Xu Yi glanced at Harroway, then said:

"I will give you a billion dollars. I want all the discarded weapons of the Cossacks. Remember, they are all of them!"

Without waiting for Harroway to reply, Xu Yi went on to say:

"If you finish this matter, I will hand over all my arms business to you in the future, and half of the business profits will belong to you."

After Harroway heard Xu Yi's words, a gleam of joy appeared on his face involuntarily.

He has known Tong Mingxin for several times.

Tong Mingxin left a deep impression on Harroway's mind

Therefore, after learning that Tong Mingxin is only a subordinate of a big boss in Xiangjiang.

Harroway followed Tong Mingxin to Xiangjiang without any hesitation, and the purpose was to work for the big boss.

Only Harroway himself knows how dangerous it is to go it alone in the arms business, and the transaction process is extremely dangerous, which is Harroway's luck.

After selling arms for so many years, I haven't encountered black people eating black things.

Without a strong force as a backer, no one will avenge him if he is killed by others!

Even so, he does not have the power to choose the buyer, he will do whatever business.

Because he has no fixed buyer, or because he is not strong enough.

Therefore, capable buyers would not choose him at all, so Holloway wanted to find a backer for himself.

It's just that groups have already formed in the military fruit.

How could others easily accept this self-employed arms dealer?

Therefore, Harroway readily agreed to Xu Yi's request.

From then on, he became a professional arms dealer under Xu Yi.

Of course, 790, the current Harroway doesn't know Xu Yi's real goal in the Cossacks, if he said it, he would only sigh."

"Compared to his boss, his arms business can only be regarded as low-level, and his boss is the real king of war.

That night, Tong Mingxin and the crown prince Chen Haonan had a drink together, and even Xu Yi drank a few glasses of wine.

At the dinner table, Han Bin, who was half drunk, patted Tong Mingxin on the shoulder and asked:

"Ah Xin, you kid has played the Dayang horse all over the polar bear, tell me quickly, how does it feel to play the Dayang horse?"

Tong Mingxin smiled and said:

"Da Yangma's figure is really good. Compared with us Xiangjiang girls, he is like big fish, big meat, vegetables and fruits."

"Ming Xin, isn't your boy a big fish every day in the polar bear?" Han Bin said loudly."

"Because I eat big fish and meat every day, I now want to eat vegetables and fruits from Xiangjiang." Tong Mingxin showed a smile that men can understand.

Chen Haonan patted Tong Mingxin on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Ming Xin, I will accompany you to eat vegetables and fruits tonight."

Han Bin raised his hand and said, "I'll go too."

The prince also smiled and said, "I will go too."

Tong Mingxin glanced at Chen Haonan and said, "Brother Nan, are you going?"

"Me?" After thinking about it, Chen Haonan shook his head and said:

"Ah Xin, it's been so long since you came back, so I'll go with you."

"Haha, we are together again." Tong Mingxin laughed loudly.

Chapter 379 The Big Plan Has Been Decided!

Xu Yi stood up and said to Chen Haonan and the others: "A'nan, Pheasant, you five go to play, I won't accompany you." Pheasant immediately said: "Xu Yi, go get busy if you have something to do, we will meet later Free to move."

Xu Yi nodded, patted the shoulders of several people, and then drove away first.

At this moment, a car had already parked on the side of the road and waited for Xu Yi.

After Xu Yi got into the car, he said to the driver, "Tianhong, thank you for your hard work."

The driver of this car is Luo Tianhong.

"Brother Yi, I still like to do things by your side!"

Luo Tianhong said with a smile.

Xu Yi patted Lu Tianhong on the shoulder and said, "Let's go."

In the car, Xu Yi said slowly:

"Tianhong, there is one thing, I want to ask your opinion first."

"Brother Yi, if you have something to do, you can just order it directly. My opinion is that what you say, Brother Yi, I will do." Luo Tianhong laughed.

Xu Yi said: "Tianhong, I hope you will go to Country M with the people we are going to meet later"

"Where do you want to work for her, you will probably never be able to return to Xiangjiang.

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Luo Tianhong said firmly without the slightest hesitation: "Brother Yi, you can hope for everything."

After Luo Tianhong finished speaking, Xu Yi didn't reply, and Luo Hong drove a car to the Repulse Bay villas very quickly.

After Luo Tianhong listened to the car, Xu Yi got out of the car and said to Luo Tianhong, "Tianhong, follow me."

Afterwards, two figures shuttled back and forth in the Repulse Bay villa complex.

About 5 minutes later, Xu Yi stopped in front of the courtyard of a villa.

A few seconds later, Luo Tianhong also rushed to Xu Yi's side.

Xu Yi directly turned over the courtyard door, walked to the door of the villa, and rang the doorbell.

Soon, the big mouth of the villa was opened.

