But in the eyes of the two true ancestors, the current Xixiang is even more terrifying.

If the previous Xixiang was like a collection of concepts, although he interfered in the world, he did not come to this world himself.

So now Xixiang already has his own body in this world, not only able to interfere, but also able to transform it wantonly.

The majesty of Huanghuang was like a punishment from the heavens. Xixiang just stood in mid-air, and it gave the two true ancestors a huge oppressive force that was difficult to grasp, and the pain that almost crushed their own souls.

The King of Forgotten War and the Eye of Extinction were in extreme pain. The two True Ancestors stood on the sea level with trembling legs. Just being stared at by Xixiang made them unable to stand, and they half-kneeled on the ground unconsciously.

The blood was flowing backwards, and the summoned beasts could no longer condense into a complete form.

Today's Xixiang seems to have crossed a gap and completed a qualitative change in life. Today, he is a completely different species from the true ancestor and mortals.

If you had to use one word to describe it, it would be that Xixiang has changed from a human to a god, from a mortal to a god.

To be more precise, he has become a real demon!

Even the holy annihilation launched by Cain with his own life became fragmented at this time.

120 It is like a piece of glass being broken, only many fragments stick together, barely exerting the function of glass.

This is the case with the planet transformed by the Holy Annihilator now. The protection made up of the power of the Holy Annihilation has greatly reduced its effect after Xixiang completed the transformation.

However, Saint Annihilation is also worthy of the power of a corner of the plenipotentiary field.

Even if it's just an insignificant part of the force, it didn't completely collapse in front of Xixiang who had completed the "evolution to the gods", and could still play its role.

But how long can the power of holy annihilation last?The two True Ancestors smiled bitterly at this time.

As long as the power of Sheng Jian collapses and disappears, even if Xixiang just stands here, his existence will make this planet unbearable.

That's like putting a black hole on a planet, and the huge gravity will completely tear it apart.

Even if Xixiang wasn't here, as long as the power of the Saint Annihilation was broken, Cain's act of sealing the beast back then would be tantamount to a failure.

Just the eruption of the beasts of a few true ancestors will tear this planet apart, killing all the creatures on it.

It can be said that the two True Ancestors have been completely defeated. Even if they can defeat Xixiang, in the current situation, they have already lost a lot.

Not to mention, how could they have defeated such an incredible monster, which surpassed all reason, even the monster that Cain could not match back then.

Cain's own strength is not strong, but he is extremely intelligent and possesses an extraordinary brain, which is why he created the Holy Annihilator system.

Without the Holy Annihilator system, Cain's true strength would not even be as good as the First True Ancestor, after all he was just a researcher and not a warrior.

The two True Ancestors looked desperate and dazed, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"It seems that you are not heroes, it seems that you are not saints."

"...Only heroes can defeat me, only saints can defeat me!"

"What is above me is justice, and only defeating evil is a just act, and it can be called justice!"

"...you are trembling, you are afraid, but don't forget, even if you are trembling because of fear, you still have to take a step forward!"

"Zi Julan Barada, Eswaldgul Yaziz!"

Xixiang recited the real names of the two true ancestors aloud.

With his thunderous sound, the distant stars fell from the sky and bombarded the surface of the planet, causing the last remaining warships and air battleships of the sanctuary treaty country to disintegrate.

Xixiang stands high in the sky, behind him are the fallen stars and the boundless black universe, as if he is standing in the center of the universe, and is bringing final judgment and death to all creatures in this world.

The meteor bombarded the ocean, smashing out deep pits, the sea water turned into mist and rose under the high temperature, and the meteor that passed through the protection of the atmosphere fell on the earth, forming a series of small meteorites.

Immediately, all those who paid attention to the Pacific battlefield saw a miracle happen.

The small meteorites gathered together and filled the ocean, and the excess sea water evaporated completely. Finally, with Xianshen Island as the center, Xixiang smashed out a huge and endless meteorite with the meteorite from the sky Land (ahfi)!

There is no Australian continent in this world, but Xixiang forcibly smashed out an Australian continent, making the world map completely coincide with the one in his impression!

This behavior, which should have caused the natural laws of the planet to collapse, did not bring any damage to the planet.

