"Are you all ready?"

"Don't worry, Chief Chen is ready!" said the man.

"Well, Ah Wei, thank you this time."

Chen Zhongxin said to this man named Awei.

"Director Chen, you don't have to be so polite, this is what I should do!" Ah Wei laughed.

"Notify the brothers nearby, and notify me immediately if something happens." Chen Zhongxin whispered in Ah Wei's ear.

In the next step, he led John Xun into the small building.

"Director John, this building was built in the second year after the establishment of the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

"It was some of the most stubborn police officers that were asked here.

"After the reunification, the police force and our ICAC reached a settlement, and this place was disused.

And Director John, you are the first most senior police officer to come here in the past ten years. "

Chen Zhongxin looked at John and said with a faint smile.

"Director Chen, you're just planning everything!" John said with a relaxed tone.

"John asked the Commissioner, here I personally arrested eight heinous police officers and put them in prison.

"I hope you're not the ninth officer."

Hearing this, John Xun laughed loudly and said, "Director Chen, are you joking!"

Chen Zhongxin brought John Xun into a small interrogation room without expression.

The two of them sat across a table, and Chen Zhongxin couldn't help but John didn't answer.

The two looked at each other quietly like this, and the entire interrogation room was dead silent.

Chen Zhongxin and John Xun, both of them know the reason why they are sitting here now

Therefore, the two will also spend more energy doing some unimportant things.

They all know that their place is just a small battlefield in a friendly battle, and the two of them are just pawns on the battlefield.

Another battlefield is still in the center of Xiangjiang, in the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion, in the Hongxing headquarters building.

Heung Kong Police Headquarters.

At this time, all the police officers above grade gathered in the conference room for a meeting.

Because John Xun was taken away by the ICAC and temporarily dismissed from his post.

The deputy chief, Robert, automatically became the acting chief of the Xiangjiang Police Department, and he presided over the meeting this time.

At this moment, Li Wenbin, who was sitting on the right side of John Xun, was extremely surprised.

He never thought that the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion would attack Xu Yi so quickly.

Although, Li Wenbin had already expected that the Hong Kong Governor's Office would move towards Xu Yi, or the Xiangjiang faction.

But I didn't expect that Governor William would be so decisive.

This is why Li Wenbin is not as good as Xu Yi, or this is why many Xiangjiang people are not as good as Xu Yi.

Their eyes are still only on Xiangjiang, only on their own three-thirds of an acre.

In this way, they can't see many things clearly.

For example, this time, Xu Yi came to power through the Yingguo Zhengfu Labor Party.

It is easy to draw a conclusion that William will drive Xiangjiang back to his hometown soon. 0

That's why William fought so decisively against Xu Yi and the Xiangjiang faction.

That's because he has nothing to worry about, and winning is of course the best, leaving a glorious stroke on his resume and adding a lot of ink to his comeback in the future.

It doesn't matter if you lose, anyway, no matter what the consequences will be, it will be borne by his receiver.

Who wouldn't do such a good thing if you win the benefits yourself, and if you lose, others will take the blame?

Because of this, even Qiu did not jump out against William.

William will also try to find a way to do it to the Legislative Council, which has been controlled by the Xiangjiang faction.

It was only a matter of time before this battle broke out between the Government of Hong Kong and the Xiangjiang faction.

And what Li Wenbin didn't expect was that John Xun, the director of Xiangjiang Police Department, would do it himself.

Not only did he fail to capture Xu Yi, but he was sent to the Independent Commission Against Corruption himself.

And now, the members of the Hongsong Club unite nearly [-] Xiangjiang residents, and they are powerful oil dealers in various districts of Xiangjiang.

And this emergency meeting was announced by Robert, and the content of the meeting was two.

One is about John News, and the other is how to get the oil deal done.

These two things were death orders from William to Robert, asking Robert to solve them no matter what.

Robert looked at the senior police officers present and said, "Everyone, I would like to tell you two things."

"One, our director, John Xun, 0.7, was attacked by Chen Zhongxin, director of the Executive Division of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, because of the investigation resolution passed by the Legislative Council, and is currently missing."

"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong has issued a Governor's Order requesting the unconditional release of Commissioner John Xun from the Independent Commission Against Corruption"

"Therefore, it is illegal for Chen Zhongxin to detain Director John Xun now!"

"Chief Superintendent Liang Wenfeng." Robert Cheng said...

"Sir!" A middle-aged man stood up and responded.

"This time, the task of searching for Director John News will be entrusted to you, Mr. C," Robert ordered.

"Yes, sir!" Liang Wenfeng replied.

"Okay, let's start to act now!" Robert said loudly.

"Yes, sir!

After Liang Wenfeng saluted Robert, he quickly left the conference room.

Chapter 388 Confrontation! ! !

Robert took a puff of cigarette, then looked at the remaining senior police officers and said:

"Everyone, C is responsible for searching for Chief John, and we have more important tasks."

