If they are killed, then this balanced world will lose one pole, allowing the other party to gain the absolute upper hand.

It is impossible for Xixiang to be here to help manage the world all the time. To put it simply, Xixiang needs to find an enemy for his subordinates.

And he is a demon hidden behind the scenes.

Only with enemies will there be conflicts, and with conflicts will bring more chaos to Xixiang!

Just when he was thinking about how to do it, Xixiang suddenly felt moved, and his face showed joy: "...Eh, what is this?"

Chapter 140 In order to defeat me, burn your soul!

In the area where the Saint Annihilation is located at the lowest level of the Cornerstone Gate.

Lan Yu Qian Cong lay in the sea surrounded by jelly, from time to time, he took a sip of the endless jelly sea around him, showing a happy smile.

"Moguai, do you think I can use the power of the holy fighter to change my metabolism so that no matter how much I eat snacks, I won't gain weight?"

Blue Feather Light Onion floated on the jelly sea in a backstroke position.

She lowered her head slightly, although the sight was blocked by the magnificence of a certain part, she could still notice her lower abdomen.

After Lan Yu Qiancong used the Saint Annihilation System and felt the boundless power, her first thought was to make herself a person who would not gain weight no matter how much she ate.

It is always painful for girls to control their food intake to lose weight. As a junior high school girl, the precocious Lan Yu Qian Cong is now very concerned about her figure.

"Miss, although the power of Saint Annihilation can do it, I don't recommend you to do it."

"One Twenty"

"...Using Holy Annihilation once will pollute the spirit. Judging from the aftereffects of using Holy Annihilation before, miss, you are already at your limit now."

From the mobile phone in Lan Yu Qian Cong's pocket came an AI electronic voice, that voice persuaded Lan Yu Qian Cong.

"Ah, I know, I was just joking."

Lan Yu Qiancong is very aware of her physical condition, just like what Moguai said, her current physical condition is no longer able to use the Saint Annihilator.

"Moguai, why do you know so much about Saint Annihilation?"

Lan Yu Light Onion asked curiously.

"Haha, because the eldest lady brought me here, as a super intelligent AI, my role is to analyze spells."

"...The Holy Annihilator system is a technique in the final analysis, but it's too complicated, and even I can't fully understand its operation."

"But just knowing how the system works, I can still do it."

Moguai said with a haha.

Lan Yu Qian Cong didn't dwell too much on this issue.

Maybe she actually guessed something, but sometimes it's better not to say something.

"I don't seem to be of much use now, Mokai... It seems that Itogami Island doesn't need me."

During the Saint Annihilation, Lan Yu Qiancong could also observe the situation on the battlefield, and everything that happened on that battlefield was completely beyond her imagination as a junior high school student.

Lan Yu Qiancong was educated in magic techniques since she was a child.

Although the vampire's beasts are very powerful, in large-scale legion battles and in the face of many high-tech weapons, the strength of the vampire's beasts is actually not strong.

However, the strength of the beasts that the two true ancestors and Xixiang obtained from Uncle Yanguang Ye was far beyond Lan Yu Qiancong's imagination.

Where is the power that human beings can master? It is the real power that only one person can confront a country and eliminate a superpower.

At least in this world, such power should not exist.

At this moment, there was a drastic change in the world!

"Monster, what's going on, what happened? That's... Mr. Zaratul?"

"...Why, why am I so afraid of him, why can't I help but cry and despair?"

Suddenly, Lan Yu Qiancong sensed an unknown change by using the Saint Annihilation system. She suddenly sat up from the jelly ocean, and looked at the battlefield in the Pacific through the Saint Annihilation system.

At this time, Xixiang was condensed into a human form from the flames of aging.

The breath that comes from the imprisonment of human civilization and the final trial of human beings is the horror that any human being will despair and mourn when he sees it, crying and weeping.

Lan Yu Qiancong's beautiful eyes couldn't help shedding a string of tears, the sadness from the soul made her unable to restrain herself.