The three-digit Almighty Domain can do "everything that should be done". In simple terms, they can use the laws and truths to complete the power of "Almighty".

However, the three-digit number still has to follow the laws of nature, and all use of authority must be within the scope of natural rules.

Only after reaching the double digits can we completely change the world and achieve omnipotence in the field of authority!

Even with the suppression of the remnants of the holy annihilator, Xixiang can still do such a miracle, or the magic of the devil!

Under the huge pressure of Xixiang, which was like thousands of mountains and mountains, the second true ancestor directly knelt on the ground and could no longer move.

Only the First True Ancestor gritted his teeth and tried his best to suppress the fear in his heart.

He raised the leg that seemed to have become extremely heavy, ignoring the reverse flow of blood in his body, ignoring the rupture of his own blood vessels, and flowing out the blood that is precious to vampires.

Under the madness that almost completely worn out his soul and body, he finally took a step forward.


The First True Ancestor roared, as if rejoicing that he was free, but in the end, under the absolute power gap, he still fell to his knees, unable to get up again.

"Hahahaha!!! Well done!"

Seeing this scene, Xixiang laughed heartily.

He likes heroes, praises saints, and admires those who possess courage, because only these people can defeat him.

And the mission and significance of being a devil is to be defeated by the hero one day and make the opponent justice!

After all, the current Xixiang is only one of the six great demons of Zoroastrianism. To follow the doctrine of worshiping fire, he is still unable to defy his mission.

And changing his own destiny is exactly what he is working hard for!

"Humans are short-lived, and human knowledge is incoherent."

"...Even if humans one day invent instruments that can quickly learn knowledge, learning to use knowledge is a different concept from fully understanding knowledge."

"There are always people with extraordinary talents among human beings. They are heroes. They create history together with the people. They are great men. They are the deciders and guideposts of human civilization!"

"...However, aging is an abyss of despair that human beings will never be able to overcome. Even saints and great men will lose their wisdom and judgment under aging and become mediocre and rotten!"

"Life span is a gap that is difficult for human beings to bridge, and it is a major test for the history of human civilization!"

"...Geniuses will lose their talents with aging, and they will not be able to create the technology that will allow humans to achieve immortality during their lifetimes."

"But you can't obtain eternal life. As human technology becomes more complex, it becomes more difficult for these technologies to be inherited by future generations of humans. As a result, in a vicious circle, human technology is completely imprisoned!"

"...This is me, one of the final trials of human beings, the big devil who imprisoned human technology, brought human beings old, and bestowed the 'evil of aging' on human beings——"Lifespan"!".

Chapter 140 The real devil king, I am the enemy of the world!

Without defeating him, human beings will never be able to break through the shackles of lifespan.

If he cannot be defeated, human beings will one day usher in the demise of civilization under their own short life.

As one of the final trials of mankind, as one of the six Zoroastrian demons in charge of 'aging'.

The meaning of Xixiang's existence is to be defeated by human beings, and then let human beings break through the limit of lifespan, so as to obtain the possibility of further human civilization~.

The so-called final trials of mankind are the major disasters encountered in the development process of human history that are enough to end self-civilization and shatter human history.

From the beginning of human birth, human beings have to go through countless trials.

Some human civilizations fail in a certain trial, and the civilization dies, and naturally there are also civilizations that pass through trials one by one and reach the end of civilization.

But what is the end of human civilization, so far no one knows.

What may be needed is for humans to compete with the gods to win their own destiny and get rid of the manipulation of heaven.

As a 'life-span conclusion', the aging demon symbolized by Xixiang is one of the final trials of human beings at a relatively late stage of human civilization.

But even if he is defeated, in the future development of human civilization, there will still be other final trials of human beings.

The development of human civilization has always been a rough road, and there is no smooth sailing. Any insignificant point may bring about the demise of the entire human civilization.

The so-called final trial of human beings is like this, it may be the flaw of the human species, it is a kind of human thought shackles, or it may be the malice of this universe towards human beings!

Zoroastrianism, as the source of many religions, is the source of countless religious concepts in later generations.

For example, the doomsday judgment, such as angels and demons, such as the concept of the savior, etc., are all related to this religion.

As the acme of dualism, as the six demons created by the mother of evil gods, these demons have been obstacles to the development of human civilization from the very beginning.

