It can even kill you.

"keep going!"

Bai Ye said to Qianju Zhujian.

He just fought two rounds.

The warm-up hasn't even started yet!

Hashirama looked at him helplessly.

"Forget it, there's nothing to fight!"

Hashirama said to Bai Ye.

This time, the two of them were simply exchanging ideas.

There's no need to make a life-and-death situation.

And the strength that Hashirama wants to show has improved. ,

He had already shown it to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye said while thinking: "Indeed, your progress is very great!"

When Bai Ye said this, he was not out of courtesy to Qianshouzhu.

He can see it.

between columns during this time. ,

At least several large ninjutsu have been optimized.

Make these ninjutsu more powerful.

Range is faster.

This is not finished.

He also combines domineering and ninjutsu better.

A lot of novel usages have been produced.

Senshou Bashirama never came here.

It's only a few months when it's full.

can produce such great progress.

It is indeed very powerful.

Bai Ye thinks.

Hashirama continued like this.

It will soon surpass the strength of the general level.

Reach a higher level of strength.

Bai Ye thought so.

Over there between the pillars of the thousand hands.

It's a completely different idea.

In his opinion.

I have worked so hard to practice for so long.

Several flexible usages have been developed by myself.

It looks very powerful.

In fact, it is compared with Bai Ye.

Nothing at all.

When Bai Ye sparred with him.

Just glanced at him.

I got inspiration and a new usage.

Not only the fairy mode is more powerful.

And also developed a new knowledge color domineering.

People are more popular than dead people!

Bai Ye's ability.

It's just too powerful.

Senshou Zhujian can only envy.

After he developed various new abilities.

Originally very complacent.

Watching Bai Ye's performance.

It finally occurred to me that there are people beyond people and beyond.

Very low key now.

"Okay, now that we've finished our discussions. Let's go out."

Bai Ye said to Hashirama.

Hashirama nodded... .

It's not good for the two of them to stay in the Shenwei space for too long.

The navy outside was leaderless.

If you encounter something like a pirate attack.

Can only catch blind.

Bai Ye teleported Qianshouzhujian out of the Shenwei space.

He followed behind onto the deck.

The Marines watched as the two came out.

They all whispered.

Guessing each other: "You say."

"The battle between General Bai Ye and Qianshou Zhujian."

"Who actually won?"

Talking Navy.

Not too young.

The beard is a little gray.

Still so gossip.

Said enthusiastically to his companions.

The other navies listened to him.

All laughed.

"What are you thinking, of course General Bai Ye won!"

"There is still suspense!"

"That's right, General Bai Ye is basically the strongest in the world. Although Lieutenant General Hashirama is powerful, he is definitely not his opponent."

Everyone said one after another.

The old navy refused to admit defeat and said, "That might be."

"I've seen Lieutenant General Hashirama's training, and that's not the level of an ordinary lieutenant general!"

"His speed is so fast that he can't see clearly. A single punch can smash a boulder to pieces."

listened to him.

The other navies just said lightly: "Admiral Bai Ye can easily do what you said!"

"I do not believe!"

This old navy is very stubborn.

No matter what you don't believe, Bai Ye is even more powerful.

Other navies can't.

Just let him wait and see.

"Just wait, when you arrive in the Kingdom of Dressrosa, after General Bai Ye made 1.8 moves, you will know how wrong you are!"

The other navy said to him.

When he arrived in Dressrosa Kingdom, Bai Ye would let him know.

What is truly powerful.

"Speak up."

"The Kingdom of Dressrosa is still a country famous for its delicious food!"

People no longer talk about strength.

Instead, they began to discuss the current situation of the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

The Kingdom of Dressrosa is known as the Land of Love and Passion Toys.

There are a lot of mushroom rocks on the nearby coast, and the island is full of the fragrance of flowers and famous all over the world for its delicious food.

It is a very charming tropical island.

There are not only humans here.

There are also special races living with humans.

little people.

Little humans are very small in size.

A human hand can hold several of them at once.

Before Doflamingo takes over the kingdom.

The king here is King Riku.

Chapter 291 : Doflamingo: Just a Lieutenant General?

Doflamingo once appeared in front of King Riku and asked him to collect a huge sum of 100 billion Baileys within one day.

Otherwise, Doflamingo will lead troops to capture Dressrosa.

When King Liku was trying to find a way to raise money.

Doflamingo manipulates him with his devil fruit power.

Kill your soldiers and citizens.

Even sparked arson in towns.

As a result, people all over the country feel contemptuous of King Liku.

In the end, Doflamingo succeeded.

Overthrew King Riku's regime and became king himself.

King Riku's army.

And everyone who dared to stand against Doflamingo.

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