And several big banks in Hong Kong also found that something was wrong. Some people were buying stocks and arranging a large number of Hong Kong papers.

Just when they were still guessing what conspiracy the other party had, it was [-]:[-] that afternoon.

Quantum Fund began to sell Hong Kong paper at low prices internationally.

And Xu Yi's 42 Capital Fund and other "Xiangjiang faction" rich people began to take over.

After William knew about it, the experts of the Chief Financial Officer immediately came to a conclusion.

This is Soros' Quantum Fund targeting Xiangjiang.

Then, William issued an order to thwart Soros' plot to make airport paper.

The next day, it may be due to the influence of Soros's shorting of the Hong Kong dollar.

The company that bought stocks frantically yesterday began to quickly sell a large number of stocks in its hands.

Millions of stockholders in Xiangjiang began to panic, visually predicting that a major stock market crash is coming.

At this moment, several rich men stood up and began to buy the sold stocks at low prices, abruptly stabilizing the stock market.

In the financial market, the Xiangjiang government began to frantically buy Hong Kong papers thrown by the Quantum Fund.

When Xiangjiang Zhengfu breathed a sigh of relief, they never thought of it.

The Quantum Fund will directly break their spines next, so that they can no longer afford to resist. 10

next day!

In the Hong Kong stock market, all the "Xiangjiang faction" rich people began to sell their stocks crazily.

This caused the Xiangjiang stock market to start a new round of plummeting, and those individual investors also saw that the situation was not good, so they cut their flesh and left the market one after another.

That morning, the Hang Seng Index plummeted!

The extent of this decline has caused stockholders to flee in panic!

The Hang Seng Index dropped to [-] when it got off the market that day, "It has almost fallen below [-]

Once the news came out, William couldn't calm down.

He knew that if the Xiangjiang stock market fell below [-] points, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, William issued an order that Xiangjiang government should save the city no matter what.

As soon as the stock market opened the next day, Xiangjiang Zhengfu entered the market strongly.

Pull the Hang Seng Index from [-] to [-].

But at this time, a piece of news from Quantum Fund completely crashed the Xiangjiang stock market.

Quantum Fund announced that it will invest 3000 billion U.S. dollars to short Hong Kong dollars.

And as Quantum Fund said, they even began to acquire Hong Kong Paper at an exchange rate of 1:9.

At this moment, almost all Xiangjiang people know that the Xiangjiang government cannot resist Quantum Fund's actions to make airport papers.

They began to exchange their Hong Kong dollars for U.S. knives, and the Xiangjiang government could not even resist. They announced that the government banned money.

But once the government ban is announced, it will be a free city like Xiangjiang.

And the immediate blow will be devastating, which will directly smash Xiangjiang's foundation.

No one dares to take this responsibility. To issue this order, Hong Kong Governor William did not dare, and Mr. Lu Wenzhong, Mr. Xiangjiang, did not dare.

And they don't need to stop the Quantum Fund, because it was their mission to make Xiangjiang rotten.

They watched from the sidelines as the Quantum Fund frantically acquired Hong Kong dollars. In just one day, there were already 1 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Absorbed by Soros, this is close to 70.00% of Hong Kong residents' deposits.

Many celebrities are calling for the Xiangjiang government to intervene, but the Xiangjiang government doesn't hear it, because they can't intervene by themselves!

Moreover, leaving a mess to the north was originally the task left to William by the Yingguo Zhengfu.

This time, Quantum Fund happened to be at their service. How could they miss this good opportunity?

In fact, whether Xiangjiang is good or bad has nothing to do with William.

Ruling Xiangjiang is just a job for them.

Although whether Xiangjiang is bad or not has little to do with William, it has a close relationship with the residents of Xiangjiang.

This time, Hong Kong Governor William's inaction aroused Hong Kong Jujin's strong indignation!

The next day, nearly 400 million of the 100 million Xiangjiang residents took to the streets to sell oil.

They asked the government of Xiangjiang to take action to ensure that the property of Xiangjiang people would not be infringed.

The scale of the oil operation this time can be said to be unprecedented, and more than 3 police officers from the entire police force were dispatched to maintain order.

But there are still few people, and the situation will soon collapse.

This time, Governor William couldn't sit still.

He handed over all the senior officials under his command and held an emergency meeting to discuss how to suppress this incident.

"Mr. Governor, we have no other choice but to let the Governor's Office reach the ban." Lu Wenzhong looked at William and said slowly.

Because of their deliberate indulgence, Xiang Jiang had no other choice at this time.

"The ban must not be issued, otherwise there will be endless troubles, and we will become the target of public criticism at that time." The Secretary of Finance and Economics said loudly.

"Without a ban, how can we resist the Quantum Fund's attack? Do we rely on the $600 billion reserve?" Lu Wenzhong said coldly.

"Don't worry, I have suffered a loss this time, and I believe it will recover soon." The director of the Finance Department said leisurely.

After hearing the words of the Secretary of Finance and Economics, William said slowly:

"What Hanks said is reasonable, but in this way, someone from the Hong Kong government must come out to take responsibility for this inaction."

