Vancouver City of Maple Leaf Roundabout.

Although the bald gang is a big society of M, but its headquarters is in Wenzhou, a city of Fengtai.

At this time, Gru, the head of the bald gang, was furiously holding everything he could see in front of him.

"Fuck! A bunch of trash, a bunch of pigs!!!" He yelled loudly as he threw things.

Hanks who was killed was not only the deputy head of the bald gang, but also his former comrade-in-arms and brother.

Now that he was killed in Desert City, how could Greiner not be angry?

"Fuck, cousin Situ Yun, I will definitely kill her!" Greiner cursed loudly.

At this moment, a gloomy voice came:

"We must not let that cousin die so easily, we must play with her to death slowly."

The person who spoke was Felix, another deputy gang leader of the skinhead gang, and he was the military adviser of the skinhead gang.

"Let the Tiansha column go out, I want everyone to experience the power of our bald gang!"

"Let them know we're someone they can't mess with," Grew said loudly.

"Gelu, don't forget to tell the evil person to save the life of that cousin, Tu Jing, and I will play with her slowly!" This time, the bald gang didn't just want to avenge Hanks.

Therefore, this time he seems to have sent the most elite Tiansha column of the Bald Gang to deal with Situ Yun.

Chapter 416

They just want to promote their force to all women.

However, will the result really be as they thought?

Members of the 'Sky Fiend Column', the bald gangs from all over the country, gathered in the casino after receiving orders from the headquarters.

The skinhead gang is very scattered, and it does not have the strict organization and hierarchy of traditional societies.

The "Sky Fiend Column" is said to be the strongest fighting force of the Bald Gang Chao, but they didn't hit each other.

The members of the Tiansha column are usually scattered all over M.

Some people are white-collar workers, and some are ordinary occupations.

But they have one thing in common, they all accept the salary from the skinhead gang.

Once sent to call, they have to put down? What is at hand to do things.

At this time, the first batch of killers from Xu Yi's war hall had arrived in Las Vegas.

They took the plane directly from Xiangjiang to Las Vegas to reach M.

After taking the flight from Bald Gang City to Las Vegas, he came to Las Vegas.

And when they arrived in the casino, they were immediately equipped with the full set of equipment that Tu Jing had prepared for them.

The war between the rivers and lakes in the munchkin is more terrifying than the war between the rivers and lakes in the Xiangjiang River.

In Rush, M16 and Ak47 are the most common weapons.

Some clubs even use the heavy firepower of RPG to deal with their enemies.

This also led to the fact that the death rate of the members of the m round rivers and lakes is actually very high.

At the same time, local leaders and M Mei Tiaozi seldom directly intervene in the Jianghu Rush.

The local government of Las Vegas asked Situ Yun to put her and the bald gang on the outskirts of the battlefield at night.

Otherwise, they will call Yu to use the army to maintain order.

Obviously, Las Vegas Zhengfu and Tiaozi are no strangers to club fights, and have rich experience in dealing with them.

However, even the oldest and most experienced official in the casino wouldn't think of it.

Situ Yun now has 35 sharpshooters in his hands!

To deal with club members, so many sharpshooters can be said to have some plans to kill for the skinhead gang!

On the other side, three hundred members of the bald gang "Sky Fiend Column" have gathered in a small town in Las Vegas.

These people are all members of the Tiansha Column living in the western state of M.

The two vice-captains and the captain of "Sky Fiend Column" are discussing how to deal with Situ Yun in a hotel in this small town.

"Fike, my idea is that our people will go directly to the Las Vegas to capture Situ Yun alive without having to go through a lot of trouble."

The person who said this was Ke Ke, the deputy captain of the Tiansha Column.

He is a retired soldier of the Marine Corps Special Forces.

Fick is the captain of the 'Heavenly Fiend Column', a retired elite of the former Army Ranger Pong Special Forces.

Everyone in the "Heavenly Fiend Column" is impressed by him, even Ke Ke, who has a bad temper, is also afraid of him.

After listening to Ke Ke's words, he didn't rush to answer, but looked at another bald man and said:

"Ke Ke, is there any movement in the casino?"

"There is no movement at Situ Yun's side, it's just that the government of the casino asked us not to fight with Tu Jing during the daytime."

"Fuck, the government of the casino is the end, we can carry it whenever we want, can they control it?" Ke Ke said angrily.

"Keke, shut up!" Fick said to Keke.


Ke Ke snorted coldly, and didn't dare to say any more.

Fick continued: "Ke Ke, the brother sent to Las Vegas, how is the investigation going?"

"Basically, we have figured out the distribution of Situ Yun's forces, and we are just waiting for action." Ke Ke replied that as a veteran of the special forces, no one understands the importance of newspapers better than Fick.

Therefore, he immediately sent people to the casino to investigate all information about Yu Tujing.

