It can only announce indefinite restrictions on domestic and international financial transactions.

But how could Soros, who was ready to go, let this guy go so easily.

Soon, international fishing boats pointed out the tight lock-up policy aimed at by the two countries.

Next, the Thai baht and the Malaysian ringgit were downgraded by the IMF.

After getting the news, the residents of Luoyang, Luo and Malaysia began to panic to withdraw their money in the bank.

However, in order to develop the economy, the two countries have given a large amount of money to foreign-invested enterprises.

This is also what the slap family must do for economic development.

However, due to the severity of the turmoil this time, and the behind-the-scenes push of Soros and other consortiums, the situation has become even more out of hand.

Half a month later, the Malaysian government announced an indefinite freeze on bank withdrawals.

Every resident has a quota for withdrawals, and there is a withdrawal limit for each day.

The Malaysian government hopes to take advantage of this policy to control the people's frenzied bank run.

However, the first time this policy came out, the Malaysian banking industry was fatally hit by 790, and three banks declared bankruptcy at that time.

However, there are not so many lands in the Malaysian government now, and he only wants to stabilize the people's hearts.

The next day, the Taiguo government implemented the same policy as Malaysia.

Invariably, the two players began to follow the development of their own currencies.

However, at this time, it was already too late.

Due to the panic of the common people in the two countries, the exchange rates of US knives, big guns, and Malaysian ringgits in the black market have undergone drastic changes.

Soros bought a large amount of baht and ringgit on the black market.

Next, he used these currencies to exchange U.S. knives with official ratios from the governments of the two countries.

Of course, it is impossible for Malaysia and Taiguo to let Soros exchange.

However, Soros also has other options.

He began to sell the currencies of the two countries aggressively internationally, which caused violent fluctuations in the exchange rates of the two countries.

This led to the collapse of the stock markets and economies of the two countries.

Next, Soros announced the acquisition of Luo Yanjia Bank and Bank Negara Malaysia.

He used a large amount of Taizhu and Malaysian ringgit in his hands to exchange the deposits of residents of the two countries.

The money is then recovered from these residents with US dollars at a very high exchange rate.

That is to say, between coming and going, Taitie and Lingji have been worth nearly four times.

And Soros is using his huge funds to reap the wealth created by the people of Luo and Dama over the past few decades.

Since the two countries are implementing financial and currency internationalization policies, they are powerless against Soros' various operations.

Finally, under the negotiation of the International Fund, the two countries and Soros' Quantum Fund reached a settlement agreement.

On the basis of keeping the original exchange rate unchanged, he is allowed to freely exchange the US and domestic currencies.

In the next step, Soros began to recover the US dollars he had previously invested from the residents of the two countries at the original exchange rate.

At that time, he began to buy companies in Thailand and Malaysia that were on the verge of bankruptcy or owed a large amount of debt that could not be repaid.

After a series of operations, nearly half of the companies in Romania and Malaysia have shares in Soros.

Of course, if you check carefully, the real owner of these shares is a Pwanda company registered in the Virgin Islands.

The registrant of this company is an unknown Viking native.

In fact, the real controlling shareholder of this company is Xu Yi.

At this moment, the people of Malaysia and Romania realized that the US exchanged by them could not be consumed in their own countries.

They had to go to the bank to exchange the US dollars in their hands back into Thai baht and Malaysian ringgit at the exchange rate stipulated by the family.

This caused their accumulated wealth accumulated over the years to be burned.

Therefore, angry residents of the two countries took to the streets to protest against the current government.

In desperation, the ruling parties of the two countries announced the dissolution of parliament and the start of general elections ahead of schedule.

This is the last step of Xu Yi's plan.

In the general election, Xu Yi invested a huge amount of money, and finally Luo's opposition party, Taxin, succeeded in coming to power.

It is a pure Chinese at heart, and at the same time he is a rich man (baah).

And the largest shareholder in his communication company, energy company and other industries is Pwanda Company.

The opposition party in Malaysia also won the general election, and Haji, who was born in Penang, became the consul of Malaysia.

And he is also half of Chinese descent.

After these two people came to power, the brothers of Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo began to grow rapidly.

the other side!

Xiangjiang is in a peaceful and stable atmosphere.

The Xiangjiang people are not alarmed by the sufferings that Taiguo and Malaya are going through.

There were even a lot of rich people in Xiangjiang who followed Soros and drank a few sips of soup while Soros was in Southeast Asia.

No one thought that Soros would target Xiangjiang.

The reason is simple. Xiangjiang is different from Taiguo and Malaya. Xiangjiang has a total foreign exchange reserve of 400 billion US dollars.

The Hong Kong government's ability to respond to such incidents is far superior to those of the two smugglers, Taiguo and Malaysia.

The governor of Xiangjiang, William, obviously didn't take the matter of Soros to heart.

Because of Soros' move in Eagle Country this time, Baobao Party resigned sadly.

After the newly elected Labor Party took office, Governor William knew that he would not be able to sit for long.

Therefore, he wants to leave several historic projects for Xiangjiang, so that the people of Xiangjiang will 'remember' him forever.

