Then he served as the head of Hongmen Xingtang for three years.

After looking at these materials, Xu Yi knew that Situ Li was really sharp.

To be able to subdue these people in a place like Hongmen, one can imagine Situ Li's skill and resourcefulness!

The next day, the headlines of newspapers and media all pro-Nanyahua people released another big news.

"Xu Yi, the leader of Xiangjiang Hongxing, announced to accept the challenge of Situ Li, the head of Hongmen's pro-South Asia sub-rudder, to compete with her!"

Man thorns and Jakarta, Situ Li looked at the news and smiled slightly.

Even if Xu Yi wins this contest, what he gets is nothing more than a cancellation of Hongmen's promise.

But Hongmen and Hongxing still have conflicts, the previous incidents have been written off, so what about the future?

This is completely empty talk, a word game played by Situ Li.

As for the compensation of [-] million U.S. dollars, Situ Li did not promise when and how to pay Hong Xing.

Moreover, Situ Li's loss did not have the slightest impact on Hongmen. The most important reason was because she was a woman.

What is there to brag about when a man beats a woman?

The most important point is that Situ Li has extreme confidence in her own skills, she doesn't think she will lose!

This is the self-confidence she has built in her ten-year undefeated career in Hongmen!

This is not just an ordinary contest.

Behind this is Situ Li's control over people's hearts, showing her confidence in her own strength and intelligence.

Situ Lifa's challenge book seemed to be a simple contest.

In fact, it was the best solution to deal with Xu Yi that Situ Li came up with after investigating Xu Yi for many days.

And sure enough, as Situ Li expected, Xu Yi accepted his challenge.

Because Situ Li knew that, as the leader of Hong Xing, Xu Yi had to accept his own challenge!

He has to fight!

The current focus news in the Huaren world of Qi Nanya is the upcoming contest between the head of the Hongmen pro-Nanya branch, Situ Li, and the leader of Hongxing, Xu Yi.

It is not surprising that the contest between these two people has attracted the attention of all the people in Nanya Hua, Thailand!

Some people also called this competition "Double Floods for Hegemony".

After the communication between Hong Xing and Hong Men, Hong Men and Hong Xing jointly issued a statement that the martial arts competition between Situ Li and Xu Yi will be held in Haojiang about seven days later.

After the announcement, Situ Li immediately practiced in the dense forest of Manthorna, and adjusted his body and mind to the best for this contest.

She knows that even a tiger fighting a rabbit needs to use all her strength, that's just her character.

Either don't do it, if you want to do it, you must do your best!

On the other hand, Xu Yi didn't pay as much attention to Situ Li as he was still taking care of his subordinates' various businesses.

Seven days have passed!

On this day, many Hua people set their sights on the Haojiang Gymnasium.

Because today, the contest between Xu Yi and Situ Li will be held at the Haojiang Gymnasium.

This time the competition included a total of 350 bigwigs from the political and business circles in Hong Kong, Olympics, Taiwan and pro-South Asia regions.

Many journalists wanted to sneak into the stadium and shoot covertly.

Because this would definitely be an explosive news, but unfortunately, they did not have this opportunity.

Not only the messengers from Haojiang, but even the three major associations in Haojiang sent a lot of manpower here.

That day, Xu Yi had already been waiting in the stadium early, and he was chatting with Haojiang Wang Hesheng at this time.

He Sheng looked at Xu Yi in a Chinese tunic suit and said:

"Mr. Xu, you shouldn't actually agree to Situ Li's challenge this time. It's fine if you win, but it's bad if you lose!"

From He Sheng's point of view, Xu Yi is taking a risk!

He Sheng knew that Situ Li was by no means an ordinary person,

Xu Yi smiled slightly and said, "Mr. He, don't worry, I am fully confident in this martial arts competition!"

He Sheng glanced at Xu Yi curiously, and asked, "Mr. Xu, you?"

But at this point, He Sheng shook his head and said with a smile:

?0 for flowers 0...

"I'm the one talking too much, since you're confident, I'm relieved!"

Then, He Sheng patted Xu Yi on the shoulder.

At this moment, Situ Li walked in slowly from outside the stadium.

Today, Situ Li is wearing a set of white Taoist robes. He is chic and elegant, and has an otherworldly demeanor, which makes people feel like seeing a fairy.

When Situ Li stopped three meters in front of Xu Yi, Xu Yi saw clearly the facial features of this Hongmen strange woman for the first time.

To Xu Yi's surprise, Situ Li looked not only heroic, but also soft and gentle.

Her facial features are not amazing at first glance, but they are harmonious.

The more people look at it, the more they feel that the eyes, nose, eyebrows and ears should be so long.

And Situ Li's height is not very tall, only 1.6 meters [-], but her aura is not weaker than Xu Yi's.