Seeing the final trial of human beings and the "final judgment of life" that human civilization will inevitably face, will make any human being feel sad from the bottom of his heart.

"It's not good, miss... This is really not good."

Moguai's slightly bitter voice came from Lanyu Qiancong's mobile phone. As an intelligent AI, Moguai had never had such strong emotions in the past even though he spoke funny.

"Monster, what's going on? That's Mr. Zaratul, right? But why does he clearly have the appearance of Mr. Zaratul, but I always feel that he is different from Mr. Zaratul?"

Lan Yu Qiancong hugged her head and moaned, "...It's so strange, so strange, I actually have the urge to kneel down and submit."

"I even had an urge to understand myself, like...like knowing that the future is bleak, and it would be better to end my life now than face that future."

Lan Yu's shallow onion eyes showed fear, and said tremblingly.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no prop here to make her commit suicide, she might have to do her best to restrain her despair of self-understanding at this time.

"Miss, you stay here honestly and don't go anywhere."

"...At least you are safe here."

The sound of Moguai gradually becomes smaller until it disappears completely 0  …

"Monster? Monster?!"

Lan Yu Qiancong yelled twice, but there were no other voices at the bottom of the cornerstone gate.

She crossed her arms in fear, trying to shrink herself into the corner of this sea of ​​jelly.

Fortunately, Lan Yu Qiancong saw the final trial of mankind through the holy annihilation system.

Otherwise, with the mental instability of Lan Yu's shallow age, I'm afraid she would have gone crazy by now, or she would have chosen to kill herself.

Although Lan Yu Qiancong was Cain's priestess, Cain's priestess did not bring her a real personality.

And as human beings, as long as we don't have the spirit of a hero, the heart of a saint and the state of a great man, it is absolutely impossible to see the end of human civilization!


In the Pacific Ocean, Xixiang was thinking about how to treat the two true ancestors, whether to let them go, kill them, or imprison them.

At this moment, he heard a slight voice in his ear.

"God Cain, you really didn't die completely... How could a person who can create a holy annihilation system and distort the laws of heaven die so easily?"

"...Oh? You said that you want to give me all the information and knowledge of the Saint Annihilator system in exchange for the lives of the Forgotten King of War and the Eye of Extinction?"

"Oh, it seems that you are more humane than you imagined. Back then, you used them and let them spend thousands of years for your ideals. You would also feel guilty."

"...You don't need to say anything to me, blame God Cain, since you choose to sacrifice yourself to save this planet and save the creatures in this world, it means that your heart 5.8 is 'good'."

"In Zoroaster's teachings, you and I should be opposed, but good and evil are one, and dualism is born from this. I hate you but I also appreciate you."

"...I agree to your request, but I also have a request!"

"God Cain, you are a hero, you are a saint, you are the hero I recognize, you are the saint I recognize!"

"...so use up your bravery and wisdom to face me and defeat me!"

"Only by letting me see the golden brilliance on your body, will I forgive this world as you wish!"

With a voice that only he and Cain could hear, Xixiang said domineeringly: "...I am the devil king, and I am the enemy of the world for the sake of mortality!"

"...Do your best, burn your soul, and roar to defeat me, this demon!".

Chapter 140 Two Are You Interested in Other People's Wife?

Forgotten Warlord and Eye of Extinction don't know how they left the Pacific battlefield.

When they came back to their senses, the two True Ancestors had already returned to the land on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean.

They were lying on the deserted beach, looking in a trance, looking at the night sky in confusion.

I don't know how long the battle between the two True Ancestors and Xixiang has been going on. It was still daytime when the three of them started the battle, but now it is night.

But both the Forgotten Warlord and the Eye of Extinction knew that they definitely did not just fight for a day and a night.

This is a bitter, painful battle that the two True Ancestors have never experienced since their birth.

