"Therefore, I decided to send a senior assistant director to be the leader of this task force, who is responsible for arresting Xu Yi."

Next, he looked at Luo Zhizheng and said:

"Luo sir, you are from the Flying Tigers. I believe you are qualified for this job and arrest Xu Yi as soon as possible."

After hearing Robert's words, Luo Zhizheng was about to stand up and answer.

Li Wenbin gave him a wink, Luo Zhizheng quickly understood, and he said:

"Director Robert, I'm in charge of the general work of the police department. Is it okay for me to be the leader of the special case team?"

In fact, Luo Zhizheng was preparing to take Robert's order.

Because in this way, Xu Yi can be better protected and controlled.

Chapter 396: There Is No Suspect!

However, Li Wenbin knew that since Robert dared to make such an appointment, there must be a conspiracy.

Now they have stood against Robert, and Robert also knows the identity of Luo Zhizheng.

Therefore, he must have ulterior motives in entrusting this task to Luo Zhizheng, although he can't guess what Robert's intention is.

But no matter what, what Robert wants to do, he just needs to do it in reverse.

After hearing what Luo Zhizheng said, Robert frowned slightly and said:

"Luo sir, this is an order!"

"Director Robert, I will naturally listen to your orders, but I'm not sure about arresting Xu Yi."

"Therefore, I cannot give you any guarantee." Luo Zhizheng said slowly.

"Luo sir, is this your attitude in handling affairs?" Robert looked at Luo Zhizheng and said coldly.

"Commissioner Robert, I have never stalked since I was young - sycophant, not blind and committed"

"I'm really not sure about this mission, I'm just saying it." Luo Zhizheng said flatly.

"According to what you mean, a task is difficult to complete, so we give up?"

Robert looked closely at Luo Zhizheng and said.

"Director Robert, please don't distort my words"

"I'm not not going to do it, I'm just saying that I can't guarantee 100% of this task." Luo Zhizheng said calmly.

"I declare that you will be the person in charge of Xu Yi's case."

"If Xu Yi is not quickly arrested within seven days, I will remove him from the position of senior assistant director."

Robert had lost the patience to talk to Luo Zhizheng, and directly spoke his order.

"Director Robert, I object to your order."

After listening to Robert's words, Li Wenbin finally couldn't help standing up and objecting.

After Robert heard Li Wenbin's words, a slight sneer appeared on his face, and he thought to himself:

"Couldn't King Zhong bear it anymore?"

Robert looked at Li Wenbin and said lightly:

"Li sir, I don't know if you remember Article 60 of Police Regulations No.[-]?"

Li Wenbin said slowly:

"Director Robert, of course I remember, the life gold for the superior!"

"As long as there are no violations of laws and regulations, they must be implemented to the letter. Even if there are doubts, they can only be reported to the Legislative Council or the Security Bureau afterwards." After listening to Li Wenbin's words, Robert said with a smile: "It turns out that Director Li remembers the regulations, That's good"

"Director Li, do you have anything else to say?"

Li Wenbin glanced at Robert, he knew that Robert was obviously forcing himself.

He was about to speak when he heard Luo Zhizheng say, "Director Robert, I can accept this task."

Li Wenbin looked at Luo Zhizheng after hearing the words, but found that Luo Zhizheng shook his head slightly at him.

After hearing what Luo Zhizheng said, Robert smiled and said:

"With a general from the Flying Tigers like Luo Sir leading the team, I believe Xu Yi will be arrested and brought to justice."

Just when Robert successfully suppressed Li Wenbin and Luo Zhizheng, several men in suits walked into the meeting room.

One of them said, "Hello, may I ask who is the Acting Commissioner of the Police Department, Robert?"

Robert looked at these people suspiciously and asked, "I am Robert, who are you?"

"We are investigators from the First Investigation Section of the ICAC Executive Division, and I am Chai Kunfeng, the chief of the Investigation Section One!"

"According to the resolution of the Legislative Council, the Independent Commission Against Corruption will investigate you."

"During the investigation, your duties will be suspended." Chai Kunfeng looked at Robert and said slowly.

"What? The Legislative Council actually passed a resolution to investigate me?" Robert said angrily.

"That's right, and this resolution has been approved by the Governor of Hong Kong"

"Therefore, Director Robert, please follow us!" Chai Kunfeng said calmly.

After Robert heard that this was a resolution approved by Governor William of Hong Kong, his legs went limp.

If it wasn't for Li Wenbin on the side to support him, he would have fallen down.

Li Wenbin smiled and said, "Director Robert, you must be careful."

When Robert heard Li Wenbin's words, he turned his head and looked at Li Wenbin coldly.

After a heavy 'hum', he left the meeting room, and the ICAC staff hurriedly followed.

After a few people opened the meeting room, Li Wenbin felt his eyes suddenly open up.

Then Li Wen and Luo Zhizheng looked at each other, and they both saw the incredulity in Fang's eyes.

But at this time, Li Wenbin only had one feeling in his heart, a miracle happened!

After Robert was taken away by the ICAC, Li Wenbin was automatically promoted to Acting Director of the Police Department, in charge of all the work of the Police Department.

