"The others used to be the backbone of the Arctic "[-]" bear alliance, but now they are indeed the gravediggers of the polar bear alliance."

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Markov's eyes flashed a thoughtful look.

And Karenina asked directly: "Xu Yi, I didn't understand what you meant."

Xu Yi smiled and replied: "Karenina, I just told you that it will be a long process for the Polar Bear Alliance to become what it is today."

"If we want the Polar Bear Alliance to get out of this predicament, it will not be possible in a short period of time. This is also a predicament."

"Actually, even many people do things for the good of the Xie family."

"It's just that they overestimated the tenacity of the Polar Bear Alliance, which caused the Polar Bear Alliance to become weaker and weaker"

"Those people will not accept that the Polar Bear Alliance will be broken up like this"

"So they're going to do something." And this action, I'm sure, will destroy the Polar Bear Alliance. "

Xu Yi looked at Karenina in front of her, and said word by word.

"That's great!"

Makov, who was smoking, cheered after hearing Xu Yi's words.

He smiled and said, "Xu Yi, you are a hundred times smarter than I imagined."

"I have lived in this woman's family for 70 years. I never thought that you would see a scene that even I did not see."

After listening to Makov's words, Xu Yi said with a half-smile,

"Mr. Markov, do you really not see it, or are you pretending not to see it?"

Markov shook his head and said: "Xu Yi" Sometimes something is obvious, but you just can't see it, it's normal. "

"The authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear!" Xu Yi laughed.

"That's right, you're right, it's true." Nico said with a smile as well.

Next, Makov looked at Xu Yi and said slowly, "Xu Yi, you must have come to Moscow this time for this incident, right?"

Xu Yi nodded and said, "After investing for so long, I want to confirm the fruits of my investment with my own eyes."

Markov took a puff of cigarette, and then said: "Mr. Xu, you are not the only one who wants to see this achievement!"

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "Mr. Markov, I am different from them!"

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Makov sighed heavily, and then said:

"You're right, you're different from them, and that's why I like you right now."

In the study of Markov's house, Karenina listened carefully to the conversation between her uncle and Xu Yi.

In fact, he understood some conversations between the two, but he still didn't fully understand some words.

He looked enviously at Xu Yi, his good friend, or his good brother.

Although he is a few years younger than himself, he has wisdom far superior to himself.

Markov is Karenina's idol from childhood to adulthood, in Karenina's heart.

This uncle of mine is a wise man.

But Xu Yi can keep up with his uncle's rhythm and chat with him happily, which is what Karenina admires most.

However, Karenina also has her own pride.

She believes that she will reach her uncle's level one day, or even surpass her uncle.

Makov didn't know about his niece's mental journey, he looked at Xu Yi and said:

"Xu Yi, I want to ask, what do you hope to bring with you this time?"

"Things that allow me to stand firm in the world." Xu Yi said slowly.

"Which thing do you mean?"

After thinking for a while, Markov "suddenly thought of something, but he couldn't be sure. 0

Although Markov didn't specify what it was, from his surprised appearance.

Xu Yi already knew that the deputy director of the Bat Defense Department of the Polar Bear Alliance had already guessed his target.

"Yes, Mr. Markov, your guess is not wrong at all, that is exactly my purpose."

Xu Yi nodded and said without embellishment at all.

Next, Xu Yi asked: "Mr. Markov, how likely is it that I can get that thing?

Markov shook his head and said, "Mr. Xu, I must tell you that you can't get that thing."

"Because it is a sharp weapon, there is no official government that will let it fall slowly."

"Even if the Polar Bear Alliance eventually disintegrates, the slaps that own it will not let people take it away."

After listening to Markov's words, Xu Yi showed a slight smile, and he said:

"Mr. Markov, no matter what, I will try."

"Also, Mr. Markov, it is a sharp weapon in your eyes"

"But in the eyes of others, it is not as good as scrap iron, so I think I have a good chance of getting it."

Makov looked at Xu Yi and said, "Xu Yi, then I wish you success in advance."

"Thank you!" Xu Yi said with a smile.

Next, Markov asked next: "Mr. Xu, I think you came to 0.7 this time not only because of that thing?"

Xu Yi nodded and said, "Yes, the Polar Bear Alliance has accumulated a lot of wealth in the past few decades. As long as I get a little bit, it will be enough for me to eat for several lifetimes."

Makov was very satisfied with Xu Yi's straightforwardness, he looked at Xu Yi and said:

"Mr. Xu, I have several companies under my command, which are very important to my family, and I need your help"

"As a reward, I will help you obtain all the property of the military factory."

Xu Yi, who had already made plans for the Polar Bear Alliance, was very clear about the existence of the military factory that Markov was talking about.

It is the largest military factory of the Polar Bear Alliance in the Caucasus, where hundreds of types of weapons are produced.

But Xu Yi has more urgent things to accomplish than owning this military factory.

