An eyeball popped out from An Yingji's smooth forehead.

An Yingji's face changed, and she closed her eyes again.

Suddenly he realized that he had eaten cursed food.

And it's double!

An Yingji's pretty face was frosty.

Originally, he wanted to punish this popular believer in northern Jiangsu, but now he is the one who is unlucky.

Just a coincidence or intentional?

It stands to reason that Su Bei's vision was also obscured by the black mist, so how did he know that octopuses were cursed food?

Before An Yingji could think of the answer.

The eighth course came.

"Do you want to eat? I'll feed you."

As soon as the dishes came, Su Bei asked attentively.

An Yingji sneered, alarm bells ringing in her heart.

She has seen through Su Bei's trick.

I was careless just now, I didn't flash, and was tempted by Su Bei with delicious food.

He was temporarily deceived by Su Bei, a treacherous blind date partner.

An Yingji said coldly: "You feed me the octopus, it's a second chance to refuse to eat the dish."

"If you continue to feed me this dish, you will lose your last chance. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Facing An Yingji's questioning, Su Bei pretended to be calm.

"As long as you eat, I'll feed you!"

An Yingji squinted her eyes, and she read a trace of unconfidence in Su Bei's tone.

It is expected that Su Bei is deceiving himself on purpose.

She is a queen, mixed in the entertainment industry, how could she be fooled by Su Bei's performance.

"Eat and eat."

An Yingji stretched out her mouth to bite down.

At this time, Su Bei seemed to be scared, and quickly retracted his chopsticks.

He smiled awkwardly: "Haha, I was just joking, you can eat your own."

An Yingji snorted softly, and the corners of Qingcheng's mouth rose slightly.

You still want to lie to me.

I'm a diva!

After hearing Su Bei's chewing sound, An Yingji's vigilant heart relaxed a lot.

It seems that this is just an ordinary dish.

An Yingji tentatively touched the things on the plate.

It's a hot pancake.

An Yingji completely relaxed, it seemed like an ordinary pancake.

It's all because Su Bei lied to her, making her terrified now.

The cherry lips parted slightly, and the fine and neat silver teeth were gently bit down.


The pancake screamed horribly, and under the camera, it was a pancake with a human face, making a sharp howl.

Following this howl, human faces appeared on An Yingji's cheeks.

An Yingji was numb, she was numb by Su Bei.

After eating two portions of cursed food in succession, the image of the goddess was completely ruined.

She can already think of her own nickname in the future.

The mentally handicapped queen of the film industry.

Thanks to Su Bei, her image of a tall and cold goddess in fluttering white clothes is gone.

Why am I so confident that I have to use live broadcast?

An Yingji couldn't help but suspect ghosts at this moment.

But in his heart, at the same time, he felt an unusual emotion towards Su Bei.

This guy is a maverick, even if he is playing games, he won't let himself go.

An Yingji couldn't help wondering whether Su Bei was a ghost or not, wouldn't she be tempted by her?

The secret thought, could it be that the environment was too dark and Su Bei couldn't see his own face, that's why it happened.

The red-eyed female ghost appeared next to one person and one ghost at some point, and said with a smile: "It seems that both cursed dishes have been eaten."

"Since this is the case, the cursed person must agree to another ghost and two conditions before it can be lifted."

An Yingji was pitiful, and said affectionately: "You will definitely not make things difficult for me."

Su Bei held back his laughter, he didn't expect this female ghost to be so good at acting.

Seeing that he lost, his tone changed so quickly.

"of course not."

Before An Yingji could rejoice, Su Bei smiled lightly and said, "I'll punish you. Now, immediately, immediately kiss me on the lips."

An Yingji was stunned.

The red-eyed female ghost was also stunned.

The faces of the ghosts in the program group were strange.

The Specter audience gasped heavily, their eyes cracked.

You are an ordinary ghost, in front of so many ghosts.

Let their goddess kiss you, do you want shit?

The breath of rotting corpses permeated, and the murderous intent to pierce the skin was aimed at Su Bei.

Terrifying ghost power enveloped Subei.

An Yingji's beautiful face instantly turned ferocious and terrifying.

So far, no ghost has dared to openly tease her.

Su Bei's doing so undoubtedly violated her taboo.

Su Bei coughed calmly: "But I think you may not be willing, so let's have a lighter punishment."

"Call me the boss, please."

"We're all blind dates. It's not too much to call something interesting."

Su Bei silently activated the Ghost Throat skill.

An Yingji inexplicably felt that Su Bei had some reason, mainly because she suggested coming to the Salamander Restaurant.

It's a bit unjustifiable to cheat now.

And it's just calling a husband, and it won't lose a piece of meat.

An Yingji showed a shy face for the first time.

The cold noodles are like peach blossoms in full bloom, with a unique style.

After a moment of difficult brewing, he said shyly, "Sir."

"The voice is too low, do it again."

Seeing that An Yingji's complexion was getting worse, she wished she could pounce on him and bite him...

Well, it's a nasty bite, but not another nasty bite.

Su Bei changed his words: "Although the voice is low, it can still be heard."

"Forget about this wish, the second wish is a little smaller than this wish."

An Yingji's gaze at Su Bei softened a little.

Fortunately, this guy is not so ignorant.

"Call me little husband, how about it, isn't it a little smaller than the last wish."

An Yingji suddenly felt that the queen's image was not important.

All she wanted now was to give the guy in front of her a good beating.

The assistant director felt tired and didn't like it, and the topic became hotter.

But these two people have no sense of cp at all!

It doesn't fit the purpose of their dating show.

I just hope that tomorrow's thriller movie theater can spark sparks.

The ghosts ate a wave of spoiled dog food in front of the screen.

In reality, the audience watched a good show.

Only the players were surprisingly angry.

Everyone lives like this, but you actually go to pick up girls.

Or a female ghost? !

On a dark and windy night, Arthur appeared silently at the gate of the police station on a bone horse.

He stuffed a letter casually into the crack of the door.

He murmured: "Don't blame me for not talking about martial arts, Su Bei, if you don't die, how can we players get ahead."

"Now you have the largest number of players in the Dragon Kingdom, and you can't let you take the rookie king too."

In a dilapidated rental house, Torrey sat in front of the computer.

Compared with the previous few days, a piece of Torre's left face was torn off with his scalp.

Leaves a huge, horrific scar.

It was on the night of returning to the soul, he stayed at home and was injured by the resentful spirit.

If he hadn't had a few registration cards, he might have been taken away by Li Gui.

He sat silently at the table and watched Su Bei flirt with the female ghost during the live broadcast.

A decision was slowly made in my heart.

Today, he also understands.

Su Bei is not dead, and everyone else can only compete for the No.2 position.

The previous stage of rampant resentment has passed, and it is difficult for players to continue to score points.

The score ranking is basically fixed.

However, entering the second stage, players also have an extra chance to overtake on a curve.

"The world does not allow the existence of living people. Once found, they will be killed by the rules."

"The best use of this rule is not a ghost who knows nothing about players."

"It's us players who are familiar with each other's 1.8 identities!"

"If you can't compete with Su Bei, then expose his identity and let the strange talk of the rules kill him."

Before the live broadcast, Torre was very contemptuous of conspiracy theories.

But that was when his strength had the upper hand.

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