They were all turned into toys.

After Doflamingo came to power.

The continuous buying and selling of arms and devil fruits has plunged all surrounding countries into turmoil of war.

Although Dressrosa has become richer.

But the people of Dressrosa are becoming more and more miserable.

"What a cunning man!"

After the navy who didn't know about Doflamingo heard about the incident.

They all expressed emotion.

What a flamenco.

What a trick.

Not only that, but also very cruel.

Bai Ye listened to the discussion of the 31 navies.

I am also vigilant in my heart.

People like Doflamingo.

I don't know what cards are left in my hand.

Although he was extremely cautious every time he saw Bai Ye.

Respectful to Bai Ye.

But there's no guarantee he wasn't doing something behind his back.

This time to arrest him as well.

Who knows if Doflamingo will use some kind of tricks.

Bai Ye thought of this.

He said to Senshou Bashirama beside him, "You will be the main force in this battle."

"I'll watch the battle from the side."

Senshou Zhuma understood what he meant.

Of course nodding in agreement.

And this is also a test of his ability.

Hashirama has been training for so long recently.

You can have a go at Dressrosa.

very excited.

"Master Bai Ye! We are almost there!"

A scout came over and said to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye stood up and looked into the distance.

With his current power of knowledge and knowledge, he can see the islands in the distance without a telescope.

Sure enough, at the end of the horizon, an island was looming.

It was Dressrosa!

"Very good, everyone is ready!"

Bai Ye gave the order.


The sailors assembled on the deck in a menacing manner.

Stand in several rows, waiting for Bai Ye's review.

"Our purpose this time is to capture Qiwuhai Don Quixote Doflamingo alive and liberate Dressrosa!"

"Everyone, prepare your weapons and equipment, and surround the entire island immediately after landing on the island!"


The navy listened to Bai Ye's lecture.

They all agreed loudly.

Morale is very positive.

For them.

This is a battle that is bound to succeed.

After all, General Bai Ye led the team.

This is one of the strongest men at sea!

He personally shot and caught Qi Wuhai, what suspense could there be?

And not only that.

Although Qianshou Zhujian is a lieutenant general, in their hearts, his strength is no different from that of a general.

The two men shot.

Shichibukai Doflamingo can only be beaten.

They just need to stick to their posts.

Then be careful.

You can easily win.

After going back, it is another big credit!

Such a good thing, of course they are very willing.

Regardless of what the Navy thinks.

After Bai Ye gave the order.

Has been instantly invisible.

Follow Senju Bashirama.

Flag of naval ships.

It rose high.

Announcing the arrival of the Navy to the entire Dressrosa.

Enter the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

People on the docks watched the approach of the naval ships.

They all fell into a strange mood.

They are looking forward to the arrival of the navy, hoping that they can rescue Dressrosa.

And I was worried that someone like Doflamingo would come.

Will join forces with Doflamingo to make their lives even harder.

Just when they were struggling.

Navy ships have slowly docked.

from the boat.

It was Senju Hashirama in the mighty navy uniform.

and a large and heavily armed navy.

The people of Dressrosa Kingdom saw this scene.

They were all surprised.

"It's a navy, and it's not just an ordinary navy!"

"It's the lieutenant general!"

"What do they want to do here, the same purpose as Doflamingo's?"

"Maybe they came to attack Doflamingo!"

People have different opinions.

Say anything.

Qianju Zhujian waved his hand.

The navy behind them dispersed.

Occupy a favorable position on the island.

surrounded the entire island.

Senshouzhujian brought several marines.

Go to Doflamingo's palace.

On the throne.

Doflamingo had already heard about the navy's attack by this time.

Together they showed an evil smile.

"Navy... what are they doing here?"

Doflamingo seemed to be talking to himself.

His men looked at Doflamingo.

A tall man, Pica said to Doflamingo: "I'll see what they mean!"

He looks very manly.

The strange thing is that the voice is extremely thin.

It sounds very funny.

None of the people present laughed at him.

Pica stood up, ready to go.

"Wait a moment!"

Doflamingo suddenly stopped him and said to him, "Who is the top general of the navy that came?"

Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragon and Qiwukai.

Nothing to be afraid of.

However, if it is an admiral who comes, it is not easy for them to directly attack the admiral.

It's okay for others to come.

For example, 443 said something like Qing Zhi.

Relatively peaceful.

If it is white night.

Brother Doflaming really needs to think about whether to make a move.

After all, Bai Ye is the strongest among the admirals.

Not to be trifled with!

The scouts under him listened to Doflamingo's words.

Quickly said: "The one who came is Vice Admiral, Senju Bashirama!"

Hear a few words from the Vice Admiral.

Doflamingo curled his lips in disdain.

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