After some investigations, Dayang Daily took the lead in publishing the first edition of food paper. Nian Dayang Daily is a newspaper run by Eagle Investment.

Therefore, its butt is of course sitting on the side of the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion, and its news headline is Hong Songshe's fight against Hong Kong's laws.

In the text, Chen Zhongxin, director of the Executive Division of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and Hong Xing are alluded to together.

It is written that the director of the ICAC has been bought by Hong Xing Xu Yi.

790 The Commissioner of Police John Hsun was described as a fair, upright man who is not afraid of evil forces.

But it was just such a Jingcha who was kidnapped by Hong Xing, and he has not been found yet, and his life and death are uncertain.

Then, after the Sun reported.

Ming Pao, the most influential newspaper in Hong Kong, also published an additional issue.

In its report, Hong Kong Governor William and Police Commissioner John Xun violated the Hong Kong Police Regulations and privately dispatched the Eagle National Garrison to arrest Hongxing's senior officials.

At the same time, it also stated that Chen Zhongxin, director of the Executive Division of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, was able to take John away for investigation in accordance with the resolution of the Legislative Council.

There is actually nothing illegal about it.

Ming Pao also pointed out that the Governor William's order to stop the investigation of John Xun violated Hong Kong's laws and placed individuals above the law.

I hope that the Hong Kong government will rein in the precipice and immediately revoke the governor's order issued by him.

At the same time, Ming Pao also pointed out that the oil operation was a counterattack launched by Hung Hing against the Government of Hong Kong.

I hope Hong Xing can control himself and solve this matter in a peaceful way!

After reading the contents of Dayang Pao and Ming Pao, Xu Yi said to Han Bin beside him:

"Abin, let our newspapers publish the news at Ming Pao's price."

"Okay, Brother Yi, at Dayang Newspaper, do you need Han Bin to wipe your throat?

Chapter 389 Conspiracy

"No, these people, the more you handle them, the happier they will be"

"At that time, they will become media workers who don't think about power, and I will become a sinner who destroys the freedom of speech.

"We don't want to do this kind of thing, you just do what I tell you"

"As for the Dayang Daily, I have my own means to deal with them." Xu Yi said slowly.

"Mr. Xu, I see." After Han Bin finished speaking, he opened Xu Yi's office.

After Han Bin left, Xu Yi dialed a number and asked:

"Who is the boss behind Dayang Daily?"

"Huang Huafeng of the Eastern Group, the capital behind them is Eight Media of Eagle Country."


After Xu Yi finished listening, he hung up the phone

Then, he dialed another number and said lightly,

"Within a week, I don't want to see the company Dongfang Group again in Xiangjiang."

After saying this, Xu Yi hung up the phone.

Finally, he dialed a number again and said, "Eagle Country's Badu Media, I want it to go bankrupt."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and then a voice said:

"Sir, after shorting Ouzhou here, we acquired a large number of shares in Eagle Country"

"Eight Media is one of them, and now it has 50.00% of the shares belong to you, are you sure you want to let it go bankrupt?"

Hearing this sentence, Xu Yi was slightly taken aback, and then he said:

"Short Octave Media, let it earn us the last sum of money before bankruptcy."

No one knows the horror of the fishing boat better than Xu Yi, so he has already started to make arrangements in the media.

For the media that is not on his side, he usually buys directly.

Or it was suppressed by capital to cause it to go bankrupt, just like Dongfang Group and Kebadu Media this time.

Inside the Governor's House.

Lu Wenzhong, the newly appointed Secretary for Government Affairs, Robert, and Shi Shaoyun from the ICAC gathered in the reception room of Governor William of Hong Kong.

Together they discussed how to get through this crisis.

It can be said that at this time, the central figures of the Xiangjiang government's power are all here.

William looked at the crowd in front of him and said:

"Everyone, I think you should be clear about the current situation'"?"

"Now a group of people are challenging our Government of Hong Kong. This is a provocation to us."

"We must suppress them in the fastest way, and foil their plots, so that we can kill one and make a hundred!"

"Everyone, according to my information, the hot nine of this group are very powerful. They claim to be from the Xiangjiang faction. More than half of the members of the Legislative Council are members of the Xiangjiang faction."

"In other departments of the government, there are also a large number of people from the so-called Xiangjiang faction, such as Chen Zhongxin, director of the Executive Division of the Independent Commission Against Corruption."

"Chen Zhongxin sent John, the police chief of our Xiangjiang government, away for investigation, but he has not been found yet."

""This kind of behavior is kidnapping, everyone, I don't think anyone wants to be taken away for investigation in this way, right? "

William looked at the few people in front of him and said lightly.

After hearing what William said, Commissioner Shi Shaoyun said:

"Mr. Governor, this is the negligence of our Independent Commission Against Corruption! The office has begun to investigate Chen Zhongxin."

"If there are no accidents, tonight our ICAC can announce the resignation of Chen Zhongxin."

After hearing Shi Shaoyun's words, William nodded slightly and said:

"Your ICAC will really do its best this time."

