Many members of the Eagle Country couldn't figure out what Lin Zhengwei meant.

At this time, the parliament is held, isn't it handing the knife to these people?

Of course, these people will not be soft on Lin Zhengwei or the "Xiangjiang faction".

Since these people are seeking their own death, they will not let down the good intentions of their opponents.

However, Lin Zhengwei on the bamboo mat stage was very calm and determined to win.

Several members of the Eagle Country sneered secretly, this person simply didn't know what to do.

Lin Zhengwei sat on the bamboo mat and looked at the members of the Legislative Council below the stage and said slowly:

"Members, this is a regular meeting of ours'"

"The first topic is to study the motion to investigate Robert."

He distributed twenty-nine materials to two or nine congressmen, and said:

"This is the information I have collected about Robert's crimes. I believe it can help everyone make the right choice."

However, regarding his material, a member of the Eagle Country said directly without even reading it:

"Lin Zhuxi, when you suggested investigating John News a few days ago, I said that it is the ICAC's business to investigate government officials."

"It would be very bad if our Legislative Council intervened. Now that John Xun is under investigation and disappeared, who will be responsible for this?

"Lin Zhuxi, if you want to investigate Robert, I will never agree, no matter how much evidence you have, this is the case!"

Hearing this, Lin Zhengwei said lightly:

"According to what you mean, even if our Legislative Council finds that government officials have violated the law."

"We can't let them conduct investigations. All investigations must be conducted by the ICAC, right?"

"Mr. Douglas, if we don't stand up to stop the illegal behavior, will we be worthy of Xiangjiang residents?"

Speaking of this, Lin Zhengwei suddenly realized:

Ksorry, I forgot, Mr. Douglas was appointed by the Governor of Hong Kong. "

"You don't need to feel sorry for the residents of Hong Kong, because you are only responsible to the Governor of Hong Kong, not to the residents of Hong Kong!"

After hearing Lin Zhengwei's words, Douglas quickly argued:

"Lin Zhuxi, don't get me wrong."

"Actually, I want to maintain the stability of Xiangjiang. Our Legislative Council cannot overdo the operation of other departments."

"Things like the investigation of government officials are the ICAC's business, if we often intervene."

'Then it will definitely have a certain impact on the government departments, and may even affect the smooth operation of the entire Xiangjiang government. "

Lin Zhengwei smiled and said, "Mr. Douglas, your words are a bit too exaggerated."

"If the Legislative Council investigates several officials who have violated the law, it will affect the stability of Xiangjiang."

"Then we should stand up even more, so as not to disappoint the trust of Xiangjiang residents in us, and such a government needs to be changed." How could Douglas's eloquence be better than Lin Zhengwei, who was a barrister, and he was said by Lin Zhengwei speechless.

At this time, the Eagle Country MP sitting next to Douglas said coldly:

"Have you abolished so many chatterboxes with Lin Zhuxi? Just vote and show Lin Zhuxi what a difficult master is!"

Douglas heard this, looked at Lin Zhengwei with a smile and said:

"That's right, let's let Lin Zhuxi learn what is Master Kun!" Lin Zhengwei just looked at the group of members of the Eagle Kingdom coldly.

In fact, he was also very disturbed in his heart, because he (Zhao Nuo's) had no bottom in his heart.

Xu Yi notified him to hold today's meeting, but he chose to trust Xu Yi donkey without hesitation.

In the chamber, Lin Zhengwei said loudly to the members:

"Let's vote with a show of hands, please make the most fair and just choice in your mind, and those who agree to investigate Robert, please raise your hand.

As soon as Lin Zhengwei's voice fell, the people on the side of the "Xiangjiang faction" would not run away, and all raised their hands.

Next, something that shocked Congressman Eagle Country happened.

Members of functional constituencies raised their hands.

This means that together with the previous nine 'Xiangjiang faction' councilors, nineteen councilors have agreed to pass this plan.

Investigating Robert, this has exceeded half of the current members of the Legislative Council with fifteen seats.

In other words, the law conference passed the plan to investigate Robert.

Among the nine members and the members of the functional groups, the members of the Heung Yee Kuk and the members of the District Council, eleven people were greatly shocked.

Chapter 395 Jedi Counterattack

How could they have never imagined that the Xiangjiang faction and Lin Zhengwei would regain control of the Legislative Council.

In fact, Lin Zhengwei himself was a little surprised and stunned.

He did not expect that in just three days, ten congressmen would be drawn into the camp of the 'Xiangjiang faction'.

Of course Xu Yi didn't tell Lin Zhengwei in detail how he did it.

In fact, these functional teams were not persuaded by Xu Yi with reason, but they were bought by Xu Yi with sufficient benefits.

Xu Yi used the interests of Xiangjiang's various functional teams as bargaining chips in exchange for their absolute support for him.

Xu Yi used a large number of Hong Kong papers and American knives in his hands to expand his power frantically in all walks of life in Hong Kong.

This also directly caused Lin Zhengwei's Jedi counterattack this time.

The eleven 'William faction' MPs adjourned immediately after the vote on this plan.

Let the members of the Xiangjiang faction in the entire Legislative Council regain the majority!

They are also afraid of putting forward any motions that are not beneficial to them.

But Lin Zhengwei was very excited at this time!

