After Koichi Tanaka finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Wu Jinto didn't say much, and left the room where Ichiro Saimoto was.

He knew that Dongying people were greedy foxes.

It's just that he didn't expect that now that the Tiandao Gang hasn't solved their difficulties, the three-member team will remember to collect profits from the Tiandao Gang.

At this time, Wu Jinteng couldn't help thinking: If he eats like this, even if he wins in the end, he will still be just a marionette of the three-member team!

But this is also a cup of life-saving poison, so he has to drink it, at least after drinking it, he will not die now!

Soon, Wu Jinteng summoned the top members of the Tiandao Gang.

I told them about the request made by the three-member group in Japan, which was within Wu Jinteng's expectation.

This request was opposed by almost everyone!

Wu Jinteng said lightly: "Everyone, think about it for a few days! Three days later, we will have a meeting!"

Wu Jinteng knew that these people just hadn't seen the current situation clearly.

According to the current offensive of the Sanlian Gang and the Wuhu Gang in Tainan Hexiong, three days later, the situation of the Tiandao Gang will become more difficult.

At that time, these people will see clearly the situation they are facing and understand their helplessness!

It was also the first time Wu Jinteng realized that being a leader is really difficult!

But what Wu Jinteng didn't know was that that night, Zhou Chaoxian, the leader of the Songlin Gang, secretly came to the house of Ruan Xueli, the deputy leader of the Tiandao Gang.

In fact, as early as a week ago, Zhou Chaoxian secretly contacted Ruan Xueli for a meeting.

It's just that Ruan Xueli rejected Zhou Chaoxian's request to meet.

After all, the Pine Forest Gang and the Tiandao Gang are still at war, and Ruan Xueli, as the deputy head of the Tiandao Gang, of course would not do such a thing.

However, after Wu Jinteng had this meeting today, Ruan Xueli's heart was already half cold.

According to Wu Jinteng, even if the Tiandao Gang won this war with the help of the three members of the Dongying Group, they would only become puppets of the three members on the Bay Island.

This is something that Ruan Xueli and many members of Tiandao Gangbao cannot accept!

In the period when Dongying occupied the Bay Island before, Tiandao Gang worked for the Dongying people, which can be said to be for survival.

But if they still do this now, they will be nailed to the pillar of shame!

Although the Tiandao Gang and the Dongying people still maintain a relatively close relationship, there is absolutely no cooperation beyond the scope.

Now that what Wu Jinteng is doing, as long as someone exposes it, the Dao Gang will be spurned by the entire Wandao people that day.

In fact, not only the people from other provinces are disgusted with Dongying people, but the aborigines of the Bay Island are also disgusted with Dongying people.

So Wu Jinteng would only drink poison to quench his thirst!

In order to prevent this from happening, Ruan Xueli finally made a decision to meet and negotiate with Zhou Chaoxian!If the Tiandao Gang is doomed to perish, then Ruan Xueli of 777 would rather it perish innocently and cleanly.That night, not only Ruan Xueli was in Ruan Xueli's house, but also the three hall masters of the Tiandao Gang.

These three people are Ruan Xueli's confidantes, they are absolutely loyal and trustworthy!

Zhou Chaoxian arrived at Ruan Xueli's home on time, with a complacent expression on his face.

This place is said to be Ruan Xueli's home, but it can only be regarded as his stronghold.

And Ruan Xueli couldn't really meet Zhou Chaoxian at his own home.

If Wu Jinteng finds out, the consequences will be very serious.

After Zhou Chao first entered the room, he smiled and said to Ruan Xueli:

"Master Ruan, hello!"

At this time, Zhou Chaoxian was very confident, because the final plan appointed by Xu Yi was to divide the Bay Island into three parts, the Sanlian Gang, the Wuhu Gang, and the Songlin Gang.

Among them, the Sanlian Gang used Taibei as their home base, and the northern part of Wandao was their territory.

The Five Lakes Gang used Taichung as their home base, and the central part of Wandao was managed by the Five Lakes Gang.