The more important reason is that the Xiangjiang Government's foreign exchange reserves are really large.

Originally, Xiangjiang was a colony of the Eagle Kingdom, and everyone was their own.

Of course, Yingguo Zhengfu will not have any small calculations, but it is different now.

After the reunification, Xiangjiang will not belong to the Eagle Kingdom.

How can Yingguo Zhengfu be willing to leave such a sum of money to the north?

Therefore, during the retrospective stage of his tenure, William flattered the horse and chose two century projects for Xiangjiang.

One is the new airport in Xiangjiang, which has a budget of US$19 billion.

After completion, Xiangjiang has two international airports.

And William declared that this is necessary for Xiangjiang to become an international metropolis.

The second is a Xiangjiang sewage discharge plan, in this concession plan.

The sewage of the whole Xiangjiang River will be hit on Chuanzhou for central treatment.

Then it is discharged to the sea through deep-sea pipelines, with a budget of about 11 billion US dollars.

William proudly assured the residents of Xiangjiang that after he left, a clean, international and modern Xiangjiang would be left behind.

As soon as these two plans came out, it seemed like a shock bomb had been dropped on Xiangjiang. Some people strongly agreed with it, while others actively opposed it.

Lei Yingdong was the leader among the opponents. He publicly stood up and said:

"This is a conspiracy by the Government of Hong Kong to consume the blood and money of Hong Kong people."

He called on Hong Kong people to take to the streets to protest against this policy plan.

Because of the calls of Xu Yi, Lei Yingdong and others, the Legislative Council rejected the policy report of the Hong Kong Governor's Office.

William was shocked to learn that the Legislative Council had rejected his policy address.

He originally thought that the Legislative Council was under his control, and that this policy report was passed by the Legislative Council, which meant that all Xiangjiang people endorsed this plan.

But now, to his surprise, the Legislative Council has actually rejected his policy address.

Chapter 381 Showdown

In this regard, William made a two-step response plan.

In the first step, he passed his policy report in the name of the governor of Hong Kong, because he believed that it would help the development of Hong Kong.

And this is in line with Hong Kong's laws, and the Governor of Hong Kong has sufficient power to do so.

But in this way, if Xiangjiang suffers losses because of this policy plan?

All responsibilities will be borne by the Government of Hong Kong - and the Government of Yingguo.

William was about to leave Xiangjiang, so he began to implement the plan toughly.

The next day.

William asked Xu Yi to meet him at the Governor's Mansion.

The meeting between Xu Yi and William this time was completely different from the last time.

In the past, William and Qiu were always talking and laughing.

But tonight, after seeing Xu Yi, William's face was very calm.

And the entire Hong Kong Governor's Mansion seems to be shrouded in fluorine, which makes people feel extremely depressed.

"Governor William, hello." Xu Yi looked at William calmly and said.

Now that the two sides have already matched the car against the car, and the horse against the horse.

Xu Yi didn't play extra watches with William and went to work, but Li Kui greeted him.

"Mr. Xu, I have some admiration for you!"

"I heard that you are a hero who only emerges once every 100 years in the Xiangjiang underground. I was skeptical, but I didn't expect you to be more sinister than I imagined." William looked at Xu Yi and said coldly.

Xu Yi listened to William's retreat, his face remained unchanged, and he said lightly:

"I remember that I told you clearly before that I am from Xiangjiang, and I will do anything that is beneficial to Xiangjiang."

"So I think I don't need to explain more, you should understand why I did this."

"Xu Yi, you are manipulating public opinion and trampling on the spirit of Hong Kong's rule of law. Are you ashamed to say that you are doing it for the good of Xiangjiang?" William asked Xu Yi word by word.

Xu Yi shook his head and smiled, "It's just the two of us here, must we be pretending here?"

"Don't play your moral attacks on me, it just makes me laugh"

"Whether I am doing it for the good of Xiangjiang is not something you, a Chinese, can judge."

After hearing Xu Yi's words, William stood up abruptly and said loudly:

"Xu Yi, I can assure you that you will definitely be popular on Xiangjiang's pillar of shame."

Xu Yi smiled faintly: "Mr. William, your threats are useless to me."

"If I were you, I'd spend the last days of my term with my ass between my legs so I don't get ruined."

William looked at Xu Yi coldly and said:

"Xu Yi, since you are stubborn, I can only show you what is really good for Xiangjiang."

Xu Yi looked at William with a half-smile, and said lightly:

"Mr. William, just use whatever tricks you have, I'll wait and see!"

After speaking, Xu Yi turned around and left William's office.

However, when Xu Yi walked to the door of William's office, he turned to look at William and said:

"By the way, Mr. William, it's July 13rd, and I'm leaving Xiangjiang NO.[-], so don't make me wait too long." After saying this, Xu privately walked away.

Angrily, William grabbed the teacup next to him, slammed it on the ground, and cursed, "fuck!"

After Xu Yi left the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion, William directly dialed the number of Hong Kong Police Chief John Xun.

"Director John, this is William."

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