As long as they are willing to fight, Kunsha is willing to pay any price.

It's a pity that the leaders of these two places have no intention of negotiating with Kunsha at all.

Because Xu Yi offered them a condition that they couldn't refuse.

Xu Yi promised to invest in ten factories in these two places, specializing in the production of daily necessities.

For Wa Bang and Guo Kan, this is simply irresistible.

Apart from money, what Kunsha gave them was only No. [-].

After resisting the offensive of the coalition forces for nearly ten days, the elders of the Shan clan led [-] Shanbang soldiers in the Dikunsha army to surrender to the Qu army.

The occurrence of this incident became the last straw that crushed Kunsha.

It was the night when the Shan clan led the Shan clan army to surrender.

Kunsha and Zhang Suquan, his eldest son Ha Kun and third son Somchai.

And Ru Kang held an emergency meeting in their base camp.

"Everyone, now that the Shan tribe surrenders, the entire army will lose their hearts."

"The leader of Kunsha called everyone here, just to let everyone discuss how we should go in the future."

Zhang Suquan made the opening remarks for Kunsha.

At this time, Kunsha doesn't have the chic feeling of the white-faced scholar before.

?0 for flowers 0...

Now he is very unlike a man in his fifties, more like an old man in his 60s.

After listening to Zhang Lequan's words, Kunsha said:

"Tonight, no matter what you say, I don't blame you, both Long and Zhan can speak freely.

People like Kun Sha have no objection to Tou Longzheng's army, because they know it.

Even if they surrendered, the Zhengfu army would not look down on them.

Because they still have strength outside, if the Koji army kills them.

Their strength will definitely avenge them, making this family chicken restless.

Faced with such a situation, Koji country usually compromises.

Rather than being disturbed by the disturbance of Xie's family, it would be better to lock them up and leave them alive

These people always have a way to get out of prison, once they are more successful.

Return to their territory, then they can easily make a comeback.

At that time, it will be a new reincarnation.Xixinhui

Kunsha has experienced this kind of reincarnation once.

At the end of the 60s, he was once arrested by the Koji Military Government and placed under house arrest.

But in the end he escaped, so after listening to Zhang Lequan's words, Kunsha's eldest son Ha Kun said:

"Father, why don't we surrender again, and Uncle Quan and I stay outside to command the army, and then we are looking for a chance to rescue you?" Kun Sha glanced at his eldest son, Hadi, and continued:

"If you want to surrender, you and Somchai must surrender with me."

Hardy is simple-minded, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that his eldest son had bad thoughts.

He wanted him to be completely placed under house arrest by the Qu Guojun, and then he took the opportunity to seize power.

At this time, Somchai, the youngest son of Kunsha, said:

"Father, I think we are being carried so passively by the military and political forces of the Koji Kingdom."

"The most important reason may still be that we have a large number of people and the goal is too big."

"I don't think it's better for us to break up the whole into pieces, disperse ordinary soldiers, and bring elite soldiers to fight guerrillas with them."

"Their troops can't afford it. After they withdraw, we can come back and re-establish our power."

After hearing Somchai's words, both Zhang Suquan and Rukang nodded.

This idea is really good, they used this method to drag the army of Qu country to withdraw.

Therefore, they believe that this plan is very feasible.

Chapter 372 Kunsha, the prisoner! ! !

But obviously, Kunsha doesn't agree.

He shook his head and said.

"Long guess, it's not what it used to be, and the army of the Qu country really doesn't want to spend time with us"

"But don't forget, this time it's not just the Zhengfu army, but also the army of Waban and Guokan"

"Even if the Koji army retreats, do you think the troops of Wa Bang and Guo Kan will retreat?"

After hearing what Kun Sha said, the whole room fell into a dead silence.

If the situation goes on like this for Kunsha, it seems that there is really a dead end.

Rukang said:

"Chief, I have a proposal, we can surrender to the Taiguo government."

"The officials from Taiguo that we spent so much money to buy in the past should be able to come in handy now."

Wen Yan, Kunsha thought for a while, nodded and said:

"Okay, Rukang, first ask our people to get in touch with those senior officials of the Tai Kingdom."

"Qiqiqi" "See if they can find a way to rescue us."

At this moment, a burst of intense gunfire was suddenly heard outside.

"Boss, what's going on!"

At this time, among the people in the meeting, only Kun Sha had a gun on his body.

He pulled out his gun and stared at the door, and said at the same time:

"Ru Kang, go out and see what happened."