The forces of the Pine Forest Gang were arranged in the southern part of the Bay Island.

Including Tainan and Jin Kaohsiung, and Jin Kaohsiung is the lair of the Pine Forest Gang.

Zhou Chaoxian was very satisfied with this arrangement.

The Pine Forest Gang is the least powerful of the three associations, the Sanlian Gang, the Wuhu Gang, and the Pine Forest Gang.

And Xu Yi actually assigned Tainan and Jin Kaohsiung as territories to the Pine Forest Gang, which is simply a blessing from heaven.

Chapter 354: The Tree Falls and the Wall Disappears!

With the power of the Pine Forest Gang, Ho Hsiung and the city of Tainan would never have the turn of Zhou Chaoxian to be the boss.

Therefore, the Songlin Gang and Zhou Chaoxian were the most active in the matter of destroying the Tiandao Gang.

"Zhou Chaoxian, what do you mean by meeting me?"

Ruan Xueli looked at Zhou Chaoxian and said indifferently.

"Master Ruan, trust me, agreeing to meet with me will be the wisest decision in your life!" Zhou Chaoxian looked at Ruan Xueli and smiled.

"Don't blow the water, let's get down to business!" Ruan Xueli said impatiently.

"You abolish Wu Jinteng and join me. Next, if you want to continue messing around, I guarantee that your positions and powers will remain the same."

"If you don't want to continue messing around, I guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life."

"Master Ruan, I will give you 2000 million Hong Kong papers, not moss coins, but Hong Kong papers!"

Then, Zhou Chaoxian looked at the other speakers and said:

"All the talkers, I will give you 500 million Hong Kong papers alone."

The price Zhou Chaoxian offered to these members of the Tiandao Gang can be said to be very high.

But Ruan Xueli said without changing his expression:

"Zhou Chaoxian, you really look down on our Tiandao Gang, don't you? We are worth such a little money?"

"Master Ruan thinks my price is low, so please make a price."

"If we accept it, I, Zhou Chaoxian, will never have another word." Zhou Chaoxian said lightly.

Now Ruan Xueli's heart is very tangled.

He knew that according to the current trend, the destruction of the Tiandao Gang would only happen sooner or later.

It's better to sell Tiandaobang for a good price as soon as possible.

But Ruan Xueli had stayed in the Tiandao Gang for more than 30 years after all, so it was really difficult for him to betray the Tiandao Gang all at once.

Under such circumstances, he said to Zhou Chaoxian: "Zhou Chaoxian, please wait a moment!"

Then, he brought a few confidantes to another room.

Ruan Xueli looked at these confidants and said, "What do you think?"

One of the speakers said: "Master Ruan, the Tiandao Gang is on the verge of dying. Let's agree while we can still sell it for a good price!"

"To be honest, the Tiandao Gang really can't hold on anymore, the ship is about to sink, so we can't let the people on board die with the ship, right'"?"

"Master Ruan, what you said broadly is right, if you want to be loyal to the Tiandao Gang, I will accompany you!"

Guang Yi, who had spoken before, hurriedly added: "Mr. Ruan, as long as you say a word, I will be loyal to you too!"

Ruan Xueli nodded after hearing what the two men said.

Then he looked at the last person who did not speak and said:

"Dumb, what do you say?"

The speaker called Lao Dai said slowly: "If you don't do it for yourself, you will be destroyed by heaven and earth!"

Hearing this, Ruan Xueli knew what Lao Dai meant, he nodded and said, "Okay! I'll just say it directly."

"How much do you think we are worth? Or, how much will Zhou Chaoxian pay?"

"Master Ruan, there are still about 15 billion moss coins in the Tiandao gang, and the price of Tiandao gang's production exceeds one billion moss coins. We must take these 15 billion moss coins away, and let Zhou Chao pay three dollars first." Billion Hong Kong paper." Lao Dai said.

15 billion moss coins are equivalent to [-] million Hong Kong papers, which means they can make a profit of [-] million Hong Kong papers this time.