"Now three communities are in a state of chaos, and today the whole of Xiangjiang is in a state of chaos.

"If this is the case, the safety of the citizens will not be guaranteed. I announce that Xiangjiang will enter the second-level rehabilitation status from now on."

"All Tea Respect cancels the physical leave, and one-third of the whole effort will go to the streets to evacuate the crowd. The PTU.

"Director Robert, if we enter the second-level regimen, we must report to the Legislative Council and the Governor of Hong Kong. Have you done that?"

"Director Li, the situation is urgent. There are [-] citizens selling oil on the street, and emergencies will happen at any time."

"Also, I have already reported this matter to Hong Kong Governor Mr. William before the meeting."

"Mr. Governor agrees with my point of view. The current situation does not allow the Legislative Council to meet and pass a resolution to enter the whole territory of the whole ring."

"Therefore, according to the law, on behalf of the Police Force, I can announce to the whole of Hong Kong that it has entered the second-level full 10 ring."

Having said that, Robert paused, looked at Li Wenbin and replied:

"I wonder if Director Li has any other questions?"

Li Wenbin shook his head and said, "No."

"Okay! Then let's start!" Robert said loudly.

"Yes, sir!" All the senior police officers in the conference room stood up and said loudly.


After Robert finished these two words, he hurriedly opened the meeting room.

Because Governor William wanted to see him, he had to rush there immediately.

Li Wenbin and Luo Zhizheng glanced at each other, and then they walked into Li Wenbin's office together.

"Zhizheng, what do you think of this?"

In the office, Li Wenbin looked at Luo Zhizheng and asked.

"Wen Bin, Xu Yi has made such a good start, why don't the two of us do some official work?

Luo Zhizheng said slowly.

"Zhizheng, what do you think we should do now?" Li Wenbin asked.

Luo Zhizheng also stood up and looked at Li Wenbin and said word by word:

"Remove Robert, and then you will be the acting director of the Xiangjiang Police Department!"

Li Wenbin was shocked when he heard Luo Zhizheng's words, and then he said:

"With the governor in Hong Kong, it is very difficult for us to do this."

"Governor William has violated the law once, this time we use the rules to drive Si away"

"He has only two choices. One is to pinch his nose and admit that you are the acting director, or the other is to force Robert to continue to serve as the acting director again in violation of the law."

"One, I don't need to mention the possible consequences, you have successfully served as the acting director of the Xiangjiang Police Department!

"Second, if William breaks the rules again... I believe that the Oil Fair will not only be attended by a few hundred thousand people."

"If William breaks the law many times, it will make the residents of Xiangjiang angry."

"When the time comes, what do you think will happen?"

After Luo Zhizheng finished speaking, he looked at Li Wenbin quietly.

Without waiting for Luo Zhizheng to explain more, Li Wenbin also knew what would happen.

Otherwise, William of the Hong Kong government will get out of Xiangjiang, or he will be the first in the people's hearts, and he will be ostracized in Xiangjiang.

Thinking of this, Li Wenbin said: "Zhizheng, do you want to use the second-level security period, half of the police officers above the constitutional committee level vote to get Robert out of office?"

Before Luo Zhizheng could answer, Li Wenbin immediately said:

"No, we simply can't get the votes of more than half of the constitutional committee level police officers."

Among the 33 constitutional committee level police officers, only 16 are Chinese police officers,

And not all of these 16 people will be on Li Wenbin's side.

Therefore, Li Wenbin knew that this plan would definitely not work.

Later, Li Wenbin asked Luo Zhizheng, "Zhizheng, what can you do?"

Hearing this, Luo Zhizheng said slowly: "Robert has a violent personality and committed many things."

"If he wasn't from the Eagles, he would have been fired from the entire team long ago.

At this time, I will expose these matters to the Legislative Council.

It is believed that the Legislative Council will soon suspend Robert's power to act as acting director.

At that time, you will naturally be able to succeed Robert as the acting director of the Xiangjiang Police Department. "

"Zhizheng, Xu Yi has already used this trick, can it still work if we use it?" Li Wenbin looked at Luo Da and said.

"It's absolutely possible. The governor of Hong Kong is the nirvana of the people of Eagle Country, and our nirvana is the Legislative Council."

"Speaking of which, we really want to thank the Governor of Hong Kong for sending this chess piece to us." Luo Zhizheng said with a smile.

After thinking about it for a minute, Li Wenbin said quietly: "Then you can't wait, do it quickly!"

"Okay!" Luo Zhizheng smiled at Cha Wenbin.

Next, the two began to bend over Robert's side inside the police station.

the other side!

Under the leadership of members of Hung Hing, the Hong Kong Residences took the form of sit-ins one after another.

Launch oil tours in various communities in Xiangjiang.

As for the major media and newspapers in Xiangjiang, he keenly discovered the news value of it.

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