From the very beginning, the two were suppressed and beaten by Xixiang, using all their magic power, and at the cost of increasing their own wear and tear, they almost summoned all the beasts they owned.

But even so, they can only protect themselves and cannot fight back against Xixiang.

Jiada's betrayal was even more unexpected, and what made them even more unimaginable was the sudden evolution of Xixiang's life level.

This world is not without similar technologies, such as modeling angels, which can allow humans to evolve into angel-like void creatures.

But the life transformation of Xixiang is far more mysterious than this kind of evolution. If you have to describe it, the two 07 ancestors feel that it is as incredible as Xixiang suddenly said to them, "I am your father".

Facing Xixiang who has completed his life transformation, the two of them don't want to fight anymore, even standing in front of him has become so difficult.

What exactly that demon has become is something that the Forgotten Warlord and the Eye of Extinction are still ignorant of.

"That devil, let us go like this?"

It took a long time for the pupil of extinction to look back at God, and uttered unbelievable words.

The King of Forgotten War smiled wryly and said, "...Maybe he thought we were too weak to pose any threat, so he let us go?"

The First True Ancestor's words silenced the Second True Ancestor.

After a few seconds of silence, the King of Forgotten War said again worriedly: "...the entire army of the sanctuary treaty country has been wiped out, and the entire sanctuary treaty is in danger of being abolished."

"...And the non-sanctified treaty countries headed by North America and the countries and the Tsarist Kingdom, they will definitely use some means at this time, and the world may fall into new chaos."

Hearing the words of the First True Ancestor, the Second True Ancestor let out a long breath, and his expression became that decadent look again: "...Zi Yi, your worries are unnecessary."

"Whether it is a sanctuary treaty country or a non-treaty country, this time we have seen the power of us and that demon."

"...No matter what kind of battle they have, the major countries will care about the thoughts of our three true ancestors and the devil. A world war like 80 years ago is impossible."

The First True Ancestor nodded and said yes, and then he smiled helplessly: "...Fortunately, those countries don't know that our True Ancestor suffered from strong mental wear and tear."

"...Every battle will increase the wear and tear. In fact, we can't fight for a long time. It will only bring us death in advance."

In the past tens of thousands of years, the number of shots made by the three true ancestors was very small, and the records are even rarer.

It's not that the three true ancestors didn't know how to use power to oppress other countries and make them obey the orders of the Empire of the Night.

Rather, the three True Ancestors clearly knew that every time they made a move, they would intensify the wear and tear, and in order to fulfill the agreement with Cain, they could not be severely worn, and had to live forever.

If they shot frequently, they probably wouldn't be able to survive the tens of thousands of years now. Thousands of years ago, they might have gone crazy due to wear and tear, forgotten everything about themselves, and became a monster without self-will.

"Hahaha, I am relieved to see that you are still so energetic."

Suddenly, a strange electronic sound came from this uninhabited beach.

The First True Ancestor and the Second True Ancestor were stunned, but they quickly came to their senses and said in unison: "...Cain?!"

Although the voice had changed, the bright and funny way of speaking made them recognize who the owner of the voice was.

The First True Ancestor touched his pocket, and then took out a newest mobile phone, from which Cain's voice came.

"To be precise, I'm not Cain. I'm just the data that Cain entrusted his memory, personality, and emotions on the object in a magical way."

"...But I am also Cain, because I am exactly the same as Cain in terms of memory, character and emotion."

From the phone, an electronic tone came again.

"Hahaha! I said, Cain, you can't die so easily. You saved us?"

The King of Forgotten War laughed loudly, his tone was extremely carefree, seeing that his friend from ten thousand years ago was still alive, his excited heart became extremely calm for a moment.

Just like ten thousand years ago, he spoke to Cain in a relaxed tone.


The Second True Ancestor's voice trembled. As Cain's research assistant, he admired Cain abnormally, so he accepted the mission given to him by Cain.

"I don't have the ability to save you. The life level of that demon has reached a level that I can't imagine."

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