A person can get at least [-] million Hong Kong papers, which is enough to make them rich for a lifetime.

Ruan Xueli nodded, and asked the other two speakers: "What do you two think?"

"What Lao Dai said is fine, we agree!" the two said in unison.

After Ruan Xueli heard the affirmative answers from the two people, he whispered, "That's how it is!"

Then, he walked out of the room with the three of them.

Koichi Tanaka, the leader of the three-member team, never thought that his words would actually become a reality.

Before he could wait for Wu Jinteng's reply, the Tiandao Gang had already been declared destroyed.

It was the third day after Zhou Chaoxian finished talking with Ruan Xueli.

Wu Jinto held the second association meeting to discuss the cooperation with Dongying Three-member Group.

"Everyone, now our hall in Tainan has been wiped out by members of the Sanlian Gang and the Wuhu Gang.

"We have run out of time, if we don't cooperate with Dongying three members"

"Then, what is waiting for us is to be wiped out!" Wu Jinteng said with a heavy face.

"Guangzhu, I can understand what you said, but I think Dongying people are not good people either."

"Not to mention how harsh the conditions they are asking now, even if we accept this, we will cooperate with the Dongying people."

"How will we explain it to the members of our Tiandao Gang and the people of Wandao in the future?" Ruan Xueli looked at Wu Jinteng and said loudly.

"Master Ruan, with the current situation of our Tiandao Gang, we can no longer control so much."

"Without the help of the three-member group now, there will be no Tiandao Gang in the future. Does it make sense to talk about influence?" Wu Jinteng said loudly.

"Of course it makes sense. I'd rather the Tiandao Gang be wiped out like this innocently, and I don't want it to perish under the spurning of thousands of people." Ruan Xueli also said loudly.

Wu Jinteng shook his head and said, "Master Ruan, you are the deputy leader, so of course you don't have to think so much."

"But I am the gang leader, and I must be responsible for the life and death of the Tiandao Gang! Do you know that?"

Wu Jinteng looked at Ruan Xueli and said loudly.

"You are the boss, you have the final say!" Ruan Xueli stopped arguing with Wu Jinteng, and said in a muffled voice.

But what Wu Jinteng didn't know, Ruan Xueli's last hope for Wu Jinteng was shattered.

Ruan Xueli has now made up his mind to sell the Tiandao Gang to Zhou Chaoxian.

Of course Wu Jinteng was unaware of Ruan Xueli's psychological changes at the moment.

After hearing Ruan Xueli's words, he thought Ruan Xueli was angry.

But he didn't care, just smiled and said:

"Master Ruan, what you said is wrong, our Tiandao Gang has always talked about Lord Kun!" "

"In this way, let's vote. Those who are willing to cooperate with the three-member group please raise their hands!"

Under Ruan Xueli's suggestion, several of his subordinates agreed with Wu Jinteng's plan.

And the plan to cooperate with the three-member group also passed smoothly.

Wu Jinteng looked at the calm Ruan Xueli and thought to himself: The Tiandao Gang is still my Tiandao Gang.

But on that night, Ruan Xueli publicly stated that Wu Jinteng was arbitrary and must cooperate with the Dongying people.

Even the recordings of the meetings were played.

All of a sudden, the entire Tiandao Gang was in an uproar.

At this time (Zhao Zhao Zhao)'s Wu Jinto was still entertaining Saimoto Ichiro from the three-member group, and the two of them drank directly to get drunk!

The next moment, Ruan Xueli and several of his subordinates announced that they would attack the gang leader Wu Jinteng.

These people are veterans who have been in the Tiandao Gang for decades, and they know the distribution of the Tiandao Gang's forces like the back of their hands.

Under their leadership, the Sanlian Gang, the Wuhu Gang, and the Pine Forest Gang took over Tainan and entered Haoxiong as if they were in harmony.

The entire Tiandao Gang was gone overnight, when Wu Jinteng was finally awakened by his subordinates, Xia Jin.

The situation waiting for him is the Tiandao Gang that has completely collapsed!

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