Su Bei is simply a ruthless man with five bombs in his pocket.

Everyone can already imagine that when Su Bei sees who is not pleasing to the eye, five bomb ghosts emerge from the ghost jade.

This stuff is so distracting and insane! .

Chapter 148 S-Class Skill Red Moon Ghost, Hidden Professional Exposure?

The offensive of the two wraiths, the grandmother and the father of the deceased, was easily disintegrated by North Jiangsu.

Although Su Bei also paid the price of one arm and five ghost soldiers.

But to him, these are no different from simple consumables.

Even if it is lost, it can be replenished, and it doesn't feel bad at all.

Ghost soldiers everywhere after the explosion: "..."

Stinky man, that's not what you said just now!

But the only problem is that after using up all the hole cards, Su Bei seems to have entered a temporary period of weakness.

And the tablet grandfather doesn't understand martial arts at all.

Driving the blood flow to the north of Jiangsu.

The blood flow was fierce and extremely fast.

The flying mosquitoes were swallowed by the blood flow before they could react.

In contrast, northern Jiangsu has already run out of ammunition and food.

It seems that it is about to be torn apart by the wraith.

At this moment, a large number of viewers flooded into the live broadcast room again.

The popularity of Subei's channel skyrocketed, directly overwhelming Torre, who was originally the most popular, and Wen Hanyi, who was slightly less popular.

It was because I heard the rule that a hunk tried to devour three wraiths at the same time.

Among them, the wraith is still a part of the soul-returning night wraith that killed some players and scared away some players.

Even so, it was terrifying.

The audience's hearts are fiery and their eyes look forward to it.

Some want to witness the birth of a miracle, or the fall of a legend.

Some people just want to have a feast or join in the fun.

"Front row, beer, mineral water, peanut melon seeds, ham sausage!"

"Isn't Su Bei too arrogant and greedy?"

"Even if he chose to draw and devour two wraiths at the same time, I wouldn't be too surprised. He might as well draw three wraiths directly."

"Is it because you hate yourself for not dying fast enough?"

"In Halong, from an impartial and neutral point of view, Su Bei is a troublemaker who has caused heavy harm to the people of the world. It is best to die!"

"On behalf of the people of Longguo and Subei, I want to apologize to all the people and nations who have been hurt by him!"

"Upstairs, don't you know that any speech made by Longguo on the Internet will show the IP territory?"

"You said you were from the Dragon Kingdom, but your territory clearly shows that you are Little Cherry Blossom."

"." The netizen who claimed to be from the Dragon Kingdom fell silent.

Seeing that northern Jiangsu is facing a crisis.

The hearts of the audience seemed to have stopped beating, and they didn't dare to breathe heavily.

He didn't even dare to blink, for fear of missing some important scene.

Under the anxious and expectant eyes of the audience, Su Bei took his time and applied "handwashing lotion" on the wound, and raised the wine glass with one arm.

Pay respects to the grandfather in the blood river.

"Although I'm not your grandson."

"I respect you for being a competent grandpa with this glass of wine."

Grandpa's tablet has blocked many disasters for him.

Even enduring the extreme pain, he passed on a dream to Su Bei and asked Su Bei to escape quickly.

Although Subei is just a foreign Xibei product.

However, he had to accept this kindness.

Seeing the wine glass that Su Bei raised high.


The river of blood stagnated, and Wraith involuntarily took the wine glass.

The rules of Wraith Spirit were directly overridden by Su Bei's domineering skills, and Wraith Spirit crashed instantly.

Grandpa's spiritual wisdom revived.

The old face covered with age spots seems to be much younger.

The vicious eyes were sober for a moment, and there was a human color in the eyes.

He looked at Su Bei reluctantly.

He even raised his glass with Su Bei.

One person, one wraith, on this occasion, '1"8?'? 3"2'[-] drank together.

The Neglected Granny, Resurrection Night Wraith: "..."

Su Bei, who was drunk, patted the tablet grandfather on the shoulder directly.

He said proudly: "This time you became my grandfather in the dungeon."

"If there is an afterlife, let's continue our relationship, and you will be my grandson!"

When he heard the first half sentence, Grandpa's spiritual wisdom was awakened, and his heart was deeply moved.

