"Of course not, I said that I am different from Kunsha, and our method of making money is of course different from him."

"In fact, we will ask the entire Jinshanjiao area to completely ban No. [-] boys." Wang Jianjun looked at Su Kui and said word by word.

"Really? If you don't sell size four, what do you want to sell to make money?" Su Kui asked very curiously.

Wang Jianjun smiled and replied, "General Su Kui, this is our business secret, so it's hard to tell you."

"Now I want to know your answer. Do you want to deal with Kun Sha easily or with great effort?"

Su Kui shook his head and said, "Mr. Wang, forgive me for not accepting the conditions you proposed."

"Also, I have no way to believe that you can mobilize the troops of Guokan and Wabon."

Wang Jianjun didn't speak, and took out the satellite phone directly.

Then quickly dialed the next number, then handed the mobile phone to Su Kui, and said:

"General Su Kui, the person on the other end of the phone is Yang Minsheng, the commander of Wa Bang, I believe you should recognize his voice."

"The leader of Guokan is also next to him. If what I said is true or not, you will know it at once."

Su Kui accepted the satellite phone Wang Jianjun handed over suspiciously.

After speaking a few words with the person on the other end of the phone, Su Kui handed back the satellite phone in his hand to Wang Jianjun, and continued:

"Mr. Wang, your chips are still not enough."

Wang Jianjun said slowly: "General Su Kui, as long as you agree to my conditions, I will personally give you 1000 million US dollars in cash as a basis for repayment.

Su Kui looked at Wang Jianjun with a smile that was not a smile, and said:

"Mr. Wang, do you mean to let me sell my family for this 1000 million dollars?"

"With all due respect, Jinshanjiao is not actually under the control of Qu Junzheng's government."

"To put it bluntly, the Jinshanjiao area is only part of the border of the Koji Kingdom. In fact, it has always been an unclaimed land."

"Even if you occupy it, it will be difficult to digest it."

"But leave it to us, we can easily handle this matter for you."

"We are different from Kunsha. Which family's territory was originally there, and which family will belong to the king in the future?"

"That means we have no intention of claiming that piece of land."

Wang Jianjun looked at Su Kui and smiled.

Su Kui thought for a few minutes after listening to Wang Jianjun's words.

In the end, he looked at Wang Jianjun and said: "You and I wiped out Kunsha, and the Jinshanjiao area is yours."

Su Kui finally agreed to Wang Jianjun's request.

Because Wang Jianjun really convinced him.

Of course, the role of the 1000 million dollars is also obvious!

At this time, 1000 million US dollars is a real huge sum of money!

at the same time!

Taiguo, the imperial palace.

The two sat face to face.

"Wallon, we haven't seen each other for almost 30 years."

"You have been at my house all these years, but you have never come to see me"

"Now that you want to see me suddenly, you must ask me for something important, right?"

The speaker (baah) is the current King Layan of the Tai Kingdom.

What many people don't know is that Layan once joined the army during World War II and was missing for two years. In fact, Layan was sunk because of the ship he was in during the naval battle.

Layan fell into the sea and was rescued by the Southern Dragon King Valon who was still a pirate at that time.

Layan fell in love with Wallon's own sister, Shilin, and that's why he disappeared for two years.

In the end, it was his father's spies who found Layan, and the etheric kingdom needed a reason for the king to let Layan return to the country and inherit the throne.

But after Layan became the king, because Shilin's family's pirate status was exposed, Layan's marriage to Shilin was resisted by various sectors of society.

In the end, he did not formally marry Shi Lin as the princess, and Shi Lin also died of depression.

Because of this, Nanyang King and La Yu fell out.

Since then, the pair of friends and brothers have not seen each other for more than 30 years.

The king of Nanyang can become the king of Nanyang, except for his outstanding ability.

It has a certain relationship with him having such a king brother.

Moreover, after he retired, he chose to live in Taiguo, which also explains the problem.

"La Yan, I didn't come to you to beg you. I was entrusted by someone to make a deal with you."

Nanyang King Valon looked at La Yan in front of him and said.

After Layan listened to Valon's words, he didn't answer his question directly.

Instead, he said: "Walloon, more than 30 years have passed, and we are all old."

Wallon also shook his head helplessly, and said:

"What happened to Arlene, I will never forgive you in this life"

"If you want to apologize, go to the underworld to apologize to Arlene in person after you die."

"Wallon, why are you doing this? I admit that it was my fault for not officially marrying Arlene. I also have my own difficulties."

"You also know that Arlene and my son are already crown princes, and he will bring me and Arlene's blood to rule the Scorpion family."

Layan also took great pains to make his son with Shilin the crown prince. He even did not allow his concubines to conceive boys, for fear of affecting the inheritance rights of his son with Arlene.

