As long as Yukinoshita Yukino is in the game.

Let me see if you, a crazy woman, will throw a mouse trick! ! !

Chapter 48 Questions

"Tell me, am I a scumbag?"

Koyama Yosuke sat on the seat of the restaurant, looking into the distance a little far away, as if a little sad.

The setting sun dyed blood red all over the sky, red like a piece of white cloth stained with blood, bright red clouds floated sparsely in the sky, the sun shone on the man's face, making his face more and more sad.

Megumi Kato, who was sitting opposite, ate silently.

She doesn't want to talk.

"By the way, you asked me out like this, won't Yinglili misunderstand?" Kato Megumi looked up at him with a half-smile expression on his face.

People can't see her inner feelings clearly.

"I have a lot of bitterness in my heart, and I don't know who to confide in. Ying Lili is not suitable for confiding, because she likes me, and if she likes me, she will favor me. I tell her scum and dirty things She will protect me without hesitation."

Koyama Yosuke said softly.

He was a little annoyed.

"It is indeed very lucky to have such a person who likes me, but what I need now is a friend who can tell my mistakes and make me cry out deafeningly."

"So I found you."

Koyama Yosuke said.

Although he made an agreement with Yukinoshita Yoshino this weekend, he became more and more anxious - he suspected that the woman would not have any good intentions, and the weekend agreement might ignite everything and burn everything to nothing.

He wanted to restore his memory, but he didn't dare to restore it.

So I found Megumi Kato, and hoped that she could enlighten him.

"You guy doesn't know what kind of magical power you have, which can make so many beautiful girls fall in love with you..."

Having said that, Kato Megumi frowned beautifully.

"No, not in love..."

"It's madness."

She thought about it carefully, among the few people she knew.Those who fell in love with Yosuke Koyama were without exception a little crazy, or a little nervous.

Thinking of this, some strange expressions appeared on her face.

"Aren't you really a wizard? Can't you really manipulate people's minds?"


more or less.

Koyama Yosuke didn't know how to explain what happened to Kato Megumi. There were many things that happened to him, but the person who lost his memory didn't know the answers to these things.

He could only say to Kato Megumi with a wry smile:

"Have you ever seen a wizard make yourself so embarrassed? I also lost my own memory. I think I have experienced many things that I can't choose before I lost my memory. It would be great if I could manipulate other people's thoughts, so that Maybe only one person will like me, and I will be able to spend my own life honestly."


She narrowed her beautiful eyes.

Kato Hui was thoughtful.

"By the way, I came to you today not to talk about what happened to me, but to ask you to enlighten me on what I should do next——I am very hesitant now, whether or not I can restore my previous memories."

"If I choose to restore my memory, I don't know what will happen to me after I restore my memory - if I used to be a scum who provoked many girls, Ying Lili, who likes me now, will undoubtedly be hurt; but Now I can't hold on anymore, those strange and beautiful girls came to me one by one, I don't know how many more will come here in the future, I have no memory of when I faced them, only the cold sweat on my back .”

"Because of those girls, Eriri and I have been in an ambiguous relationship until now—the nominally serious girlfriend is Kasumigaoka Shiwa..."

Koyama Yosuke expressed his confusion.

After a person loses his memory, it is very complicated to face his own heart.

He doesn't know what happened in the past; he doesn't know who he is; he doesn't know if he can like the person in front of him; he doesn't know what he should do in the future.

He only knew that after he woke up, no one knew him, only the aimless fear in his heart.

That kind of weird, depressive and yin and yang emotions fermented and grew in his heart.

In the end, it will merge with the river and become a huge river.

It might break the dam.

"Indeed, I think it's normal for you to have these repressed emotions—but why would you think of finding me to ask these inner questions?" Megumi Kato raised his own doubts.

how to say……

She and Koyama Yosuke are considered acquainted, but far from being familiar.

Because she is Ying Lili's best friend and often advises her, she also knows Koyama Yosuke quite well-but the two of them are not that familiar.

The only interaction was on the awkward bus.

It's weird, right?

It is obviously a very strange thing to know a person very well, but not to know him well.

Kato Megumi also felt strange.

"Don't you have the kind of disease that makes others ignore you?" Koyama Yosuke stared at her.

"—every girl wants to be the center of the world, and wants her beauty and temperament to be noticed by others. Every girl doesn't want to be an ugly duckling, but a white swan. I think you have it too. Such a hope..."

"Yes." Kato Megumi nodded.

Of course she had.

But because of her passive skills that are often regarded as passers-by, no matter how she dresses up, she is beautiful.Even if you put on your makeup for two hours before going out.She has never been able to attract the attention of others.

So she gave up on making herself noticeable a long time ago.

"Don't you feel lonely?" Koyama Yosuke asked.

"I prepared so hard for so long, saw so many skirts, clothes, hats, and accessories on the Internet, learned how to make up, how to make myself look better-but all I got was ignorance. Is this feeling true? Aren't you lonely?"

It’s like an elementary school student with homework assigned on Friday, staying up late and working hard, finishing all the homework, holding all the homework happily, and when he praised all the homework to his parents, what he got was a faint response from his parents-"Oh. "

It must be very sad inside, and it must be very disappointing.

What's more, Kato Megumi is different from the previous elementary school students.

At least, the elementary school student can get a response. No matter how sad or disappointed he is, he will get a response of "Oh."