Hearing the second half of the sentence, Grandpa's cloudy eyes widened.

All the age spots twitched, and his sanity was almost overwhelmed by the tyrannical emotions of the wraith.

The family is unlucky, this grandson almost killed him with filial piety.

Grandpa said, is it too late to shoot this unworthy descendant to death?

The wraith of Grandpa Tablet will be strongly controlled by the drunkard's skills.

At this point, Su Bei admitted that he was gambling, but he was right.

The complete soul-returning Ye Wraith is at least equivalent to an S-level ghost in terms of personality, and is even very likely to rival an SS-level ghost.

As for the part of the ghost who returned to the soul of the night, the father of the deceased who came to take away Subei would not be higher than S rank.

As for the other two resentful spirits, they must work together to hold the dead father.

Therefore, the two wraiths, the old grandmother and the tablet grandfather, are most likely to be A-level wraiths in terms of personality.

Although wraiths have weird rules, they are generally stronger than ghosts.

However, as long as the personality is lower than s level, no matter whether it is a wraith or a human being, it will be controlled by Su Bei's skills.

【Drawing Wraith Rules...】

Terrifying and strange forces descended from the sky.

The cold moonlight was like a mill, grinding Wraith Ling's body into pieces.

This is the power of the gods!

Feeling the vast and strange power, Su Bei suddenly had a guess.

The moment they were destroyed by Yuehua, the resentful spirits seemed to regain their sanity.

The family of four leaned together and said goodbye to Subei with a smile.

Su Mei's dream is shattered, and it seems that the wish of Wraith Ling to gather a table of mahjong cannot be fulfilled.

The pure power of rules was conveyed into Su Bei's body by Yuehua.


Yuehua lingered on Su Bei's body for a few laps, and finally left reluctantly.

Su Bei looked back with a strange expression, just now he felt that Yuehua seemed to have a body.

It turned into a slender hand and pinched his buttocks.

He looked at the moon that was about to set outside the window, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that it was not serious.

Then Su Bei was surprised to find that he could see completely in the dark.

There is no difference from daytime.

Clenching his fist, it creaked.

Strength also increased.

Could it be that his dark night noble blood was purified by Yuehua?

So is this a facilitation fee or a hush fee?

[Wraith rules and strange stories within the extracted range. 】

[More than one type of strange talk about rules has been extracted within the detection range. 】

[Do you choose fusion, or choose one of the rules? 】

Su Bei was silent for a moment, and then said: "I choose to merge the strange talk of the rules."

He wasted so much energy, and only got one type of strange talk about rules, even the strongest soul-returning night, it doesn't make any sense to him.

【Ding!The strange talk about the rules is merging...]

【Ding!Congratulations to the player for obtaining the s-level skill "Red Moon Ghost"]

[Red Moon Ghost (Level): The grandma who loves to eat dog meat, the mother who was hollowed out, the taciturn father who likes to play with dolls, and the grandpa who was made into a memorial tablet.With the blood connection, you will summon the terrifying ghost family after using the skills. 】

[Cooling time: one round of copy. 】

Su Bei read the skill information carefully and thought about it.

This is also a summoning skill.

Wraiths have become ghosts, can these ghosts still use the power of rules when they are wraiths?

But Su Bei didn't know that his performance caused a thousand waves in the player forum.

Among the players, there is a consensus.

Skills and treacherous weapons are generally difficult to take effect on wraiths.

And Su Bei used the professional skill [toast without eating and fined wine] to forcefully order the tablet grandfather to drink.

Clearly, this rule was broken.

It aroused the shock of other players and experts in front of the screen.

in the player forum.

"Am I reading that right? It's a control skill. Su Bei's skill actually works on Wraiths?"

"It can't be the effect of some kind of prop. If it is really a skill, it would be too scary."

"Being able to forcibly control wraiths, this skill has already touched the rules."

"As far as I know, only the skills of a few ace professions, or even the legendary hidden professions, may have this effect."

"Could it be that Su Bei has advanced to the legendary hidden profession?"

There were no more comments, and the players were shocked by this conclusion.

Could it be that Subei is really the legendary hidden profession? .

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