoto vented, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Wu Jinto knew without guessing that this call from Ichiro Saimoto was definitely to Koichi Tanaka, the leader of the three-member team.

In his heart, he just hoped that the three-member team would not cut off their cooperation with the Tiandao Gang because of this accident.

Chapter 353 Zhou Chao Takes Action First

After the phone call, Saimoto Ichiro looked at Wu Jinto coldly and said:

"Wu Jin-sang, Tanaka-san needs you to give him a satisfactory compensation now, otherwise the cooperation between the three-member team and the Tiandao Gang will come to an end."

After listening to Ichiro Saimoto, Takento said, "Saimoto-san, I don't know what compensation Tanaka-san needs?"

Saimoto Ichiro didn't talk nonsense with Wu Jinto, he directly picked up the big brother and handed it to Wu Jinto, saying:

"Wu Jinsang, tell Tanaka yourself."

Wu Jinteng dialed Koichi Tanaka's phone number with anxiety.

After the call was connected, Wu Jinteng said cautiously: "Tanaka-san, I am Wu Jinteng."

"Have you considered it? I hope your compensation will satisfy me!" Koichi Tanaka said coldly.

Wu Jinteng wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said, "Tanaka-san, our Tiandao Gang is willing to pay one billion moss coins to compensate the Shanjian group for this loss.

One billion moss coins is equivalent to 4000 million US dollars, which has been the income of the Tiandao Gang for three years.

"These compensations are not enough!" Koichi Tanaka said coldly.

"15 billion 10 moss coins." Wu Jinteng continued,

6000 million U.S. dollars is almost emptying the cash reserves of the Tiandao Gang.

If it's not enough, the society's property will be sold!

"Not enough!" Koichi Tanaka still said two words.

"Tanaka-san, this is already the greatest sincerity of our Tiandao Gang!" Wu Jinteng said to Tanaka Koichi who was on the other side of the phone.

Selling the community property, there is a question of whether anyone will take over so soon,

Even if someone takes over, the price will be kept to a minimum.

After all, the association's property has a bad history, and now it is even more anxious to sell it. It is impossible to sell it at a good price.

Even if Wu Jinteng agreed, the other high-level members of the Tiandao Gang would not agree!

"The most important thing for our family of three is money, I don't want your money!"

"Unless you hand over the Tainan site to our Shanjian Group for management, there will be no discussion!" Koichi Tanaka said lightly.

After hearing Tanaka Koichi's words, Wu Jinteng was shocked.

Both Tainan and ^Xiong are the basic bases of the Tiandao Gang, and they are the most stable country of the Tiandao Gang.

Now Koichi Tanaka's condition is that the Tiandao Gang will give Tainan to their Shanjian Group for management, and the loss in this is far greater than 15 billion moss coins.

When Wu Jinto was full of thoughts, Koichi Tanaka went on to say:

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree, our three-member team will drive the last nail into the coffin of your Tiandao Gang."

The meaning of Tanaka Koichi's words is very clear. If you don't agree to my conditions, Mu Jinto, our three-member team will join forces with your Bay Island's other provincial gangs to bury your Tiandao gang!

After hearing Tanaka Koichi's words, Wu Jinteng's heart sank, and then he said helplessly:

"Tanaka-san, it's not up to me to hand over Tainan to the Yamaken Group"

"I need to discuss with other high-level members of the Tiandao Gang to make this decision!"

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry, just don't make me wait until your Tiandao Gang disappears."

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