This is also the first time that a Chinese presides over the work of the police force.

After Li Wenbin announced that he would officially take over as the acting director, Xu Yi's lawyers filed a reconsideration just like the police department, asking the police department to revoke the arrest warrant for Xu Yi.

Among the reasons they brought up, the most important point is that there is no doubt about the crime.

The police department has no definite evidence to prove that Xu has committed a crime, so Xu Yi cannot be identified as a criminal suspect.

If it's not a criminal suspect, why did the police issue a warrant for Xu Yi?

o0 asks for flowers 0...

This is obviously unreasonable behavior, so they asked the police to immediately revoke Xu Yi's arrest warrant.

Li Wenbin immediately responded to this, and the police department immediately revoked the arrest warrant for Xu Yi.

And publicly apologized to Xu Yi for the previous illegal behavior, but Qiu had to come to the police station for investigation and questioning.

Let Xu Yi come to the police station for investigation and questioning, the main thing is to stop the "William faction" senior police officer's pan.

And now that the police department is in charge of Li Wenbin, it can be said that Xu Tai's coming to the police department is extremely safe.

For Xu, the Police Department is no longer the Longtan Void Point it used to be.

Li Wenbin gave Xu Yi a step, and of course Xu Yi wanted to catch it.

Xu Yi's lawyers immediately stated that Xu Yi will come to the police station for questioning.

However, the legal team made a request that Xu Yi must accept the interrogation in an open environment. Li Wenbin agreed to this request.

0 ....

The reason why Xu Yi's legal team made this request is to be under the witness of the public.

Xu Yi's suspicion of crime was cleared, and the period when Li Wenbin was in charge of the police department was the best period.

Soon, Xiangjiang reporters, known for their speed, rushed to the Xiangjiang Police Station.

Xu Yi publicly accepted the investigation and inquiry of the police department, which was a sensational news.

There was no way they could have missed the news.

Li Wenbin also ordered people to arrange related facilities in the hall where the public relations department accepts media interviews.

Among the three inquirers, one is from Xiangjiang, one is from Yingguo, and the other is from Yindu.

It can be said that he deliberately let the "William faction" be the majority.

In this way, the results will be more convincing.

This Xiangjiang native is also an old acquaintance of Xu Yi, and now the most popular police inspector in Xiangjiang, Senior Inspector Chen Jiaju.

And the eagle countryman is Alex, the assistant director of the intelligence department, and the note from India's native place is Kalai, the police chief of the logistics department of the police department.

Before asking, Li Wenbin and Chen Jiachi did not say hello.

Because Li Wenbin knows that if the inquiry is really conducted under a fair environment.

There is nothing wrong with Xu Yi at all, it is all the people of Ying Country who deliberately cut off the spoils.

Xu Yi will also have it, and Li Wenbin only needs to give Xu Yi a fair platform!

Four and 10 minutes passed quickly, in the midst of much anticipation.

Xu Yi slowly walked into the media interview hall of the police station and followed him.

It's his barrister, Liang Wei.

As soon as Xu Yi entered the hall, he attracted everyone's attention. Seven.

Chapter 397 Interrogation Meeting

Now most of Xiangjiang people know that Xu Yi is the boss of 42 Capital Fund.

And it was the 42 Capital Fund that drove away the Quantum Fund and protected Xiangjiang.

Therefore, the current Xu Yi is not only a super god of the whole people, but at least a hero who saves the whole city. !

At this time, Xu Yi has basically got rid of the hat of Hey Society in Xiangjiang.

When people mentioned Xu Yi, they would respectfully say Mr. Xu.

The journalists of these media are also from Hong Kong, of course the same is true.

Xu Yi walked to his seat and sat down slowly.

After Xu Yi sat down, Robert looked at Xu Yi and said, "What's your name?"

"Xu Yi, we will hold a public inquiry meeting for you next, and you have the right not to answer our questions."

"But every word you say may become evidence in court, don't you know it?" James looked at Xu Yi and said slowly.

Xu Yi "[-]" nodded slightly, noncommittal.

At the same time, Chen Jiaju also looked at Xu Yi, his heart was very complicated.

In fact, although he is as jealous as hell, he also has a clear sense of gratitude and resentment. Xu Yi helped him, and he always wanted to return this kindness to Xu Yi.

Now should be the best opportunity, but Chen Jiaju still can't convince himself of the justice in his heart.

At this time, James asked: "Xu Yi, are you the head of Hong Xing?"

Xu Yi nodded and said, "Yes."

James smiled slightly, and he went on to say, "Xu Yi, is Hong Xing hey society?"

Xu Yi also had a smile on his face when he heard James' question, and then said:

"Mr. James, I want to ask first what is the definition of society?"

"Hey society is an organized and planned" group that realizes itself through illegal activities. "James said slowly.

"Oh, if that's the case, then Hong Xing is not Hey Society." Xu Yi laughed.

"Xu Yi, do you dare to swear that Hong Xing is not Hey Society?" Galawa asked loudly.

Xu Yi nodded and said, "Of course, according to Officer James, our Hong Xing is certainly not."

"We are now a regular listed company, and all members are full-time employees of the company!"

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