"Captain, what should we do?"

Fick said lightly: "It's still...all surrender!"


Before the 'Tiansha Column' officially launched an attack on Tu Situyun, the entire army was GG.

This time, it was Tian Yangsheng who directed the attack.

After he arrived at the M fly, he headed to the casino immediately.

After hearing that the bald gang's "Tiansha Column" was going to deal with Situ Yun, they led the tiger mercenaries to the casino overnight.

He pre-emptively wiped out nearly [-] people from the Tian Fiend column in a small town near the casino.

And these 400 people are all the elite of the skinhead gang.

As soon as the results of this battle were announced, all the forces took the initiative to find Situ Yun, who expressed their willingness to surrender wholeheartedly.

And at this time, nearly 100 people had already quietly lurked into Fengtu M Wen Gexin City.

These people are the most elite dragon mercenaries under Xu Yi's enemy, and their goal is: the headquarters of the Bald Gang.

Maple spit m Ascaris Vancouver!

The head of the bald gang, Gru and the deputy leader, Felix, are waiting for the good news of the "Heavenly Devil Column"

"Blank", 6:9892585?0 They don't think that the mission of 'Sky Fiend Column' will fail.

This is because they have extremely strong confidence in the 'Sky Fiend Column'.

This confidence has been given to them by the record of the 'Heavenly Fiend Column' over the years.

But before they knew it, a group of people were rapidly approaching where they were.

Dragon Mercenary Commander Bu Tonglin looked at the mercenary personnel behind him and said:

"Our task is to enter the headquarters of the Bald Gang!"

"Destroy all enemies we see!"

All the dragon mercenaries had incomparably firm eyes.

In the past year, they didn't know that they had withstood countless tests of life and death.

Dealing with a society, it's not easy to tell them!

Soon these people arrived at the headquarters of the Skinhead Gang, guarded by a group of Hellbringers.

Bu Tonglin just stretched out his right hand, and then raised it slightly.

The members of the Dragon Mercenary behind him scattered in all directions and quickly approached the Super Headquarters of the Bald Gang not far away.

At this time, Gru and Felix are talking about the /Sky Squad' thing.

"Gelu, from yesterday to now, the 'Sky Fiend Column' hasn't sent any news back. Could it be that something happened?" Felix looked at Gru, worried.

"Haha, Felix, you should understand better than me what the combat power of the 'Sky Fiend Column' is?"

"They just told me yesterday that nearly [-] members of the 'Sky Fiend Column' have arrived at the assembly point."

"Four hundred members of the 'Sixth Column', don't you think that Situ Yun can handle four hundred members of the 'Sky Fiend Column'?"

gruhaha laughed

"Gru, I'm still a little worried. I suggest someone try to contact Fick and the others?"

"The current situation is that it's not just Fick who didn't contact them, but all the members of the 'Sky Fiend Column' who arrived at the rendezvous point. 0" Felix said.

"Okay, Felix, "I'll send someone to contact Fick, don't be suspicious. "Gru said with some helplessness.

At this moment, a huge explosion sound entered the ears of Gru and Felix.

"What's going on, are there any terrorists attacking Vancouver City?" Gru asked urgently.

Then, he heard the sound of a 'da da da' submachine gun.

"Zhou, what's going on?" Gru scolded.

At this moment, a member of the bald gang ran in and said:

"Boss, a group of militants have entered our headquarters. They are all armed with automatic rifles and grenades. We can't stop them at all!"

" ", the police? ' asked Felix.

"No, I don't know who it is!" Ma Ren said...

"Here, are you going to die with us?" Gru scolded.

"Gru, go, as long as we are here, the skinhead gang will be there!" Felix said loudly.

After listening to Felix's words, Gru nodded, and then said to his subordinates:

"You can block as long as you can with your brothers, and the cops will come over soon."

The subordinate nodded and replied: "Boss, hurry up and go! My brothers and I must die to give you a little more time!"

"Thank you, brother!"

Gelu was very moved and patted this subordinate on the shoulder.

Then he took him out of the office, but it was at this time.


The horse boy shot one by one with the gun in his hand, and Gelu and Felix Xi were headshot in an instant.

The two of them were killed on the spot, and their expressions were still eager.

"It's rubbish. To deal with these people, a small team is enough."

The boy said slowly.

Before the dragon mercenaries made an all-out attack, they had already sent people to infiltrate the headquarters building of the Skinhead Gang, hiding in every corner.

When it's time for a full-scale attack, these talents will be dispatched one by one.

Because the situation is urgent, the members of the Bald Gang have no time to care about these unfamiliar faces.

Chapter 418 Controlling the Heavenly Fiend Column! ! ! !

These people helped the dragon mercenaries take down the headquarters of the skinhead gang in a thunderous manner.

The bald gang, Gangbang Gru, and the deputy capital, Felix, were also taken care of by them.

The whole process, from the first explosion to the death of Gru and Felix, took only 8 minutes.

