Su Bei spoke confidently.

The ghosts were silent.

The sunlight slowly dissipated.

The phone in Su Bei's hand shattered immediately, and the noise disappeared.

Coincidentally, the [Sword Ghost Curse] skill time has expired.

Subei changed from a ghost to a living person, and in just 1 minute, Su Bei was a sword ghost.

Therefore, it will not be obliterated by the rules.

But now, having withstood the trials and tests of the ghosts, no ghosts would doubt his identity anymore.

Uniform Ghost was unwilling, but he still grinned and said: "It seems that you are really not human, what happened just now was just a misunderstanding."

"I advise you not to mind."

Su Bei nodded in understanding.

The rules of the ghosts are that the weak prey on the strong, and they don't pay attention to morality and the rule of law.

He squinted again.

Xindao offended me, and even scolded me for being inhuman.

I can bear this?

Seeing Su Bei nodding, the subduing ghost thought he meant that he didn't dare to pursue further.

Can't help showing contemptuous eyes.

It turned out to be a coward who was easy to bully!

However, 1.8 changes suddenly.


With a twist of the fingers of Su Bei's left hand, the tailbone of the little finger fell off, and the blood-stained bone turned into a strange flying sword.

The tiny flying sword swirled rapidly around Subei.


Su Bei changed his gestures and sipped softly, "Go!"

The tiny bone sword was so fast that it pierced into the fragile eyeballs of the subduing ghost with lightning speed.

Then all over the body.

There was a slight piercing sound, and the ghost screamed in pain.

"I am going to kill you!"

The black grease flooded the subdued ghost, and the ghost turned into a puddle of stinky human-shaped grease and rushed towards North Jiangsu.

With a thought in Su Bei's mind, the bone sword followed his will and inserted straight into the humanoid's fat leg.

After a while, he was riddled with wounds and collapsed powerlessly on the ground.

Li Guiyou drilled back from the mouth, and Su Bei held the Xi knife and walked towards subduing the ghost step by step.

To cut the grass, you have to get rid of the root, kill first and then talk! .

Chapter 172 Became the holy son of ghosts, discussing the script with ghost stars late at night

Seeing Su Bei holding a knife, he approached step by step.

The subduing ghost's eyes were flustered, but he still shouted: "If you kill me, the other ghosts will not let you go."

All the ghosts remained indifferent.

One of them, an old man in a shroud, stood up.

His eyes are vicissitudes, and his face is full of ravines and creases.

Age spots struggle to find a foothold between creases and wrinkles.

Take a step and breathe a sigh of relief.

The shroud ghost sighed and stood in front of Su Bei.

A look of joy burst out on the face of the subdued ghost.

He also thought that the shroud ghost came out on his behalf.

The shroud ghost looked at Su Bei kindly.

"Holy Son, leave this kind of thing to me."

Said, under Su Bei's puzzled eyes.

The shroud ghost turned around and looked at the subdued ghost like a ghost, his eyes filled with disdain.

This is an existence that can communicate with demon gods.

Even if it is really a living person, 09 is not something you, a kid, can offend.

And this one has a lot to do with the existence we believe in.

"Disrespecting the Holy Son of our Pale Church is provoking Pale Theology."

Under the confused gaze of the subduing ghost, the shroud ghost made a move.

The movement seemed slow but was fast, and the subdued ghost who fell on the ground didn't even have time to dodge.

Thin arms grabbed the throat and lifted it up.

With a sudden suction, the subdued ghost's flesh and blood were sucked by the shroud ghost, leaving only the empty skin floating around.


The shroud ghost gave a full blow, then turned his head and looked at Su Bei again with the kind eyes of his nephew and junior.

Why does this guy look like he is looking at his son?

Su Bei didn't want to suffer, so he also looked at the shroud ghost with a fatherly gaze.

Shroud ghost: "???"

Su Bei remembered what Shroud Ghost called him, and asked suspiciously, "Why do you call me Holy Son?"

"Holy Son, I am the bishop of the Pale God Sect. Just now God has passed down an oracle to announce that you are the Holy Son of our religion."