He didn't care about the departure of these "William faction" members, and he notified William of the voting results of the plan.

In fact, Lin Zhengwei wanted to irritate William, and at the same time he deliberately wanted to provoke William, the governor of Hong Kong."

Sure enough, after hearing the plan that Lin Zhengwei reported to him, William only felt his eyes go dark.

I didn't expect that after planning for so long, these Xiangjiang people would find a way to crack it.

790 Now William is caught in a dilemma, he now has two choices:

One is to continue to issue the Governor's order to reject the motion of the Legislative Council.

The second is to accept the motion of the Legislative Council to remove Robert from his post.

You know, the position of the Commissioner of Police is of course very important.

But the problem now is that William has already issued a governor's order to lift the ban of Police Commissioner John Xun.If there is a second governor's meeting, William will not dare to think about all the troubles that have been caused.

William said indifferently to Lin Zhengwei: "Lin Zhuxi, it's important, I have to think about it."

"Four and 10 minutes later, I will tell you the final decision"

"In the meantime, you will immediately hand over this bill to the ICAC, do you understand?" "Okay, Mr. Governor, but after half an hour, I will immediately hand over this bill to the ICAC Office" "After all, this is also the responsibility of our Legislative Council. Voters elect us, and we have to be responsible for them." Mr. Governor, do you think I am right? " Lin Zhengwei laughed.

"Very well, Lin Zhuxi, your conscientiousness has left a deep impression on me, and I will remember it." William said hesitantly.

Then, he hung up the phone directly.

(baah) He slammed the handset on the phone and yelled, "Fuck!

William took two deep breaths, then picked up the phone and dialed a number, saying:

"Mr. Lu, there is something I would like to ask you for advice?"

"Please tell me, Mr. Governor," Lu Wenzhong said.

William repeated what Lin Zhengwei said to Lu Wenzhong in detail, and then he asked:

"Mr. Lu, what do you think I should do next?"

Before, it was Lu Wenzhong's layout that made the 'William faction' look good.

This also made William pay more attention to the first Chinese student he promoted exceptionally.

Lu Wenzhong then said slowly: "Mr. William, you have violated the rule of law once!"

"If you violate it again, you will completely lose the hearts of Hong Kong people"

"In that case, no matter how strong your strength is, it will be difficult for you to get by in Xiangjiang."

"So I suggest that this time you agree to the plan of the Legislative Council, and our current key is not in the police force." Hearing this, William then said: "Mr. Lu, I will consider your suggestion.

Then William hung up the phone.

On the other side, after Lu Wenzhong slowly put down the phone, a wry smile appeared on his face.

He thought of the mysterious man who came to visit him a few days ago, and he let him know one thing.

Now the whole Lu family is in Xu Yi's hands, if he doesn't do things for Xu Yi.

Then there is only one fate waiting for Lu Wenzhong and the Lu family, and that is bankruptcy.

Although Lu Wenzhong said he was on the side of the Yingguo Zhengfu, he was actually on the side of the Lu family.

It is precisely because the Lu family represents Yingguo Capital that he will stand on the side of Yingguo Zhengfu and Hong Kong Governor's Mansion.

However, the current Lu family is already Xu Yi's pawn.

He wants this chess piece to live, only this chess piece can live him.

If you let this chess piece die, then this chess piece will be finished!

The Lu family is the meaning of Lu Wenzhong's presence, if the Lu family is gone.

It doesn't make any sense for him to be this gentleman, so he has no choice but to surrender to Xu Yi.

And William will not know, the gentleman he values ​​and trusts most now.

He has already stood against him and chose to be the enemy of the 'Governor's Mansion' and the Yingguo Zhengfu.

William didn't even know how much insurance Xu Yi had put in place to deal with the 'Governor's House'.

Inside the Governor's Office.

William took a sip of tea and took another deep breath.

He paced back and forth now, thinking about what he should do next.

In fact, William knows better than anyone else what the police force has done to him.

But he also knows better what will happen if he interferes with the Legislative Council bill again.

At that time, not only Xiangjiang's internal pressure, but also international pressure will overwhelm him.

After weighing the pros and cons, William put down the cigar in his hand, went to the desk and dialed Lin Zhengwei's office phone number.

"Lin Zhuxi, I agree with the Legislative Council's motion to investigate Robert"

"However, you can submit your proposal to the Hong Kong Governor's Office for my signature and approval." William said slowly.

"No problem, Mr. Governor." Lin Zhengwei smiled.

At this time, Lin Zhengwei and William had completely different expressions. Lin Zhengwei was smiling, while William was gloomy.

On the other side, Robert is monitoring Luo Zhizheng.

He knew that Luo Zhizheng must have other accomplices in the port office.

What he is doing now is to dig out Luo Zhizheng's associates. It is impossible for Robert to let these insiders stay in the police station.

But now, the person Robert is most suspicious of is Li Wenbin.

But now he doesn't have any evidence to prove that Luo Zhizheng and Li Wenbin are in the same gang.

And it's not convenient for him to do anything to Li Wenbin now.

Thinking of this, Robert once again called a meeting of senior police officers.

Four and ten minutes later, Robert looked at the officer in front of him and said:

"Every police officer, I said straight to the point that a few days ago, I personally arranged an operation to arrest the wanted criminal Xu Yi."

"But to this day, Xu Yi is still missing."

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