After receiving the signal, the dragon mercenaries broke up and retreated from the headquarters of the Bald Gang.

At this time, Feng Tu mJ (R) note is still halfway.

In the casino, the captain of the captured Tiansha column looked curiously at a young oriental man and the woman behind him.

"Are you Situ Yun's man?" Fick asked curiously.

"My name is Xu Yi, and I'm her boss."Xu Yi said slowly.

"Xu Yi?" Fick asked in surprise, he had never met Xu Yi.

Fick then said: "Xu Yi, what do you mean now? If you want to kill, kill quickly!"

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "Fike, you are a talent. Ranger 10 special forces retired, real special forces."

Fick was silent, he knew that Xu Yi must have himself.

Sure enough, Xu Yi went on to say: "Mr. Fick, are you interested in becoming the boss of the Bald Gang?"

This question, like a heavy bullet, exploded directly in Fick's mind.

Everything in his mind crashed and turned into a blank.

Of course Fick wanted the top seat.

However, the person who said this to him now is his enemy.

This made Fick a little suspicious.

Xu Yi said lightly: "Mr. Fick, this is a very simple question. You just need to answer it, whether you want it or not." Fick said: "Mr. Xu Yi, what do you mean by that? Do you want me to To deal with the bald gang?" Xu Yi smiled and said, "Mr. Fick, the bald gang may be very powerful in your eyes. But in my eyes, it's just a small society!"

"Let me tell you the truth, the head and deputy head of your bald gang have died at the headquarters of the bald gang."

"What? What! What?" Fick said incredulously.

Xu Yi picked up a mobile phone and handed it to him, then said, "If you don't believe it, you can prove it yourself."

Fick took the phone suspiciously, and then he dialed a number.

Not long after, he looked at Xu Yi with a shocked face, and before he could speak, Xu Yi said:

"Now tell me right now, leader of the Bald Gang, whether you want to do it or not!"

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Fick swallowed a mouthful of sleep foam, and then he said:

"Mr. Xu, of course I am willing to be the leader of the Bald Gang, but I just want to know what I have to pay?

Xu Yi looked at Fick and said, "If you agree, I will be your boss in the future, how about it?"

Hearing this, Fick was lost in thought at this time, he knew, according to Xu Yi.

Then he is just a puppet, and the actual leader of the entire bald gang is the man in front of him.

"Mr. Fick, if you agree to my terms, I can give you a promise. You will get [-] million dollars." Xu Yi said.

Xu Yi wanted to support the puppet to gradually control these associations by boiling frogs in warm water.

Then, he placed his people in various positions of the local bald gang.

After hearing Xu Yi's new code removal, Fick nodded and said directly:

"Mr. Xu, I promise you, I am willing to be the owner of the Bald Gang."

Hearing this, Xu Yi smiled and patted Fick's shoulder, saying:

"Mr. Fick, you made a very correct choice!"

Fick nodded seriously, and the reward Xu Yi offered was something he couldn't refuse!

When you come out to hang out, it's all for money, and it applies to the world.

That night, Fick bid farewell to Xu Yi, and took his cronies to Maple Leaf, Vancouver, Vancouver.

With the death of the 807 leader and the two deputy capital leaders, Fick has become the highest-ranking person in the bald gang.

And with Xu Yi's secret support, he can already ensure that he can be the leader of the bald gang.

Half of the dragon mercenaries stayed in Fengtu M Wen Gexin City, and they were the people Xu Yi was about to arrange in the local bald gang.

They will gradually control the Dibobald Gang until it is completely turned into Xu Yi's gang.

In fact, the biggest use of dragon mercenaries is to assassinate or other things.

Help Xu Yi control the forces under his banner.

Xu Yi's plan is to gradually control the world's rivers and lakes through his subordinates.

The next day, the tiger mercenaries found people hiding in the Tu family near the casino during their patrol, and a fight broke out between the two sides.

Not long after, Tian Yangsheng brought a middle-aged man to Xu Yi and Tu Jing.

"It's you? Wang Hui?" Situ Yun looked at the greasy middle-aged man and asked with some doubts.

Chapter 419

After hearing Situ Yun's words, his mouth moved and he continued to remain silent.

Wang Hui was originally an extremely conceited person. He always thought that apart from Situ Yun, he should belong to the top fighters in the entire world.

In the end, he didn't expect that one of Situ Yun's subordinates would subdue him.

Wang Hui resisted at first, but after being whipped by Tian Yang Sheng, he gave in.

Therefore, he had no face to admit his identity after seeing Situ Yun.

"Is Situ Zhenxiong still making a move?" Situ Yun looked at Wang Hui and said calmly.

"Ah Yun, is he from Situ Zhenxiong?" Xu Yi asked after hearing Situ Yun's words, looking at Situ Yun.

"Yes, his name is Wang Hui, and he is the chief instructor of the Situ Family Guard." Situ Yun replied.

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