Why didn't he expect that this old lady from Heidu from the east would actually do this step?

He asked in disbelief: "Mr. Xu Yi, I would like to ask you to help me control the army?"

"Also, even if I help you, you won't be able to fully grasp the Cossacks, right?"

Xu Yi smiled lightly and said, "Do you know why the government of the Polar Bear Alliance ended up like this?"

Boris said lightly: "Mr. Xu, this is caused by many factors..."

"If you need to know the answer, I can talk to you for days."

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "Mr. Boris, I can answer this question with just a few words."

"It's very simple! Because the government of the Polar Bear 807 Alliance has no money!"

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Boris nodded and said, "That's right, the main reason is indeed lack of money."

和[email protected]The arms race for many years has dragged down the economy of the Polar Bear Alliance, and the Eastern European brothers of the Polar Bear Alliance are not doing well.

Therefore, the Polar Bear Alliance has to support itself and the entire Eastern Europe on its own. In the end, it collapsed!

After Gojo went to power, the government of the Polar Bear Alliance played an isolation policy.

The aid to the Eastern European brothers was cut off, which directly led to the drastic changes in Eastern Europe.

The reform that Gojo went to also got involved in the Polar Bear Alliance's official government because of his steps.

It directly caused the government of the Polar Bear Alliance to disintegrate to death.

"Mr. Boris, the most difficult problem for you is not difficult for me"

"I have something you don't have. As long as the Cossacks are short of money, I have a way to make them unable to leave me." Xu Yi said slowly.

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Boris shook his head and said with a smile:

"Mr. Xu, you are right!"

"That's right, I found that I can't live without you now!"

As soon as Boris finished speaking, Xu Yi understood what he meant. Boris obviously wanted to cooperate with him.

The Republic of the Cossack Polar Bear Union has actually drifted away from the Central Government of the Polar Bear Union.

The Cossacks have also formed their own armed forces. In fact, the Cossack Polar Bear Alliance is only one step away from the republic.

Chapter 404 The Shocking Conspiracy

Of course, Boris would not refuse to cooperate with Xu Yi because of this family who has no relationship with his wife.

Cooperation with Xu Yi will undoubtedly increase the success rate!

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Mr. Boris, thank you for your cooperation."

Boris took a deep look at Xu Yi and said, "Mr. Xu, I'm a little worried now that you will carry out the plan you carried out in Cossack in Ross."

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "Mr. Boris, Rakshasa is different from Cossack, I know it very well!"

"Mr. Xu Yi, I hope you are right!" Boris said with a little deep meaning.

After Xu Yi finished talking with Boris, he and Karenina left the office building where Boris was located.

"Karenina, you must have your own influence in order to be stable." Xu Yi said to his good friend.

"Well, Mr. Xu, I wonder if something bad is going to happen in Moscow? Why did you leave Moscow suddenly?" Karenina was not present when Xu Yi was talking with Boris.

Xu Yi looked at Karenina and said with a smile: "Moscow is Boris' stage next, and mine is Cossack, Kifu." Karenina nodded and said, "Mr. Xu, I don't know when it will be here It's my turn to be the protagonist." Xu Yi said with a smile: "Karenina, I believe you will have that day."

Karenina smiled and continued, "Thank you!"

Then, the two looked at each other and smiled, and then they left.

The next day, Xu Yi boarded a flight from Moscow to Kifu, and came to Kifu, the capital of the Cossack Polar Bear Alliance Republic Scorpion.

At this time, Anna was already waiting at the exit of Jifu Airport.

After picking Xu Yi into the car, Anna asked:

"Mr. Xu Yi, do you want to go to the hotel to take a rest first? Or do you want to meet my uncle?"

Xu Yi looked at Anna and said with a smile, "Let's meet up first, he must be waiting very anxiously."

Anna nodded and said, "Yes, my uncle has been asking me what you can do since morning, and I've been annoyed by his questions."

"Anna and Mr. Galois' worries are also normal. After all, what we are going to do is very risky'F!"

"After we succeed, we each want what we want." Xu Yi said slowly.

"Mr. Xu Yi, thank you!" Anna said gratefully.

The car soon came to the courtyard of a small villa, and Anna said to Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, this is the secret base I bought."

"In order to protect your uncle who rented me, I invite you to meet here today."

Xu Yi smiled and said: "Anna, this place is very good, you have a heart."

Then, Xu Yi got off the car and walked into the gate of the villa!

Anna, on the other hand, was half a body behind Xu Yi and followed behind Xu Yi.

After entering the villa, what Xu Yi saw was an elderly soldier in military uniform.

Anna quickly introduced: "Uncle, this is my boss, Mr. Xu."

"Mr. Xu Yi, this is my uncle."

Galois looked carefully at Xu Yi, then took the initiative to meet him, and shook hands with Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu Yi, I look forward to meeting you and welcome you."

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Thank you, this is also my apprentice, Mr. Galois."

After the two sat down, Anna acted as a waiter and made western cups of coffee for them.

Galois looked at Xu Yi in front of him and said, "Mr. Xu Yi, before your concession, Anna has already told me everything."

"I am honored and willing to participate in this project, but I still have a few questions."

Xu Yi said: "Mr. Galois, we must ensure the details in every aspect to ensure the success of the plan."

Galois said: "We are now going to solve the Cossack supreme leader of the Polar Bear Union, Ma Qi, who also has many supporters in the army."