Today's Xixiang is one of the final trials of human beings. Only human beings can defeat him. Even the gods can only seal him and cannot kill him.

But at the same time, as one of the final trials of mankind, his fate will inevitably be defeated by the heroes of mankind, this is the law of heaven!

As for the true ancestors who lived in a corner, they couldn't understand the meaning of the final trial of mankind.

They also couldn't understand the current form of Xixiang, who is actually a demon king that only humans can defeat!

But there is only one thing these two true ancestors know, that is, facing the demon with the power to manipulate the stars and play with the law, the beasts of the true ancestors are absolutely impossible to be their opponents.

The difference between a three-digit number and a four-digit number is like that between heaven and earth. It is a kind of sublimation of life, and it is a realm of gods that humans can never reach under normal circumstances.

If Xixiang had not possessed the spirit of the mother of evil gods from the very beginning, and used the spirit of the mother of evil gods to create the six demons according to Zoroaster's teachings.

Even if Xixiang has the third star ion body, he can only reach four digits at most in a long time, unable to break through the horizontal gap between mortals and gods.

After all, no matter how strong the four-digit power is, it is only a difference in the energy level. People with the same four-digit number are just different in terms of effort and damage to the material world.

Only when it involves the more fundamental laws of nature, involving fate and the laws of heaven, are the rules that truly touch the truth.

Just like the current Xixiang, if there is a human being in this world who can defeat him, then all human beings in this world will be liberated and have the opportunity to live forever.

Today, as long as Xixiang appears in any world in the form of an aging demon, he will become the source of limiting human life and aging in that world.

Heroes in thousands of worlds will be against him, and only by defeating him can human beings be saved!

This is not only a sworn enemy, but also a real devil king!

He is the embodiment of the concept of aging!

Just standing there, the existence of Xixiang already made the two True Ancestors despair.

Just standing there, all human beings who looked at his figure have already confirmed that he is the enemy of human beings, but it is also an existence that is difficult for human beings to defeat.

Human beings cannot overcome the source of aging that imprisons civilization, but human beings also have alternative methods to overcome the curse of aging.

That is what human beings are always doing, surrendering at the feet of demons, in exchange for the pity and mercy of demons.

But it is a pity that it is just that individual human beings can obtain the pardon of aging, and for human beings as a whole, they still have to be imprisoned in aging.

"This world needs heroes, but it's a pity that you are not heroes. Even if you have the will to become a hero, you don't represent the human group."

"...It's really sad. Which human being can show his golden light and use his courage and wisdom to knock me down into the void again and return to the darkness."

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Saigo let out a deep sigh.

Grabbing nutrients from the two worlds to supply itself, this withered body was finally supplemented, and the spiritual status that belonged to one of the six great demons was restored.

In today's world, just in this world, it is impossible to have anyone who can fight against Xixiang.

Even if Cain was resurrected and manipulated the holy annihilation again, he could barely stand with Xixiang, but it was almost impossible to defeat Xixiang.

The power of Saint Annihilation as a double digit is indeed strong enough, but Cain's own personality has not reached that level.

Facing Xixiang, who has almost completely recovered the spirit of the aging demon, there is a huge gap between Cain's own personality and his.

After all, in this boundless universe, there are quite a few people with four-digit personal power, but when it reaches three digits, it is rare. It is an unimaginable transformation process.

. . . 0

It is precisely because of this that Xixiang wants to know what happened and why the double-digit mother of evil gods will fall.

And why did this spirit power come into his hands.

Seeing the Second True Ancestor who has lost the consciousness of resistance, looking at the First True Ancestor who has the will to resist but lacks strength.

At this time, Xixiang began to think about how to deal with them.

It doesn't matter if you kill them, and it has no effect on this world.

But now Xixiang still needs Nangong's contract that month, and now he has only awakened one of the six demon incarnations.

And the more difficult it is to awaken, because each awakening will bring Xixiang one step closer to the mother of the evil god.

Therefore, the current Xixiang needs more worlds to provide him with nutrients, and then gather the power of many worlds to raise his throne in one fell swoop.

The existence of the two True Ancestors also has their significance. These two True Ancestors are powerful enough, and their existence will bring competition and chaos.

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