But beyond Noka's expectations, except for a very small number of Kunsha's diehard loyalists who were willing to follow him, the others did not abandon him at all.

And Wang Jianjun also ruthlessly put Noka under house arrest in a hut in Jinshanjiao.

Noka's existence is just to prevent people from making trouble in the name of Kunsha, but in fact he is just a mascot.

Just after Wang Jianjun basically stabilized the Jinshanjiao, Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo West brotherly took nearly 100 battle hall members.

One went to the country of Koji and the other to the country of Tai.

But in Qu Country and Tai Country, there appeared a community called Brotherhood.

Needless to say, Qu Guo has the cooperation of Su Kui, the general of the military government.

Wang Jianguo's battle hall team members are invincible and unstoppable in Quguo.

In just one month, the brothers have become the number one gangster in Qu Country.

It is loved by all government officials and military officers in the main government of the Koji Army.

Because this brotherhood seems to not want to make money, almost all the profits are distributed to the top and bottom, large and small officials from all walks of life.

Unlike the Welcome Brothers Gang's development in Qu Country, Wang Jianjun's development in Tai Country was not particularly smooth.

It is very easy to enter and exit Taiguo, and there are many tourists from the country. There are many gangsters from various regions in Shuyidong.

For example, in Pattaya, a black from China was previously notified here, while in Qingmai, it was controlled by the Dongying Society.

All in all, the underground hot nine in Taiguo is also very chaotic.

And Wang Jianjun has only just settled the rivers and lakes in some places in the north with Leihuo's means, and he is still attacking Mangu.

However, Xu Yi did not set any time requirements for the brothers Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo to attack pro-South Asia.

Therefore, Wang Jianjun was not in a hurry, but fought steadily.

On the other side, Lin Zhengwei, the deputy leader of the Lu faction, one of the four major factions in M ​​country and the most powerful Qing Gang, came to Xiangjiang to see Xu Yi.

Since Xu Yi refused to meet with the leader of the Qing Gang last time, no one from the Qing Gang has contacted Xu Yi again.

As if nothing had happened.

Therefore, Xu Yi was still a little surprised by the request from Lin Zhengwei, the vice-leader of the Qing Dynasty and the leader of the Lu faction.

Of course, if others came to ask for an interview, it was impossible for Xu Yi to refuse him.

So Xu Yi and Lin Zhengwei made an appointment to meet at 09:30 the next morning.

That night, Xu Yi saw Lin Zhengwei's personal information.

This leader of the Lu faction, whose ancestors are very prominent, is a descendant of the "Langjun" king. His father, and his father are all well-known missions in the drug gang.

His grandfather's seniority was even higher than that of Shanghai Wei's three superheroes, Du Yuesheng, Huang Jinrong, and Zhang Xiaorong.

It's just that he first went to country m to develop, so he didn't leave his name in the circle of East Asia.

And Lin Zhengwei, the deputy capital of the Green Gang, is not easy. He took over from his father when he was 30 years old.

And it only took ten years to lead the Lu faction to emerge from the four factions of the Qing Gang.

It has become the most powerful faction among the Beijing, Huai, Lu, and Soviet factions of the Qing Gang.

Therefore, Xu Yi was still very interested in Lin Zhengwei's visit.

At [-]:[-] the next morning, it was earlier than the time agreed by the two of them.

Fifteen minutes later, Lin Zhengwei came to the door of Xu Yi's office in the Hongxing headquarters building.

This was the first time he met Xu Yi, the leader of the rivers and lakes in the Hong Kong, Austria and Taiwan regions.

Although he was a little surprised at Xu Yi's youth, his face did not change for the slightest.

Lin Zhengwei bowed slightly towards Xu Yi, smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, hello'"

Xu Yi stood up abruptly, and said with a smile, "Hello, Chief Lin."

Next, the right hands of these two well-known men in the eastern and western Chinese arenas were tightly held together.

No one knows what kind of turmoil will be withdrawn in the eastern and western rivers and lakes after this grasp.

When Lin Zhengwei was observing Xu Yi, Xu Yi was also observing Lin Zhengwei.



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This age is also the peak moment of the county people. They have life experience and their bodies are still in peak condition.

Lin Zhengwei is also worthy of being born in a famous family, with a refined and noble temperament, like a nobleman is better than like a club boss.

Xu Yi pointed to Kun Shafa in the office and said to Lin Zhengwei: "Mr. Lin, please sit down." "

After Lin Zhengwei sat down, Xu Yi looked at him and said, "Mr. Lin, I wonder why you came to Xiangjiang to find me this time?"

Xu Yi had no intention of playing tricks with Lin Zhengwei, so he directly asked Lin Zhengwei's purpose for coming to find him, and this was also Xu Yi's confidence as the host.Lin Zhengwei smiled and said: "Mr. Xu, I have two purposes for coming here. One is to express my gratitude to Xu Xuansheng because I want to do it, and the other is to cooperate with Mr. Xu." Xu Yi just looked at Lin Zhengwei quietly, But he didn't speak, he just listened to what Lin Zhengwei had to say next.

"Mr. Xu, I wonder if you still remember Lin Bumei?" Lin Zhengwei looked at Xu Yi and asked.

Xu Yi nodded (Zhao Nuo's). Of course Lin Bumei remembered that this Hongmen incense master was also a talent.

