What the hell are you talking about?

He pretended to be moved, and knelt down to hold Moses' hand.

"Really? Should I thank you then?"

Moses repeatedly said no, no, no.

There was a trace of disdain in his eyes, and his vigilance was also lowered.

Until a knife flashed in Su Bei's hand.


Xi knife was caught off guard and pierced Moses' heart.

Even with Ghostface's powers, Moses' life was draining quickly.

Even the ghost face was severely injured by the Xi knife and became shriveled.

Moses looked at Su Bei in disbelief, shaking his fingers: "You don't talk about martial arts."

With an innocent look on his face, Su Bei explained to Moses persuasively: "Now I will teach you a saying in Longguo, a good friend has a knife in both sides."

"If you want to be my friend, you must first let me stab you twice. If you don't die, we will be friends."

Moses, the killer king of a generation, died of exhaustion.

Su Bei was full of regret: "You haven't even gotten a knife, how can you be my friend.".

Chapter 144 Blind grandma; I am not your father, you are grandpa

After killing Moses, Su Bei didn't stay too long.

He knew he wasn't completely safe yet.

Once the grandfather in the tablet is eliminated, the Wraith will catch up again.

Subei ran wildly.

Until I looked up and saw "Huaiyin Community" in large characters.

The old building layout looks like a community decades ago.

According to the information, grandma has been living here alone since grandpa passed away.

Even if her parents let her move in to live together, she is not willing.

Most importantly, this grandma is blind.

An elderly and blind old woman insisted on living alone.

"My lord, there must be something strange about this matter!"

Su Bei muttered to himself, knowing that there was something wrong with this grandma without thinking about it.

But now I can only bite the bullet.

Su Bei found the building where grandma was.

Mottled and rusted iron doors, dark and gloomy corridors.

In the dark night, it is like a bloody mouth that devours people.

People subconsciously resist entering it.

Su Bei slowed down to lower the sound of his footsteps.

First floor, no surprises.

The second floor, without any surprises.

On the third floor, there was a faint earthy smell in the air.

On the fourth floor, there were soft footsteps behind him.

On the fifth floor, a figure approached Su Bei from behind in the darkness.

Su Bei noticed something and looked back vigilantly.

There was nothing in the dark corridor, and no one followed him.

He didn't let down his vigilance, because the smell of earth was getting stronger and stronger.

The direction from which the smell came... seemed to be right in front of Su Bei.

Su Bei turned his head and looked forward.

The little girl with loose black hair stood in front of Su Bei.

The earthy smell emanated from her body.

"Big brother, have you seen my dad?"

Su Bei was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the little girl, shook his head and asked, "What does your father look like?"

"Like big brother."

"It would be great if the big brother was my father, so that I can take the big brother away."

The little girl showed her true face, and a hint of malice appeared on her gloomy and pale face.

It wanted to take Subei away.

The audience couldn't help getting nervous when they saw this scene.

This little girl is part of Huihun Ye Wraith.

"Does anyone know what's going on? Didn't Huihun Ye Wraith only take away his relatives?"

"Fuck, I know this little girl. Didn't she go to find Arthur, the bone horse knight? Why did she go to Su Bei again?"

"I just saw it in Arthur's live broadcast room. He used props to get rid of the little girl's Wraith, and then the Wraith came to Su Bei."

"I know that some experts have interpreted that if these wraiths don't find their family members, they will find other people to take them away."

"Then isn't Subei in danger?!"

Seeing that the little girl in front of her was a bad spirit, she insisted on identifying herself as its father.

Su Bei's face remained unchanged, but his eyes rolled.

Suddenly he asked: "Even if I look like your father, I may not be your father."

The little girl Wraith blinked her eyes.

He looked at the human in front of him in bewilderment.

With its limited IQ, it also feels that something is wrong with the human being in front of it.

Why not be afraid of it at all?

Su Bei continued: "You look like your father, right?"

Recognize;! Accurate:,;If?! Water." Head;!, Send:,';white''? Whoring?:' Party:? Don't: "? The little girl who disturbed the spirit nodded blankly.

"Then who does your father look like?"

Wraith suddenly realized, and quickly replied: "It's my father's father, my grandfather."

Su Bei stroked Wraith's head in relief, and found that his hair was covered with foul-smelling dirt.

Silently put down his hands, and wiped his hands with the hem of the little girl's skirt.

little girl:"……"

Su Bei looked at Wraith lovingly: "Actually, I am your grandfather, my good granddaughter!"

Wraith was stunned, it raised its head and looked at Su Bei.

Tears slowly filled the eyes.

With her long hair loose, Su Bei saw the eyes that had been covered by the hair before.

The eye sockets were black, and the maggots were afraid of crawling around.

I don't know if it was Su Bei's illusion, but he always felt that these maggots were greeting him happily.

Su Bei raised his head proudly.

We are different, I have wings behind me.

False angels of a higher order than you.

You are not worthy, don't get involved!

Seeing Su Bei's reaction, maggots nestled in their eye sockets in frustration.

Just when Su Bei was distracted, Wraith grabbed Su Bei's arm.

Sobbing, he said: "I have found you, Grandpa, come with me."

Su Bei: "..."

I thought I was already shameless, but I didn't expect Wraith to be even more shameless.

Seeing the rules of the Wraith is about to take effect.

Su Bei suddenly pointed to a corner beside the corridor.

"Isn't your father there?"

The little girl Wraith Ling froze for a moment, then turned her head to look.

There was nothing in the corner of the corridor, but she smelled a familiar smell.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Wraith Ling's mouth: "Father, I found you."

Immediately, Wraith abandoned Su Bei and went straight to the corner.

Su Bei was very heartbroken: "If a good granddaughter has a father, she won't have a grandfather anymore!"


Bone Horse Knight Arthur was very unlucky tonight, although Su Bei had previously passed on the news of the soul-returning night.

However, he didn't take it seriously.

"Hunting Night is just a vulgar custom of the people of Long Kingdom, I don't believe it."

Until, there was a knock on the door.

"Dong dong!"

Arthur froze.

The little girl's sweet call came from outside the door: "Dad, I'm back to see you, are you happy?"

In the background, his daughter is long dead.

It is self-evident what is outside the door now.

Arthur was a little annoyed.

I was too proud to believe the words of that Dragon Country man.

But he's not going to sit still.There is an S-level ghost spirit bone horse.

Arthur's ability to escape and hide is one of the best among players.

Raise your hand to summon the bone horse, and ride on the bone horse to enter invisibility.

Then the bone horse's eyes lit up with blue will-o'-the-wisps, and with a single step of its hooves, it crossed the floor to the room on the next floor.

Arthur thought he had escaped.

However, the knock on the door rang again.

The little girl's voice was like tarsal maggots.

Until Arthur crushed the extremely precious hidden item on his body, his heart ached beyond words.

Fortunately, the props worked, and the little girl really couldn't find him.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the hidden props to hurry up and leave.

However, he saw a Dragon Kingdom man walk into the building.

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