Lin Zhengwei laughed and said, "Mr. Xu, this will weaken Hongmen's strength."

"Moreover, our assignment will also attract Hongmen's wrath for you, Mr. Xu."

Xu Yi said lightly: "Mr. Lin, I didn't hear any sincerity from your words."

"Therefore, I refuse the cooperation you mentioned."

Lin Zhengwei's expression changed after hearing Xu Yi's words, and he said:

"Mr. Xu, what do you need?"

Xu Yi shook his head and said: "What I want, you or you can't get me by helping me."

"Unless you are willing to be my puppet, we have no basis for cooperation."

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Lin Zhengwei showed a trace of anger on his face, and he said in a slightly calm tone:

"Mr. Xu, I came here with sincerity." What you just said will affect the relationship between our Green Gang and you. "

Xu Yi was not moved by Lin Zhengwei's words at all, "Yi looked into Lin Zhengwei's eyes and said word by word:

"Sir, please remember, this is Xiangjiang, and I am the king here"

"Whether it's you or Hongmen, come to Xiangjiang and listen to me honestly."

"Hongmen wants to fight. I will fight with him, but this is definitely not a reason you can use to threaten me!"

After saying this, Xu Yi went on to say coldly:

"Mr. Lin, I think you are a guest from afar. I won't pursue this matter. You are restricted to leave the Xiangjiang River before tomorrow, or you will be responsible for the consequences." After hearing Xu Yi's words, Lin Zhengwei's self-cultivation is high. No matter how good the self-cultivation is, the face of the leader of the Societe Generale who is so tense in front of him turns red with anger.Lin Zhengwei, as the leader of the Lu Sect of the Green Gang, has many people who flatter him on weekdays.

Even the leader of the gang spoke softly to him, when had he been so insulted.

Lin Zhengwei looked at Xu Yi, then left Xu Yi's office without saying a word.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk, but that, as Xu Yi said, Xiangjiang is his territory.

If Xu Yi gave him face, he would be the deputy leader of the Qing Gang.

If you don't give him a son, he is just a passerby, but Lin Zhengwei has nothing to do.

People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads!

Therefore, he had no choice but to leave.

Xu Yi looked at Lin Zhengwei's leaving back, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

These association bosses who have mixed up in country m are all strong outsiders but capable insiders.

I think it is higher than the associations in East Asia.

Xu Yi will tell them with his strength.

In Xiangjiang, even if I trample you on the ground, you have nothing to do with me. Moreover, even if Hongmen is not going to fight Xu Yi.

Xu Yi also has no idea of ​​living in peace with Hongmen.

He has already secretly laid out the layout at Zhanmen, and after everything is in place, he will have a good show at the entrance, so what Lin Zhengwei said is all bullshit to Xu Yi.

The reason why I talked with him for so long is not because of anything else.

It was all because Xu Yi wanted to see if Lin Zhengwei was qualified to be his puppet in Country M.

Obviously, Lin Zhengwei didn't even have the ability to be Xu Yi's puppet.

That night, Lin Zhengwei left Xiangjiang.

Although he didn't believe that Xu Yi dared to really do anything to him.

But in order to prevent accidents, he still decided to be cautious.

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Chapter 376 Go Short!

Early the next morning, after hearing the news, Xu Yi burst out laughing.

The deputy chief is really careful.

However, the focus of Xu Yi's next attention was not on the vice capital of the king, but on the underground rivers and lakes of Country M.

In addition to Situ Li's move, Xu Yi also placed a chess piece.

With the help of Xu Yi's sufficient funds, Lin Peiru has already made a certain reputation in country m.

She used a large amount of profits to bribe local officials, and her power is expanding rapidly...

Of course, for the two behemoths of Hongmen and Qingbang, Lin Peiru is still a weak one.

But as long as it continues to develop at this speed, I believe that the country will soon have the fifth largest community.

Xu Yi likes double insurance, even triple and quadruple insurance.

This is also - his invincible magic weapon!

Time flies!


At this time, Xu Yi was talking with Adam and Maxi in the office building of the 42 Capital Fund.

As early as three months ago, Xu Yi withdrew the dollars he invested in the Nasdaq stock market and invested in the futures market.

He bought [-]:[-] times the international crude oil, which was worthless.

The trade also shook world futures markets.

Many experts said that this is an act of giving money. International crude oil prices have been falling since the financial crisis in the 80s.

This year's downward trend is more violent, and there is no upward trend at all.

The main reason for the drop in oil prices is because of country m.

You must know that polar bears are also one of the largest oil exporters in the world, and they can earn a lot of foreign exchange just by exporting oil, so as to continue their lives.

This is what the government of country m doesn't want to see.

Therefore, under its prediction, international crude oil prices will continue to decline.

Polar bears are still standing today.

Therefore, most people believe that country M will still prevent the rise of international crude oil prices.

However, the Middle East, the world's main oil production area, will have a war that surprises foreigners.

It is precisely because of this battlefield that the world's current hot nine distribution has begun to undergo tremendous changes.

