Chapter 149 Sticking with the female ghost, expanding with heat and shrinking with cold

"What, Su Bei is a hidden professional?"

"Have Su Bei slept with an SS-level female ghost? Got a hidden reward from the game?"

"Have you heard? As long as you post with the female ghost, you will have a chance to awaken the hidden profession!"

"Your news is outdated. Su Bei is actually the second uncle of the Demon God, and the hidden job was thrown to him by the Demon God."

The rumors became more and more outrageous.

Some people linked Su Bei's promotion to a hidden professional with his hobby of female ghosts.

I think he triggered some kind of hidden achievement in the game.

For example, female ghost beheaded by a hundred people?

For a while, the players noticed the female ghost in the game.

Don't say it, female ghosts have a special charm.

Although it's a bit colder, sometimes there will be a corpse smell, and it's not uncommon to bite off the player's head if you get excited...

The player thinks of the cold female ghost, and struggles in his heart.

One side is integrity, the other side is becoming stronger, it's so hard to choose!

No, where did the players get their integrity?

Thinking of this, my heart suddenly became enlightened.

Because I know the nature of the players, but also to prevent the players from doing things.

The Abnormal Management Bureau issued a statement to refute the rumors in a timely manner.

"Subei is not a hidden professional player."

"It has nothing to do with female ghosts or demon gods."

The next long paragraph lists the dangers of sticking with female ghosts.

For example, the female ghost's body is cold, and it expands and contracts when it is in close contact.

Being despised by a female ghost and hurting self-esteem is a trivial matter.

If 173 offended the female ghost, she would have to be eaten alive.

Inside the words, warn the players not to be whimsical.

At the same time, he said, don't raise the bar, the bar is your right.

Next, many top player teams in Dragon Kingdom issued statements one after another.

The general idea is that the bureau is right, Su Bei is indeed not a hidden professional.

The players just died down.

However, at the same time that many teams issued a statement, they all sent people to Ghost Buddha City.

Outside a detached villa, people from various clans met together.

Seeing acquaintances, the players stared wide-eyed.

"Hey, what a coincidence, what are you doing here?"

"Hmph, knowing the reason, didn't you all come here for Northern Jiangsu?"

"Hehe, didn't your captain say that Su Bei is not a hidden professional, why did he come here to squat like a fool."

"Hehe, it's not to deceive you sand sculptures. I didn't expect you to be fooled."


Words are not speculative, only hands-on.

When senior players from many teams met together, they almost knocked out their brains.

That night, in the senior community.

Howling ghosts and howling wolves, the wind gusts.

If it hadn't been for the Guifo City Administration to come forward, there must have been a player explaining here that night.

Yang Zhuo, who was promoted to deputy director, interrogated the troublemakers.

I learned that they are all members of the top teams, and they come for the same purpose.

rob people!

Su Bei didn't run into each other, but met his colleagues.

Adhere to the fine tradition of players.

The fastest path to victory is to kill all competitors.

People sent by many teams fought for Su Bei who had a hidden job.

After listening to the players' voices.Yang Zhuo couldn't laugh or cry.

"Su Bei hasn't even quit the game yet, what are you grabbing for? They don't necessarily talk to you."

But an idea couldn't help but arise in my heart.

"Bai Lao, do you think we have a chance to absorb Subei into our administration?"

Old Bai squinted at Yang Zhuo.

Slowly said: "You are planning to give up the position of deputy director you just got to Su Bei."

"Or you plan to let your boss abdicate."

Yang Zhuo smiled brightly, knowing that he was a little whimsical.

He wanted to give up the deputy director to Su Bei, but Su Bei might not be able to look up to him.

Be careful of the Guifo City Administration, no matter how much they pay, they can't compete with the top teams in the country.

They can offer tens of millions or hundreds of millions of signing fees a year.

Not to mention the support of old players, the inclination of resources such as tricks and props.

What can the Administration give North Jiangsu?

Old Bai looked at Yang Zhuo with disdain, then turned to look at the live broadcast on the screen.

Reflecting the light from the glasses, he muttered to himself: "The dungeon of Wraith is about to dawn, and it stands to reason that the game is about to enter the second stage."

"What are the rules for the second stage?"

[Current recovery level of terror: Pale Day, Ghosts on Earth (Second round)]

A system beep is heard.

Su Bei squinted his eyes and looked towards the sky.

In the sky, a round of eerie white light, like the day of a woman's skin rising from the edge of the city.

The rays of the day fall on the man.

Not only will it not feel warm, but on the contrary, it will feel a slight chill seep into it.

This is the pale day, why is it always a little familiar.

The shape of this round of sun is like a big and white sun on the body of a sleeping Yujie.

【Ding!Players will get a reminder note for each round of horror recovery, there are three reminder notes in front of you, you choose ()]

[a. The note left by grandpa. 】

[b. The note left by grandma. 】

[c. The note left by my father. 】

Looking at the three options, Su Bei couldn't hold his attention for a while.

He suddenly thought of what the grandfather in the memorial tablet fell asleep in the middle of the night and told him.

His parents left him something, which was the key to his survival.

But Subei doesn't have any information about this thing now.

Thinking of this, Su Bei made up his mind.

He said decisively: "I choose option c to check the note left by my father."

【Ding!Please go to the balcony and find the note left by your father. 】

Su Bei went to the balcony and searched for it for a while but found nothing.

Seeing the flower pots planted with lush morning glory, the flowers are clustered in clusters, the flower bones are huge, and the colors are extraordinarily bright, as if they have been full of human blood.

Su Bei tore off the morning glory, revealing the boned palm under the dirt.

The white bone palm is wrapped in the root system of the morning glory.

No wonder the morning glory can bloom so luxuriantly, it turns out that there is fertilizer.

"Here is the note."

Su Bei opened his palm, and it seemed that this was his father's note.

Isn't that palm his father's?

Thinking of the soul-returning night resentment last night, it seems that people are already in danger.

Unfold the note.

"Xiaobei, if you can get this note, it means that you have lived for seven and a half months, and you are hiding what we left you at grandma's house. You can fully believe that this note has not been corrupted by resentful spirits. , there will be no misleading. There is only one rule I will tell you."

"First, the human world has become a ghost domain. The master of the world is no longer a living person. Pretend to be a living person and don't reveal it to any existence."

After reading the note, Su Bei was thoughtful.

Stand on the balcony and look down.

People come and go on the street, no different from the real world.

If you are not paying attention, you may think that you have returned to the world before the horror revived.

Su Bei noticed.

On the road not far away, a little girl bounced across the road.

The little girl is too focused on the ball in her hand.

Without even noticing, a large truck drove up.


The little girl who couldn't dodge was run over by a big truck.

The driver cursed and left without stopping.

The people around watched the little girl being crushed indifferently, without any intention of intervening.

After a while, the crushed little girl stood up again and was blown away like a piece of paper.

Su Bei understood that it was not people coming and going, but ghosts coming and going.

Combined with the note left by the father.

Talents here are heterogeneous, as long as their true identities are discovered, they will be obliterated by the rules.

At this moment, Su Bei noticed a line of sight directed at him.

Turning his head and looking down, a man in a security uniform downstairs looked up and noticed Su Bei on the balcony.

Suspicion and malice suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He walked quickly towards the direction of Subei.

"So, am I being suspected of being a living person?"

Chapter 150 The Scary Ghost Family, Blind Date with the Female Ghost Star

"What, the rule for the second round is to pretend to be a ghost."

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