Afterwards, William looked at Joan Hanks, Secretary of Finance and Justice, and said:

"Hanks, you are the Minister of Finance, and it is most appropriate for you to take on this responsibility."

After hearing William's words, Joan Hanks was so angry that his blood suddenly surged, his face turned red, and he whispered:

"Mr. Governor, are you sure?"

William said lightly: "Of course I'm sure, this job is for your finance department to solve the problem, and of course you, the director, should come out and take responsibility."

After listening to William's words, Hanks stood up and said coldly:

"Governor William, I understand what you mean. My resignation report will appear in your office this afternoon. Goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, he left the conference room and walked away.

He knew that there was nothing he could do if he stayed here, so he might as well leave as soon as possible.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Xiangjiang government announced that due to improper handling of this incident.

Hanks, the director of the Finance Department of the Xiangjiang government, resigned, and Mr. Lu Wenzhong was temporarily appointed as the director of the Finance Department.

However, the oil business of Xiangjiang residents did not end with 790.

Because what everyone wants is for the government to let them solve the problem, not for them to find someone who is responsible for it.

However, to their disappointment, there was no other order issued by Xiangjiang Zhengfu.

That night, Quantum Fund began to sell the Hong Kong papers it held in its hands.

Most of the citizens of Xiangjiang know that their fate is the same as that of Taiguo and Malaysia.

However, at this time, Xu Yi's 42 Capital Fund stepped forward and began to buy Hong Kong papers in the market.

In less than half a day, the 300 billion Hong Kong papers held by the Quantum Fund were transferred to the 42 Capital Fund.

In desperation, Quantum Fund had no choice but to withdraw from the Xiangjiang capital market.

And their plan to make airport papers also failed.

At 42 a.m. the next day, the headlines of various newspapers in Xiangjiang reported that the [-] Capital Fund was saving Xiangjiang.

The newspaper described the 42 Capital Fund as extremely great, saying that Xu Yi, the owner of the 42 Capital Fund, bought the Hong Kong papers sold by the Quantum Fund with the belief of bankruptcy.

This time, the 42 Capital Fund lost as much as US$100 billion.

It can be said that the 42 Capital Fund has saved the entire Xiangjiang River by itself.

However, there are also media and newspapers that are against the situation, such as Dayang Daily, which claims that this is what the 42 Capital Fund should do.

Because the 42 Capital Fund itself is closely related to Hong Kong's economy.

If Hong Kong's economy collapses, the 42 Capital Fund will also not have a good time.

So don't thank 42du Fund too much, this is what they should do.

Chapter 394 Voting

However, the vast majority of Xiangjiang people are still peaceful after seeing the news.

They asked the government to pardon Xu Yi one after another, and lift the arrest warrant for Xu Yi.

The Police Department responded immediately, a contribution is a contribution, and a crime is a crime.

No matter how great a person's contribution is, he cannot be exempted from being punished by the law.

Hong Kong residents can only accept the police's response.

Years of education have planted the seeds of the rule of law in their hearts, and privileges cannot override the law.

But Robert would never have imagined that this response from the police force would end up on his own feet.

At this time, in a remote small building in the New Territories.

John Xun looked at Chen Zhongxin who was in front of him and said:

"Did you show me these newspapers to let me know that you have lost?"

It has been six days, six days since John Xun was taken away by Chen Zhongxin for investigation.

Except for the inability to connect with the world, John's life is the same as before.

You can even see the latest daily newspaper.

This also allowed John Xun to know everything that happened in Xiangjiang.

"Director John Xun, the reason why I showed you the newspaper is to see the change in your mentality from winner to loser." Chen Zhongxin said lightly.

John said with a smile:

"Director Chen, I don't see any chance of you winning. I've already said that."

"Xiangjiang is still ruled by people from the Eagle Kingdom. As long as the ruler is from the Eagle Kingdom, you have no chance of winning."

Chen Zhongxin's face remained unchanged, and then he said lightly:

"Director John, today will be very exciting, just wait."

the other side!

Hong Kong stock market, the Hang Seng Index has dropped to [-] points.

After the Quantum Fund withdrew, there was no upward trend.

According to the analysis of economic experts, this is due to the influence of financial inertia.

The stock market will hover at [-] points for at least a month.

However, to their surprise, the 42 Capital Fund entered the market with a large number of Hong Kong papers.

As soon as they entered the market, they began to buy all kinds of stocks, directly driving the Hang Seng Index of the entire Hong Kong stock market to rise.

A day later, the Hang Seng Index of Hong Kong stock market returned from [-] points to [-] points.

And quietly, the 42 Capital Fund also quietly became the main controlling shareholder of some Xiangjiang companies.

At this time, seven days had passed since Xu Yi was wanted.

The next day, the regular session of the Legislative Council.

Members originally thought that this regular meeting would also be adjourned as usual.

But what they didn't expect was that they received a notice from Lin Zhengwei, chairman of the Legislative Council, that today's regular session will begin.

In the morning of that day, [-] district councilors who were temporarily deprived of power as councilors were removed.

The remaining [-] members of parliament all came to the conference room of the Legislative Council complex.

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