Let An Yingji go back to see only the ashes.

An Yingji smiled softly and recognized,! Sure!? "If the 'water' head! Hair.'",, Bai?:: whoring "; party."! Don't "; disturb, you are a ghost.

Don't talk about ashes, if you can burn a grain of ashes, you are considered powerful.

But the words of the dead ghost father can't be ignored.

Perhaps because of being drowned, death becomes a ghost.

The old dead ghost seemed to have a lot of water in his head, and he would burn himself if he said he wanted to burn himself.

Without hesitation at all.

This made An Yingji very distressed.

"How about I go find a fake boyfriend and go home?"

She couldn't help but think of the phone call from the program team of the blind date conference. It seems that it would be good to go on a blind date?

However, they have already blocked the phone, and An Yingji couldn't bear the shame to contact the program team again.

At this moment, a bunch of ghosts broke into the set.

The ghost on the set still wanted to ask and obstruct, but he didn't want the other party to fight directly.

He opened the roadblock and broke in.

Li Gui is so simple and rude.

Seeing the group of fierce ghosts coming towards her, An Yingji didn't panic at all.

Because she saw the sign of the blind date meeting.

An Yingji thought to herself, so she came to find her.

"This is from the audience who invited you to the blind date meeting. Please take a look after Ann Ying."

The director took the lead, and respectfully handed over the mobile phone containing the video files to An Yingji.

Although An Yingji had thousands of doubts, she restrained herself and watched the video.

In the interview video, a young and handsome boy.

Just sitting there and watching it tells a story.

She didn't know that this was Su Bei's practice in the Cowherd dungeon to seduce the lonely female ghost, and she subconsciously used it in front of the camera.

This kind of younger brother has an indescribable sense of vicissitudes.

The female ghost couldn't help but want to eat.

An Yingji has a strange feeling, the guy in the interview video is not like a ghost, but more like a human!

An Yingji's cold heart suddenly beat for a moment.

But only for a moment.

After all, in the film industry, she has seen many excellent ghosts, many of whom are out of gold and jade.

It's hard to attract her just by her appearance and temperament.

Then An Yingji saw such a boy who had a good impression on her start running the train with his mouth full.

"Independence is my greatest strength! I am a boy with good looks and dreams, and the most important thing is that I am young."

An Yingji frowned slightly.

The male ghost she saw, apart from complimenting An Yingji in his words, he tried his best to beautify himself.

She had a feeling that what the boy said in the interview would not be what she expected.

Sure enough, Su Bei began to spray feces all over his mouth.

"...An Yingji is actually taking advantage of it."

"...It's seventeen or eighteen. If she likes me, she's an old cow eating tender grass."

"...I am worried that An Yingji will feel inferior to her age and dare not come on a blind date."

An Yingji didn't expect that other ghosts would praise her and then themselves.

However, Su Bei kept praising himself, harming An Yingji along 177!

Black blood vessels covered An Yingji's fair and pretty face.

The eye sockets were bruised, and the ghost power faintly showed signs of being out of control.

An Yingji first suspected that there was something wrong with her ears, but then she became furious.

There is no aura of a goddess in her body.

Juli squeezed the phone to sparks.

The director grinned ghostly, and thought to himself, fortunately, I have a backup.

I knew that as long as it was female, it didn't matter if it was a woman or a female ghost.

Hearing Su Bei's remarks, he would be furious on the spot.

Quiet Mimi turned her head and asked the camera ghost: "Did you record the scene where An Yingji got angry just now? I didn't expect that there is still this side hidden under the virtuous appearance of the actress."

The camera ghost did not speak, but frantically hinted at the director ghost with his eyes to look behind him.

Director Gui didn't notice the danger coming.

Until An Yingji rolled up her sleeves, revealing her snowy arms.

Baby Fat's face was full of ferocity, and his eyes were violent.

Then he picked up the iron rod and smashed it down hard.

"Ah, damn it, save me, save me!"

The director ghost lay on the ground and wailed, but the ghosts around him were very jealous.

Didn't dare to approach at all.

"Bang bang ~ click!"

Until the director ghost was destroyed into a mess.

His leather jacket and sunglasses were smashed, and he couldn't even groan.

Only then did An Yingji brush her loose hair.

Breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning to look at the program group, the ghosts almost couldn't help running away.

This actress is too cruel!

"I will participate in the filming of your program."

"However, now I am your director."

"Whoever has an opinion, report it on the spot."

All the ghosts are sincerely convinced, looking good in the ghost world is nothing.

Good looking and good at fighting! .

Chapter 153 The restaurant is dating a ghost star, the players are shocked!

An Yingji was temporarily promoted to the director of the blind date meeting, and took control of the program production.

The director Gui was automatically demoted to become an assistant director.

Except for the slight criticism of the director ghost, the other ghosts agreed with it.

What the ghosts didn't expect was that An Yingji did this purely for the convenience of her blind date with Su Bei.


An evil smile appeared on An Yingji's glamorous face.


An Yingji thought to herself, not only to make Su Bei look ugly in the show.

And let the dead ghost's father understand that it's not that she doesn't want to fall in love and get married.

But men are all big trotters!

Let her father give up his heart, don't threaten his life at every turn.

She doesn't eat this set!

An Yingji tore up the script of the original program, and said in an imposing manner: "I never need a script, I just improvise."

"And the recording and broadcasting have no impact, I want to live broadcast, the most authentic and intuitive live broadcast!"

"The first blind date scene is at the Salamander Restaurant!"

The ghosts looked at each other, their faces were full of doubts, they didn't understand why An Yingji chose that place for the blind date.

Salamander restaurant is a special themed restaurant.

Guests need to eat in a dark scene.

What you ate a second ago may have been normal food.

The food you eat in the next moment may be bugs, rotting corpses, and exotic creatures.

Or maybe fresh curry paste from the toilet.

Even for Li Gui, he didn't dare to go without a certain amount of courage.

Now An Yingji said that she was going to have dinner at the Salamander restaurant.

Thinking of the cook bringing out a pot of fresh curry paste, Su Bei ate it in one bite without seeing it.

The scariest thing was being watched live.

Even the ferocious Li Gui couldn't help but shudder.

This picture is so beautiful that they dare not look at it.

An Yingji is too cruel, this is asking for shrimp and pig's heart!

After making the decision, Li Gui from the program group quickly sent a notice to Subei.

Subei soon received an invitation letter.

Blood red background color, surrounded by a circle of nail patterns.

On the invitation, cartoon characters of a man and a woman sit facing each other.

With a dark background, it is a weird restaurant.

The man closed his eyes and stuffed a piece of meat pudding of unknown material into his mouth, while the woman inserted a finger and fed it up her nose.

It's like you can't see what you're eating at all.

The whole invitation is in line with Li Gui's aesthetic purpose.

Taking a closer look, Su Bei found that the man seemed to be painted by himself.

As for women, the iconic baby fat, and a pair of Jianshuiqiu pupil, dangerous and charming.

Su Bei recalled what he saw a few days ago, the movie ghost star An Yingji.

It seems that the woman is An Yingji.

So this invitation...

A bad premonition suddenly rose in Su Bei's heart.

Open the invitation letter, beautiful and timeless, and at the same time, there are many powerful handwritings that come into view.

"Dear Mr. Su, it is a great honor to be invited by you. Your invitation is so sincere and warm that I cannot refuse it. I hope to have a real blind date at the Salamander Restaurant, and I hope to make it on time...""

Signed by An Yingji.

The words "sincere and enthusiastic" seemed to be written too forcefully because the owner was emotional.

The font is slightly deformed and looks crooked.

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