Chapter 403 I will help you control!

Thinking of this, Xu Yi said:

"Mr. Markov, the conditions you proposed are very good, but I would like to change one."

"Mr. Xu, please tell me." Makov looked at Xu Yi and said lightly.

"Mr. Markov, I want a chance." Xu Yi said word by word.

"Huh? What chance?" Markov asked curiously.

"I will be grateful to you for the qualification to allow my people to openly buy and sell Polar Bear Alliance arms!"

For several months, Xu Yi's arms business in the Polar Bear Alliance has been handed over to Tong Mingxin.

Obviously, he was asking for an officially recognized middleman status for Tong Mingxin.

"Mr. Xu, compared with what I want to ask for from you, your condition is very inequitable."

"Mr. Xu, do you have any other requests?" Markov said with a smile.

"Mr. Makov, I want experts from the Polar Bear Alliance. I want experts from any industry. The more the better!" Xu Yi looked at Makov and said directly.

Hearing this, Markov shook his head, and then said:

"Mr. Xu, you really gave me a big problem, it's hard to handle."

Markov is the Deputy Minister in charge of the Logistics Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Polar Bear Alliance.

However, the government of the Polar Bear Federation attaches great importance to the experts in the Wang Military Industry Research Institute.

Even Makov didn't dare to let Xu Yi poach experts from the Military Industry Research Institute at will.

If this matter is exposed in one day, even Markov cannot bear the consequences.

"Mr. Markov, I'm not in a hurry. After more than 20 days, you will know that my request is easy!" Xu Yi said with a smile.

Markov nodded and said, "Mr. Xu, I hope it's as you said."

Next, Xu Yi had dinner with Markov and Karenina.

After that, Markov asked his driver to take Xu Yi back to the Moscow hotel in his special car.

After Xu Yi left, Karenina looked at Markov and asked:

"Uncle, what exactly is that thing Xu Yi told you about?"

In fact, Karenina had already guessed what the two of them were referring to, but he was not sure.

"Karenina, learn more from your friends, this is the shortcut to success."

Although Markov did not answer Karenina's question directly, but Karenina had already got her own answer.

"Xu Yi, you are indeed the most courageous person I have ever met!" Karenina thought secretly in Xiaoli.

He began to feel how lucky it is to be Xu Yi's friend.

The next day, under the leadership of Karenina, Xu Yi met Boris, the president of the Polar Bear Alliance Rose and the Republic, in his office.

"Mr. Xu Yi, I personally thank you very much for coming." Boris smiled.

Boris welcomed Xu Yi so much, of course, not because he liked Xu Yi, but because he liked the beauty Xu Yi brought him.

Xu Yi didn't just come alone this time, he also came with a whole billion cybyl in cash.

Except for the [-] million U.S. dollars that were left for Anna to use in the Cossacks.

Of the remaining money, two hundred million dollars went to Karenina's uncle Markov, and the rest went to Boris.

Boris holds power now, which is completely different from the Boris Xu Yi saw last year.

Now he already had the domineering aura of a scorpion master faintly.

After all, the Russian Polar Bear Alliance Republic's control in Moscow is almost equal to that of the Central Government of the Polar Bear Alliance.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Boris is the number one figure in the future of the Polar Bear Alliance.

However, even the future ruler of the Polar Bear Alliance.

Boris was still very polite when facing Xu Yi.

Because Xu Yi has surpassed other speculators and has become his number one financial backer.

In the eyes of Boris, Xu Yi is much easier to deal with than those speculators in M. Xu Yi only wants benefits, not power.

Moreover, Xu Yi's interests are also consistent with Boris' interests, so how can Boris not value Xu Yi?

"President Boris, thank you." Xu Yi smiled.

Boris asked: "Mr. Xu, why did you come to the Polar Bear Alliance this time?"

Boris knew that Xu Yi would never come here in person if there was no major event.

"Mr. Boris, I want to make a fair deal with you." Xu Yi looked at Boris and said slowly.

"Mr. Xu, please come in."

"Mr. Boris, I will help you completely control the Polar Bear Alliance army"

"In exchange, you will support Galois, deputy chief of staff of the Cossack Polar Bear Union Republic's Civil Guard, to assume the position of President of the Cossack Polar Bear Union Republic."

Xu Yi slowly said that Galois is the uncle of Xu Yi's arms dealer Anna.

Under Xu Yi's money offensive, Galois and his nephew fell into the same trap, and accepted Xu Yi's leadership.

In fact, Makov still underestimated Xu Yi.

Xu Yi really wanted to order something from the Cossacks, but Xu Yi knew it.

Even if he really managed to get that big guy from the Cossack to Mao, he couldn't save it.

Therefore, Xu Yi thought of a more direct method.

Xu Yi just wants to support Anna's uncle Galois to rule the Cossacks, so that Xu Yi can slowly figure it out.

After Boris heard Xu Yi's words, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

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