One person and one ghost entered the restaurant filled with black mist, and they couldn't see their fingers.

The camera follows.

"This black mist is an enchantment formed by trick weapons, let alone 177 people alive, even us ghosts can't see anything clearly."

"Customers can eat here without worrying about the sight of other ghosts."

"By the way, only living things are affected, and the camera still works normally."

Su Bei was led to the No. [-] dining table.

As soon as I sat down, I realized something was wrong.

"This chair in your house is quite strange."

"It's soft and icy when it sits, with an aroma."

"Can you sell me one?"

Su Bei twisted his buttocks and leaned back.

Get up, sit down, get up, sit down again.

Have fun playing.

The red-eyed female ghost wondered: "Chairs? Our chairs are no different from those in other restaurants."

A crisp, cold voice sounded from behind Su Bei's head: "That's why you sat on me."

That voice, like biting off a frozen melon in summer, is refreshing and sweet.

Just listening to the voice makes people feel that she must be a beautiful woman.

Could it be a ghost too?

"I'm really sorry, it's too dark here, I couldn't see clearly."

Su Bei's tone was apologetic, but he had no intention of moving.

After a moment of silence, the sweet voice sounded again, but with a hint of anger: "Then why don't you hurry up!?"

Su Bei seemed to have just realized it, and stood up quickly.

Fumbled to sit on another chair.

Through the live broadcast, the program group and the audience went crazy.

Seeing Su Bei's bold move, the assistant director clapped his hands fiercely, and sighed: "Su Bei offended the devil so much, is it too long to live?!"

"If he can't survive today, how can I shoot my show?"

Behind the director, the little transparent assistant's eyes glowed.

Record the words of the assistant director verbatim on paper.

"Calling the director a female devil..."

"I still regard myself as a director, calling this my own program..."

The little assistant smiled sinisterly.

The assistant director hasn't figured out his identity yet, and he still thinks that he is the director who used to hold the power.

I thought, as long as I show the record to An Yingji, a promotion and salary increase will be just around the corner.

In front of the screen, An Yingji's fans screamed.

My goddess was desecrated by that bastard just like that!

The evil spirits' hostility towards Subei soared.

Anger appeared in An Yingji's bright eyes.

I can't help but reflect on why I came to the blind date.

By the way, the face of this bastard must be exposed.

Let him regret provoking himself.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of An Yingji's mouth in the darkness.

It's so charming, but it's a pity that no one can see it.

The two sat opposite each other, the atmosphere was a little silent, and they didn't know what to talk about.

An Yingji did it out of the reserve of a big star.

And Su Bei leaned lazily on the chair.

What is in my mind is how to avoid showing my flaws in front of the camera.

He didn't care about the blind date with An Yingji.

The ghosts watching in front of the TV were furious, this guy was on a blind date with his goddess.

Can't be more serious! ?

In the end, it was An Yingji who spoke first, and she asked a question that she had been curious about for a long time.

"Why did you choose me?"

"I heard that your family has 50 billion property, which can provide me with soft food."

"Plus, you're not bad, you have a nose and eyes, and you can barely match me."

Barely strong?

The audience was numb, and An Yingji's cold and pretty face rarely showed a blank expression.

Like spring melting snow, it has a unique style.

It was the first time for An Yingji to see such a thing as a ghost, and she was a little shocked for a while.

He stumbled and asked, "Can't you be a little more humble?"

"No way, my strength does not allow me to be so humble."

Su Bei spoke uprightly and sternly, with an extraordinarily confident tone.

Ghost audience: "..."

Real audience: "???"

Before one person and one ghost could continue chatting, the food was served.

"You two, please use it slowly."

Seeing that the waiter had no intention of introducing the dishes.

And in the darkness, I couldn't see what was being served.

Su Bei couldn't help asking, "What's on the plate?"

"Ho ho, the dishes at the Salamander Restaurant can be made of anything, edible or inedible, poisonous or non-toxic."

"The dishes on the plates of the two guests are the same, a total of ten dishes, and two of them are cursed."

"Guests have three chances to choose to refuse the dish, please be sure to give me the chance to find the dish with the curse."

After the waiter finished talking about the special rules of the Salamander restaurant.

A bad premonition welled up in Su Bei's heart.

This is more of a guts game than a normal restaurant.

You call this a blind date?

"My favorite food is the food at the Salamander restaurant. You can't even satisfy this little wish, can you?"

An Yingji reached out and grabbed Su Bei's sleeve.

The cold tone suddenly melted, with a hint of charm and sweetness.

Even if you know it's fake, you can't bear to refuse.

It was the first time Su Bei had seen such a pestering female ghost.

"Okay then, I'll risk my life to accompany the gentleman."

In the darkness, An Yingji's eyes were full of playfulness.

Secretly said that my old lady is the most beautiful in the world.

Even if you can't see my face, no one can refuse my old lady!

As everyone knows, Su Bei squeezed his wrist and grinned.

The strength of this female ghost is terrifying.

If he disagrees, maybe his hand will be torn off abruptly!

Who dares to disagree! .

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Chapter 155 Desecrating the Goddess of Ghosts, Mature Physique of Noble Night

In the dark, neither a person nor a ghost could see clearly what was on the plate.

However, An Yingji's pretty face was full of confidence.

She is a frequent visitor to the Salamander restaurant, and she is confident that she can beat Subei.

When Su Bei suffers enough at the Salamander restaurant, he will find that this is the beginning.

Thriller movie theaters, couple amusement parks...

She wanted to torture Su Bei in the name of a blind date.

An Yingji was the first to pick up the dishes on the plate and taste them.

"Crack Kacha!"

There was a sound of chewing, like the sound of chewing beans~. The sweet and fishy smell came.

Hearing the crisp chewing sound, Su Bei suddenly thought of a ghost story.

The parents of a pair of sisters went out on business, and they confessed that the sisters did not recognize '?! Quasi!:;If?"; Water," "First. Hair;'',,: "White?: Whoring'., party,,; don't; disturb To open the door to strangers.

After the parents left, Guigapo pretended to be a grandmother and knocked on the door.

The younger sister forgot to help her parents, and opened the door for Guigapo despite her older sister's obstruction.

At night, he insisted on sleeping with Guigapo.

In the middle of the night, my sister woke up and heard the sound of Gapo eating dried beans.

My sister was greedy, so she asked Ga Po for dried peas.

After getting it, I realized that it was my sister's toe...

Su Bei picked up the things on the plate and sniffed them closely.

With a hint of sweet fishy smell.

He squinted his eyes trying to see what it was.

Suddenly, Su Bei felt a coolness in his eyes.

【Ding!Night Noble Physique has taken effect. 】

【Absorbing mirage. 】

Su Bei's eyeballs were like a vortex, absorbing the surrounding black mist one by one.

He was surprised to find that he could vaguely see the surrounding environment.

What's happening here?

Su Bei's body trembled, could it physique has finally matured, and I know how to practice on my own, and even stole and cheated for me, no, it's to help me find the missing ancestral treasure!

In any case, it is beneficial and harmless.

Su Bei remained calm, planning to make a fortune in silence, and left after inhaling the black mist secretly.

He first looked at An Yingji from the corner of his eye.

Cold white skin, long hair dignified, white clothes like cold smoke.

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