Just as Xu Yi was observing Situ Li, Situ Li was also observing Xu Yi.

This man who gave her father Hongmen leader Situ Zhenxiong a headache.

With a strong figure, handsome face, and a black Tang suit, Xu Yi's tall and straight figure is even more evident.

Situ Li said lightly, "Xu Yi, my name is Situ Li!"

Situ Li's voice was as melodious and clear as a yellow warbler singing emerald green.

She is more of a lady than a martial arts master.

"Miss Situ, hello!" Xu Yi looked at Situ Li and nodded in return.

The two are very polite to each other, and they can't see what kind of battle will break out between the two!

In Haojiang Stadium, after Xu Yi and Situ Li greeted each other.

There was no further communication between the two, they just looked at each other closely.

Before the two didn't know each other's details, after meeting, it was really not easy for the two sides to find each other.

The bigwigs in the political and business circles sitting on the stage also quietly looked at the man and woman who were opposing each other below.

Xu Yi stopped talking nonsense, and directly attacked Situ Li with all his strength.

With eight times the agility of ordinary people, Xu Yi's fist came to Situ Li's eyes in an instant.

Situ Li's face was calm, and he leaned back a little, narrowly dodging Xu Yi's punch.

But through the wind of the fist, it was enough for Situ Li to feel the power of Xu Yi's punch.

Situ Li knew in her heart that Xu Yi could no longer take the initiative.

Otherwise, as long as he was punched by Xu Yi, he might lose his fighting power.

Therefore, she quickly approached Xu Yi, and her fists hit Xu Yiqi like a rainstorm.

Chapter 357 You Lost!

Although strength is not Situ Li's strong point.

But every punch of hers is still powerful.

Xu Yi could only parry for a while, and had no strength to fight back.

However, this is the only thing Situ Li can do.

Her attack could not break through Xu Yi's defense.

If this continues, her strength will be exhausted sooner or later, and she will definitely lose if this continues.

Thinking of this, a flash of determination flashed in Situ Li's eyes.

Then she clenched her hands, and her whole body hit Xu Yi like a cannonball.


There was a loud airburst.

Xu Yi was sent flying seven or eight meters away.

In the VIP seat, He Sheng, who was watching the battle, suddenly stood up.

Then quickly ran towards the place where Xu Yi fell!

Situ Li, on the other hand, looked at Xu Yi, who was lying seven or eight meters away, sweating profusely.

In extreme urgency, she just used her master secret technique.

She could instantly increase the speed and strength of her "Qi Qi Qi", and her blow directly hit Xu Yi's abdomen.

Through the discussion just now, Situ Li understood that Xu Yi is also a master of the inner family.

Even if this blow couldn't kill him, it would cripple him. This was Situ Li's plan.

At this time, Situ Li was already completely collapsed, after this blow.

Within ten days, Situ Li would be in this state.

Xu Yi is the sharpest opponent she has ever met in her life, she can't win without paying a little price

She looked at Xu Yi who was lying on the ground and sighed, and secretly sighed in her heart:

"Xu Yi, if you weren't Hongmen's enemy, maybe we would become good friends!"

Situ Li can be sure that Xu Yi has become a useless person.

Situ Li took a deep breath, and then slowly walked out of the stadium.

At this time, He Sheng had already walked to Xu Yi's side, looking at Xu Yi's still heaving chest.

He breathed a sigh of relief, there was nothing he could do if he lost this contest, now Xu Yi can survive.

From He Sheng's point of view, as long as Xu Yi is alive, there is hope for everything!

At this time, the medical team waiting outside the stadium quickly entered the stadium after receiving the notice.

Everyone present at this moment already knew the result of the contest.

To be honest, they were all shocked by the contest between these two people just now.

Even after Situ Li and Xu Yi fought, they didn't see clearly the movements between the two.

I don't know how many moves they made between each other, but the sound of punches and explosions reminded them how thrilling their contest today was!

Just as Situ Li was about to walk out of the gymnasium, she heard Xu Yi's faint voice behind her:

"Miss Situ Li, you are in a hurry to leave before the competition is over?"

Situ Li looked back abruptly, only to find Xu Yi standing beside He Sheng.

Looking at himself with a smile, his face is full of energy.

It was as if his blow hadn't caused him any harm at all.

"Miss Situ, are you ready to admit defeat?" Xu Yi looked at Situ Li and smiled.

At this moment, Situ Li only had one feeling in his heart, how could this be possible!

No one knew the power of that blow better than Situ Li.

Even a cow, Situ Li was confident that he could kill it alive.

Therefore, even if Xu Yi does not die, it is impossible for him to be as unscathed as he is now!

Not only Situ Li, but even He Sheng beside Xu Yi was stunned.

Xu Yi walked to Situ Li's side unhurriedly, and said to her:

"Miss Situ, you lost!"

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