Originally, under the joint attack of the Sanlian Gang and the Wuhu Gang, the Tiandao Gang could still support it with all their strength.

However, Ruan Xueli, the deputy head of the Tiandao Gang, turned against him, causing huge cracks in the originally stable base camp of the Tiandao Gang.

This directly led to the destruction of the Tiandao Gang.

When the Tiandao Gang was destroyed, Wu Jinteng, the head of the Tiandao Gang, hanged himself and was buried with the Tiandao Gang.

Chapter 355 Release the Snake!

When Wu Jinteng hanged himself, what he hated most in his heart was not the leaders of the Sanlian Gang and Wuhu Gang.

It was Hong Xueli, the deputy leader of the Tiandao Gang, who made himself fall into the abyss!

Until the moment Wu Jinteng died, he was crazily cursing Hong Xueli!

And there is another Dongying person, Wakatou Sasai Benichiro of the three-member group, after the end of the Tiandao Gang.

In the same night, he was taken by his own subordinates, members of the three-member group Zhongshan Jian, to the ship back to Dongying.

After Ichiro Saimoto woke up, the ship had already left the bay island.

He stood on the deck of the ship, looked in the direction of Bay Island, and said coldly:

"This grudge, I, Ichiro Saimoto, swears that you will repay it twice!"


Saimoto Ichiro can only stand on the deck and say harsh words!

Xiangjiang side.

"Boss Liu!"

"Boss Liu!"

"Boss Liu!"

Black chicken feet, chickens, Lao Changgui, and Baolong all stood up to say hello when they saw Liu Luanxiong walking in.

However, the mentality of the four people is different.

Jijiahei just made a perfunctory sound.

Ji Zai and Lao Changgui bowed their heads in a very well-behaved manner.

The voice of Explosive Dragon finally sounded indifferently:

"Mr. Liu."

Liu Luanxiong had a smile on his face, his eyes swept over the four of them, and he couldn't help nodding:

"Okay, Ah Ji, Ji Zai, Ah Mao, Aaron, you are indeed Ah Yong's subordinates, they are loyal enough, you will come back as soon as he opens his mouth.

"Now I'm talking about your loyalty, just like the three Taoyuan brothers, sit down."

777 praised the four of them, and Liu Luanxiong looked at Hu Xuyong.

Hu Xuyong smiled and leaned on the sofa motionless.

If his eyes were not open, Liu Luanxiong would have thought he was sleeping.

"Ayong, why don't you fight?"

Hu Xuyong said absent-mindedly: "Mr. Liu, let me take a break for a while before making a move."

After a pause, the smile on the corner of Hu Xuyong's mouth became more intense:

"Brother, the current situation is that Xu Yi is attacking the Hongmen and preparing to unify Xiangjiang's rivers and lakes. Do you think I will nod?"

"Of course I can't agree, Ah Yong, this is not like your previous style." Liu Luanxiong said with a slightly heavier tone.

"It's really not my style!"

Hu Xuyong straightened his body from the sofa, moved his neck and said:

"Since Mr. Liu thinks I'm lazy, then fight me!"

"Brother Yong, I'll do it!" Jijiahei was the first to jump up and make a sound.

Hu Xuyong shook his head: "You guys take a break, I can bring someone to do it myself."

"Yong, what are you going to do?"

Seeing Hu Xuyong said that he should lead people to do things by himself.

The expression on Liu Luanxiong's face was shocked, and he asked.

"Of course I'm dealing with Hongmen. Do you think Xu Yi will destroy Hehetu if I take care of Hongmen?"

"I don't think so. Now that the note is so tight on Hong Xing, we can just develop a club, and we (baah) can also fight Hongmen and make friends with Xu Yi." Hu Xuyong told Liu Luanxiong his thoughts idea.

Liu Luanxiong murmured and said, "You mean you took down Hongmen?"

"Yeah, it's not my beard and brave style to not take advantage of the advantages. It's so cool to make people push the wall down!"

"What do you want to do to Hongmen? Bomb? Bomb their bar!" Liu Luanxiong said in shock.

"Blow it up? It's too loud. I think we can release snakes."

"Look at those people who only put dozens of snakes in at a time. Of course no one is afraid, so I decided to throw a carload of snakes in a bar."

"Thousands of snakes can't be caught in a year, I think whoever is brave enough to go to his big circle of bars to drink!

Liu Luanxiong nodded and said, "Then do as you say."

Hu Xuyong stood up and said to his subordinates:

"You chat with Mr. Liu, I'll find some snakes!"

There are many snakes in the Xiangjiang River, and tens of thousands of snakes are eaten every day.

The place where snakes are sold is Zhongsheng Street, also known as Herb Street.

Basically, those restaurants in Xiangjiang that make snakes will come to these two streets to pick up their goods.

Hu Xuyong asked a few horsemen to collect snakes from the snake shop here.

After all four trucks were filled with snake cages, Hu Xuyong then ordered the boys to drive to Hongmen's place.