On August 1990nd, [-], Yilak declared war on his neighbor, Kowick.

In just one day, the small country of Kovik was occupied by Eilat.

This news immediately detonated the whole world!

The international crude oil price began to rise in response, and the price of crude oil rose from 25 US dollars a barrel to [-] US dollars a barrel.

All investors have started to invest and buy in vain, and the price of international crude oil will rise.

Because the purpose of the war between Iraqi and Kovik this time was to raise oil prices, Rat and Lang fought the Iran-Iraq war for eight years.

The economy is about to collapse, so the government urgently needs an increase in international crude oil prices to get them out of their current predicament.

However, like other Gulf players in the Middle East, Kovick has increased oil production, causing international crude oil prices to fall instead of rising.

Therefore, this led to the occurrence of this war.

Some radicals even believe that the international crude oil price is likely to break through $[-] a barrel.

But the next day, the international crude oil price reached fifty dollars a barrel.

On the third day, it rose to $[-] a barrel.

Next, Xu Yi did not continue to buy oil prices to rise, but contacted his new friend, Soros of Quantum Fund.

"Mr. Soros, are you busy frying oil now?" Xu Yi asked with a smile.

"Haha, Mr. Xu," I'm not like those short-sighted people. I can conclude that oil will definitely fall this year, and the government of country m will not watch oil soar. "Soros laughed on the phone.

"Mr. Soros, our chance has come, it's time to make a big fortune." Xu Yi said leisurely.

"Oh, Mr. Xu, why did you attack the Eagle Kingdom?" Soros asked.

"No, Mr. Soros, the plan has changed. This time I decided to attack the whole Ouzhou." Xu Yi said lightly.

"The whole of Ouzhou? Mr. Xu. With all due respect, this is not a good idea. Eagle Country, we can shake his foreign exchange market with 300 billion US dollars?"

"But for Ouzhou as a whole, we need at least US$1000 billion in reserve funds to be fully sure."

"The number is simply too large, and the stakes are high."

Soros obviously didn't think that he and Xu Yi had the strength to shake the entire Ouzhou.

"Mr. Soros, the main players in Ouzhou are nothing more than Eagle Country, Eagle Country and Germany, as long as you short the goods of these three companies."

"The whole Ouzhou will fall into chaos, so I think 400 billion US dollars is enough to complete our plan." Xu Yi said with a smile.

?0 for flowers 0...

"But we don't have $400 billion!" Soros said lightly.

"No, we have, Mr. Soros, I will invest 200 billion US dollars to help you short Ouzhou!" Xu Yi said domineeringly.

Originally, Soros thought that Xu Yi was just talking nonsense. When he really saw Xu Yi's 200 billion dollars, he was completely shocked.

Naturally, Soros would not look at the Forbes rich list, because the real rich stars have hidden their assets in the dark.

Like the DuPont consortium, the largest consortium in country m, this consortium has been passed down for nearly 200 years.

At present, the apparent assets are only 20 billion US dollars. Who would believe it?

0 ....

As far as Soros knows, the total assets controlled by the DuPont consortium should be $5000 billion, but it is such a consortium.

Xu Yi may not even have $700 billion in cash, but Xu Yi, the oriental kid he knew, took out the cash.

How does this not surprise Soros?

Then he officially started the plan to short Ouzhou.

And Soros's first target was Germany.

At this time, Germany was also divided into the United States and Dominion Germany.

But at this time, Kunzhu Germany has signed an agreement with the Federal Republic of Germany.

The two Germanys will officially merge on October 1990, [-].

In response to pressure from all parties after the merger, the Bundesbank is raising its interest rates.Absorbed a lot of deposits.

And this place gave Soros a chance. With tens of billions of dollars in his hand, he frantically bought Mark from major German banks.

The dollar is the currency of the world, "also known as 'soft gold'.

Of course, these German banks will not do hard currency and exchange dollars for marks.

In just half a month, Soros acquired Deutsche marks worth nearly 200 billion US dollars, and almost emptied all the marks in the entire German bank.

Next, Soros didn't start shorting Mark.

Instead, they invested their time in Eagle Country and Qu Country. After Soros' exchange, Germany's foreign exchange reserves increased greatly.

They began to conduct foreign trade transactions with the American knife in their hands.

At this time, the overall economy of Ouzhou was affected by the economic crisis in the 80s VII.

Chapter 377 Earning tens of billions of dollars!

But at this time, the Ouzhou Alliance headed by the three countries of Eagle Country, China, and Germany is engaged in the currency integration of Ouzhou again.As a result, a large amount of cash in Yingguo and Quguo was sucked into Germany, where interest rates are high and foreign exchange is abundant.

This forced Yingguo and Quguo to raise interest rates.

And this allowed Soros to find an opportunity, and he then began to frantically acquire Yingbang and francs.

After nearly three months of operation, until the end of December.

Soros exchanged all 400 billion U.S. dollars into a large number of pounds, francs and marks.

In this wave of exchange, the exchange rates of the pound, the franc, and the mark all rose accordingly.

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