If he was allowed to sit in the same seat as himself, it would definitely not be so easy for Xu Yi to deal with him.

"To be honest, Lin Bumei is the acting head of Hongmen's New York sub-rudder. This person is not just a donkey."

"The heat of our Lupaibu country is mainly in the eastern part of Fenbu country, so we have fought against Lin Bumei many times."

Having said that, Lin Zhengwei paused for a moment, and then he continued:

"Mr. Xu, it doesn't make sense. Our Lu faction fought against Lin Bumei. We lost more than we won, and even my nephew was killed by Lin Bumei's scheme. "

"So he died in Xiangjiang, at the hands of you, Mr. Xu. I have to express my gratitude to Mr. Xu."

Xu Yi smiled slightly and said lightly:

"Mr. Lin, I dealt with Lin Bumei because he was against me"

"It's not to help you, Mr. Lin, so you don't have to thank me, Mr. Lin.".

Chapter 375 Humiliation! !

"Mr. Xu, killing Lin Bumei is a kindness to the Green Gang. Please accept my thanks." Lin Zhengwei then took out a golden token from his pocket and put it on the coffee table in front of him.

"Mr. Xu, this is the token we sent. I can't guarantee it for the other branches of the Qing Gang."

"But I can guarantee that as long as you use this token, you can get the full assistance we assign."

Xu Yi smiled slightly and looked at Lin Zhengwei with interest.

He knew that everything the appointed chief had done so far was only for what he had to say next.

A few seconds later, Lin Zhengwei carefully considered Xu Yi's reaction, laughed and said: "

"Mr. Xu, you are really sharp!"

"I'll just say it straight, the main purpose of my visit this time is to cooperate with you."

After hearing Lin Zhengwei's words, Xu Yi smiled slightly and said:

"Mr. Lin, I don't like to beat around the bush, I like to get straight to the point."

Lin Zhengwei shook his head and said with a smile: "I have been influenced by my grandfather and father for many years, and talking around has become my instinct. Pay off Mr. Xu and forgive me."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Zhengwei said seriously: "Mr. Xu, we all have a common enemy now, and that is Hongmen."

"To tell you the truth, although we are all in the country's four major clubs, our strength ranks last."

"And Hongmen is the number one club in country M, and one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers."

790 "So our drug gang and the Hongmen have many disputes on weekdays, and our gang also loses more than wins."

"Therefore, I came this time to form an alliance with Mr. Xu and deal with Hongmen together."

Lin Zhengwei looked at Xu Yi closely, and said word by word.

After listening to Lin Zhengwei's words, Xu Yi asked:

"Mr. Lin, this is what your Green Gang means. Or is it what you assigned?"

Hearing this, Lin Zhengwei did not hesitate, and said directly:

"Now it's the meaning of assignment. But I believe that after our cooperation has achieved results" you will soon become an ally of the Ji Gang. "Xu Yi shook his head and said: "Mr. Lin, to be honest, there is absolutely no need for me to get involved in the war between your gang and Jinmen."

"No matter how fiercely you fight, it won't affect me, Hong Xing."

"Therefore, if you want to form an alliance with me, you must let me see your sincerity."

Lin Zhengwei smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, the situation now is completely different from before."

"I believe that Hong Men may soon cease fighting with the Qing Gang temporarily, and then start a war with you, Hong Xing."

"Really?" Xu Yi was a little surprised when he heard Lin Zhengwei's words.

There have been hundreds of years of grudges between Hongmen and Hongmen, and he doesn't believe that Hongmen will prioritize dealing with himself before dealing with the Qing Gang.

Lin Zhengwei (baah) smiled and said: "Mr. Xu, the news that you have brought home a beautiful woman has spread throughout country M. Do you still deny it?"

After Xu Yi heard Lin Zhengwei's words, he became even more confused, and Lin Zhengwei's next words solved Xu Yi's doubts.

"Mr. Xu, the daughter of Situ Zhenxiong, the leader of Hongmen, and the eldest lady of Situ's family, Situ Li was forcibly taken by Mr. Xu as a concubine"

"This matter came from Hongmen, Mr. Xu, you shouldn't deny it, right?"

After listening to Lin Zhengwei's words, Xu Yi felt like vomiting blood.

He didn't want to just deny it, he wanted to be angry at this statement, if he really had an affair with Situ Li, that's all.

The key is that there is nothing between him and Situ Li, except for the contest.

Without even physical contact, Xu Yi at this moment is simply more wronged than Dou Yao.

"Mr. Xu, for me, face is more important than anything else."

"Therefore, for his own sake, Situ Zhenxiong will definitely start a war with you soon."

"I think it is very necessary for the two of us to cooperate to deal with Hongmen together." Lin Zhengwei looked at Xu Yi and said.

Hearing this, Xu Yi said calmly:

"Mr. Lin, I don't know what you mean about the cooperation between Hong Xing and your youth gang?"

After Lin Zhengwei heard Xu Yi's question, he showed a confident smile.Then said:

"Mr. Xu, let's work together to eliminate the Hongmen Twists and Treats first."

Xu Yi looked at Lin Zhengwei in front of him calmly, and after listening to his words, asked lightly:

"Mr. Lin, what good will it do for Hong Xing and me to cooperate with you to eliminate Hongmen's twisted contract?"

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