The shroud ghost still explained patiently, with a gentle and kind look.

It can't be seen that it is a ferocious ghost at all.

If Su Bei hadn't just seen it eating a ghost, he might have been tricked by him.

Su Bei was dubious about the Shroud Ghost's words.

The shroud ghost approached him, most likely because of that phone call not long ago.

The ghosts want to get in touch with the gods behind him through him.Group six 56 six 18 eight 9 six

When the other ghosts heard that the Shroud Ghost had called Su Bei the Holy Son, they started talking about it.

The players couldn't understand at all why the ghosts reacted like this.

Hus thought thoughtfully, and explained: "The so-called Pale God Sect, as the name suggests, is a church among ghosts that worships the Pale Sun."

"This church is very influential among ghosts."

Only then did the players suddenly realize that Su Bei had just made a weird phone call at the same time.

Can a living person become the holy son of a ghost?

"Holy Son, come with me, our believers really want to see you."

"What good is going with you?"

Su Bei rubbed his hands.

The shroud ghost was silent for a moment, then said with difficulty: "Faith is priceless."

"I'm not good at counting, and I can't count how much the priceless is, so I'll go find a ghost who can afford the price."

The shroud ghost held Su Bei with a cold hand, and sighed, "I don't know what the Holy Son wants?"

Su Bei pointed to An Yingji, who was radiant in the distance.

The shroud ghost looked at Su Bei with strange eyes, then gritted his teeth and said, "Although it is a bit difficult, An Yingji is a national ghost star, but she seems to be interested in the Holy Son, as long as the Holy Son wants..."

Su Bei coughed lightly: "I think you may have misunderstood, I just want to make a movie with her."

The shroud ghost said with an ambiguous expression: "I understand, I understand, discussing the script late at night."

Su Bei sighed, you old man is so old and dishonest.

My thinking is very simple.

But the old man can't refuse his good intentions.

Su Bei was very sad. In order to fulfill the kindness of an old man, he might have to violate his own ethics.

An Yingji: "???"

Although I didn't hear what Su Bei was saying, I always felt that I had bad intentions!

The ghosts surrounded Su Bei and left.

Leave the confused Dragon Country players behind.

On that day, a big news happened in the dungeon world.

Pale God Sect declared that Subei was their only holy son.

A bishop of the church was old and blind, and mistakenly attacked Su Bei as a living person.

Everyone thinks that he has made great achievements through his hard work, and has already sent it to heaven to meet God.

Subei automatically replaces the bishop's seat.

At the same time, the Association for the Protection of Blood-eating Creatures declared that Subei was a blood-eating race with noble blood.

It is also a kind of ghost.

Any attempt to call Subei a living person is a provocation to them.

They strongly urge North Jiangsu to come to the headquarters of the association as a guest.

The Shadow Church said darkly that the previous two were bragging.

Subei is actually their ghost.

As long as Su Bei is willing to join the church, they can consider burying the previous pope in the concrete pillar.

Then welcome the next Pope.

In order to fight for the pale day behind Su Bei, the heads of many evil ghost forces are about to blow their shit out of their heads.

Chapter 173 The lip print on your neck is not my lipstick number, Subei got caught stealing it

"Subei has created a new genre, the summoning of ghosts and evil gods."

"He's playing with fire and sooner or later he's going to burn himself to death."

"Nonsense, obviously I will be sucked dry by a good-looking ghost, Qin Hehe, I also want to make a contract with a female ghost."

"As long as you can win the game, it's okay to take a little risk, the worst thing is to be torn to pieces by a ghost hatchet."

On the Internet, there is a lot of debate about the topic of Northern Jiangsu.

Borrowing the power of ghosts and evil gods is tantamount to driving away wolves and tigers, and it is likely to be backlashed.

But strong is really strong.

Many people recorded the game video, watched it repeatedly, and studied Subei's skills and weapons.

Trying to find out the secrets of Subei.

In the dungeon world, most of the mystery of Su Bei's identity has been cleared up after experiencing the scorching sun trial of the ghosts.

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