Relying on his extraordinary eyesight, he saw a tide of figures emerge, wearing bright shrouds, and a faint damp breath spread over the surface.

"You idiot, what are you doing standing there?"

Su Bei saw a foreigner standing in front of the deceased, and did not dare to move.

Su Bei didn't know that this man was Moses who had come to assassinate him.

I have some sympathy for the players downstairs.

Isn't this guy out of fright?

The players of the Dragon Kingdom were immediately overjoyed when they saw this scene.

"Is this the assassination of your beautiful country?"

"Hahaha, shit, if Moses stood there, I'd be scared to pee."

"How do you know Moses didn't get scared to pee? Maybe he did."

"I announce that the funniest killer ever has been awarded to Ghostface Moses."

The people of the beautiful country fell silent.

You haven't even entered the door of others, and now you are going to fart.

Assassination of a fart, hurry up and withdraw from the beautiful country nationality!

Chapter 143 Molesting Wraith Spirits, Treating You As A Friend Can't Even Stab A Knife?

"Dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door.

This night, many relatives of the players went home to visit them.

But the players were not happy.

Because these so-called family members are long dead.

"Beautiful country, 23 players were taken away by their dead relatives, and died under the soul-returning night rules."

"In the cold country, ten players were taken away by the dead, and they also died under the soul-returning night rule."

"Gaul..." The dead knocked on the door, and it was useless for the players to resist, compromise, or jump off the building.

Gently place your hand on the player's shoulder.

The player's eyes instantly lost their luster and became empty.

Then follow the dead into the white mist step by step.

Players in one channel after another died.

The audience is almost numb.

More than 200 players were instantly killed by Huihunye, almost half of them.

Just wait until dawn, and the survivors will directly advance to the top [-] players.

But no one is happy, except the people of Longguo.

Among them, only Dragon Kingdom players were prepared, with the fewest casualties.

Longguo netizens are provoking everywhere on the Internet.

"Hehe, Su Bei has already said about Huihun Ye, but you just don't believe it, it's all over now."

"What is selflessness, North Jiangsu selflessly shares the information obtained from exploration!"

"What is a pattern? Players from other countries voluntarily do not use information, eliminate themselves, and give up all the places to Dragon Country."

"I suggest awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Su Bei and those players who voluntarily die!"

The faces of the audience in the beautiful country turned black.

This slap in the face came too fast.

On Subei's side, footsteps came from outside the house.

At first, I thought it was just one person's footsteps.

Listening intently, it was the sound of two footsteps that almost overlapped.

Outside the door, a man and a woman clung to each other, waving their hands and feet almost simultaneously.

The woman in front had corpse spots on her face, and the grave was shaking from her hair.

He smiled strangely and said, "Son, open the door quickly, Mom and Dad are coming back to see you."

Su Bei pushed Grandpa's tablet behind the door, and tried again to see if it was fixed.

Responded casually: "How do you prove that you are my parents, please show your proof."

Wraith was stunned.

What?I am your parent and I have to prove it to you.

Su Bei said confidently: "The dead have to issue a certificate for themselves these days, otherwise they won't be able to enter the crematorium." "

"You said you were my parents, but I said you were your grandfather!"

Outside the door, the resentful spirit imitated the mother's character, and said in a persuasive manner: "Son, be good, stop making trouble, and open the door for mom."

"No, no, no, I won't."

Su Bei almost couldn't help singing.

"Who is your son, I am still your father! Can you prove it?"

The wraith was stunned, the rules didn't tell it how to deal with such a senior hooligan.

Too low intelligence even wondered if he had found the wrong person.

"This is the xx community, aren't you Subei?"

"My name is Liangkun, you have found the wrong person. And this is Ping An Apartment."

Su Bei talked nonsense.

Liang Kun in front of the screen: "..."

Wraith apologized very politely: "I'm sorry, I found the wrong place."

On the contrary, Su Bei became impatient: "Go away quickly, I have to reward myself at night, can you take responsibility for the delay?"

The Wraith swallows his anger, and the Wraith is restricted by the rules.

As long as Subei is not its relative and there is no trigger rule, it has nothing to do with Subei.

The strange footsteps gradually faded away.

Until I went downstairs, I was sure I found the right place.

Recall the floor and room number.

Huihun Ye Wraith fell silent.

Therefore, they were played by Su Bei.

The angry wraith returned to the 20th floor and opened the door with one kick.

Wraith didn't notice that a tablet behind the door was smashed to pieces the moment the door was kicked open.

Blood flowed from the gap in the tablet.

Converge on the ground and gradually grow into a human shape.

Huihun Ye Wraith searched in the living room, and then kicked open the bedroom door again.

The bedroom was already empty.

Su Bei had already jumped out of the window.

Wraith looked down from the window, and Su Bei was hugged by the ghost bride in red.

The ghost bride stepped on the outer wall, completely ignoring gravity, and walked straight down.

The resentful spirit, who had no emotion at all, was furious at this moment, and black air rose from the corpse.

Blood trickled out of the eye sockets.

It flew to attack northern Jiangsu.

A sigh came from behind.


Hearing this title, and thinking of Su Bei's ridicule, the resentful spirit's reason was wiped out.

He turned around and rushed towards the old man made of blood.

"Oh, what are you doing? I'm really your old man."

As the two wraiths killed each other, Su Bei quietly landed.

Go to the home of grandma in the message.

Along the road, although there were also many ghosts returning to the night, the ghosts seemed to be unable to see North Jiangsu.

Obviously Subei didn't meet their killing rules.

Moses, who had only one leg and one arm left, was lying on the ground, dying.

The grimace covered the entire face and began to spread below the neck.

The black blood corroded Moses' body and was riddled with holes.

"Hey, I still escaped from the wraith."

"When I finish killing Su Bei, I will abstain and quit the game."

Moses, who was lying on the ground moaning, tried to stand up.

It's impossible to kill Su Bei or something.

He just wanted to say a few harsh words to the audience in front of the screen.

"It's not that I, Moses, are afraid of Su Bei, it's because my physical condition doesn't allow it."

Suddenly, a voice rang out and Moses froze.

"Are you looking for me?"

Moses looked up, and the sinister and cunning face was exactly the same as the one he had seen with his grimace.

How did Su Bei come down?

In the live broadcast room, bullet screens flew wildly.

Netizens clamored for Moses to kill Subei.

Except for Moses, cold sweat dripped from his brows and feet.

It's over, why is Su Bei here, he heard all the cruel words he said?

So do I abstain and quit, or do I abstain and quit?

Moses struggled.

Su Bei narrowed his eyes, if he heard correctly.

The guy in front of him seemed to say that he wanted to kill him.

Moses gritted his teeth and decided to pretend to be forced before leaving.

Pretend to be calm and said: "Yes, you know, I threatened to kill you before."

"But after seeing your real person, I changed my mind. A hero like you shouldn't die in my hands."

"Just treat it as a friend, I'll let you go, you go."

After pretending to be aggressive, Moses looked at Su Bei warily.

If he makes a move, he immediately abstains and teleports away from the game.

Su Bei: "..."

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