Hearing this, Fick thought for a moment, then said:

"This time, we want to capture Situ Yun alive! We don't need to bring many people with us."

"Ke Ke, you pick 100 people out, we will act tonight and capture Situ Yun alive!"

Fick knew that Situ Yun was the daughter of Situ Zhenxiong, the leader of the door.

Although she and Situ Zhenxiong seemed to have completely broken up, Fick would not fully believe the news.

Maybe Tu Jing is Situ Zhenxiong's dark move "The purpose is to let Hongmen's dark power control the gambling city, it's not sure!

Situ Yun can rise rapidly in Las Vegas, no matter who supports her behind her.

Fick believes that as long as Situ Yun is caught by him, then her first nine in the casino will naturally be broken.

At that time, the casino will naturally return to the bald gang's control bug.

This is also the most important reason why Fick made the plan to capture Tu Jing alive, and he didn't think Situ Yun could make any resistance.

?0 for flowers 0...

This is his pride as the captain of the 'Heavenly Fiend Column' before a big battle that took place in Las Vegas.It is also about to start.

That night, Fick, the captain of the 'Heavenly Fiend Column', was preparing to sneak into the casino with the people of the 'Heavenly Fiend Column'.

But just when they were about to leave, something unexpected happened.

A group of fighters directly broke into this small town to attack the people of the 'Sky Fiend Column'.

They directly defeated the 'Heavenly Fiend Column' which the bald gang was proud of.

Both Fick and Keke discovered that the 'Heavenly Fiend Column' was indeed no match for this group of people.

Years of training and actual combat career have let them know that the strength of this group of people is no longer weaker than the special forces of the king.

Although compared with the four elite special forces of the m scorpion, it is still a bit worse.

However, those four special forces were the elite selected by M round out of more than 100 million troops.

And now I have at least 400 people.

Thinking of this, Fick was shocked, and he thought to himself:

"Could it be... that the m!0 army is going to deal with people like yourself?"

But he quickly denied his own thoughts.

How can special forces be used to deal with them?

After thinking about it like this, Fick was completely stunned, not knowing who was messing with them.

But the current situation does not allow Fick to think for so long.

He ordered: "Retreat immediately!"

Since you can't beat it, don't make unnecessary sacrifices.

Therefore, Fick decisively ordered all members of the 'Heavenly Fiend Column' to retreat.

At this moment, a large wave of bullets precisely hit the heads of the members of the "Sky Fiend Column"

Nearly 20 people fell down immediately.

"Be careful! There are snipers, take cover!" Ke Ke said loudly.

According to Fick's experience, the opponent's number of sharpshooters will not be less than ten.

It seems that the opponent is a member of the 'Heavenly Fiend Column' led by Tuan Mie himself.

Fick felt helpless, this time they came to Las Vegas without heavy firepower.

The reason was that they underestimated the enemy. Everyone in the Tiansha Column believed that it was unnecessary to use heavy firepower to deal with a small society in the gambling city because of the convenience of the Ministry of Transportation.

At this moment, Fick has no way to save the situation he seems to be facing.

Chapter 417 Group Destroyed! ! !

These 'Heavenly Fiend Columns' are stuck in the small town where they are currently evacuating you.

"I have no choice but to fight with these people." Fick said with a sigh.

However, at this time, many of the people in the "Heavenly Fiend Column" have been shocked by this scene of gunfire, although many of them are veterans, and many of them have even been on the battlefield.

In the past, they went to the battlefield for their families, for their beliefs, and with[email protected]The nine military facts are all crushing.

How is it like now?The battlefield is only for the little subsidy that the bald gang gave them.

And it's still the one that gets crushed.

Is it worth dying for the money?

The members of the Tiansha column are all tangled in their hearts.

Two minutes later, a member of the 'Tiansha Column' shouted loudly: "Don't kill me! I surrender!"

The person on the opposite side did not shoot at this person!

After the members of the "[-]" Tiansha Column saw it, the next second there was the first member of the "Heavenly Fiend Column" to surrender:

"Don't shoot! I am willing to surrender too!"

Seeing this scene, Ke Ke raised his stun gun and prepared to shoot at the surrendered members of the 'Heavenly Fiend Column'.

But he was stopped by Felix, the captain of the 'Heavenly Fiend Column'.

"Captain, if you don't stop it, the Tiansha column will be gone." Ke Ke looked at Fick in a puzzled manner and said.

Hearing Ke Ke's words, Felix shook his head and said:

"Ke Ke, today is not a just war, our people have the right to choose whether they live or die!"


Before Ke Ke could finish speaking, another vice-captain of the 'Sky Fiend Column' said:

"Ke Ke, we are not an army, we are working for the skinhead gang, but we are not working for them

"If you don't surrender now, you can only die."

"You also know that surrender is our only way out now."

Hearing this, Ke Ke stopped talking.

He knew that what Dianke said was reasonable, and then he looked at Felix and said:

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