"Boss, it's very dangerous outside now...

"Ru Kang, are you going or not? I don't want to say it a third time." Kun Sha interrupted, pointing a gun at Ru Kang's head.

Under pressure, Ru Kang had no choice but to walk towards the door.

Just when he was about to open the door, a huge force kicked the door open.

A voice came from outside: "Kunsha, you have nowhere to go!"

Kun Sha remembered this voice, which should belong to one of Xu Yi's subordinates.

Before Kun Sha could think about it, Wang Jianguo continued:

"Kunsha, I'm only counting to three. If you don't come out and surrender, we'll just throw a grenade in."

"Hurry up and decide!"

After hearing Wang Jianguo's words, Kun Sha had no choice but to put down the pistol in his hand.

He held up his hands and walked out of the room.

10 minutes later!

All the people in the Kunsha Group were tightly tied up in a hut.

There are ten war hall members guarding this hut, and Wang Jianjun has already given orders.

As long as these people make a slight change, they can be killed on the spot.

This was also said by Wang Jianjun in front of Kun Sha and the others.

Of course, Kunsha also tried to buy Wang Jianjun for $1000 million.

But after being slapped by Wang Jianjun, he could only shut his mouth in humiliation.

Kunsha didn't expect that he had a thousand calculations.

But he didn't expect that Xu Yi's men would behead him and capture him alive.

In fact, what Kunsha didn't know was that for this beheading operation, Xu Yi arranged for nearly half a year

It's not just a complete set of combat equipment prepared for the battlefield mercenaries.

Moreover, the big and small leaders of the Kunsha Pro Guards were also bribed.

Therefore, they can easily find where Kun Shark is.

The reason why the Kunsha pro-guards didn't resist was because they bought the cook from the Kunsha base camp.

Drugs were added to the food these people ate.

Except for those who hadn't eaten because they were on duty, the rest of the people had all fainted.

Those who are on duty outside are easily dealt with by the members of the battle hall!

At this time, Kun Sha and his group had no chance to escape.

After disarming all the inspection weapons of the Kunsha pro-guards.

Under Wang Jianjun's order, the members of the battle hall drove all the guards together.

These people follow Kunsha to do their best.Fish Chinese.

The mercenaries formed by the local Chinese hated them so much that they were escorted together after punching and kicking.

After tying up all these people, the deputy head of the Kunsha pro-guard who took refuge in Xu Yi selected his own people.

Then, Wang Jianjun looked at the Kunsha pro-guards with hundreds of people in front of him, and said:

"Mr. Xu instructed that all these captives be sent to Xianxia Island for reform."

"Yes, Chief Instructor Wang!"

After Wang Jianjun finished looking forward, he said to his younger brother Wang Jianguo: "Jianguo, this will be our territory from now on." At this time, the Kunsha troops on the front line did not know that Kunsha had been captured alive.

They are still fighting against the Koji army, Guokan, and Wa Bang coalition forces.

The biggest reason why Xu Yi didn't kill Kunsha was that he wanted to use Kunsha's hand to dismantle his armed forces to avoid losses.

Ten hours later, Wang Jianjun arrived at Yangwu Village.

He didn't care about his breath.

Directly ask someone to lift Kun Sha out of the room where he was held, and have a conversation with him.

After ten hours of thinking, Kunsha figured out some things.

He knows that no matter which side's power is good. 0

None of them would kill themselves, nor would they dare to kill themselves.

More than 1 militants who first went to control were wandering around Jinshanjiao, Quguo, Taiguo, and Yuenan.

This is the result no one wants to see.

If this is to be avoided, they will have to clean up the situation themselves.

Therefore, Kunsha's current expression is not at all hectic, and even calm.

After being brought up by Wang Jianjun, Kun Sha lay leisurely on the bamboo chair, looked at Wang Jianjun in front of him and said.

"What's your name? I can't remember."

"I can tell you, my name is Wang Jianjun." Wang Jianjun said lightly.

"Wang, Wang Jianjun, I know you. You are Xu Yi's dog. I like your loyalty very much." Kunsha looked at Wang Jianjun and smiled.

Wang Jianjun's expression remained unchanged when he heard Kun Sha's words, and said:

"Kunsha, you are already our prisoner, now we need you to do something."

Kunsha shook his head and said, "It's not that simple for me to do something, I must have enough bargaining chips."

"Kunsha, can your little life be used as a bargaining chip?" Wang Jianjun said lightly.

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