The director ghost asked curiously: "Is there a ghost calling, arrange a wave!"

The lantern with a human head still doubted what he just heard, hesitated and said, "The ghost on the other end of the phone asked us to contact actress An Yingji, saying that he only wanted to have a blind date with An Yingji."

Hearing this, all the ghosts in the program group were stunned for a while.

Then he sneered and laughed.

"I still want to go on a blind date with An Yingji, the question is, is she willing?"

"This guy is really whimsical, Bo Xinnan."

"Are we really going to talk to him?"

Director Gui didn't say a word of ridicule, but thought seriously for a moment.

It smells a business opportunity.

It sounds stupid for a popular believer to pursue the queen of the country.

However, the more controversial things are, the more traffic they can bring.

Director Gui said: "As long as he has a blind date card, he has the right to order us to help him contact a blind date."

"Even if it's looking for an 80-year-old grandma, it has nothing to do with us."

"As a media worker, the right attitude is not to laugh at other people's dreams."

"It's about making good use of every dream to make money!"

All the ghosts suddenly realized when they heard the words, and looked at the director ghost with admiration.

Whether they are daydreaming or not is none of their business!

As long as you can make good use of this topic "Pu Xinnan courts the film queen".

It can definitely harvest a large wave of ratings.

"Come on a ghost and call An Yingji for me. The other ghosts will follow me first to interview that lucky audience."

The director ghost waved his hand, and a group of ghosts rushed towards Su Bei's house with cameras and microphones.

The doorbell rang, and Su Bei came to the entrance and opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, a bunch of cameras and microphones almost fell into Su Bei's mouth...

Immediately, a long group of strange ghosts surrounded him.

His eyes flickered, and he looked at Su Bei curiously, wanting to see what the audience who wooed the top queen looked like.

With a handsome face, Xiao Shuxuan looked like a god.

Do have the capital of pride.

However, it is a bit whimsical to want to pursue a queen based on appearance alone.

One of them, a ghost in a black leather jacket and sunglasses, took a step forward and held Su Bei's hand.

"Hello, hello, I'm the director of the blind date conference program group!"

Su Bei quickly pulled his hand away to avoid being detected by the director ghost as a living person, and then called the staff of the program team to enter the house.

The ghost with the camera floated around, shooting around.

Even the black leather coffin in the bedroom, the four ghosts did not let go.

The blind grandma grabbed the microphone abruptly, and said with a smile: "My Xiaobei is very good. It just so happens that that big star hasn't gotten married yet. The two of them are a perfect match."

All the ghosts are speechless, as long as you are single, you are a good match?

How dare you say it.

The director cut straight to the point and pointed the microphone directly at Su Bei: "Can you tell us why you chose An Yingji as your blind date?"

"As we all know, An Yingji is the goddess of the nation, do you think you can match her well?"

Faced with the director's ghost's aggressive questioning, Su Bei Xindao was waiting for you to ask this question.

Just uttering some unrealistic answers can definitely drive you all off.

Su Bei cleared his throat, his face brimming with confidence.

"Because I don't marry a top star, I live a soft life with a 1.8 coat and a mouthful."

"My handsome appearance and 20 years of moral cultivation have all been ruined."

"Only An Yingji can match me."

As soon as these words came out, there was no difference except for the four ghosts.

They didn't notice anything wrong, because in their eyes, Su Bei was such a man.

As for the program group, everyone was dumbfounded.

You are too confident, you need a top star to be worthy of you?

And you still want to eat soft rice!

The camera ghost laughed and almost fell from the sky.

The director was terribly excited, it didn't expect to capture such a wonderful picture as soon as it came.

What an ordinary and confident male ghost!

It has a hunch that the content of this issue will definitely explode.

On the other side, An Yingji, who was filming, received a call.

At first glance, it was from the blind date conference program group.

The red lips are slightly pursed, and the beautiful willow eyebrows are raised.