"Layan, as I said before, if you want to apologize, you can apologize to Arlene, she is the one you are sorry for!"

"Also, I came to you today to talk about Jinshanjiao."

Layan laughed and said, "Why, Valon, do you still have friendship with Kunsha?"

Before Nanyang King Valon could speak, Layan laughed and patted Wallon's shoulder and said.

"I'm just kidding, don't be nervous, tell me, what do you want me to do?"

King Nanyang lit a cigar and continued:

"I'll just say it straight, I came to you this time to be Xu Yi's lobbyist."

"He can let you take care of Kunsha, but let him manage the area of ​​Jinshanjiao."

After Layan listened to Nanyang King's words, he said:

"Waron, I told you before, I will meet your request as long as I can."

"But this is a matter of the territory and a big family matter, I cannot agree to it."

"Layu and Jinshanjiao originally belonged to which family's land, so it will still belong to which family in the future.

"In fact, what Xu Yi wants is management power, not sovereignty."

Valon looked at Layan and said.

La Yan shook his head and said: "Sovereignty is as important as management power, I will not agree!".

Chapter 371

After hearing what La Yan said, Valon stopped talking nonsense, and directly handed a copy of the stolen material to La Yu, saying:

"I tell you, I'm not begging you."

"We'll talk after you read this document."

Hearing this, King Layan of the Tai Kingdom picked up this document~ and began to read it.

Ten seconds later, his face changed.

After watching for 5 minutes, Layan raised his head - looked at Wallon and said:

"Walone, is this what Xiangjiang tycoon Xu Yi meant?"

"If I don't agree to his request, will he short the baht?"

It turned out that on this information, it was the plan to short the Thai baht.

As a top student who graduated from Lundun School of Finance, La Yan naturally knew that this information was very feasible, but he would not compromise with Xu Yi. After pondering for a while, he said:

"Walloon, I am the king of Taiguo, I will not lose any land of Taiguo because of one person

Nanyang King glanced at King Layan of Tai Kingdom, smiled and said:

"La Yu, since you don't listen, it's up to you, I'm leaving."

As soon as the words fell, Wallon stood up and left Layan's palace.

In fact, Xu Yi just invited him to lobby Layan, and it would be best if he succeeds.

If it doesn't work out, Xu Yi also has a plan B.

That's why Wallon walked so gracefully.

Looking at Wa Longao's back, Layan's heart tightened subconsciously.

He had a hunch that he might bring a huge disaster to his family because of this rejection.

The next second, he picked up the satellite phone, dialed a number and passed it to Minister o of the Ministry of Talents and Politics.

Layan told the Minister of Talents and Political Affairs about the contents of the materials he had read just now.

Finally he ordered:

"Immediately summon economists from all over the country to eliminate the possible risks this time, do you understand?" The Minister of Talents and Politics said respectfully, "Of order, Your Majesty the King."

After explaining, Layan let out a long sigh of relief.

The next moment, he picked up the satellite phone and dialed a number.

"General Carles, I'm Layan."

"Your Majesty, hello!"

Calles is the commander-in-chief of the Taiguo northern military region, and also the commander-in-chief of the Taiguo army that attacked Kunsha this time.

"After driving Kunsha's forces out of Taiguo, it will be fine." La Yan ordered.

"Your Majesty, this is not in line with the previous battle plan, and the country of Koji must have some opinions, right?" Calles said in embarrassment.

"General Carles, accept my will!" La Yan said sharply.

"Abiding by the order, Your Majesty the King!" As soon as Layan said this, no matter how many opinions Carles had, he could only keep it in his heart.

After Layan put down the satellite phone, he said to himself:

"Walon, I can only let you go here. After this, you have crossed my bottom line."

It's just that La Yan didn't think about it deeply, or he was very confident.

In the Jinshanjiao area, Kun Sha was surprised to find that the jungle defense line he had carefully constructed was being gradually breached by the Koji army.

It was only later that Kunsha discovered that the armies of Guokan and Waban were also attacking him.

Kunsha's army is indeed better than the Qu country's army in the dense forest.

But this does not mean that his army has an advantage over Guokan and Bang's army.

Now Kunsha had to deal with Xu Yi's army.

He is now fully committed to the war with the Koji army.

To Kunsha's surprise, after the Taiguo army drove his army out of the Taiguo border.

They stopped their offensive steps, which made Kunsha breathe a sigh of relief.

Even so, the physical heat Kunsha faces is still very severe.

At present, nearly [-] of his most elite troops are resisting the joint attack of the three coalition forces of the Koji Army, Wa Bang and Guokan in the north.

Kun Sha is also trying to talk to the supreme leaders of Guokan and Wa Bang.

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