What to do if he can't take it, it's up to his father, Kun Sha, to decide.

However, when Noka was about to leave, Xu Yi suddenly stopped him and said:

"Noka, do you still remember what you said about your ideals when we first met?"

Nuoka was stunned when he heard Xu Yi's question, and after a while, Nuoka said bitterly:

"Mr. Xu, that's just a dream."

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "Noka, if you rely on yourself, it will always be a dream."

"It's just that I have the power to make your dreams come true, but I don't know whether you want to make your dreams come true.

Hearing this, Nuoka was naturally very happy.

But he knew that there is no free meal in the world, and Xu Yi must be on his terms.

Therefore, Noka said:

"Mr. Xu, I want to know first, what do I need to pay?"

Hearing this, Xu Yi knew that he was tempted.

He looked at Noka and smiled, "Noka, I need your absolute loyalty."

Xu Yi's words are very clear, Noka can be the leader of Jinshanjiao.

But the premise is that he must do things for Xu Yi.

Nuoka seemed to have expected what Xu Yi said, and his face was calm.

He didn't have too many reasons but said directly:

"Mr. Xu, I need to think about this question. I will come here tomorrow and give you my answer!"

"Noka, please remember your dream, you only have one chance, I hope you can make the best choice!

"Xu Yi smiled slightly.

Chapter 369 What I Need Is A Puppet!

After meeting Xu Yi that day, Noka left the headquarters building of Hongxing Society with a dazed expression.

At this time, he did not have the calm look in Xu Yi's office just now.

In fact, Noka is very hesitant in his heart now.

After returning to the hotel, he contacted Kun Sha immediately.

Noka immediately recounted the conversation between himself and Xu Yi today with Kunsha in detail.

Of course, what Xu Yi said to himself at the end, he would definitely not say to Kun Sha.

After listening to Nuoka's words, Kunsha said in a deep voice: "Nuoka, Xu Yi's attitude is really so tough?"

Noka replied: "Yes, father, Xu Yi's attitude is completely different from before."

On the other side of the phone, the veins on Kun Sha's head were already exposed, and his face was flushed, obviously extremely angry.

Kun Sha took a few deep breaths, and calmed down for nearly half a minute before suppressing his emotions.

Kunsha has been in Jinshanjiao for nearly 30 years, and has never been rejected like this.

Even if it was Taiguo, Quguo's high-ranking officials would always be polite if they wanted to talk to him.

But this time he was directly rejected by a Xiangjiang native.

And that Xiangjiang person still doesn't take hard and soft, and doesn't buy his account at all.

In Kunsha's perception, this is a huge humiliation to him!

Thinking of this, a sense of regret passed through Kunsha's heart.

He regretted that he actually led the wolf into the house and let Xu Yi insert such an armed force in his own territory.

Now this armed force is too big to lose, and it is difficult to digest it by myself.

If you don't eat it, it's like a carp in your throat.

After lighting a cigar, Kunsha said coldly to the satellite phone: "Nuoka, go find Xu Yi tomorrow."

"You just tell him that as soon as the attack on Qu Guozhengfu and Taiguozhengfu ends this time, I can let him recruit [-] Chinese in Jinshanjiao." Now Kun Sha only needs Xu Yi to send his people out and leave the At the base, Kunsha has [-] ways to kill Xu Yi's subordinates.

"Nuoka, you and Xu Yi said, this is my final bottom line!"

"If he doesn't agree, you don't have to come back!"

As soon as the voice fell, Kunsha directly hung up the satellite phone.

Nuoka looked at the satellite phone in his hand, feeling a little dazed.

Nuoka knew that it was impossible for Xu Yi to agree to his father's request.

In this way, I will have no foothold in Jinshanjiao.

Thinking of this, Noka lay down on the bed in the hotel room with a dejected face.

The next day, Nuoka came to Hongxing headquarters with bloodshot eyes.

"Mr. Xu, I spoke to my father on the phone yesterday."

"He proposed a new condition. If you are willing to help us in Jinshanjiao this time, then you can recruit [-] Chinese in the Jinshanjiao area as your subordinates." Nuoka looked at Xu Yi in front of him and said slowly.

"Nuoka, I don't care about your father's conditions. I just want to know what you think."

Xu Yi was noncommittal, but raised such a question.

Although Xu Yi didn't answer directly, Noka already knew Xu Yi's answer.

Obviously, Xu Yi would not cooperate with his father.

Such an answer is undoubtedly a death sentence for Noka.

Of course Nuoka knew it in his heart, he sighed heavily, and asked: "Mr. Xu, I want to know, what will you do next?"

After listening to Noka's words, Xu Yi showed a smile on his face.

What Nuoka said means that he is willing to cooperate with Xu Yi and be a pawn in Xu Yi's hair, a pawn to help Xu Yi rule Jinshanjiao.

Although he is very unwilling, but now Nuoka has no choice.

Noka definitely doesn't want to be just an ordinary person for the rest of his life.

He also wants to hold great power, even if he is someone else's sheep.

But the premise is that Xu Yi's plan must be successful.