But there is no response from Megumi Kato, only ignoring, only ignoring.

——It must be lonely.

"I'm used to it." Kato Megumi said.

For the girl in front of her, she was used to this kind of life.No matter how coquettish she is, angry, and venting her emotions to others, no one will notice her, her parents are also friends, even Yinglili, she took the initiative to find communication, and Yinglili rarely communicated with her.

It is indeed lonely.

But after being alone for a long time, I got used to it.

"So I feel that I have the same sympathy with you - I was abandoned by the world after amnesia, and you were also abandoned by the world. The thing that is different from me is that you have been abandoned by the world since you were born. As my predecessor, It is possible to make very constructive suggestions, and it is possible to tell me what I should do when I am at a loss."

Koyama Yosuke said.

How to do it?

Kato Megumi bit her red lip.

Yeah, how to do it?

Pretend to be strong——how else can I do it.

Ignored by everyone, even if he completely collapses and smashes the cans, he will ruin his own life.Even though she was ignored by everyone, she still insisted on blooming beautiful flowers on her stage.

This is the answer sheet she has handed in since birth.

This is also the answer that Yosuke Koyama should tell.


Is this answer really satisfying?

Kato Megumi was a little hesitant. It was the first time for anyone to come to her own life. Because of this annoying life that was ignored by others, she had too many fallacies.What's more, is your life choice really the right one?

If my choice in life is correct, why don't I have a boyfriend until now?

"I don't know how to tell you the answer." Megumi Kato lifted the hair beside her ear.

She wanted to seriously answer Yosuke Koyama's question.

"When I was born. My father and mother were very happy. They always wanted a daughter. My mother was sick at the time, so she couldn't be in the same ward with me, so my father took care of me. However, because I Weird physique, my father often forgot to feed me three meals, either in the morning, at noon, or at night.”

"When I was three years old. My mother and I went out to the park to play, and my mother told me that she would buy me an ice cream and ask me to wait for a while-and I waited for a while, sitting there and didn't move at all. Leng was holding two ice creams in his hand, and couldn’t find me.”

"I went to kindergarten when I was 7 years old. When someone called the roll, although I was often called, it didn't matter if I was absent or not."

"In elementary school, I fell down. There was crying and no one would help me - not because they were cold-hearted, but because they just ignored me."

"It's weird, isn't it?"

Kato Megumi smiled, and her smile was a little sour that could not be described.

"I noticed from a very young age that my physique might be a little bit different than other people's — I was a little thin on the ground, and I couldn't get people to notice me or look at me."

"At first I was very sad, but in the end I decided to become strong, but being strong is useless, I should ignore it or ignore it, even if I put on the most beautiful little dress and comb my hair into the most beautiful hair , and no one paid me any attention."

"For more than ten years, I have been fighting against this weird disease—yes, I think it is a disease. The so-called disease is a lesion that makes a difference from a healthy person. I am different from others, so I am sick."

"But I can't find my doctor and the people who treat me - even now a decade later."

"You said you and I have the same disease?" Kato Megumi showed a very mocking smile.

"Don't make any jokes, my lonely mood in the past ten years, can you, a guy who lost his memory halfway, compare with me?"

Kato Megumi's smile is full of twists and weirdness. She usually looks quiet, smart, and understands human feelings-but it's all the instinct to socialize that prompts her to do so.

The real her just wants to drive away this loneliness.

"Sorry." Realizing that he was being serious, Kato Megumi restrained his emotions.

Koyama Yosuke was silent.

Indeed, after he lost his memory, there were still people who loved him.

It's different from Megumi Kato.

No matter how he lost his memory, no matter how he was abandoned by the world - someone still held him tightly.

"I'm sorry, I vented emotions that shouldn't be vented to you." The girl smiled a little embarrassedly.

In fact, her mood has become much better. During this period of time, she has watched too many dramas, what happened to Yosuke Koyama, what happened to Eriri, and she participated in these things, which gave her a sense of existence. In this way, she is very satisfied.

"Back to the original question."

Kato Megumi looked at Yosuke Koyama, ready to answer him seriously.

"I have two answers here. The more positive answer is: muster up the courage to restore your memory—even if you don't restore your memory at this moment, won't you restore your memory in the future? As troubles come to you one by one, even If you don’t restore your memory, you will also know what happened in the past, instead of being a bystander. It’s better to take the initiative.”

Yosuke Koyama nodded.

I have thought of this answer myself.


When standing on the edge of a cliff, people are always afraid.

"Another answer is easy to say-abandon your past, be yourself again, try to escape, escape from your own life, escape from your own feelings, escape from your own future, fear is a normal emotion for a person, everyone You will be afraid, so there is no problem in giving up the fight, you have the capital to break the pot. You can let the girls pamper you, let them support you, and you can choose to rely on them completely."

"Though saying so, some may not be considered men—but in this world, no one should bear any responsibility in the first place. Since things that you don't want to face have happened in the past, it doesn't matter if you run away. Escape here to start a new journey Is life really bad?"

Megumi Kato gave several answers.

A strange color appeared on the girl's face.

This is also her answer.

In the past time, she has not chosen to escape.I have been fighting, I have always wanted to gain a sense of existence, and I have been working hard to cater to others.Like a bug oppressed under the palm of others, it can only survive with difficulty.

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