It was noon at this time, and the bar hadn't officially opened for business, but the waiters had already gone to work to clean up.

" Hu Xuyong said with a sad smile.

Spring Wave Bar.

Hao Ji has seen bad news these days, so the bar was handed over to her boss, Ma Sao Chao.

Sao Chao was also born in boxing, and he is already considered a very good boxer in the Hongmentai South Asia sub-helm.

He is in charge of the business of several nightclubs in Hongmen, and he is looking through the accounts of the bar from yesterday.

Hearing the violent braking sound outside the door, Sao Chao didn't raise his head.

During this period of time, if it weren't for the amount of bulk cargo, I would have starved to death, and the income from pure drinks is enough to make people laugh.

Sighing and settling accounts at the bar, the waiter cleaning the bar suddenly yelled!

Sao Chao turned around, his eyes widened in disbelief!

Bags of snakes were thrown in from outside the bar door!

The mouths of those bags had been loosened, and the snake crawled out from inside, and crawled around!

"I"!Who put snakes in Lao Tzu's place! "

Sao Chao grabbed the fruit knife from the bar counter and ran towards the bar door against the wall!

The movement outside the door seemed to stop, and after throwing a dozen bags, it seemed that they had all been thrown away.

Sao Chao stared at the hundreds of snakes in the arena, strode towards the door, and just came out of the slightly dark bar.

Before he could get used to the glare of light, he saw a cloth bag put on his head, and a voice said with a grin:

"You've had a blast this time, and you've kept a few good ones on purpose! Take it easy!"

Before Sao Chao could react, his upper body had already been put into the bag.

Feeling the cold and greasy snake on his face, he screamed in horror.

Hu Xuyong's boys have already tied the cloth bag with Sao Chao's body tightly with wire!

"Throw it back and make him go crazy." Hu Yong said, lighting a cigarette without haste.

"Yes, Brother Yong."

A few horse boys lifted Sao Chao and threw it towards the snakes in the bar!

The frightened snake raised its head and bit at Sao Chao's struggling body.

"Go to the next Hongmen place, it's such a fun thing, let's put people in the snake cage for fun!"

"Do you agree?" Hu Xuyong asked with a smile as he looked at some of the Hongmen boys who looked a bit ugly.

Hearing Hu Xuyong's words, the Hongmen guards shrank back.

Rather than being bitten to death by a snake like this, it would be more enjoyable to be chopped to death by random knives.

Overnight, under the double attack of Hehetu and Daquan, all the forces sent by Hongmen to Xiangjiang were wiped out!

Two days later, something happened in Qi Nanya that shocked the entire circle of Chinese people.

Situ Li, the leader of the Hongmen pro-South Asia sub-rudder, took the headlines of all Nanyang Chinese newspapers and published a letter of challenge.

Openly challenge Xu Yi and compete in martial arts.

"Su Wen Xu Yi and Mr. Xu can fight, and Situ Liwang will exchange ideas with Mr. "

"If Mister wins, the grievances between Hongmen and Hongxing will be wiped out!"

"And Hongmen will compensate Mr. [-] million U.S. dollars as compensation; if I win, sir, please publicly apologize to Hongmen.

Xu Yi looked at the challenge book in front of him with great interest.

It was obvious that Hong Men was tricked by himself.

He looked at Han Bin in front of him and said with a smile, "Abin, what do you think this Situ Li means?"

Han Bin shook his head and smiled, "Brother Yi, if she dares to challenge you, then they are looking for their own death!"

Han Bin knew how powerful Xu Yi was now!

"Abin, Situ Li dared to challenge me, which proves that she is extremely confident in her own skills!" Xu Yi smiled faintly.

"Since she wants to fight, I will fight with her. I have not done it for so long, and I do have some itchy hands!"

"Abin, like Situ Li, the newspaper that is pro-South Asian, has a headline on the front page, and I, Xu Yi, will fight!" Xu Yi said lightly.

Chapter 356

"Yes, Brother Yi!"

Han Bin said respectfully, and then he left Xu Yi's office.

The next moment, Xu Yi picked up the mobile phone on the desk and dialed a number.

"A Lin, I want the information of the new head of Hongmen's South Asia sub-helm, Situ Li."

Xu Yi ordered lightly.

With the expansion of Xu Yi's power, Guilao Lin's intelligence department has also developed rapidly. Up to now, the entire intelligence department has more than 2000 employees.

The intelligence network of the Ministry of Intelligence has covered the entire Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

It also includes pro-South Asia, and polar bears also have certain arrangements.

The Ministry of Intelligence is already an unattainable force in Xu Yi's hands.

Ghost Lin respectfully said on the phone:

"Mr. Xu, in 10 minutes, the information will be sent to - your office."

"Okay!" Xu Yi responded, and then hung up the phone.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Yi saw Situ Li's profile?

The information inside is very simple, nothing more than when she went to elementary school and when she went to university.

But she overthrew the entire Hongmen by herself and helped her father, Situ Zhenxiong, become the leader of the Hongmen.

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