Slowly lower your head.

Under the bloody moonlight, dripping blood, an old face covered with ravines came into view.

The lifeless face, the dazed eyes.

Like a corpse.

Su Bei was stunned.

Isn't this the grandfather in the tablet?

Surprised and overjoyed, the muscles at the corners of Su Bei's mouth finally loosened.

Surprised, he said: "You are old, so you have time to go out for a walk at night."

"Look it scares me."

Ghost Shadow: "..."

Ghosting spoke stiffly, his voice was cold and without ups and downs: "Get out of here quickly, Grandpa won't last long."

"Returning to the Soul Night put grandpa at the door, absolutely don't look back, to find what your parents left behind, that is the key to your survival."

"Don't be too sad, try to live."

Hearing that grandpa came to tell me extra clues.

Su Bei almost laughed out loud.

Hearing his grandfather advise him to "don't be sad", he reluctantly stopped the corner of his mouth from rising.

Make a sad look: "Grandpa, don't worry, I will live well."

The withered ghost still wanted to stroke Su Bei's head again.

Smell it!

There was a huge suction force from behind the door, and two bone hooks pierced the ghost's body.

Drag the ghost back into the tablet.

Su Bei woke up suddenly, and the ghost bride beside the bed looked at him curiously.

The curtains were drawn tightly, and there was no red moonlight at all.

Waited for a few breaths of relief.

It was only then that he realized that it was the grandfather in the tablet who was dreaming of himself just now.

Secretly thought, Grandpa is going to have an accident, how could I almost laugh out loud when I am so filial.

It really is a dream!

In the living room, a large amount of blood flowed from the tablet, and the blood stained the table and the floor.

A twisted grimace tried to emerge from the pool of blood.

After a long time, the blood suddenly disappeared like a phantom.


There was another gap in the tablet.

In the black and white photo, Grandpa's eyeballs moved, and the cloudy eyes full of evil thoughts looked in the direction of the bedroom.

Chapter 142 The assassination from the beautiful country, the dead parents are back

Just sitting in Su Bei, he was actively preparing for the upcoming soul-returning night.

There was a change in the other players.

The little devil Torrey got a piece of news through an off-court call for help.

The seventh day will be the soul-returning night.

Seven days later, the Wraith World will enter the next stage.

"The news comes from Subei, Dragon Kingdom. He is preparing to escape from his home in order to deal with Huihun Ye."

After hanging up the phone, the little devil Torre gave a disdainful smile.

In front of tens of billions of viewers, he directly taunted.

"We beautiful Chinese people have always moved forward bravely and never retreated."

"The people of the Dragon Kingdom are always like this, timid and cowering, only dare to move their lips, without blood."

"Just wait and see, I will stay at home and wait for the wraith to come to my door, and turn the wraith into my points."

If Torre's remarks were anything but arrogance.

The remarks of another beautiful country player shocked the whole world.

Grimace Moses issued an assassination notice to Su Bei in front of the screen.

His grimace was eerie, and he laughed wildly before the live broadcast: "Player Su Bei, on your so-called soul-returning night, I want 09 to take your life with my own hands."

"Abstain early and quit the game if you are afraid!"

"Dragon Kingdom people, this is a life-and-death war, and everything is used in the war."

"I will kill the hope in your eyes with my own hands. The world belongs to our beautiful country."

After speaking, Moses made a gesture of cutting his throat in front of the camera.

Threat is full of meaning.

But he didn't expect that Subei's communication list was a little special.

It's full of ghosts.

The people of Longguo couldn't get in touch with Su Bei at all, so his declaration was winking to fools.

The words of the two beautiful country players caused an uproar on the Internet.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was like a tide, denser than ever before.

"Torre is worthy of being the number one warrior in the beautiful country, and he is much better than Su Bei who used dirty tricks."

"I support Grimace Moses' assassination of Su Bei and brutally killing this hateful guy."

"Su Bei killed the warrior of our Sakura Kingdom with a dirty trick, and now his retribution is coming."

"Haha, this is the background of our beautiful country, people of Sakura country, wait for us to avenge you."

"The people of Longguo still want to surpass us. This is the fate of daring to challenge the number one in the world."

In the eyes of the audience in Sakura Country and Beautiful Country, Subei is like a dead person.

On behalf of the Dragon Kingdom, he will be trampled on, humiliated and ridiculed by the players of the Beautiful Kingdom.

They could hardly wait to see this scene.

Netizens in Longguo are generally very resentful.

"It's really shameless. The beautiful Chinese people used the news from Subei, but turned around and beat them back."

"Your generations of Xiyi, your ancestors' wolves, did not think of repaying your kindness, and hoped that the heaven would send a punishment to kill this Lao."

"What's there to be proud of, little Sakura, don't rush to hug Papa's dog legs."

Although the Dragon Kingdom condemned the Beautiful Kingdom.

However, the officials of the beautiful country firmly insisted that all actions of Moses only represent individuals, and they have no right to interfere.

As for handing over Moses to be punished by the Dragon Kingdom, this is absolutely impossible!

Moses is a warrior of the beautiful country, and it is impossible for the beautiful country to hand him over.

As soon as the official rascal's words came out, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the beautiful country wanted to save Moses to death.

Even the assassination that Moses was preparing was most likely ordered.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

The blood moon fell and rose again, and some players noticed something was wrong.

The color of the moon returned to normal, and the ghosts that harassed the players every night on time also disappeared.

They all commented: "The color of the moon has become normal."

"There are no wraiths, and the wraiths suddenly disappeared."

"Is now a safe period for players to buffer?"

"Haha, I remember an idiot from the Dragon Kingdom saying that today is the Night of Soul Resurrection."

From the dark sky to the rising moon.

Still nothing unusual happened.

The audience couldn't help but doubt the accuracy of Su Bei's intelligence.

Relying on the address image obtained by ghost eyes, Moses sneaked all the way to the downstairs of the apartment.

The journey was smooth and smooth, and I didn't even meet a resentful spirit.

This made him even more proud, and half of his pale grimace let out a whoo-ho laugh.

"This is God helping me and asking me to kill Su Bei."

His eyes swept to the upper floors, his nose moved slightly.

Smell the smell of the living.

"There are 9 people in total. Which one are you, Subei? I'll come to you soon."

Moses sharpened his knife and couldn't wait to kill Su Bei.

At this moment, Moses suddenly heard a voice behind him.

It was the sound of dense footsteps.

Many people approached him and turned their heads suspiciously.

See what's behind you.

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Moses' face.

The misty white mist gathered at some point, and a figure walked out of the white mist.

Men, daughters, children, old people...

They were all wearing tacky red and green shrouds, with weird joyful smiles on their faces.

The body was still stained with mud, with a mixed smell of earthy and rancid.

In the silhouette, two old men with pale temples smiled and waved to Moses.

"Moses, we have been looking for you for a long time."

Moses' body was stiff, and he suddenly remembered the reminder.

"The night of the seventh angel's return to the soul, the dead return home."

Apartment No.20 floors.

"Tick, tick!"

Su Bei sat quietly on the sofa, watching the clock on the wall move forward slowly.

It's about to go to 24 o'clock. 167 "Da da da!"

There were footsteps, and it seemed that someone was coming downstairs.

But the problem is, this is the twentieth floor, tens of meters above the ground.

How did the footsteps come from?

Su Bei let out a breath, thinking that what should come will always come.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

The footsteps were getting closer, Su Bei poked his head out of the window and looked down.

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