As the door opened, a woman's shadow also came into the sight of Xu Yi and Lu Tianhong.

And this woman is Situ Li.

Situ Li was still wearing the simplest Taoist robe as usual, and she looked immortal.

Situ Li walked straight into the villa.

Xu Yi brought Luo Tianhong into the villa.

When Xu Yi and Luo Tianhong walked into the living room of the villa, Situ Li was already sitting cross-legged on the seat, she looked at Xu Yi and said:

"Mr. Xu, why are you here today'"?"

"Miss Situ, the time I mentioned earlier has come"

"Now I need you to go to country m and fulfill your promise to me." Xu Yi looked at Situ Li and said slowly

"Okay, I can leave tomorrow." Situ Li said lightly.

Situ Li is a person who keeps his promises, so she agreed to Xu Yi without hesitation at all.

Xu Yi glanced at Situ Li, hesitated to speak.

Situ Li obviously saw what Xu Yi meant, and she said, "Mr. Xu, if you have something to say, just say it, don't cover it up."

Xu Yi looked at Situ Li and said:

"Miss Situ, if you hear rumors between you and me after you arrive in country m, don't mind if you pay back."

After Situ Li heard Xu Yi's words, a slight shame flashed in his eye sleeves.

However, Situ Li's eyes quickly returned to normal, and she said:

"Mr. Xu, those rumors outside refer to the rumors that I was forcibly taken as a concubine by you?"

"Not bad." Xu Yi said as the leader.

"Mr. Xu, if I have to dispute every rumor, I don't need to practice martial arts, and I don't need to live my life anymore." Situ Li said lightly.

"Miss Situ, I was too worried." Xu Yi said to Situ Li.

"It's okay, Mr. Xu, I still want to thank you for your concern." Situ Li looked at Xu Yi and said.

Afterwards, Xu Yi pointed to Luo Tianhong and said, "Miss Situ, this is my most trusted Xialu Tianhong. I am going to let him go to country m to assist you."

Situ Li nodded slightly in agreement.

"Tianhong, she is Miss Situ. After arriving in country m, everything depends on her, do you know?" Xu Yi looked at Luo Tianhong and said.

Hearing this, Luo Tianhong stood up and bowed slightly towards Situ Li, and said:

"I'm Luo Tianhong, I met Miss Situ."

Situ Li slightly took the lead and expressed his return, then Xu Yi said:

"Mr. Xu, I understand what you mean, don't worry, Luo Tianhong, I will train him well." Xu Yi looked at Situ Li, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled, everything was kept silent.

It was obvious that both of them had understood what the other was trying to convey.

The next day, Situ Li and Luo Tianhong boarded a flight to Los Angeles, M country.

After the two of them arrive in country m, Situ Li will be in charge of everything.

Originally, Xu Yi planned to send some more people to Situ Li, so that she could handle affairs in country M more smoothly.

But Situ Li rejected Xu Yi. She has been in Hongmen for ten years, so she naturally has her own power.

And the scale of this force is huge!

Therefore, Situ Li knew all about the rumors inside Hongkou.

Of course, Situ Li still took [-] million US dollars from Xu Yi Maoli.

Money is easy to do things, this is a universal truth in all parts of the world.

Just as Situ Li and Lu Tianhong left Xiangjiang.

In Taiguo, the Brotherhood under Wang Jianjun's command is on the move.

After several months of operation, the Brotherhood has penetrated the entire Southeast Asian peninsula.

Now except for Taiguo's largest faction forward gang.

The brothers Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguoxi have gradually become popular!

Brothers in Laos, Puzhai and Yuenan are all notified by means of supporting agents

And their agents are Laocuoyi, Shupu Zhaihu, and (Zhao Nuo's) Chinese in Yuenan among the Black Tiger mercenaries.

Under the powerful force and money political situation, the underground gangs of the Three Kingdoms, which had no climate at all, were disintegrated in an instant.

And the three associations also became the rulers of the underground forces of the Three Kingdoms.

The Progressive Gang of Taiguo is somewhat different from other clubs.

The boss of Empress Qianjin is a senior official of the Taiguo government.

Although Wang Jianjun is confident, he is not arrogant.

He knew that no matter how powerful he was, it was impossible to fight against the local government.

Therefore, he put the forward gang aside for the time being.

At the same time, it began to infiltrate the power of the Brotherhood into the Federation of Malaysia.

In Taiguo, the brotherhood mainly supports the Juka campaign.

Since the backstage of the Qianjin Gang is a senior official from the Taiguo, let its backstage step down.

This is Wang Jianjun's idea.

However, apparently Xu Yi did not intend to wait until the new round of elections in [-].

Chapter 380 Thunder Shot! !

The next day!

Soros, who has been silent for half a year, strikes again!

This time he set his sights on Luo and Malaysia.

For Soros' capital offensive, the government of the two countries simply has no power to retaliate!

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