Compared with the photos circulated on the Internet, it is even a little more beautiful, and it looks extraordinarily coquettish and treacherous.

With the beauty of coldness and resentment that belongs only to ghosts.

It's just that the action is careless, and it seems to be a bit of a woman.

As if sensing Su Bei's gaze, An Yingji stopped chewing and raised her head to look at Su Bei.

Su Bei avoided his eyes.

Fortunately, the black mist didn't fail, and An Yingji didn't find anything unusual.

Su Bei looked at the plate again, and now he could clearly see what was on the plate.

White and tender, like a ground gourd.

It's more like a human toe, no, it's a part of some kind of ghost's body!

Now there are not many living people in this world, only ghosts.

Su Bei was secretly glad that he didn't eat it.

What happens when a ghost's limb enters a human body?

Some players who are keen to die found that when the ghost limbs enter the human body, the ghost energy carried by the ghost limbs will collide with the yang energy, and then corrode the human body.

Although the yang energy of northern Jiangsu is temporarily preserved in the black leather coffin.

However, the body is still a living person. Once this dish is eaten, the body will definitely change.

The ghosts found something was wrong on the spot.

Su Bei put down his chopsticks expressionlessly: "I give up eating this dish."

An oddity appeared on An Yingji's picturesque face.

"Refused the first course, you only have two chances to refuse."

Su Bei nodded, no matter what, he would not eat this dish.

In front of the screen, the ghosts immediately began to mock Su Bei.

The words are powerful, but the courage is so small, isn't it just the toes?

It's like a living person without a seed!

Before the second dish was served, the stench had already spread over the surface.

An Yingji wrinkled her nose and almost vomited out of the stench.

I dare not put chopsticks in my hands.

The Salamander restaurant sometimes serves some foul-smelling dishes, but An Yingji never eats them.

As more and more black mist entered Su Bei's eyes, a cool feeling moistened his eyes.

Su Bei's eyes could see more clearly, and even the black mist in front of him was thinner.

He hastily fanned the wind to even out the black mist.

Looking at the food on the plate again, the small poultry was rotten and wet, with feathers still sticking to its body.

It just stinks.

He recalled a little and remembered the dish.

The special food of the polar people is to kill puffins and put them into the stomachs of dead seals, suture and seal them, press them with stones, wait for gastric acid fermentation, dig them out and eat them after a year or so.

When eating, suck from one end to suck out the fermented and rotting innards.

It's a little uncomfortable, but it's not harmful.

Thinking of this, Su Bei grabbed the puffin and sucked it with relish.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it tastes really good."

"Aren't you going to try one?"

An Yingji hesitated for a moment, then reached out to the pickled puffin.


It feels sticky to the touch, and there is a lingering smell on the hands.

Hearing that Su Bei ate with relish, An Yingji was very moved.

However, when I think of the eyes of the fans.

An Yingji stopped her hands.

As a ghost star, her idol has a heavy burden, how can she eat this kind of junk food.

The third dish, stinky tofu.

Su Bei ate his bowl whole without hesitation.

After eating, it is still a bit unsatisfactory.

So he fixed his eyes on the bowl in front of An Yingji.

Su Bei tentatively asked: "Since you don't want to eat, why not give it to me."

She reached out to grab it, but was slapped down by An Yingji.

An Yingji was sitting in a psychological struggle at this time, and she regretted choosing the Salamander restaurant as the address.

... 0 still can't let go of the psychological barrier to eat the stench on the table.

Until Su Bei reached out her hand, An Yingji had a fit of protecting food and patted Su Bei's hand.

He stared fiercely and said, "I want to eat by myself."

Seeing An Yingji's "ferocious" expression, Su Bei was a little dazed for a while.

How could this ghost be so coquettish when angry?

Then An Yingji gritted her teeth and ate the stinky tofu in one bite.

Crispy in the middle, soft in the crispy, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, smelly but spicy, crispy but not mushy.

When the spicy juice exploded in her mouth, An Yingji froze.

It turns out that these things smell bad and taste so delicious?

The fourth course, fermented shark meat.

The fifth course is squeezed frog juice.

The sixth course, fried pebbles with salt.

An Yingji let go of her idol burden and ate happily.

It was such a joy to eat alone, An Yingji unknowingly put down her guard against Su Bei.

The psychology of revenge has also been cut by more than half.

Until the sixth dish was served.

Su Bei looked at the live octopus shaking his head on the plate. The tentacles all over the octopus were full of malicious eyeballs.

He stared at Su Bei all the time.

Apparently, this is a dish that is cursed.

"What's the matter, why don't you eat quickly?"

An Yingji couldn't see, and couldn't see the weird octopus on the plate.

Just wondering why Su Bei stopped his chopsticks.

Su Bei rolled his eyes and pinched the octopus to An Yingji's mouth.

"Eat more if it tastes good, and I'll give you mine too."

"Come and open your mouth, ah~"

The ghost audience was angry: "You dog, what do you want to do to our goddess? Son.

Chapter 156 Molesting An Yingji and Calling Me Mrs. Players; Reporting Actions of Players

In the dark, Su Bei picked up the octopus with his chopsticks and fed it to An Yingji.

Seeing that one person and one ghost finally had a little intimate interaction, the atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous.

All the ghosts in the program group became excited.

This is the queen of the film industry, if there can be scandals in the show.

Their shows will definitely explode in ratings.

The assistant director took off his sunglasses and opened his unhealed black eyelids.

Seeing the scene on the monitor, he slapped his thighs excitedly: "That's it, finally there is a bit of a blind date atmosphere."

"That yellow-haired girl knows how to go on a blind date, but she actually set the place in this kind of restaurant, she looks like an amateur at first glance."

As he spoke, the assistant director couldn't help shaking his head, but he shook his head with an "ouch".

The neck that was broken by An Yingji not long ago has not grown back yet.

But it can already think of how to edit later.

In the dark, Su Bei picked up the octopus and fed it to An Yingji.

The eyes are affectionate and full of love.

An Yingji was so shy that she held her chopsticks in her mouth.

The eyes of the two collided with sparks in the air.

Pink buds were scattered in the air, and pink bubbles appeared around them.

Guaranteed single ghosts are excited.

Behind him, the little assistant pushed his glasses.

He silently wrote down the assistant director's words verbatim.

"You actually want to be unfavorable to the great director An Yingji, your assistant director position will be mine immediately!"

However, the program crew saw the next scene.

They couldn't help clutching their hearts in pain.

An Yingji was stunned for a while, smelling the tempting fragrance beside her.

Immediately, he swallowed the octopus in one gulp with the momentum of a jingle cat.

After swallowing the octopus, he said vaguely, "Hehe, I snatched this myself."

"That's right, you snatched it yourself, it has nothing to do with me."

Su Bei had a sinister smile on his face.

Obviously an ambiguous feeding scene.

6 if

5 water

66 songs

18 rounds

8 new

96 books

It just happened to show an atmosphere of intrigue and infighting for Subei.

The audience of the ghosts cried and howled, with constant sighs.

They saw with their own eyes what Su Bei was feeding, the multi-eyed octopus with the curse.

Why is An Yingji so naive?

"What was it just now? Why does it taste weird?"

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