"The current commander of the Scorpion Defense Force is a supporter of Marovich, and it is difficult for us to match March in the military."

"There is also the Central Government of the Polar Bear Alliance, what should we do?"

"As long as we act, what should we do if the Central Government of the Polar Bear Alliance intervenes?

After listening to Galois' three questions, Xu Yi knew that he was indeed very thoughtful, and basically considered all the problems he faced.

However, Xu Yi already has a way to deal with all this, and he already has it in his chest.

Since he dared to make such a plan, Xu Yi naturally had to be absolutely sure.

He looked at Galois and said, "Mr. Galois, it doesn't matter how powerful Markovich is in the government."

"Because we don't need to go through the government of Gomak to realize our plan. The Cossack Ascar Guard is just a newly formed army. What is its combat effectiveness?"

"Mr. Galois, you should know better than me, right?"

Hearing this, Galois nodded after listening to Xu Yi's words.

The newly formed slap defense team of the Cossacks is actually a militia level, and too many soldiers in it are local Cossack farmers.

Xu Yi went on to say:

"The most important thing now is that the garrison of the Polar Bear Alliance supports us. We only need an elite special forces force to control the government of Gomak."

"I can answer your third question and your second question at the same time. I have already found a partner in Moscow!"

"He has enough power to ensure that our actions in the Cossacks will not be harassed by the Central Government of the Polar Bear Alliance."

Xu Yi answered Galois's three questions and gave a solution.

Hearing this, Galois's eyes lit up, and he felt even more that his cooperation with Xu Yi was the right choice.

Galois felt that Xu Yi in front of him was like the protagonist of the stage, as soon as he came to him.It completely kills itself.

In a small villa in the city of Gonenke, a plan to overthrow the Cossack government is beginning.

Galois looked at Xu Yi in front of him and asked, "Mr. Xu, what should we do now?" "

"Mr. Galois, before answering your question, I would like to ask, how many chips do you have now?" Xu Yi asked.

"The 1000-strong health battalion and the two government ministers are my good friends, and they will definitely support me," Galois said.

As far as his own strength is concerned, he can't make any waves in the Cossacks. The peak Cossacks are now in the government, and Xu Yi has to deal with everything.

After hearing Galois' words, Xu Yi said calmly: "Mr. Galois, I wonder if there are many (Qian's Zhao) guards in Jifu during the period?"

Galois shook his head and said, "The Ascar Defense Force is in name the Army of the Upper Cossack Polar Bear Alliance."

"But in fact, there is no big difference from the whole police. There are about [-] soldiers of the Mei Defense Force in Jifutai."

"They are also afraid that the Polar Bear Alliance will attack them suddenly, so the Polar Bear Alliance garrison closest to Kifu is also [-] kilometers away from Sujifu." Galois said slowly.

After listening to Zonggalova's words, Xu Yi said, "Mr. Galois, how many elite soldiers are needed if we want to control the Cossack Palace in Kifu in one day?"

Galois said directly: "It can be done with five hundred soldiers."

"Very good, Mr. Galois, I will meet [-] soldiers from my subordinates, and their strength is not inferior to the special forces of the Polar Bear Alliance."

"What you have to do now is to place these people in Jifu. Whoever prepares their equipment will wait for the opportunity." Xu Yi looked at Galois and said.

Chapter 405 Change! ! !

In addition to the tiger mercenaries trained by Wang Jianjun, the 500 people also included dragon mercenaries who performed their mission for the first time.

Dragons are different from tigers. Tigers can kill and kill, but dragons can be killed and defended, destroyed and restored.

Every member of the dragon mercenary is the best of the best.

"Mr. Xu Yi, don't worry, I will take care of your person." Galois promised.

"Also, Mr. Galois, how did you spend the money I gave you Anna?" Xu Yi asked.

The main purpose of the [-] million dollars that Xu Yi gave Anna was to count and buy high-ranking officials in the Cossack government.

Let them fully support Galois.

Before Galois could answer, Anna said:

"Mr. Xu, please rest assured that the American knife is now the deadliest weapon in the Polar Bear Alliance."

"Under this kind of power, no one will not surrender."

"Currently, 29 of the 15 members of the Central Committee of the Cossack Polar Bear Union have indicated that they will support my uncle."

After listening to Anna's words, Xu Yi nodded slightly, and continued:

"Anna, before our operation officially begins, step up your money offensive, it doesn't matter how much you spend"

"Our actions are only allowed to win, not to lose, as long as we succeed. Then the return we get from investing in 807 will exceed our imagination!"

Anna nodded and said, "Mr. Xu, I understand what you mean."

Xu Yi went on to say: "By the way, you can start contacting the leaders of the heavy industry and military industry factories in the Cossack territory."

"As long as it gives us control over these factories, it doesn't matter how much it costs"

"Anna, do you understand what I mean?"

"Mr. Xu Yi, I understand!" Anna replied.

At this time, Galois asked curiously:

"Mr. Xu, can you tell me what you are going to do in Cossack?"

"Mr. Galois, what are you worried about?" Xu Yi asked with a smile.

"Mr. Xu Yi, I long for power, but I also know that I have to give as much as I want."

"If you need me to pay more than I can bear, then I will never give you the power"

Galois looked at Xu Yi and said seriously.

Xu Yi nodded and said: "Mr. Galois, I need the Cossack legacy left by the Polar Bear Alliance, including

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