Otherwise, his fate will be very miserable.

Noka knew exactly what methods his father would use against him.

That scene made him shudder just thinking about it.

Nuoka knew that he must kill his father with one blow, and he could not leave any trouble behind.

"Noka, don't worry, I'm sure I'll protect it very well as my pawn."

"You just need to stay in Xiangjiang now, when the opportunity comes, I will let you go back to Jinshanjiao to take your father's seat!" Xu Yi said lightly.

Hearing this, Nuoka knew that he now had no choice but to wait for his apprentice.

He bowed deeply to Xu Yi and said respectfully:

"Well, I'll leave everything to Mr. Xu."

The next moment, Noka quietly left the door of Xu Yi's office.

Xu Yi looked at the back of Noka leaving, with a sneer on his face.

The ethnic distribution in the Jinshanjiao area is complex, among which the Chinese only account for 20.00% to [-]% of the Jinshanjiao population.

That's why Xu Yi needs such a shame from Nuoka to stabilize the situation in Jinshanjiao.

Of course, if Xu Yi chooses to do it, he will not leave any chance for Nuoka.

He will not let Noka return to Jinshanjiao until he has arranged everything in Jinshanjiao.

At that time, Noka has only one choice, which is to be Xu Yi's puppet honestly.

Just when Nuoka and Xu Yi met in Xiangjiang, Wang Jianjun also quietly came to the capital of Qu Country.

Through Xu Yi's intelligence network and relationship network, Wang Jianjun had a private meeting with General Su Kui, the head of Qu Guozheng's government.

A day later, Wang Jianjun sat in front of General Su Kui, the leader of the Burmese Army.

Su Kui looked at the young man in front of him and said, "You are Wang Jianjun,?" "

On the front line with Wang Jianjun and Su Kui is Wu Xianfei, the president of Taiguo Luocheng Group.

Obviously, Su Kui was a little surprised by Wang Jianjun's youth.

"Yes, General Su Kui, I am Wang Jianjun."

Wang Jianjun looked at Su Kui and said slowly, and Wang Jianjun could speak Xu Li's Burmese.

After hearing Wang Jianjun's Burmese speaking in Xuli, Su Kui's eyes were filled with surprise, and he asked:

"Mr. Wang, are you an overseas Chinese in Myanmar?"

Wang Jianjun shook his head and said with a smile, "General Su Kui, I am a special soldier from China, and I am proficient in Qu language."

Su Kui nodded, and then he said in a questioning tone:

"Mr. Wang, Wu Xianfei said that you can help me solve (Zhao Zhaozhao) the problem of Kun Shark?".

Wang Jianjun nodded directly and said: "Yes, as long as you have enough chips, we can kill Kunsha!"

The attitude of Kunsha, Dangbangbang and the Chinese is quite polite.

The attitude towards the Burmese and other ethnic groups is very arrogant, and they often send people to harass the border of Burma.

Moreover, it also invested in inciting the Shan tribes in the Qu country to fight poisonously and vigorously.

Su Kui has only one attitude towards Kun Sha, and he can't wait to get rid of him!

However, it is impossible for Su Kui to choose to believe Wang Jianjun just because of Wang Jianjun's words.

Kunsha Biyi has been in Jinshanjiao for decades, not only Qu Guo and Tai Guo respectively sent troops to conscript him.

Even in other countries, including country m, polar bears have sent troops to cross Kunsha.

But 30 years later, they still have nothing to do with Kunsha, and Kunsha's status is still impregnable.

Therefore, Su Kui was not polite, he asked directly: "Mr. Wang, what are you sure about killing Kunsha?".

Chapter 370 Let's play Kun Shark together!

Wang Jianjun said directly: "General Su Kui, I guess you also know that there is a training base in the hinterland of Kunsha, and that is ours."

"There are [-] soldiers with strong fighting power in the base. If they fit in well with you, they can completely handle Kun Shark."

"And, I still have 2000 troops in Kokang,"

"In addition, I can also say that people from Dongguokan and Wabang Autonomous Regions will send troops with us to help you fight Kunsha."

"These troops are very familiar with Jinshanjiao, and it is much easier to deal with Kunsha than you."

After Wang Jianjun finished speaking, Su Kui fell into deep thought.

According to Wang Jianjun, it is indeed possible to deal with Kunsha.

Thinking of this, Su Kui asked: "Then I have to pay the price before I can invite you?"

Wang Jianjun smiled slightly and said, "Set aside a site in the Jinshanjiao area and give it to us to manage."

After hearing Wang Jianjun's condition, Su Kui's expression turned serious, and he said:

"Mr. Wang, if I agree to this condition, wouldn't you be another 'Kun Shark'?"

"Since that's the case, why should I go to exterminate Kunsha?"

Hearing this, Wang Jianjun shook his head and said, "General Su, you are wrong!"

"We are not exactly the same as Kunsha. The purpose of Kunsha is to become the king of the Jinshanjiao area."

"I'm different. I'm a businessman. I just want to make money."

"You guys, are 777 wanting to grow baby number four?" Su Kui asked coldly

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