Then William looked at Robert and said:

"Director Robert, you are so fierce now, and Xu Yi is the black hand of Empress Mu. Does your police department have any means for this?" Robert heard William's words, thought for a moment and said:

"Mr. Governor, I have announced that Xiangjiang has entered the second-level alert state. I will immediately issue an order to let the residents of Xiangjiang stop the oil trade activities.

"Those who violate this order will be directly arrested and signed by our police department."

As soon as Robert finished speaking, a voice started from the reception room: "This is completely unworkable."

After hearing the voice, Robert and William looked towards the speaker.

It was discovered that the speaker was Lu Wenzhong, the new chief envoy of Xiangjiang.

Lu Wenzhong looked at William and said: "Mr. Governor, if the method mentioned by Director Robert is implemented, I think Xiangjiang will really fall into chaos."

"The right to use oil is a power endowed by the law to the residents of Xiangjiang. If we take it away without authorization"

"Not only will it lead to serious dissatisfaction among the residents of Xiangjiang, but it will even cause international fishing boats to complain.

"In that case, we will be passive."

Hearing this, William nodded slightly, and then he said:

"Mr. Lu, do you have any good means?"

Lu Wenzhong looked at Robert and asked angrily: "Director Robert, Xu Yi must be unclean, why didn't he be controlled first?"

Robert smiled wryly: "Mr. Lu, if Xu Yi is really so easy to control, our police department will take action immediately."

"Xu Yi's current resume is as white as paper, there is not a trace of uncleanness at all"

"And he has a team of lawyers with dozens of lawyers"

"All the famous lawyers in Xiangjiang are serving him. We caught Xu Yi and we will release him within an hour,"

"Unless strong measures are taken, it is simply impossible to control him."

"Xu Yi is definitely not a simple person. If you don't control him, things won't be so easy to handle this time."

, Director Robert, for the sake of the stability of the Xiangjiang government, I suggest you just force it and directly control Xu Yi! "Lu Wenzhong said slowly.

The importance of Yingguo to Xu Yi may not be very clear, but Lu Wenzhong is from Xiangjiang.

He is very clear about Xu Yi's current energy, but Lu Wenzhong can be sure that Xu Yi must be an important figure in the "Xiangjiang School".

As long as he is detained, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort to deal with the Xiangjiang faction.

After listening to Lu Wenzhong's words, Robert said:

"Director John Xun was taken away by the ICAC when he led people to arrest Xu Yi.

"It's extremely difficult to find King Xu Yi now, and it's unbelievable to save a police station."

"I don't know who belongs to Xu Yi and who doesn't belong to Xu Yi. If you want to arrest Xu Yi in private, it will be difficult."

"Private arrest? Director Robert, you misunderstood me"

"What I mean is to directly control Xu Yi. If he dares to resist, he will be beaten to death directly in the name of assault,"

"In a word, we must completely control this person (Zhao Nuo's)!" Lu Wenzhong's tone showed a trace of cold blood.

Robert looked at Lu Wenzhong strangely, he didn't think of this Xiangjiang-born person.

It is even more ruthless to mess with his own compatriots than he, a native of Eagle Country.

Thinking of this, Robert turned to look at William.

William was also in deep thought at this time.

Suddenly, he looked at Robert and said:

"Director Robert, follow what Chief Lu said. This is an extraordinary period, and we can only do extraordinary things!"

"Remember, be fast!"

"yes, sir!"

After Robert saluted William, he left the Governor's Mansion.

He was going back to the police station to start arranging the arrest of Xu Yi.

Robert still knew a lot about Xu Yi.

He knew that this Xu Yi was by no means as simple as his appearance.

He is the most terrifying club brother in Jianghu since the opening of Xiangjiang class

Robert knew that if he wanted to deal with Xu Yi, he had to make careful arrangements in order to have a chance.

Chapter 390

Lu Wenzhong looked at William and said seriously:

"Mr. Governor, according to what you said, I can draw an inference that this time, the 'Xiangjiang faction' can fight us

"The difficulty is that they control the Legislative Council, Mr. Governor, am I right?"

William nodded slowly and said, "Yes."

At this time, his heart was bitter, and the Legislative Council was what he strongly demanded to change.

But I didn't think that he would shoot himself in the foot in the end.

After Lu Wenzhong heard William's answer, he laughed and said:

"Then let's destroy their trump card and see what else they can fight us with!"

Hearing what Lu Wenzhong said, William quickly said:

"Mr. Lu, what should we do?"

Lu Wenzhong looked at Shi Shaoyun and said, "This matter depends on the ICAC."

"Please tell Mr. Lu clearly."

Shi Shaoyun looked at Lu Wenzhong and said.

"It's like this. As far as I know, among the [-] district councilors in this session of the Legislative Council, [-] councilors were originally members of Hong Xing."

"They used to be members of the society. I don't think I need to teach you the next thing. You should know how to do it, right?" Lu Wenzhong said to Shi Shaoyun.

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