The old lady is naturally beautiful, and she still needs a blind date? .

Chapter 152 Ordinary Confident Subei, Violent Actress An Yingji

"What advantages do you think you have that can attract big stars?"

"Independence is my greatest strength! I am a boy with good looks and dreams, and the most important thing is that I am young."

Su Bei had a calm demeanor, but what he said was like a fairy tale.

He approached the director ghost, and said mysteriously: "You think I took advantage of it, but have you ever thought that it is actually An Yingji who took advantage of it?"

"It is rumored on the Internet that she is 27 or [-] years old. If she likes me, she is an old cow eating tender grass."

"To be honest, I'm actually worried that An Yingji will feel inferior to her age and dare not come on a blind date."

Having said that, Su Bei sighed in a pretentious manner.

All the ghosts at the scene gasped.

How dare you say it, why didn't you ask An Yingji to be your slave?

Director Gui couldn't help but suspect Guisheng.

Although the effect of this passage is full, there is no need for post-editing.

But look, is this guy talking nonsense?

Too bad!

The interview was leaked online.

Not only Subei, but even the program group will be the target of ridicule.

It is impossible for a ghost to say such a thing, the script is definitely a script!

Director Gui resisted the awkwardness, and then concluded the interview.

"Then what do you want 09 to say to An Yingji?"

"If you get in touch with An Yingji, remember to tell her that age is not a problem."

"I won't dislike her. After all, what I like is her interesting soul, not her appearance."

Specter: "..."

Say you are fat, why are you still panting.

Sending off the program group, Su Bei vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

"Why do I feel that they don't seem to be giving up recording programs, but they are very serious."

"The shooting of the material does not seem to be perfunctory."

"Are these ghosts really planning to continue recording the show?"

Su Bei shook his head and laughed, throwing this funny thought out of his mind.

As far as what he said just now, the group of ghosts didn't hold back and came forward to beat him violently, which is already considered self-restraint.

Why continue shooting.

And if she saw this interview video, An Yingji would have no reason to fall in love with her.

The blind date will definitely end without a problem.

And Su Bei had already established an image of arrogance and universal trust in front of Li Gui.

When he was rejected by An Yingji, he pretended to have damaged self-esteem.

Even if you broke the blind date card and flushed it away in the toilet, Li Gui would not be suspicious.

The image established by Subei is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The program team only thinks.

It sounds a little unbelievable, but it's normal to think that this strange thing did it.

Su Bei felt that everything was under control.

"Steady like an old dog!"

After leaving, the ghosts of the program group were a little confused.

With Su Bei's performance, An Yingji might not even want to see him.

Can the show really still unfold?

Moreover, Director Gui heard another bad news next.

"Director, An Yingji didn't agree to our invitation, and she didn't want to appear in the camera either."

"Not even three minutes."

A lantern with a human head flew over, regretfully reporting to the director ghost.

The director ghost nodded, it may have been expected that An Yingji would reject this.

The mountain is not just me, I may not be able to go to the mountain.

An Yingji is unwilling to come to the program group, the program group can take the initiative to find An Yingji.

The director thought of something, and suddenly said meanly: "Tell me, if we hand over this interview clip to An Yingji, how do you think she will react?"

Hearing this, all the ghosts looked at each other.

Thinking of An Yingji's reaction, all the ghosts trembled and were filled with excitement.

When Pu Xinnan's courtship declaration meets the movie queen!What kind of sparks will they collide with?

The degree of topicality and the sense of anticipation are directly full!

Even the program staff wanted to see An Yingji's reaction, and the audience must also want to know.

The program crew rushed to An Yingji's set without stopping.

An Yingji is very troubled now.

Just blocked the call of the program team of the blind date conference.

But I received another call from the dead ghost father.

On the phone, the father of the dead ghost cried loudly.

He said that if he didn't bring his son-in-law back this year, he would burn himself with a fire.

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